I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 24: XXIV



Heath cursed in his heart.

Of course, what he cursed was the common swear words used by the Froda Xingyu series, which translated into a language that everyone can understand means something between "fuck" and "shit".

Just like "艹" and "哇槽", in the context of modern interstellar, it is more often used to express emotions such as surprise, confusion, and disbelief.

Heath sincerely apologizes to Rafa.

As expected, the amorous and romantic type has a natural talent for love, and the initial period of sexual intercourse does not necessarily require hormonal stimulation to occur. It is just that when he feels the hormonal stimulation from the other party, he will be fully aroused.

Yuying was indeed his first love.

At this moment, Heath felt very clearly the special restlessness that could not be ignored, acting on his soul.

——□□It’s not enough. The little chicken as big as a fist can’t get restless even if it wants to.

His heartbeat quickened, his body temperature rose, if he were in human form, his face would have turned red, and he could only see that one person in his foolish eyes and heart.

Heath suddenly felt a strong resonance with the fish-related Emperor Adala.

If Yingying smiled at him and spoke sweet words to him gently, he would definitely be completely fascinated and not care about the great cause of the empire. All he would think about was "I can do it, I am good, I can do it."

Not to mention asking him to abdicate and give up the power in his hands, not to mention changing from a feudal system to a republic, he also has to make peace with his mortal enemy, the Yu system, and they all form an interstellar alliance, just to eat him up on the spot, and he would be happy about it.

Heath flapped his little wings, which had not yet grown. Stimulated by the hormones of the early flood season, he even began to think about how to cook the Phoenix Bird to make it more delicious.

After all, there are no cooking tutorials for the ancient overlord Phoenix Bird. All that is left is their extensive menu of dishes that include both meat and vegetables for land, sea and air.

As a little chick Heath can only eat corn paste, but when he grows up a little, he will be able to eat anything.

Except for the bugs.

Although insects are delicious and nutritious for birds, Heath cannot psychologically accept eating insects raw.

Spreading his little wings and pecking at the few remaining down feathers, Heath rubbed against the little nest filled with the scent of Yuying. The feeling of happiness and satisfaction was the most wonderful thing he had ever experienced.

His ears were filled with Yuying's soft and low singing voice, the ebb and flow of the melody like the tides of his home planet, which soon lulled him into a deep and sweet dream.

If I were to describe Heath's mood at this moment, it would probably be what the human race calls "puppy love."

Qi Guang had no idea about Heath's drastic psychological changes during this song.

At most, he saw Damao wake up from a sound sleep, stick out his little head with sleepy eyes, chirp a few times at him, then curl up into a small ball and shrink back into the nest.

Qi Guang felt a little guilty, wondering if he really sang so badly. The lullaby actually woke up the sleeping Da Mao.

After all, his singing skills are generally recognized to be terrible, and no one would ever bring him to KTV.

But you also have to know that his voice is recognized as pleasant, and he is the type who will be chosen to be the host at school anniversary parties and welcome ceremonies.

Qingzheng was gentle, and his voice was slightly hoarse when he lowered it, like velvet being stroked against the hair, gently and roughly brushing across the heart.

For elementary children's songs like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", no matter how bad your singing skills are, it is difficult to fully display your poor singing skills.

Regardless of whether Da Mao liked the song or not in Qi Guang's eyes, the audience all said that they liked it very much.

Savi, who was always paying attention to the audience's reaction, immediately cut out the audio and video of Qi Guang singing, processed it slightly, and posted it on the official Star Network account that he had just registered for Yuying.

This star network account will be synchronized in real time to the social platforms of various planets, such as Weiyang Star's Weixiang, Froda Star's Coral Sea, etc. - the interstellar world is so big that we can't force everyone to use one social platform.

#May the sky be filled with stars, accompanying you to sleep. [Video]#

#Sweet dreams, good night. [Audio]#

After the news was released, Savi contacted the cooperating marketing accounts and StarNet celebrities and repeatedly emphasized the promotional points three times.

