I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 56


After finishing the sowing task on the first day of spring plowing, Heath received a strangely shaped object from Qi Guang.

Don't think wrongly.

"Here." Qi Guang handed the alcohol blowtorch he had just exchanged to Heath and explained to him how to use it in a few words.

Under the threat of zombies, Qi Guang decided to put Heath on the trust list.

In the late apocalypse, there are no comrades who can rely on you for support, and the trusted list is the limit of what Qi Guang can do.

"I have something I need you to do."

As soon as Qi Guang finished speaking, Heath immediately said, "Okay, what's the matter?"

He agreed too readily, rendering the brief explanation about zombies and the end of the world that Qi Guang had been preparing for the entire afternoon useless.

"It could be dangerous." Qi Guang added dryly.

"It's okay." Heath answered without thinking. He smiled at Qi Guang with two shallow dimples. "Dealing with danger is my specialty."

The long growth period and the appearance that has regressed to a dozen years have invisibly given Heath a bit of a weak aura, but the title of the chief of Heath Military Academy was earned with real fists, and his quality is so excellent that he was selected to perform formal tasks while he was still a student.

If his growth period had not been so long that there was no hope of him reaching adulthood within ten years, the military leaders would not have been so heartbroken whenever they mentioned him, calling him a lost gem.

By the way, after Heath's suspected perfect return to his ancestral form, this heartache was like missing out on a hundred million.

Therefore, Heath not only did not feel that he was weak, but he always believed that he could be the one to protect Qi Guang.

I was so happy when Qi Guang asked me to do something.

“…” Qi Guang chose to skip this topic that he didn’t know how to respond to and went straight to the point.

"I need you to go to these places." He took out the scanning map exchanged from the system - since the alcohol torch was taken out, it didn't matter if the trump card was exposed a little more.

As long as the zombies can be eliminated quickly and thoroughly.

"You can find things similar to the mechanical eyeball in these places," Qi Guang said. "Don't touch them. Burn them immediately after you find them."

"If there are strange-looking... creatures on the road or around that want to attack you, use this to kill them." Qi Guang pointed to the alcohol blowtorch in Heath's hand.

The alcohol blowtorch is the most lethal weapon against zombies available in the apocalypse—the ignition point of zombies' blood is over one thousand degrees Celsius, and a little bit of the high-temperature flame of the alcohol blowtorch can burn the zombies' blood and cause them to burn themselves to ashes.

It was just that fuel was not easy to come by, which made all kinds of alcohol become scarce hard currency in the later period.

Qi Guang described the general appearance of zombies to Heath again. Since there is a possibility of animals turning into zombies, he did not limit the other party's form to humans.

The key words are the smell of decay - Qi Guang knew that Heath had a keen sense of smell and would not miss the unique bad smell of zombies; yellow sticky blood - because most zombies' bodies will constantly repeat the process of decay and regeneration, the surface of their skin is often covered with a thick layer of gelatinous yellow blood.

And then there are the dead eyes.

When looking zombies in the eye, no matter how well disguised they are, they will be exposed. Their eyes are the cloudy color of death and can be clearly distinguished at a glance.

In fact, Heath still didn't quite understand the cause and effect, but he nodded and repeated it to Qi Guang, indicating that he had taken every word of Qi Guang to heart.

After Qi Guang discovered the zombies, his tense expression relaxed a little and he raised his hand to ruffle Heath's hair.

Although he risked exposing more cards in exchanging weapons for Heath, it was more to increase his own combat effectiveness and he didn't want to see Heath become a zombie because of being unprepared and increase the number of enemies, but obedient and sensible children who don't ask questions or make nonsense are always more popular.

Heath consciously lowered his head to let Qi Guang rub it more smoothly. He touched the alcohol blowtorch hanging around his waist and felt a little excited.

He knew that Qi Guang had a little secret that could not be known by others, and he had always carefully hidden it.

If Qi Guang had not been on guard against Damao, he would not have had the chance to get a glimpse of any clues.

