I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 62


The cat never expected that, after he had patrolled his territory for two days as usual after the weather warmed up, and replenished scent markings in order to better guard his territory (and the two-legged animals in the territory), his home was robbed by those shameless dogs as soon as he came back!

It definitely couldn't be mistaken, this stinky smell was definitely from the dog next door!

The smell that emanated from the Twolegs' nest was clearly mocking it.

The cat was so angry that it glared at the two-legged creature who was still pretending to be innocent, and howled so loudly that the curly-haired dog in the house could hear it.

The poodle whimpered a little in fear and buried its head in the sweater filled with the smell of bipeds.

It’s warm and safe. As long as you hide here, you won’t be scratched by the scary cats outside.

Hearing the sound of the poodle in the house, the cat became even angrier and his claws were exposed.

Qi Guang looked at the cat's reaction and could probably guess why the cat was so angry.

"Okay," he said, moving slowly toward the cat, "we're not angry anymore."

His tone was gentle, but the audience had already filled the screen with comments about his rare failure.

Nice to hear that hahaha!

Choose a cat or a dog, Yingying’s extravagant worry [lemon].

It’s a failure, hahaha, the cat’s expression is making me laugh to death 233333.

Can I choose Chuchuw, a blond handsome boy or something like that [slurp].

Yingying's tone is so sweet~ I also want to be coaxed by Yingying~

But the cat didn't buy into the two-legged beast's tricks at all. It raised its tail and bared its teeth at Qi Guang, with a particularly fierce look in its eyes.

Get out of here!

Don't come over here!

There are dog traitors out there!

You are no longer my beloved two-legged beast!

The cat's body is not small, and its sharp teeth are quite intimidating when it gets angry, enough to make the interstellar audience who were laughing and ready to make a move retract their outstretched hands, and say timidly, "Why don't we fight again another day? Being caught and bitten by a cat is no trivial matter."

But Qi Guang didn't care about the cat's exposed fangs at all. He ignored the cat's waving claws and put his hand on the cat's head without any hesitation.

He is no longer the man who would fall down if a cat pounced on him. After his physical evolution, he is able to completely suppress a disgruntled big cat, and even rub its head, scratch its chin, and touch its furry belly.

"Okay, okay, be good." Although Qi Guang is a dog person, he is not without feelings for cats. He is still very affectionate when petting the cat, and after a while the cat starts to snoring unwillingly.

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry." Qi Guang rubbed his furry ears to the tip of his tail, and he didn't even realize the inducement in his tone.

The abilities of spiritual evolution can not only work on Heath, but will be more effective on simple-minded creatures like cats.

The young man's voice was soft, hoarse, yet powerful, and as he gently soothed the cat's temper, he also had unquestionable authority - the unique control that a master has over his pet, suppressing the animal's simple yet strong emotions.

Not only did the cat slowly calm down after being coaxed by him, but the audience who were laughing at Qi Guang's failure in the previous second also couldn't help but quiet down, as if they were being coaxed by Qi Guang by rubbing their fur.

Don't be angry.

Be obedient.

Be a good child.

Such voices circled repeatedly in my mind, drilling peacefully and powerfully into the depths of my consciousness.

It was not until the sudden rustling of leaves that the dream-like trance was broken.

Most people didn't notice anything was wrong at that moment. Even if they did, they would just think that they were too tired and almost fell asleep.

The rustling sound of leaves came from Heath fluttering out of the bushes. A bird of his size would always make some noise when trotting over.

However, Heath did not expect that Qi Guang would calm the cat down in such a short time. When he jumped out, he was still thinking about how to protect Qi Guang from the cat's furious claws.

So when Heath saw the cat whose fur was exposed after being rubbed by Qi Guang, he couldn't help but let out a puzzled "gulp".

And kind of cute.

Qi Guang couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth when he saw Heath's reaction. The bird tilted its head stupidly with a confused look in its eyes, which made him like it much more than the beautiful boy with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Come here." He clapped his hands, just like he used to call Damao.

Heath blinked his big black eyes again and again, glanced at the cat that was flapping its tail in unhappiness, then looked at Qi Guang's expression, and then he staggered towards Qi Guang in his small, figure-eight steps.

He didn't dare to get too close, so he stopped obediently when he was about the same distance away and looked at Qi Guang obediently.

Qi Guang rubbed his scalp and poked his round chest.

The Phoenix bird can even fly into the universe when it is an adult. Naturally, the round belly of the chirping bird has turned into a proud chest during the growth period. The beautiful curve and round shape make it obvious that it will be a raptor that can fly very high in the future.

Hey, it's still solid.

The thin layer of down allowed Qi Guang to directly feel the firm flesh, which was not as fluffy as Qi Guang had imagined, and was fake fat enough to allow him to poke his fingers into the fur.

Qi Guang poked out two tufts of hair from Heath's chest.

The cat, feeling a little unhappy no matter how he thought about it, snorted through his nose, as if mocking the bird that was losing its feathers.

It had a deep grudge against the dog next door, and was even more upset when it saw this sparrow that should have been eaten long ago.

It was probably because Wangwang was hiding in the two-legged beast's nest with his neck shrunk and dared not come out, while Queer was showing off in front of it and snatching the two-legged beast.

