I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 31


Xifa saw the logo of his own company, but the conclusion drawn by linking this matter with Yuying's live broadcast was too unbelievable, so he didn't dare to make a conclusion at once. He could only quickly take a screenshot of the live broadcast and send it to the project team, asking the researchers who made the detector to see if it was something they made.

Researchers who are still waiting anxiously for the detector signal:…

This short video sent by the sponsor, the one in it that was immorally throwing objects from a high altitude looks more and more familiar, more and more familiar, and more and more like they worked day and night to rush it out...

Earth probe

The researchers looked back at the signal receiver which had no response and seemed to be broken, and then turned their heads to look at the "high-altitude object" which was magnified and even had their initials written on it...

!!! ...

They hurriedly took out the private optical computer that they had placed there since the beginning of the project, connected to the secure LAN in the starship and logged onto the live broadcast platform. When they clicked into Yuying's live broadcast room, they could see the host and their detectors staring at each other.

Some incredible and unbelievable speculation gradually took shape in their minds.

Because it's too ridiculous, even StarNet novels wouldn't write that kind of speculation.

Yuying, it seems that he did say that his Earth was in trouble...

But no one believed it at the time, so they changed it to an earth simulation.

"I..." A researcher's eyes were blank, as if he was sleepwalking, "I corrected Yuying's common sense about Earth..."

"I also… "


“I also complained that the only thing you can see in his live broadcast is his face…”

"I—" The researcher who was speaking covered his face, as if he heard an invisible and loud slapping sound, "I'm going to delete my personal space..."

His tone was weak, as if he had not just watched the live broadcast for a few minutes, but had been fighting with some interstellar beast for several hours.

"Take me with you..." Another researcher raised his hand, "Don't forget the comments on Yuyingxing's website..."

The tears I shed when deleting comments were all the result of my youthful ignorance and lack of imagination.

The words in my personal space were so passionate and vehement, and now I feel so hurt from being slapped in the face qaq.

Because this matter was so ridiculous and unrealistic, the researchers deleted the comments as if in a dream. After a long time, someone slapped his head and looked up. He stared at Yuying's standard beauty face in the live broadcast for three seconds, then jumped up and rushed out as if in a hurry.

Professor! Professor Meng!

Look at him!

Look at him!!!

The cold wind was howling, the leaky pot put out the fire, and the wind made Qi Guang shiver.


Qi Guang sneezed and looked at the charred spherical metal object that was still smoking in the half-broken pot. His usually calm expression cracked into several uneasy cracks.

The little chick that jumped to the side in time when something was thrown from a high altitude had a cabbage leaf on its head and its little black eyes were filled with dullness.


The familiar shape on this black ball...

It seems, probably, maybe...

Is it his company's logo

Looking at the dried meat, vegetable and corn tortillas splattered all over the ground, the chick, who was soaked by the soup, shivered in the cold wind and decided to pretend that he knew nothing.

This is the house-warming pot used before moving into the new house, not the usual makeshift pot of corn porridge with pickled vegetables.

In Yingying's words, the first meal of winter should be better.

So a small piece of lard and a few pork bones were added to the soup base to enhance the flavor. The main dish was a few pieces of dried meat and half a rabbit. The fresh cabbage and winter melon were cooked until they were soft and tasty, and the corn tortillas bubbling in the pot were soaked in the meat flavor.

There was not enough seasoning so the food could only be eaten in plain soup, but Yuying also prepared a dry dish of chili powder mixed with salt and hot and sour pickled vegetables as a seasoning. The food cooked in a pot was so fragrant that Heath's mouth was watering. He took a piece of soft dried meat and a cabbage from the owner's chopsticks.

But it was such a big pot full of delicious food. After months of hard work, she could finally sit down and enjoy the reward of winter. Yuying had just picked up her chopsticks and eaten less than two bites when the ball fell from the sky and smashed the pot...

Those viewers outside the live broadcast who didn’t know the truth must have cried for Yuying!

Heath stared at Yuying with an uncertain expression, shrank his neck into a ball, and tried to hide himself under the cabbage leaves.

It has nothing to do with him, it has nothing to do with him. Look at the metal ball, it’s broken like that. How can he tell whose logo is on it? Hahahaha.

Although Qi Guang was not actually that angry about the loss of the hot pot.

The surprise of the metal ball falling from the sky overwhelmed the shock of losing food, and after the surprise wore off, he was basically no longer angry.

Perhaps this is good news, proving that he is not as far away from interstellar civilization as he imagined

Otherwise, look at how all the garbage from the universe ends up here.

Qi Guang didn't think at all that this dark and shabby metal ball could be anything other than cosmic garbage.

He carefully picked up the big hair and moved it away from the still smoking metal ball. Who knows if the space garbage will have radiation.

Fortunately, the fireplace in the house was not suitable for eating hot pot, so he took Damao to the shed outside to eat. Otherwise, the roof he had worked so hard to build would have been smashed, and he would have fainted on the spot.

Now only a shed was smashed, so Qi Guang stood outside the shed and observed for a few minutes. After making sure that the smoking metal ball would not explode or release poisonous gas or anything, he calmly carried the chick back to the house.