But after he turned into a human form, Qi Guang also classified him into the category of people who needed to keep secrets, and he might even be the one who had a higher level of security than others.

Obviously, Big Hair and Heath are the same person, but in Qi Guang's mind, the little chicken and the feathered boy are completely different.

Qi Guang never revealed any trace of those "little secrets" in front of him again - until now.

Since Qi Guang was willing to prepare weapons for him and let him know some inside information at the risk of him exposing his secrets when something unexpected happened, does that mean that he has some feelings for Qi Guang...

Still have a little bit of status

When Heath thought about this, he couldn't help but smile.

Qi Guang glanced at Heath, who was grinning foolishly, and didn't know what was so good about being ordered to do such a dangerous job.

"These places are not far away." He drew a circle around the points marked on the map. The farthest one was no more than three hours away from his house - Heath had wings and could glide at low altitude for short distances, so his travel speed would only be faster than his.

In other words, Heath was able to return to the house every day.

"You need to look after the house as well. I have to go out for a while." Qi Guang counted the tasks on hand. In the next few days, all the tasks of watering, fertilizing and collecting firewood would be left to Heath.

"If everything goes well, you can be back in five days."

Qi Guang didn't say what would happen if things didn't go well. Heath looked at his expression and guessed something without asking.

"I'll try my best." Heath promised, looking extremely obedient, as if he thought the same in his heart.

It seemed as if he completely trusted Qi Guang's ability and had no doubt that he might not be able to come back in five days.

The appearance of a teenager is indeed very deceptive. He looks a little childish and well-behaved, the kind of innocent person who doesn't have any ulterior motives. It's easy to believe what comes out of his mouth.

“…Come on.” Qi Guang ruffled Heath’s hair again. This was the limit of how close he could be to Heath.

However, he was going on a long journey this time, and was going to do something life-threatening, so it was impossible for him to just leave without any preparation.

Qi Guang spent a day making preparations before going out.

He brought a few pieces of smoked meat that had been smoked and dried to a hard state, and spent a lot of money to exchange for two packs of compressed biscuits from the system. The food from the system was expensive, but the quality was guaranteed.

In order to prevent running out of water, he also hung a sheepskin water bag. He made the water bag himself with sheepskin according to the tutorial in the library. The capacity is good, but the sealing effect is slightly insufficient. It is best to hang it upright when carrying it.

This is the guarantee of his survival in the next few days.

Food can satisfy his calorie and salt needs at the same time, preventing the body from experiencing adverse symptoms due to lack of food or salt. There is a small section on the way to the destination that deviates from the river, and carrying a water bag can ensure that the water is replenished during that section of the journey.

It would be fine at other times, but this time Qi Guang had to stay in good condition while traveling so that he could have the greatest chance of surviving when facing the zombies.

Qi Guang also brought a set of clothes and shoes, but they were all old.

His skills in making clothes and shoes are not up to standard, and they only fit well after being worn for a long time.

The point marked with zombies on the map was a day's journey away from him, wandering around in the area next to the university town in the port area before the apocalypse.

Qi Guang cannot guarantee which direction the zombies will go next. Once the zombies enter areas densely populated by animals, the Earth will inevitably experience another zombie craze.

Although the only food of zombies is humans, it does not mean that they will not take a bite of other animals to taste them and pass on the highly active zombie virus in their bodies.

Just like humans are not on the diet of sharks, sharks attracted by the smell of human blood will take a bite to know whether it tastes good or not.

And even without humans as their only food source, zombies can survive for years in extreme hunger.

While Qi Guang was speculating on the possible routes of the zombies, he circled his most advantageous combat area.

—Next to the University Town in the Port District is the former city center of Shen City, with tall buildings and heavy traffic. The steel forest a thousand years ago has become undulating terrain a thousand years later, and the rugged roads are visible to the naked eye on the map.

The complex terrain makes it easy to hide and set traps. The uneven ground can most effectively restrain the speed of zombies. If the zombies create their own kind during this period, they can use the terrain to avoid a one-on-many situation.