Yuying is in the setting of curing insomnia, and even Yuying herself is adding fuel to the fire and singing a lullaby. All he can do is struggle hard. Even the character setting of curing insomnia and baldness should be a little more noble, so as not to disappoint Yuying's pretty face.

He also hopes that once Yuying becomes popular, she will be able to endorse several high-end luxury brands.

Looking at Yuying’s current gift list, you can tell that this anchor is very capable of attracting fans to spend money on him. If he manages his personality well and has that face, he will definitely be the type that many big names will like when he becomes famous in the future.

The wish is very beautiful, but looking through the cooperation intentions for bedding (non-adult products) and anti-hair loss and hair growth products in his hands, Savi sighed and felt a little cold on his head.

This insomnia treatment personality is probably hopeless. Other new anchors are endorsing jewelry, clothing and skin care products, but theirs is endorsing a three-piece quilt and pillow set...

The youngsters in the team are still adding fuel to the fire for Savi.

"The bedding is pretty good. The Springfield brand is selling very well." Fina, who is in charge of the copywriting, looked at several brand invitations that Savi was reluctant to throw away but really didn't want to accept. The top one, Springfield Home Furnishing, is a well-known high-end home furnishing brand in the star world. One pillow could sell for nearly half a month's salary of hers.

It is said that the pillow is soft and has good support, and the quilt is neither heavy nor weightless, and wrapping yourself in it makes people want to have an everlasting love affair with the bed.

Logically speaking, with Yingying's current status, he would definitely not be able to afford the endorsement of a high-end brand like Springfield (even if it is a three-piece set of quilts and pillows).

After all, no matter how good Yuying's current momentum is, she is just a new anchor. She cannot compare with the idol young stars that are seriously promoted by entertainment companies. Apart from being cheap and good-looking, she doesn't have many advantages.

Even their Yingying singing was out of tune.

So according to the inside information obtained from the brand contact person, it was because a senior executive of Springfield’s management took Yingying’s Amway product for insomnia and saw the effective effect and even hair growth, that he insisted on having Yingying be their new spokesperson.

"It would be a shame to give up such a good opportunity," Fina advised.

"Yes, yes." Qiulin, who usually edited Yuying's photos, also joined the conversation, "If Yingying was still in the bed--"

She didn't finish her words, but the other people in the team laughed in a way that could only be understood but not expressed in words.

As they laughed, another employee sighed and said the key point that Savi was struggling with: "It's not like you don't know Springfield's advertising style, otherwise I would have given it to Yingying right away."

The advertising style of Springfield Home Textiles can be summed up in one word: tacky.

The local characteristics and local style.

The perfect interpretation of being tacky to the extreme is a classic.

If it weren't for the fact that this brand's products are of excellent quality and so comfortable that there are no lower-end versions or substitutes, and that it is well-known in the interstellar space as the royal bedding of many planets, just looking at the advertisements would really make people have no desire to buy.

And several attempts at transformation have all ended in failure. No matter how cool and trendy the young actors are, they are defeated by the infectious rural flavor of Springfield.

"Alas..." Fina held her face in her hands, "It would be better if I were the one to shoot their commercial. I would buy a whole set of the same items in a matter of minutes as long as Yingying lies on the bed."

"It would be better to sprinkle some red petals and light a few scented candles." Qiulin also began to think divergently, "The lights should be warm yellow and a little dim."

"Or just don't turn on the lights!" Fina became excited, "It's like the feeling of not opening the curtains in the early morning, and then a little light comes in!"

"It's still a double bed, right?" An Tu continued knowingly, "Yingying is really suitable for showing off a little bit of flesh. The feeling of being pure and sexy is especially good!"

"Hehe, especially that waist..."


Seeing that the topic was about to slide towards the restricted level, Savi had to interrupt and remind him, "Springfield sells bedding."

Not an adult product.

"I know." Fina pouted, "I'm just thinking about it."

