I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 32: XXXII


Heath flapped his little wings and climbed onto Yuying's bed.

Yuying never let the chicks get on his bed, whether it was a straw bed in the cave shelter or the warm earthen kang in his new home.

So before climbing onto the bed, Heath carefully wiped the mud off his paws, pecked at his feathers to comb them to prevent down and dirt from falling off, making sure no traces would be left. Then he tiptoed onto the bed, jumping quietly around the sleeping human.

After observing for this period of time, Heath was able to determine what secrets Yuying was hiding.

In Yuying's eyes, he was just a little chicken who knew nothing, and she had no intention of avoiding him in doing anything, so he clearly saw how something that was impossible to appear under the current circumstances suddenly appeared in Yuying's hand.

It should be said that being able to connect to StarNet and broadcast live from Earth is a terrifying thing in itself.

Heath, who had even seen Yuying taking a bath naked, swore that although there were some things on Yuying's hands that shouldn't be there now - pure cotton panties, extremely tough iron wire, and even cat food that was obviously mass-produced in a factory, he had never seen anything on Yuying that looked like a light brain.

Only pure machines can connect to the LAN without the help of external devices, and just by looking at Yuying's textbook-level human beauty, you can tell that he has nothing to do with machines.

Textbook level.

This word actually does not allow for careful thinking.

It is well known that human genes are very easy to fuse with other genes, which is one of the reasons why human genes can rise rapidly in the interstellar space.

Unless there is absolutely no other blood mixed in from generation to generation, even one billionth of a foreign blood will be clearly revealed in the offspring.

Theoretically speaking, after generations of intermarriage and integration among different races, no matter how pure the human race is, it should have some characteristics of other species.

But Yuying had none of that.

Heath guaranteed this with his full marks in all subjects as the top student in the military academy.

Yuying is like a living cultural relic that has walked out of the visual materials of a history textbook, so clean that there is not even a trace of the great fusion of interstellar civilizations.

His features are as fresh as new, yet revealing a sense of loneliness that seems out of place.

Heath touched Yuying's fingertips with his little pointed mouth. The young man's fingers were long and slender with round fingertips and dry palms. He really wanted to feel the warmth and strength of this hand touching his head.

There are many doubts about this person, and there are too many things that Heath cannot explain, but they are also struggling to survive in the disaster on Earth, and perhaps they will not see the hope of being rescued in their lifetime, so he decided not to delve into many things.

He intuitively felt that even if he knew some things, they would be of no use other than adding to his own troubles.

Heath slowly rubbed over and curled up, holding Yuying's hand in the standard hen-sitting-nest posture.

He looked like a round lump, but actually he didn't have much weight. The down feathers were so fluffy that they could wrap around Qi Guang's entire hand, as if he was wearing a thick down glove.

Qi Guang's consciousness was at a distant advertising shooting site, but his body gave the most honest reaction when he felt the heat source.

He turned over and hugged the chick in his hands, pulling it into the quilt faster than Heath could struggle.

Qi Guang had bought a white bear pillow at Mingxyoupin before. It felt very similar to the chick, and the chick was also a self-heating heater. It was soft, delicate, and bouncy, so Qi Guang instinctively pinched it a few more times without realizing it.

… hapiness.

Although Qi Guang's consciousness is not happy at all now.

His experiences in the last few years of the apocalypse meant that he disliked crowded places, but even in the interstellar era, advertising shoots cannot be done without crowds.

As soon as the videographer, photographer, makeup artist, lighting, props and costume designer entered the simulated scene and saw more than a dozen people coming and going in the venue, Qi Guang reflexively felt uncomfortable all over.

The pain that had not occurred for two or three months began to attack again, with phantom pains of being torn and gnawn from the skin to the internal organs, spreading through the body bit by bit like poison.

Qi Guang seemed to feel that something had penetrated into his blood vessels, making every drop of his blood heavy and solidified.

He knew intellectually that it was safe here, no one would suddenly mutate into a zombie and no one would stab him in the back, but if the psychological trauma was so easy to overcome, it wouldn't be called a psychological trauma.

After getting used to living alone in the wilderness, the population density in this house made Qi Guang feel suffocated.

If you are not feeling well, you will naturally not be happy.

His face was quite suitable for this kind of unhappy expression. He stood aside with drooping eyebrows and a dull look, which was exactly the character of the flower of Gaoling that Sevi had created for him.

The photographer who was hired by Springfield at a high price was instantly attracted to him.