It was a wise move to build the shed far away from the house for fear of the pottery kiln exploding. Even if the metal ball suddenly exploded and was not at the center of the explosion, he would still have a chance to escape.

The house where Qi Guang spent the winter was not very nice, but the quality was guaranteed. The thick earth walls pasted on layer by layer blocked the cold wind. There was a flickering spark in the fireplace. He added some firewood to start the fire, and soon the house felt warm.

Qi Guang took off his sweater that was splashed with soup and put it into the bamboo basket for laundry in the corner, then wrapped himself in a blanket and sat in front of the fireplace to warm himself.

He wiped the big hair that was covered in vegetable soup. Although no matter how much he wiped, the vegetable soup still smelled delicious, but Qi Guang didn't dare to give the delicate and weak little chick a bath easily in this weather.

A few days ago, the system collected the fourth month's loan from Qi Guang, which means that he has entered the fifth month after the time travel. Assuming that he traveled through time in early July when Shen City had just entered summer, it is now November, the beginning of winter.

The autumn in Shen City is never very long. The temperature usually fluctuates greatly for three or four weeks, with a temperature of 20 minus 15, and 15 minus 10. In the blink of an eye, the rustling of yellow leaves turns into the cold and damp wind of winter.

The cave shelter is no longer suitable for living in this kind of weather. Qi Guang moved into his new home a week ago and began to gradually reduce his outdoor activities, entering hibernation mode.

He must be stupid to go out so actively in late autumn and early winter. If he catches a cold, has a fever, and even develops pneumonia, all the points he has worked hard to save will have to be used to buy medicine.

Qi Guang had already stockpiled the main supplies for the winter throughout the summer and autumn, so he only went out at noon every day when the weather was relatively warm, collecting twigs, dead leaves and reeds by the river for firewood, and then checking whether his traps had any catches. When the weather got cold, many animals would come out less frequently, and Qi Guang's traps would no longer always yield catches like in the autumn.

If there is prey, they eat fresh meat. The leftover meat is salted and hung up for smoking and jerking. If there is no prey, they will not starve to death by eating corn porridge, pickled vegetables and jerky.

However, not having to go out does not mean that Qi Guang can spend the winter leisurely. He only gave himself a day off on the first day of moving into the new home. The next day he got up early and started his work in the early morning cold.

After completing the winter reserves, we should be able to survive until next spring if nothing goes wrong, so we must be prepared for the arrival of spring.

Diligence brings early spring. If you have nothing, you have to work even earlier.

You see, he was lazy and wanted to eat a hot pot, but a ball fell from the sky and smashed the pot. It was as if it was God's will that told him not to be lazy and to work hard.

Qi Guang rubbed and wiped the vegetable soup off Damao's body not very gently, and rubbed Damao's fur into clumps.

After he put Da Mao down, he shook off his down feathers frantically and squatted in front of the fireplace, combing his down feathers.

Heath takes good care of the down feathers that he has grown with great difficulty.

His feathers are growing very well. The feathers are neither wet nor dry, and not too pink. After being pecked and combed neatly, the down appears thicker. He will surely grow beautiful and plump feathers next year when he molts.

I just don't know when he will be able to shed his feathers. There is almost no record of him molting too far in the atavism feather system. It's worrying to think about when he will be able to turn back into a chick after turning into one.

Heath pecked at the feathers, stared at Yingying's figure and sighed in his heart.

Qi Guang took out his spinning hammer, dragged out a large basket of wool from the corner of the room, and began to process the wool that had been preliminarily processed.

After the beginning of autumn, he caught a few more sheep in other places. At that time, he was busy with the autumn harvest and had no time to properly process the sheepskin and wool, so he only salted and preserved the mutton. Now that it is cold and difficult to go out, Qi Guang has plenty of time to process the wool, spinning it into wool or trying to felt some small items with bamboo needles.

As the temperature drops, the more warm things you have, the better.

Everything went smoothly and in good condition. The only problem was that the lighting was poor for indoor activities, which affected the live broadcast effect.

Anyone who has seen rural earthen houses knows that the lighting in this type of house is not particularly good. The walls are pasted with extremely solid light, and the roof is tiled without leaving any gaps.

Although he opened two windows for lighting purposes, the windows were drafty when the weather got cold, and they had to be sealed tightly with sheepskin to keep the air warm.

Therefore, there is no light in Qi Guang’s house even in broad daylight, and the night scene mode has to be turned on during the entire live broadcast.

At the same time, after the winter, indoor activities increase and outdoor activities decrease, and the live broadcast content becomes monotonous.

There were no beautiful wild scenery and no thrills of hunting. Even cats rarely showed up, with only Jiujiu appearing on the screen. The fun of watching the live broadcast was instantly reduced a lot.

So Qi Guang reduced the live broadcast time accordingly, and adjusted the original live broadcast time from 6:30 in the morning to 7 or 8 in the evening to start from 9 or 10 in the morning when he was preparing to go out.

