I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 34: XXXIV


There is a big furry cat inside the door and a cat outside.

There's a meow outside the door and a chirp inside.

The chirping gradually fades away and the meowing gradually becomes quieter…

The Miaochu and Miaochu parties are still arguing with each other in the barrage.

Qi Guang had no choice but to turn the camera to the sky, asking the audience to look at the blue sky and white clouds and calm down.

Even many anonymous viewers couldn't remain calm.

"Hey, you..."

"Shut up! I'm not crying! It's just the wind that's causing my eyes to ache!"

These three sentences perfectly blocked the second half of the speaker's sentence.

That wasn't actually what she wanted to ask.

Qi Lina thought about it and shared half a box of tissues with her husband who was holding his breath so hard that his face turned red.

Just cry, cry as much as she does and make your makeup ruined, then you can laugh. Wipe your tears and your vision will seem as clear as if washed by tears, and you can see the clear sky, cold water and withered branches in the early winter.

The fresh and cool smell is mixed with a touch of dark blue white, and the gurgling river reflects the color of the sky.

The birdsong in the cold season is distant, faint and silent.

I said "Welcome home" to them.

The old man next to her finally couldn't hold back and burst into loud sobs. He took a tissue and blew his nose hard, then buried his face in her shoulder.

It seems that this can cover up my twisted face that looks like crying and laughing at the same time, and I can deceive myself and others that no one can see me.

My new skirt...

Qilina sighed inwardly, blinked her eyes which were beginning to feel sour again, and patted her husband's shoulder as if coaxing a child.

"Well, it's such a happy thing, why are you crying?"

"I didn't cry!" The husband hiccupped and spoke stubbornly.

"Then why are you like this?" Qi Lina and Yuying were rubbing her husband's hair like they were rubbing a big piece of wool. "You didn't even see the beautiful bird that just flew by."

"!" The husband sat up straight in an instant, his eyes fixed on the screen, "Where is it?"

"Didn't I tell you to fly away?" Qilina scolded her husband and told him to wipe his face covered with tears and snot.

You are so old, but you don't know how to be happy.

The husband took a tissue and wiped his face twice, and his expression was a bit childish as he watched the live broadcast.

After a while, he pulled out another tissue.

"I want to go home..." the husband muttered softly.

Qi Lina smiled and held her husband's hand, trying not to choke up when she spoke, "I want to, too."

Which human race doesn't want that

Interstellar is great, but it is not home for the human race.

Qi Lina glanced at her husband who was concentrating so much that he didn't want to move, tapped the lower right corner of the screen, and fed the anchor a wave of starships.

Great Earth, feels like home.

Qi Guang glanced at the ID and thanked this new fan who had jumped into the top 20 of the list.

The cat meowed outside the fence, urging the slow-moving two-legged beasts to come out of the cave.

It's like a kid in winter holding a string of firecrackers and standing downstairs of his best friend's house, shouting at the top of his lungs, "Xiao Ming! Let's go out and play!"

Qi Guang responded to the cat's meow with "hmm-hmm" and climbed over the fence.

When building the house, he referred to Robinson Crusoe and erected a circle of sharpened wood on the top around his house as a defensive fortification. After moving in, he gradually reinforced and raised the structure, and now people enter and exit using a ladder.

This was the project that took up the most of his time in the entire house, except for plastering the walls and burning tiles. After being personally inspected by Mao for its defensive capabilities, it provided a safety guarantee for him to sleep well on the kang at night.

The cat hadn't seen the two-legged beast for several days. When it saw the two-legged beast coming out of the den, it quickly went over to sniff the beast to see if it was injured. Then it nudged the two-legged beast with its head and raised its neck to indicate that it was time to stroke its fur.

Every morning when Qi Guang goes out with the cat, he always takes some time to give the cat a massage.

The cat's winter fur grew very well, shiny, thick and long. Its big scarf was enough to mop the floor when it sat down. Qi Guang couldn't help but put his hand into the cat's big scarf to keep warm as he touched it.

The soft, velvety, fleshy feel of the big cat, coupled with the fine and soft fur that wraps around your hands, provides a warmth and comfort that a little chick can never match.

The caress from above by a biped cannot compare to licking your own fur.

The cat purred contentedly.

Today seems to be a day when rich people gather together. Qi Guang was petting his cat while thanking the large number of people feeding him that were swiping past in the notification box.

He found that there were many new faces on his list, and their IDs were quite recognizable, quite...

Let him remind himself of the WeChat nicknames of his parents and grandparents.

Including the barrage of comments he received, he had a familiar feel to it. He could tell at a glance that the person behind the ID wasn't some prprpr happy young man licking faces.