From ancient times to the present, people who do his job have always been a bit aesthetically conscious, and in the interstellar age when the human race has advantages in population, economy, and military strength, aesthetics will naturally be infinitely biased towards the human race.

Yuying's face is that of a human beauty that is so standard that it is completely impeccable.

Facing the photographer who was wagging his tail (not metaphorically), Qi Guang took two steps back and stood behind Savi, the person he was most familiar with at the scene.

It had nothing to do with any social disorder or unwillingness to see people. He simply stood behind the safe shelter subconsciously, so that if anything unexpected happened, he could push Savi to the front to block the bullet in the first second.

It's pronounced as social disorder, but it's actually the aftermath of the apocalypse.

Savi, who was unaware of the inside story, was happy about his host's sudden closeness, and happily took the initiative to take on the task of introducing each other to each other and familiarizing themselves with the situation.

"This is Yuying." He introduced his own anchor first, and was not surprised at all that the staff on the entire shooting scene were secretly glancing at Yuying.

Yuying looked very good in her little grass skirt and torn sweater. After changing into fitted clothes, the refreshing Yuying stood out from the others at that station.

Savi once again praised his boss's vision crazily in his heart.

The big boss is the big boss, and any anchor you follow is a potential stock.

"This is Luke, the photographer this time." Savi introduced the photographer again. A young man with brown curly hair smiled broadly at Qi Guang.

"Hello!" Luke stretched out his hand to greet Qi Guang, his tail wagging behind him like a enthusiastic golden retriever.

The body shape also gives a sense of oppression like a big golden retriever. Qi Guang is 1.85 meters tall, which is not short at all, but he has to look up to see Luke's face.

Qi Guang looked at Luke for a second, focusing on the big golden retriever's tail and discovered that it was actually attached to his body.

Oh... a beast species.

The so-called "beast species" that had no sense of reality on Savi, who only had a few scales and unclear beast features, became three-dimensional and vivid in front of the big tail swaying.

Qi Guang slowly stretched out his hand, touched Luke's fingertips and then let go, "Hello."

For points.

He said to himself.

This was the job he promised Savi, and he had to complete it well.

Qi Guang curled the corners of his mouth, unable to smile but forced himself to give Luke a friendly expression.

Luke, feeling dizzy, was called by his assistant to make preparations for the shooting, and Qi Guang was led into the dressing room by the costume designer and makeup artist.

The scene simulation in the local area network can be infinitely close to the touch of reality. The makeup artist spread out a table full of colorful bottles and jars, eager to apply them on Qi Guang's face. The costume designer matched one piece of clothing after another into a set and hung them aside, waiting for Qi Guang to finish his makeup and change his clothes with one click.

But in the real world, the operating space in the Star Network is too large. A makeup artist can complete a full set of makeup in less than five seconds, and changing clothes will not take more than three seconds.

Savi took the opportunity to remind Qi Guang about the theme of this advertisement again.

The food is in the pot and I am in bed. Do you want to eat the food first or me first


That's impossible.

Springfield sells serious bedding, not adult products.

They just compromised a little bit on the creative side of the advertisement, admitting that Yuying lying on the bed can indeed stimulate purchasing desire.

So Qi Guang has one, two, three, four, five, or six sets of clothing, but the coverage area of each set is not very large.

She could even show off her little grass skirt without any hesitation. When she faced the camera in a shirt with three buttons unbuttoned, she felt the late cool breeze blowing on her back. She could only rely on recalling the scene of the corn harvest and the full granary to create the gentle emotion required by the advertising director.

Shooting a three-hour commercial was more tiring than moving wood all day to build a house.

What was even more tiring was probably the thought that the commercial had not been finished and would have to be shot again tomorrow. Qi Guang was not fully awake when he came out of the simulated scenario. He turned over, hugged the hot "warm baby" in his arms, and fell into a deeper sleep.

Repeat it three more times in the dream, for points qaq.

To Qi Guang, everything in the interstellar space is still too far away. The interface between him and the interstellar space is so small, not even small enough for him to glimpse the truly colorful side of the interstellar space. Therefore, the interstellar space countless light years away is directly equated with integrals for him, and has no other meaning.

But for the interstellar human leaders who were meeting late at night, Qi Guang’s existence had too many meanings to be summarized in one sentence.

These big guys who inherited the high IQ of the human race, out of their instinct as big guys, repeatedly questioned the news that "Yuying's live broadcast from Earth is true" - no matter how you look at it, this news is too absurd, and they probably think that the human race doesn't read.

