I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 29: XXIX


The meow-chiu dispute started again in the barrage.

Qi Guang didn't know where the audience got the energy from. They could argue passionately for an hour just because of something as boring as petting his cat or touching it a little too long.

He was in a daze, thinking that he was an emperor, while a group of ministers were arguing about which of Concubine Cat and Concubine Chiu he should sleep with today, as if a mature adult had to make a choice.

Obviously you should have both (bu).

Qi Guang touched Damao's head and patted the cat twice to show that he didn't want either choice.

Why is he stroking those furry things? He doesn't even look at the half-finished stone mortar, the unassembled bamboo low table, and the several prey lying beside it, waiting to be skinned with their eyes wide open. What is he thinking of eating when he hasn't even finished his work

The cat pushed its head against Qi Guang unwillingly, but Qi Guang patted its head and pushed it aside. Qi Guang looked perfunctory and did not show any caution at all as he did when they first met.

However, Qi Guang still prepared some sweet treats for the cat - he squeezed out more than a thousand points from his already tight points and bought two cans of cat food from the system mall.

After weighing the role the cat played in his survival in the wilderness, Qi Guang believed that the cat was worth more than a thousand points of canned food.

You know, if there was no cat as the master of this territory to protect him, a two-legged beast, Qi Guang might be watched covetously by all kinds of animals who could smell the food just by lighting a fire or cooking.

Qi Guang, who smells like a cat, is truly a fox borrowing the power of a tiger to bully others. He gets many conveniences in life under the invisible protection of the cat.

Not to mention the occasional feed from cats, rabbits, wild boars and lambs; meat is always an extremely expensive resource.

Qi Guang opened the can of cat food. He bought a high-end pet brand of grain-free canned beef. Before the apocalypse, such a small can cost more than fifty yuan. As soon as the can was opened a crack, the cat moved its nose and eyes and stared at the cat can.


What's in the Twolegs' hands? Why does it smell so good and delicious?!

The cat watched the two-legged beast transfer the minced meat from the jar into the small bowl and licked his lips.

I want to eat...

Hold on! This is food for the two-legged beasts!

Look at the two-legged beasts, they are bald and don’t even have any hair. How can you steal their food

But it really seems to taste and smell good...

Under the cat's eager gaze, the two-legged beast picked up the bowl of delicious meat and placed it in front of it.



The cat looked down at the meat in front of it, then looked up at the two-legged beast squatting in front of it.

"Eat." Qi Guang rubbed the cat's head and scratched its chin. "It's precious. Eat more."

Autumn is the time to eat more and gain weight. The cat has fed him so much prey, so he should reciprocate by feeding him some delicious food.

And according to his observation, there were no traces of cows nearby, so canned beef was a fresh and delicious snack for cats.

The meat in both cans was poured out and fed to the cats, and there was still some minced meat and soup left in the cans.

Qi Guang didn't want to eat it himself. He added some water to the jar, rinsed it and poured it all together. He then gave some to the eager chicks beside him to increase their nutrition.

That's just the amount of two bites. Big Mao eats and drinks his food every day and also takes up his wool resources to build a nest. The treatment of domesticated cats and non-staff cats is definitely not the same.

Heath glanced at the cat who was eating with his face buried in the bowl, then lowered his head and pecked hard to rinse the water from the jar.

There will come a day when he will eat meat and drink soup from the cat, while Yingying will only pet him and not the cat.

After feeding the cat and Jiu, Qi Guang put away the cans of cat food and continued his previous work.

To further process the corn, he was hammering stones to make a mortar.

To be more precise, he was making a stone mill.

It is not the common stone mill made of two stones put together, but a simple version that uses a large stone mortar and a rotating and polished "axis" to achieve a similar effect to a stone mill.

He doesn't know how to make the one that puts two stones together. He tried but it was time-consuming and laborious and he didn't succeed. In comparison, it's not as efficient as the simple version.

Qi Guang had made several small mortars before, but if he wanted to use it for grinding, the mortar would need to be larger.

Qi Guang selected a suitable stone nearby and moved it to the open space in front of the house.

The bottom of the stone is flat and can stand firmly on the ground, in the shape of an irregular rectangle.

A small mortar can be knocked into a deep enough groove by using a stone, but it is unrealistic to shape a large stone solely by knocking. Qi Guang knocked a depression in the center of the stone surface and then took out the wood.

The audience who were enjoying watching Qi Guang banging the rocks:

They watched Qi Guang use several pieces of wood to build a frame around the stone, fix branches as thick as arms in the frame, tie counterweight stones, and place the lower ends of the branches against the depression in the center of the stone surface.

Da Mao, who was pecking at the water in the rinse pot, jumped over tactfully and used his chubby little belly and short little wings to help Qi Guang hold the wood.

How well-behaved, obedient and sensible.

It is in stark contrast to the cat next to it that is addicted to cat food cans.

He tied the thick branches to the handles and hung the auxiliary rods on the handles. Before making the stone mortar, Qi Guang first built the frame for the hand-mill.

Grinding is more efficient than repeatedly hammering.

In other words, grinding using the principle of a hand grinder is more efficient than directly hammering.