"Actually... I think we can talk about advertising creativity or something." An Tu whispered, "Chuntian is looking for Yingying because he wants to transform himself and is attracted by our Yingying's beauty."

Besides, apart from that face, Yingying's style is very down-to-earth, so maybe a negative can turn into a positive.

"Yes, yes!" Fina raised her hand and said, "We can talk about anything. Springfield seems to be very sincere."

As Fina said this, she dragged her friend into the water, "Nini, don't you think so?"

Nini, who was in charge of connecting with the brand, was cueed for no reason, and her tail hair stood up.

"I, I think we can have a chat..." Nini timidly looked at Savi's face, "Besides, Springfield is an old brand, which will also help improve Yingying's popularity."

She, she also wanted to see Yingying lying on the big bed with her clothes half-unbuttoned qaq.

Except for the straight man Savi, everyone in the team is a fan of Yingying.

What? The food is in the pot and I’m in bed. She, she doesn’t have any imagination (*/w\*)!

Savi sighed and admitted that he was reluctant to give up Chuntian, the pie that fell from his mouth. At the same time, he was really worried that Yuying's current earthy personality would be completely solidified by Chuntian's own rustic atmosphere. In this way, whether she would accept endorsements or negotiate cooperation in the future, or even transform from a host to an external person, she would be greatly restricted.

"Let's talk about it first." Savi rubbed his forehead, "See what Springfield's advertising plan is like."

If it can really achieve the effect of "the rice is in the pot and I am in bed", it may be a breakthrough point for breaking through the current mainstream setting of Yuying's treatment of insomnia.

Savi is a typical straight man with two dicks, but that doesn't mean he can't appreciate Yuying's charm that can make those who love beauty scream.

Savi's team was working hard to fight for Qi Guang's first endorsement, while Qi Guang, countless light years away, was immersed in the joy of making tiles with a handful of broken clay.

Qi Guang made a stone mortar, smashed the failed pottery and the initial test pottery into fine clay, mixed it with river mud, kneaded it into mud balls, and then divided it into small balls and pressed them into tile molds.

If you mix crushed clay from old pottery into the mud for firing pottery, the new pottery will be stronger and less likely to break.

In order to burn tiles, Qi Guang built a new larger pottery kiln. He planned to burn 500 tiles for roofing and subsequent replacement and repair.

He is very aware of his pottery firing skills, and he has to be prepared for damage due to poor skills from the beginning.

Qi Guang worked on the 500 tiles for several weeks, and he still hadn't finished the work until the system collected the 2,000 points loan from him for the third month.

Qi Guang personally mixes the clay for each tile, stuffs it into the mold, and then removes it from the mold and hangs it in the sun.

Basically every piece.

When Qi Guang was making the last batch of tiles, Damao had grown a little bit from a chick, and short white hairs began to appear on its bare skin.

Unfortunately, Qi Guang was disappointed. She puffed out her chest and belly, and posed coquettishly. At first glance, she looked like a hen that could lay eggs.

However, Damao is a small...medium-sized chicken with good sense. He cannot lay eggs but knows how to work hard to help Qi Guang and Tao Ni. He uses his paws to stomp and jump to compact the clay in the mold, trying hard to show that he has other uses besides being able to be put into the pot.

Give him another ten years, and he will grow into an adult feather warrior who is both good-looking and capable of fighting!

Da Mao flapped his wings, which had not yet fully grown and were tied to small branches, and clumsily performed the Phoenix feather courtship dance (ground version) in front of Qi Guang.

The early estrus period not only means that feathered males enter the estrus period ahead of their adulthood, but also means that they will grow rapidly under the stimulation of hormones and become adult birds that can hold their chests high and ask for sex from their desired objects as soon as possible.

This accelerated growth is not a forced growth that would harm their future; on the contrary, the early flood season will maximize the potential of a feather system, making it stronger and healthier than its peers when it grows up.

Well, the so-called power of love.