"Thanks to [Glorious Years] and [Flowers on the Tree] for feeding us on their starship." Qi Guang recited, and just as he was distracted by petting the cat, he was slapped on the face by the cat's paw pad.

What are you doing.

The cat gave a warning look.

Qi Guang had no choice but to take his hand out of his big scarf and scratch the cat's chin to appease the old man.

Today's destination is a little far away, and Qi Guang will feel more at ease having Mr. Cat accompanying him.

The destination is located at a forty-five-degree angle between the experimental field and the seaside, behind a hillside covered with camphor trees.

Qi Guang also made the discovery while collecting firewood. Although this discovery was not of much help to his winter survival and spring reserves, it is indeed something that the audience should like.

For something as lazy as hibernation where one just muddles through the day, one must always find something entertaining for the audience in order to maintain one's points which are on a bit of a downward trend.

When we say we're going to see birds, what we want to see is certainly not the little sparrows that chirp and try to steal all the corn kernels in the morning.

In the leafless forest, only bare branches are left stubbornly stretching towards the sky. When you get close to the camphor forest, you can smell the unique scent of camphor. The slightly pungent aroma is blown away by the crisp winter wind, and the vague smell forms an indescribable unique atmosphere.

The camphor forest was empty with no animals to be seen. The ground was mottled with red and yellow camphor leaves, so even the sound of the wind blowing through the dead branches could be heard clearly.

It feels like I am the only one left in the world.

Qi Guang’s thoughts stopped here and he realized that this was not “as if” but a fact.

Now he is truly the only one on Earth.

The scenery of the camphor forest is beautiful, but the road is not easy to walk on.

The uphill road was rugged and steep. Qi Guang had to hold on to branches carefully to avoid falling. The moss-covered stones were slippery and muddy, so he had to test each step twice before taking it firmly.

The cat, on the other hand, ran very fast and lightly, and jumped to the front by stepping on the stones, looking down at the two-legged beasts who were still struggling to move forward.

This is not good athletic ability.

The cat shook its head and sighed. If the Twolegged Beast was a little smaller, it would definitely not be able to help but hold the Twolegged Beast by the scruff of the neck and carry it up. However, the Twolegged Beast could not run fast or jump high, and it was too big, so it had to walk and stop and wait a little longer.

After climbing the small hillside of the camphor forest, you can see the rippling water. Behind the small hillside is a wetland with large patches of reeds that can be used to cover roofs and weave mats, and small ponds separated by reeds.

Judging from the geographical location, it is probably the Siming Lake of the former Shanghai University of Technology, but the area has expanded several times. It seems that almost the entire school has been submerged under water.

The reeds are withered, the water is rippling, and the birds on the water have white wings and are calm and composed.

It's a great place for bird watching.

Not those cute little birds with melodious voices and colorful feathers in the summer, but some larger birds with broad wings that can fly across thousands of mountains and rivers.

Winter only.

"These should be swans that come here for the winter." Qi Guang tiptoed behind the reeds and whispered to the audience, "I saw black swans when I came here a few days ago. I wonder if I can see them today."

As he spoke, he held down the cat that was about to pounce on the reeds to play.

Shen City is an important gathering place for migratory birds and a wintering ground for many waterfowl. In the past, these birds were basically concentrated in several undeveloped forest wetland parks in the south of the city. Now, without human intrusion and high-rise buildings, some migratory birds can actually be seen in the University Town in the Port District.

The swans on the water swim slowly in groups of three or five or in pairs, as if sitting upright on the water, sometimes flapping their wings and sometimes touching each other's long necks affectionately.

Screenshot in one second! This bird called swan is so elegant!

I thought Yingying's Earth was full of people like Damao... Turns out Damao is a special case [laughing and crying].

She has fair skin and beautiful looks, like a young lady~

Seeing the swans, I can completely understand why there are legends about angels among humans. They are pure, flawless, quiet and elegant, the standard angels on the lake qaq.

Suddenly I feel that my star An Qi Bai Yu lost... Obviously our An Qi Bai Yu is the angel among birds1551.

Anqi Baiyu is indeed pretty, but too small and lively. He jumps around all day long. Don’t you think he looks like a big cat

One black and two black, the front row is awesome.

While the audience was enjoying the sight of the swan with laughter, the researchers who were watching the live broadcast collectively began to record this precious information about Earth's species the moment the swan came into view. They also tried hard to send comments in an attempt to squeeze to the front row among the crowd of idle viewers so that Yuying could see them and ask more about the habits of this beautiful white bird.

