I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 21


Save... Save the bird...

The little bird under the cat's claws kicked twice with difficulty. Heath's small wings bore a weight that was not supposed to be borne by a bird of its size, and the sound of the broken wing bones was particularly loud and crisp.

But because of the chest tightness and shortness of breath, and being pressed into the puddle and unable to breathe, the suffocation was more intense and rapid than the pain, and it instantly overwhelmed Heath's little brain, so that even though he heard the crisp sound, he was unable to immediately associate what had happened.

He fainted.

Or based on Heath's momentary despair, he was already dead.

The cat pressed until it found no response under its paw. It then realized that it seemed to have caught a little too excited about feeding the two-legged beast. It quickly raised its paw to poke the bird in the puddle. It breathed a sigh of relief when it saw the fur ball instinctively kicking its short legs.

Fortunately, I didn’t die.

Cats do not have the bad habit of playing with their prey like their counterparts. Their lame disadvantage makes them better at surprise attacks and hitting the target with one blow. It took them several practices to learn how to control the force to make their prey lose their ability to resist but not die.

Rather than eating its already killed and gutted prey, the bipeds seemed to prefer to do it themselves.

With such a small preference, the cat of course chooses to generously satisfy the two-legged animal.

At this time, Qi Guang was drying corn.

The last month of summer is a radiant golden color.

That is the color of the corn harvest.

Qi Guang dug the cellar almost on time, compacted the soil, made a sturdy support frame with branches, and spread a thick layer of mixed lime and wood ash for disinfection.

The walls of the house and granary have been plastered, but the roofs have not yet been covered.

In order to better spend the winter, Qi Guang built an earthen kang in his house - he had a general understanding of the principles of making a kang, and added some creativity to it, making a kang that should be suitable for sleeping in winter.

A fireplace was built against the wall, and a chimney was built outside to exhaust the smoke.

However, just like the earthen kang, Qi Guang only knew the general principles of its construction, and it remained to be seen whether the things he made by trial and error could be used.

The inner and outer adobe walls are left wide open to dry slowly in the shade. Qi Guang will try them out after they are completely dry. There is still a chance to adjust the design before the weather gets cold.

Summer was not completely over yet, so Qi Guang still had plenty of time to fix whatever mistakes he made.

After the house looked a little better, Qi Guang slowed down the pace of construction and spent more time taking care of the cornfield.

The green corn husks wrap the golden corn kernels, and the plump spindle shape proves that it is time to harvest the corn.

Qi Guang spent three days picking the ripe corns one by one with the husks on.

For this reason, Qi Guang struggled with his points balance for several days, repeatedly calculating his expected income and points increase in the future, and then he gritted his teeth and made a heroic decision to spend the first huge sum of money after his time travel to the system.

[Weather Forecast] has been redeemed. Please click on the page icon to check the weather conditions for the next fifteen days.

The points instantly dropped back to single digits, but in return the system gave him an accurate forecast of the weather and temperature for the next half month - the late summer when corn is ripe is the rainy and humid season in the south, and Qi Guang was thankful that there had been no typhoons so far.

In order to preserve more food for the winter, Qi Guang had to pick corn during a period of time when it was sunny and not raining.

Freshly picked corn must be dried in time to prevent it from rotting and getting infested with insects. Even Qi Guang has seen the news on TV about corn drying on the highway all the way to golden yellow, and knows that corn must be dried and threshed before being stored.

He also recalled a documentary whose name he couldn't remember, where he picked the corn with the husk on and used the husk as ropes to tie the corn into bunches to dry in the sun.

It seems that doing this not only prevents the corn cobs from falling off, but also hanging a large bunch of them to dry can prevent mice from stealing them.

Qi Guang carefully braided the corn husks together leaf by leaf using the method of braiding a pigtail, and then built a row of simple racks and hung the harvested corn cobs on them in bunches.

Well, in the final analysis, it is the bunches of yellow corn that are commonly seen in front of farmhouses, a beautiful scene full of the joy of harvest.

The only downside is that drying corn in the open air always attracts covetous eyes. Such a large field of golden corn drying in the sun is a more tempting bait than anything else. Qi Guang set up traps around the area and caught several sneaky thieves.

More prey than he had caught in the past two months.

Some were as small as mice and rabbits, some were as big as sheep and a wild boar covered with black hair, and there was even a deer with beautiful fur. Its big, warm eyes and its status as a protected animal before the end of the world made Qi Guang struggle for a while before he could raise the spear in his hand.