Qi Guang knew what was going on, but the audience was confused by what they saw.

From here on, I don't understand.

Coach! This question is beyond the scope!

I seemed to know what Yingying wanted to do, but I didn’t understand what Yingying wanted to do.

Why did Yingying put sand in the stone hole

After the rack was set up and confirmed that the auxiliary rods could be linked smoothly and were relatively sturdy and would not fall apart halfway through being pushed, Qi Guang put a piece of bamboo on the push rod as a handle, and the preliminary preparations were completed.

Qi Guang wiped his hands and pushed the push rod back and forth. The pushing force was transmitted through the auxiliary rod, and the grinding shaft was driven to rotate rapidly in the mortar.

The gravel in the depression of the stone surface that increased the friction was rotated by the grinding axis, and soon a layer of white stone powder was piled up on the edge of the depression.


Holy shit holy shit! Is this even possible? ! ! !

I don't know what to say except fuck.

It’s amazing! Yuying’s operation is really amazing.

It is convenient and labor-saving, and similar transmission structures seem to be still in use today.

Laziness is the ladder to wisdom and progress. The ancients were right.

Ancient people: I never said that!

Yingying truly embodies the racial superiority of the human race perfectly...

Good-looking, smart, creative, stubborn and determined... It's not just luck that the human race can always turn the tide.

I don’t know why, but when I look at Yingying, I feel that the human species might suddenly find the Earth one day.

Me too... Recently a new space window was discovered, and the human researchers in the institute are going crazy scrambling for spots.

In the past, there were humans who jumped directly through the space window... but that was really risking their lives.


Non-human species called it risking their lives, but human researchers said that if the planet on the other side of the space window was really Earth, they would also want to jump there even if it cost them their lives.

The starship carrying five Space Window Project researchers from the Interstellar Alliance Research Institute arrived at the area renamed "Space-1284".

They are the elites among the elites in the institute. Their team leader is Professor Meng Huaidong, the person in charge of the entire space window project. His name does not follow the common naming pattern in the interstellar world, but follows the ancient naming tradition of the East on Earth: Meng is the surname first, and Huaidong is the given name second.

Just by looking at the name, you can tell that it is the human species.

"This is probably my last time going out on a field mission." Professor Meng coughed a few times and took some medicine to suppress the adverse reactions of long-distance interstellar voyage.

He was only a few months away from retirement age, and several young researchers did not dare to give him too much trouble. If he had not strongly requested, his name would not even be written on the field mission this time.

As soon as the young researchers arrived at their destination, they started working busily, but Professor Meng could only look at the reports they sent and the scenery outside.

"If we jump over, we will reach the mother planet..." Professor Meng looked out through the ship window and sighed, "It would be good to die on the mother planet."


Feifei, who was accompanying them, said dryly.

Because the new arm was still in the adjustment period, Feifei was not allowed to explore the area again with the team members, so he had to sit here in silence with Professor Meng.

Thinking about all the new equipment brought by the researchers, Feifei felt itchy in her heart.

Those are all high-end products used exclusively by research institutes. They are not sold to the public and there are no civilian channels to purchase them. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have another chance to try them.

Feifei was thinking about the new equipment in the research institute, and Professor Meng was thinking about the mother planet Earth that he might never have the chance to see in his lifetime. The atmosphere in the room was silent and unspeakably awkward.

The young researcher who knocked on the door awkwardly stood at the door, with one foot in the door and the other foot not knowing whether to step in.

"I'm here to deliver the ingredient analysis report." He looked around and knocked on the door to show his presence, but he didn't dare speak too loudly.

Professor Meng came back to his senses leisurely, "Ah, give it to me."

The space window is bidirectional. They can reach another coordinate through the space window, and the existence of the other coordinate can also reach them through the space window.

The dark vortex in this area not only contains wrecked starships that have been sucked in and shattered, but may also contain "gifts" from another coordinate.

A stone, half a leaf, a small branch, the low temperature of the vacuum of the universe perfectly preserves it at the moment it leaves the space window, floating like sand and shells in the undercurrent vortex.

Interstellar searchers with first-rate driving skills loaded the starship with the latest equipment from the research institute. They approached the space window to measure various values while salvaging those tiny "guests" from the other side from the dark vortex.

They handed over the salvaged gains to researchers for composition analysis, and then inferred where the other side of the space window was connected to.

This final inference work must be personally checked by the experienced Professor Meng.

Professor Meng flipped through the analysis report sent by He Li page by page, and the proportions of the elements were pieced together into vivid objects in his mind again.

The universe is vast, but the most amazing thing is that these countless things are made up of just a few fixed elements. When combined in different proportions, they create a variety of colors, textures, structural properties, and form each planet that is completely different.

Professor Meng read the report page by page...

His eyes stopped at the end of the report and his pupils suddenly contracted.

Professor Meng turned the report to the front and read it again. This time he pointed at each number with his finger and read them aloud in a low voice as he read, as if he was afraid that he had read the numbers wrong because of his old eyesight.

He had seen this kind of ratio before.

On the relics of Earth brought down on the Hope.

Those are iconic, Earth-specific proportions.

The author has something to say: Second update!

Rolling around to get the little angel to stroke his fur