Just to encounter zombies in the area he had marked, Qi Guang had to cross the Port University Town and the next district in one day, walking from the edge of the Port University Town to the other edge of the next district.

The journey is long, so it is inevitable to be a night owl.

Qi Guang carried his small backpack and set out on his journey before dawn.

Heath stood on the ladder and held on to the edge of the fence, watching Qi Guang's figure disappear into the darkness.

It was still early, with two or three hours left before dawn. He could go back and take a nap, and there was no rush to get up and work again.

Heath rubbed his face, forcing himself to suppress the tiredness. He yawned, sobered up with the cold water in the bucket, and climbed over the fence lightly.

You need a ladder to climb up, and when you jump down from the fence, there is a take-off height. Heath can spread his wings and flap them, taking advantage of the height difference to glide briefly at a low altitude.

His wings covered with gray-black feathers were inconspicuous in the night. He flew silently into the forest like a huge bird.

His destination was already marked on the map, and every point was so detailed that it would be difficult to get wrong.

Heath calculated that if he went at full speed, he could finish half the distance before daybreak.

The Phoenix feathered creatures' vision at night is not very good, but relying on their sense of smell and animal instincts to identify directions, Heath will not get lost in this silent forest before dawn.

—Qi Guang has doubts about the word silence.

In the past, he was like a blind man when it got dark. Naturally, he could only hear the rustling of leaves in the dark forest, and it was terribly silent. But after his physique evolved, his eyes could sense heat in the dark, and the forest at night became colorful.

It's very lively.

The rustling of leaves may be the result of nocturnal birds flying through the forest, and the shaking of branches may be the result of some animals jumping by. Snakes are entangled on the tree trunks, and wild boars are hiding in the bushes for a midnight snack.

The underground caves emit unstable heat, and small rodents that are rarely seen during the day would peek into the caves at the entrance, but would be scared back into the caves at the slightest disturbance.

Qi Guang watched the night residents of the forest, and the animals that appeared at night also noticed Qi Guang's presence.

Two-legged beasts are rare visitors to the forest at night. An owl on a tree holds a mouse in its mouth and turns its neck from front to back, staring at this rare guest.

"Gugu, gugu."

It made a somewhat scary sound in the dark, conveying the news of the strange two-legged beast to its companions in the same forest.

A few birds flapped their wings and flew up in surprise. They were not birds that appeared during the day, but they knew that Twolegs were not friendly herbivores. Birds of all sizes, even bird eggs, were all on the Twolegs' menu.

In the simple mind of birds, if any animal appears abnormally during rest time, the most likely reason is that it is too hungry to sleep and gets up to look for food.

The movement of the birds startled other small animals that were sleeping peacefully. These little guys at the bottom of the forest food chain lived together and formed a set of interconnected alarm systems.

Soon the squirrels in the trees and the rabbits under the trees all knew the news that the two-legged beasts were out late at night, and the rustling noises spread in the direction Qi Guang was moving.

However, the deterrent power of the two-legged beasts is only in this small forest. When the news spreads to other places at dawn, the two-legged beasts become the ones that no one cares about. The birds chirping in the morning are the dogs that stole food in the middle of the night.

The dogs are at the top of the food chain in this vast forest, and any movement is closely watched.

For example, Wangwangqun's weak, small and lazy curly-haired dog got up in the middle of the night to steal food without telling his companions, and ate all five rabbits in the rabbit nest overnight.

The author has something to say: If nothing unexpected happens... I may have to take a day off this week.

The overtime is too brutal. I guess I can't handle the little amount of manuscripts I have saved.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-23 20:11:45~2019-12-24 20:44:32~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Guhuo Fugui, Liyue Weiyang, Ge Zhi 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 29794893, Shasha 10 bottles; Ye Zi 7 bottles; Qian Chong Xue 3 bottles; Wu Si Qi Jiu, Like Water Flowing Years, Broken Flower Obsession, You You Zi Mo 2 bottles; Dream Waltz, A Zheng, Crunchy Sweet Grapes, Genuine Liu Qing 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!