The forest in winter has a different and cooler atmosphere from that in summer. The sky is high, the clouds are light, and the dead branches are slanting. Occasionally a few birds fly by in surprise. The whole world is clean and peaceful.

Qi Guang's work pace is not as intense as in summer and autumn. Although the live broadcast time is shorter, the audience feels more relaxed watching it.

—Go out in the morning to collect firewood and dig some fresh fruits and vegetables that are still available in winter, such as bamboo shoots or green vegetables. Have a quick lunch and then come back to work and play with Damao. At around four or five o'clock, make a good dinner and eat with Damao. It's over when it's almost dark.

The slightly dim room seemed to have fallen into night early, with only the crisp sound of firewood crackling and the firelight from the fireplace dimly illuminating the outline of Qi Guang's face.

Ignoring his primitive sweater, trousers and rabbit fur shoes, he does look a bit like the fairy boy that Sevi created for him to be living a peaceful life.

Qi Guang made up for the loss of revenue due to shortening the live broadcast time with the advertising revenue from Springfield Home Furnishing that Savi had given him. In the end, not only did he not lose money, he even made a small profit.

Before the shoot, Savi sent Qi Guang a long introduction to the Springfield Home Furnishing brand and a collection of past advertisements, urging Qi Guang to memorize the brand positioning, product features and the theme of this advertisement before meeting with the brand contact person.

This information may not be used during advertising shooting, but knowing the brand spokesperson can always leave a good impression on the brand and make it easier to discuss future cooperation opportunities.

Qi Guang spent a few days of his pre-bedtime relaxation time reading through the brand introduction and advertising highlights. To sum it up, the brand makes products with heart and advertises with feet, a StarCraft version of Heilan Home (bushi).

While he was memorizing Springfield's brand information, Savi finally negotiated all advertising matters with the brand, built a team and set up the scene, and sent Qi Guang an invitation to shoot a scenario simulation LAN for the advertisement.

There is still only one contact, Savi, on Qi Guang’s vx interface, standing alone as if he was passively pinned to the top.

While reading the long instructions that Savi had sent him, Qi Guang packed up the things he would need for tomorrow and curled up in his wool blanket to lie down.

He rested his head on a small pillow made of sheepskin, and the earthen kang beneath him kept his body warm, so the chill that seeped in from outside the house was almost completely negligible.

He closed his eyes as if he was falling into a deep sleep, but in fact he clicked on the local area network invitation to start the first advertising shoot in his life.

—The reason why you have to lie down and crawl into the blanket first is that the body will be in a deep sleep state when the consciousness enters the LAN. If you don’t wrap yourself tightly when sleeping in the winter, you will definitely catch a cold when you wake up.

It was pitch dark and he had no night vision, so Qi Guang didn't notice a pair of eyes looking at him.

In the chicken coop beside the fireplace, the little chicks blinked their black eyes and stared at their owner, who became motionless as soon as he touched the pillow. There was a thoughtful glint in their eyes, which made them look smart in stark contrast to their usual cute appearance.

The author has something to say: Overtime makes me tired qaq

Rolling and begging for the caress of the little angels

There are also small red envelopes randomly dropped today~


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-11-28 20:18:52~2019-11-29 20:24:43~

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: IU, Ge Zhi, Sasaki Fei Shi, Li Yue Wei Yang, and the genuine Liu Qing 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: chorale 3; Liyue Weiyang 2; Tianyin, This Life Wants to Be Old in the Jianghu, Lu Xing Shen Shan, Twenty Rivers, Deviation, Yi & 慏or Ruiqiuqiu, Taimujiang 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Zi Yue 275 bottles; Tai Mu Jiang 102 bottles; Ye Xiu 91 bottles; Shallow Summer Clouds Rolling Flowers Blooming Early 80 bottles; Mango Jun, Qing Cha, Can Xue Sui Mei 50 bottles; Yi & 慏 or Rui Qiu Qiu, Bing Tang 40 bottles; Purple Diamond Fantasy 37 bottles; Fan Xiaobai 32 bottles; Yuzi Tang, Shili Shengge, grandiflora, Ting Qing 30 bottles; Yan Hua, Yue Zhen, Hui Lai Hui Qu. , Little Bunny Meow Meow, Qingjiao, annie, Hazelnut Zhenzi, Siyue, Le Wuyan, Desolate, Looksev, Pisces Love Cats 20 bottles; Fortunately 19 bottles; Gugugu 15 bottles; Raining Mio 13 bottles; Bluepoppsy, Nanpu, Wangxian Xinxinzang, Zifeiyu, Don't bow your head or the melon will fall, Shuangshuang, RP is very important, Mr. Luwei, Qiangao 10 bottles; Iu 8 bottles; Senior Bai, Genuine Liuqing 6 bottles; Mingjiu, Meow Meow Meow, Qiandeng 5 bottles; Guo Cheche, Kuai Kuai 3 bottles; Yizhimiao, If I am the Green Emperor in the Future 2 bottles; Shiyan, Bai Luoluo, Liangjie Yuese, Qili Shengge, Hanyu, Dangu, Mengzhilanfeng 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!