Yuying must know some lost information that researchers like them who specialize in studying the mother planet Earth are unknown to.

After completing the clips of Yuying's live broadcasts from the previous few months, they can make a conclusion.

Although they didn't know how Yuying knew it, just as they couldn't explain the principle of this live broadcast from Earth, there was no doubt that this incident had made a leap forward in their research on their home planet, which had been progressing with great difficulty.

So Professor Meng, who is open-minded, decided to be ignorant for the time being and not care where Yuying came from, where she was going, and what she was doing. They, the human race, just wanted to go home.

In their eyes, Yuying is equivalent to their mother planet that they have been searching for for thousands of years in vain. They are filled with mixed feelings of sadness and joy and are unable to control themselves, and it is difficult for them to have the slightest negative emotion.

Yuying is so great!

Banging my head against the wall for Britain!

Without Qi Guang himself knowing it, he somehow escaped the danger of leaving the earth and entering the laboratory.

He was having a headache about how to answer questions about the habits of swans.

He used to be often dragged to go bird watching by his neighbor Shen Hainong's friend. He knew what swans, egrets and ruddy pochards looked like, but he was not a professional in this field and he didn't have much interest in it. He really didn't understand what these birds eat and drink, where they build nests, and whether they are a family if they swim together.

To be honest, his first reaction when he discovered this place was whether the swan meat was delicious, and his second reaction was whether the swan eggs were delicious.

After all, the farm-cooked white goose he had eaten while bird watching was quite delicious.

Yingying, can you come closer? I want to take a closer picture [poor][poor].

"No." Instead of getting closer, Qi Guang stepped back after realizing that a swan had come ashore, and hid himself more carefully in the reeds.

"If you come any closer, the swan will peck my legs off."

What stopped Qi Guang from attacking the swan wasn't that it was a protected species or that it looked good, but simply, the simplest reason was that Qi Guang felt he couldn't beat it.

Moreover, the kind of leg-binding trap he knew how to make couldn't catch swans, so the only feasible solution was to dig a big hole and wait for the swan to fall in.

If he had that much time, Qi Guang might as well grind two more bowls of corn.

So after observing for two days and determining that this place had no practical value, Qi Guang decided to treat it as a tourist attraction, giving the audience something new to watch when the live broadcast content was monotonous and the audience's enthusiasm was declining in winter.

In addition to the swans, there were two other birds in the wetland that Qi Guang could not recognize. One was a small gray wading bird, and the other was a reed-colored waterfowl with a flat beak. Both were slightly larger than sparrows, but not worth the trouble of setting traps for such a small amount of meat, because outside the breeding season there was no chance of stealing eggs.

These two kinds of birds are small in size and not as good-looking as swans. If Qi Guang hadn't pointed them out, the audience would probably have ignored them.

But if there were only swans and these gray birds, it wouldn't be worth Qi Guang's trip.

He had worked hard to climb over the hill, and there must be something even fresher than the swan, a surprise that even he, a native of Earth, would say was good.

"I just don't know if I can wait until today." Qi Guang looked at the time and it was almost time for lunch, so he took out the corn tortilla, broke it into small pieces, and ate it bit by bit while squatting in the reeds.

He deliberately left the conversation unsaid, leaving the audience guessing in the comments.


Are there any swan babies?!

Black swan! Yingying just said there is a black swan!

Bet on a black swan! If there is an archangel, there must be a little devil!

Emmmmm, if there is water, is it fish? The shiny fish in the river were pretty nice.

The audience was full of speculation when one or two clear cries were heard, sometimes far away and sometimes near, as if they were coming from the distant horizon.

Qi Guang raised his head and saw a white shadow coming from afar on the wind, with wings spread, looking majestic and detached.

Suddenly, a long, clear cry broke out, resounding through the sky.

The crane cries in Jiu Gao, and its voice is heard in the sky.

What Qi Guang thought of was the phrase "Soaring ten thousand miles, coming and going for thousands of years".

The author has something to say: Actually, my favorite is "With a hundred thousand taels of gold around his waist, he rides a crane to Yangzhou"

We must let Yingying connect with the bosses tomorrow!


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-01 18:46:06~2019-12-02 19:53:06~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Ge Zhi 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Garlic Pickled Plum Blossom, The Best Hot Pot in the World, The Ancients, Mirror Song, Liyue Weiyang 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Fengying 60 bottles; -Kyros, Jingge, Nantangmu, Jiuxun 10 bottles; IU, Fengyu Liuyun 5 bottles; Genuine Liuqing, Tanxiao, □□Central League Central Committee, Xinxin Mengmei 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!