But venison jerky is still quite delicious and chewier than mutton.

But the pork was a bit lean, so Qi Guang tried to make some lard and then calculated the loss, and decided to continue using mutton fat made from sheep.

The main purpose is to mix it with wood ash to make simple soap for cleaning the body. A little sheep smell is not a big deal.

Besides, the completely wild pigs were not much better. The pork was so fishy that Qi Guang only ate a small piece and used the whole thing to make bacon.

As Qi Guang was standing on tiptoe to hang the corn cobs on the rack, a cat strolled out of the forest.

The cat comes to Qi Guang almost every day to show its presence. It lifts its tail and asks the biped to touch it before it feels complete. It doesn't care at all that when it presses on the biped after being petted, the biped suffers the unbearable weight of life and cannot breathe.

Qi Guang caught a glimpse of the familiar raccoon fur color flashing from the corner of his eye, so he quickly hung up the corn in his hand and quickly retreated to a place three meters away from the corn drying rack.

Last time he was a step too slow and didn't have time to retreat, so the cat ate two racks of corn.

It was more suffocating than a mountain of cats pressing down on him.

Usually, a cat will first circle around Qi Guang as if passing by, then lick its paws and sit down to observe, and finally condescend to come over with a reluctant look on its face, with its tail raised to indicate "pet me".

If it brings food, it will put it towards Qi Guang and use its eyes to indicate "this is a reward for you".

Qi Guang can recite this routine by heart.

But today the cat seemed to be different in some way. It walked straight to Qi Guang and opened its mouth to spit out a wet ball of fur.

At first glance, Qi Guang really thought it was a hair ball vomited out by a cat - not the "hair ball" used to describe it, but the actual hair ball that the cat licked into its stomach and then spit out.

Anyone who has raised a cat will understand what he means.

After taking a closer look, Qi Guang realized that it was actually a bird.

Its eyes were closed and soaked with the cat's saliva, and the young bird's down feathers were stuck to its body. If it weren't for its trembling little paws, Qi Guang would have thought that the bird was dead.

--A long time later when Heath and Qi Guang talked about their first meeting, Heath felt that his racial talent should be Lucky EX.

When Qi Guang was thinking about whether to call the flower sparrow or roast it directly today, Heath opened his little black eyes tremblingly and made an adorable chirping sound towards Qi Guang.

who I am

Where am I

What's going on

The bird trembling in the late summer wind subconsciously stretched out its wings and tried to stand up, but felt a piercing pain as soon as its wings moved.


The wing is definitely broken.

Memory and reason also returned with the pain, and the little bird, the size of a fist, looked up at Qi Guang, who was as big as a giant of the same size.

Due to the huge size difference, Heath could only see Qi Guang's chin when he tilted his head up, and was unable to recognize at first glance that this was the host he was a fan of based on the outline of his chin.

"Chirp, chirp..."

Weak, pitiful and helpless.

Qi Guang squatted down and touched the bird, and found that its small pointed beak, short wings and chubby appearance made it look more like a chick.

And as if he was frightened, he actually jumped towards him.

The birds he had caught in the past would struggle desperately and frantically try to escape. If they were not locked up, they would be directly sent to passers-by, leaving Qi Guang with no chance to even try to raise them.

He couldn't afford to raise sheep, but Qi Guang thought he could still feed the chicks because of their appetite.

Heath chirped, feeling dizzy and unable to figure out the situation, and subconsciously moved towards the place that felt safest.

They look really well-behaved and friendly, like the pet chicks sold in the market.

Although his beautiful white down was wet and sticking to his body, dirty and full of the smell of cat saliva, Heath still relied on his instinct (?) to escape the fate of being put into the pot as soon as they met.

"Let's try raising it." Qi Guang said to himself, "If it's a hen, I'll have eggs to eat."

Although it looks so weak and frail, it seems difficult to feed it.

So Heath was picked up by Qi Guang without any resistance. Before he could struggle, his short legs were spread apart and Qi Guang studied his gender for five minutes.

To no avail.

Then Qi Guang tied small branches to the chick's injured wings, covered the basket with it and placed it next to the fire to dry the feathers.

Qi Guang filled a small bowl with water and put some dried earthworms into it.

The dried earthworms were the bait he used to catch fish, so it should be fine to feed them to the chicks.

Heath was physically rejected by a long strip of dried earthworm.