Heath pretended not to see the cat, and took advantage of the situation by rubbing his forehead against Qi Guang's palm. He then quietly moved forward a little further, almost trying to squeeze himself into Qi Guang's arms - except that he was a little too big now, so he couldn't squeeze himself in even if Qi Guang asked him to.

But this was also the first time that Qi Guang had been so close to him since he transformed from Damao into Heath. He was so happy that his tail feathers wiggled and he wanted to perform a difficult courtship dance for Qi Guang.

Even the props were ready—the rabbit he caught was kicking its legs dying beside him, and it was fat and strong enough to be offered to his friend.

Heath looked at the blue sky of the earth, flapped his wings and flew up a little, made a small low-altitude turn with the rabbit in his mouth, and landed a little staggeringly and placed the rabbit next to Qi Guang.

The courtship dance of the Phoenix bird, whether in human or bird form, is the same in essence and consists of three fixed steps.

The first step is to dive from high altitude and land accurately, presenting the prey to the partner to show one's ability to support the family.

In the oldest times, it was food obtained through hunting, and in modern times, it is all kinds of shiny jewels, or to be more straightforward, like the proof of assets that his father presented directly back then.

The second step is to inevitably show off your bright and beautiful feathers and big wings in multiple angles, circling and turning at low altitudes continuously, and a clear and high-pitched singing voice will be a very good plus point.

Heath, who was in his growth stage, could do these two steps roughly, but the last and most difficult high-altitude skill display was beyond his ability.

Only after he had completed his molting in the sea waters of Froda and grown strong and powerful flight feathers, could his wings support him to fly high into the sky, allowing him to step gracefully and easily on the sharp wind and perform difficult dance-like skills.

Heath chirped twice, then stomped on the ground and turned his body around, his movements looking clumsy and adorable.

Qi Guang rubbed his head again.

There is a cat in the left hand and a chirp in the right hand, and there is also a curly-haired dog hiding in the room.

It really made the audience jealous.

The only thing that could comfort them was the encouraging progress of the government's research on the space window. They didn't know why those weird beasts suddenly had problems with their brains and changed their attitude to fully support their plan to recover the earth.

—The human race does not understand the beast race’s obsession with perfect reversion, just as the beast race cannot understand the human race’s desire to return to Earth.

Let's just assume that there's something wrong with each other's brains and push forward the opening of the space channel as quickly as possible.

The space window leading to the earth is very dangerous, but at the same time it has higher passability. By airdropping one scrapped probe after another to Qi Guang, the researchers of the space window have found a relatively safe pattern.

The probability of death if one cannot fly over is over 90%, which is the biggest possibility they can find in such a short time.

You have to know that the spring of the earth has not yet passed, and the curly dog's injuries have not fully healed. He can only tremble and rehabilitate in Qi Guang's room every day.

To some extent, such rapid progress should be attributed to the assistance of animal species. Although animal species' brains are not as good as humans' in scientific research, their powerful and sharp perception and keen intuition that humans can never possess have greatly accelerated the speed of exploring space windows.

The human race owed the beasts a favor, and no matter how reluctant they were, they gave the beasts a seat on the No. 1 test spacecraft that crossed the space window.

With a 90% chance of death, they were like a dying fugitive grabbing a spider's thread, determined to give it a try no matter what.

I can't wait any longer. I can't endure it any longer.

The mother planet is right before our eyes, a temptation more attractive than anything else.

This made the only animal species on the ship seem out of place.

"We just want to rescue Heath." The beastman who boarded the test spacecraft spoke earnestly, and his eyes lit up frighteningly when he mentioned Heath.

This beast species named Bol is also a feathered species, and a rare atavistic one.

Of course, his atavism is not as pure as Heath's, nor is he as strong as Phoenix. His atavism is only manifested in his wings being one size larger than the average feather system, which will also slow down his flying speed.

"Are you sure you don't want to wait any longer?" asked the human on the same ship. As the captain of this test flight, he knew very well that this attempt was more likely to result in death.

"My luck has always been good." Bol shrugged, "I believe we can reach our destination smoothly."

Xifa is a tough guy who is too difficult to deal with, and he is also too sensitive to their plot against Xis. Once Xis returns to the interstellar, he will be immediately protected by his protective family, and the distant Earth...

That's another way of saying it.

Bol felt the liquid flowing like blood in the wing tubes, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Hurry up and get ready to go. The sooner you go, the sooner you can return."

The author has something to say: During the busy farming season, labor is online

Sorry it's late, unfortunately I fell under the power of menstrual pain qaq

There are also small red envelopes dropped in this chapter~


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-01 19:10:37~2020-01-03 21:43:16~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Ge Zhi 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Liangxia Changquxi Luodi, Gouhuo Fugui, 38810757, Yingli, Chunmeng Luoqiuqiu, Gezhi 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: An Yan 38 bottles; Yingli 20 bottles; Lengye Minglong 18 bottles; Tata who sells coal 11 bottles; Liyue Weiyang, IU, and Lengdiao Xiaolongbao are not small 10 bottles; Miao Qing 9 bottles; Yuantong, Menghuweiqiangwei 5 bottles; Genuine Liuqing 3 bottles; Wusiqijiu, 29794893, and Draw Magic Domain 2 bottles; Qili Shengge, Fantasy Waltz, Danuer, and Xinxin Mengmei 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!