But a group of the most advanced researchers in the galaxy have been working together for such a long time, verifying the results countless times but still can't come up with any counter-evidence. Even those of them who don't have any research skills can't find any flaws.

Instead, as soon as they raised a question, they were slapped in the face by the researchers' report. The more they read it, the more they felt that this was somewhat reliable. They were almost convinced that Yuying was really broadcasting live on the mother planet Earth.

It was broadcast live for several months and no one noticed it. Its "common sense errors" were often "corrected and taught" by "geologists" on the Internet.

Looking at the double quotation marks, you can tell that although they insist on their words, they have been slapped in the face in their hearts to the point of believing it to about 80%.

"So the question now is..." the man sitting at the top spoke, his colorful hair standing out in the conference room.

Before he finished speaking, people around him rushed to reply.

"How can I contact Yuying?"

"I want to know how Yuying started the live broadcast..."

"You actually signed a contract? You signed a contract? You even went to shoot a commercial today???"

"He must have contact information at the company he signed with. I once hugged Elvis when he first came off the assembly line. I'll go have a cup of tea with him tomorrow and have a chat."

"Yuying's live broadcast must be closely monitored - no, it is too dangerous to open it to the public. I suggest shutting it down..."

"If you dare to shut down his live broadcast, I will jump out of the space window. Do you know that this research will not produce results for at least 30 to 50 years?"

"Yes, yes, you are young and can wait. If we shut down his live broadcast, we old guys may not be able to see the mother planet again until we die!"

As soon as the topic of shutting down the live broadcast was brought up, everyone started to speak in unison.

They all knew very well that from confirming that there was the Earth on the other side of the space window to being able to open the space window, even if it was just to allow them to take a glimpse of the view of the mother planet on the other side of the space window, it would take at least three to five decades and several generations of effort.

How many thirty to fifty years can humans have in their lifetime

Moreover, the space in that area is not very stable to begin with, and the space window is something that no one has fully researched yet. You never know, it might just disappear one day without even giving you a chance to work hard.

The incident happened too suddenly, the situation was too complicated, and there were too many things about Yuying that were difficult to explain, which made the human leaders (many of whom were woken up in the middle of sleep) actually confused while discussing the matter. There were too many key points that they didn't know where to start.

In the end, before the meeting ended, they reached a consensus with the core idea of "let's believe that Yuying's live broadcast is true" and the general direction of "not interfering with Yuying's live broadcast".

Based on the particularity of Yuying's Earth live broadcast, as well as her strong vigilance, strong sense of crisis, and being taciturn but clear-headed, which are personality traits that the big guys can see at a glance, they also determined the course of action to "get in touch with Yuying as soon as possible" and "be friendly and kind without offending".

Then, Boss Caimao announced the adjournment of the meeting, and in less than three seconds, the conference room filled with projections was empty.

Who wants to waste time looking at the ugly faces of those old noobs on the other side? After the meeting, the first thing they will do is to open Yuying’s live broadcast room, take a sneak peek at the green mountains and clear waters of the mother planet, and breathe in the fragrant air of the mother planet.

Oh, and I have to do it secretly behind other people's backs. I was so excited during the meeting just now that I almost cried. What if I can't control my emotions and cry like an idiot when watching the live broadcast, wouldn't that damage their image as a big boss

The big guys hid in the small dark room and locked the door, and clicked into Yuying's live broadcast room with excitement and trepidation.

The current anchor is not live broadcasting~ Please click the portal below to transfer the highlights of the past episodes~

Author's words: Heath: Panting, I can't breathe... Struggling in Yingying's arms


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-11-29 20:24:43~2019-11-30 19:31:16~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Dazai, I am three years old this year and I am 4 years old;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Dazaiwo3sailai, Zhixiyanqingniao 2; Genuine Liuqing, Wenliu, Gezhi, Jugepanci, Nanfengbushiliren, Hong Jiaodong, Liyue Weiyang 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Yueran Weiwei 50 bottles; Yuanyu 30 bottles; Xiaoxian 20 bottles; Zui Ai Chunqing, smei_liu, Shisan Shao, Qingqiu 10 bottles; Da Zai Wo Jinnian San Sui La, Liuying, Miaomiao 5 bottles; Weixi 3 bottles; Yu, Pang Jiuwu 2 bottles; Zhengban Liuqing, Lai Yibei Zhenzhu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!