Although insects are part of the Phoenix's diet, that's old news from ancient times.

Heath lay down beside the small bowl, sticking his butt out as high as he could to grab the edge of the bowl, and drinking water with his little pointed mouth to satisfy his hunger.

The warm fire gradually warmed his wet and cold body, and the warmth was filled with a fragrance that made his stomach rumble.

--The little chicks refused to eat, but Qi Guang still wanted to eat.

Corn was a precious reserve food, and Qi Guang had never been willing to eat it. Only after all the corn had been harvested would he look for the underdeveloped corns with only scattered kernels in the cornfield and break off two to satisfy his craving.

The audience took out snacks on their own accord while Qi Guang was cooking, and stuffed the snacks into their mouths while smelling the aroma of roasted corn in the live broadcast room. However, they felt that the snacks were a bit tasteless.

Ying, we want to eat corn too qaq.

There was also dried mutton, roasted sparrow, and a sweet fruit that Yingying called persimmon.

The map of the experimental field in Qi Guang's notebook expanded a little more, adding beans, loofahs, persimmon trees and apple trees.

There should be many plants with edible roots and crops that need to be processed that he has not discovered. Qi Guang vaguely remembered that there was a spice area near the field where beans and loofahs were planted, with all kinds of onions, ginger, garlic, peppercorns and star anise, but he searched the area for several times and didn't even find the suspected plants.

Otherwise, his meals could be upgraded from university cafeteria to home-cooked meals.

But just to survive the long cold winter ahead, Qi Guang’s existing discoveries are almost enough.

Qi Guang blew on the hot baked corn, saying that the corn tasted best when it was eaten while the heat was still there and the kernels had not become hard.

Although those poorly grown corns are crooked and cracked and have few kernels inside, the kernels inside are more moist and tenderer than ordinary corn.

Roast the corn over the fire until it is golden brown. The corn kernels are covered with a thin and flexible skin, which wraps around the hot, soft, sweet and liquid-like filling. It is a delicacy available only during the corn harvest season.

The chicks in the basket struggled to poke their little pointed beaks out from the gap and chirped eagerly.

Heath didn't want to be so impulsive and useless, but the cub's hungry body had ideas of its own.

He suspected that he was swept by a cosmic storm to a native planet that had not yet entered the interstellar age. The local natives who picked him up were still wearing grass skirts and living in the cave age, and might not even have developed basic civilization.

Heath stood firm and withstood yet another attack of hostility from the universe.

Even if this means that he never has to think about going home for the rest of his life and can only rely on his little chicken body to live one day at a time.

Hunger, cold, fear of an unknown tomorrow, all the changes made Heath try to stay calm while chirping uncontrollably.

The sound of a young bird that is scared and helpless and calls out to its parent bird for comfort.

A bit of mushy food was stuffed into Heath's hungry mouth. He instinctively smacked his lips and ate with relish.

The "local native" Qi Guang crushed a few grains of corn and mixed them with the meat soup to make a paste to stop the noisy mouths of the chicks.

If the chicks don't eat bugs but eat grains...

Qi Guang weighed the cost of feeding the chickens with grain and the uncertain future income from eggs - after all, this could be a rooster - and his eyes became increasingly dangerous as he looked at the chick.

Or... how about beggar's chicken

Today, Lucky EX Heath once again burst out with a strong desire to survive under Qi Guang's gaze. He only ate two bites of corn porridge and narrowly controlled his food intake within Qi Guang's acceptable range.

After filling his stomach, Heath huddled up tiredly and moved closer to the warm fire. His small black eyes looked through the gaps in the basket at the local natives who had picked him up.





Heath's small black eyes suddenly widened, and he subconsciously flapped his wings in surprise and gasped in pain.

This hair color!

These eyes!

And this familiar little grass skirt!

The chicks in the basket chirped again in their childish voice.


This is Yingying!


- Chirp

Heath realized something was wrong.

It was said that the earth simulation was carried out using the Star Network's high-tech, in other words, super-advanced virtual reality technology

Smash the aroma of corn in your mouth and look at the sheepskin hanging on the wall to dry. The whole piece of fluffy wool can directly create the image of the sheep's curly hair in your mind.

And the beast that attacked him...

It seems to be a cat...

Looking at the light of knitting in front of the fire and feeling the pain in his wings that was too obvious to be a dream or an illusion, Heath began to doubt his bird life.