I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 8


Thinking about the various delicious foods he had eaten in the Shenhainong Canteen, Qi Guang did not stop on his way.

The forest is full of dense trees. The tops of the tall trees, which have been growing for who knows how many years, cannot be seen even if one raises his head hard. The bushes are taller than people.

Summer is the season of lush green. The colorful spring has passed, and the fruitful autumn is still far away. All that can be seen are lush grasses and trees, whose branches and leaves almost block out all the sunlight.

The further up the river you go, the denser the trees become. At first, there were shallows on both sides of the river without trees to cover them, but as Qi Guang walked, he found that the shade of the trees was gradually moving toward the river, until the thick shade on both sides of the river connected to each other, and the surface of the river was filled with water plants and duckweed.

The trees here are obviously taller than those near the shelter, and it is not easy to find short and thin trees, but there are clusters of thick vines that hook onto the shrubs and entwine the trees. They are flexible and solid and can be easily pulled apart.

Qi Guang used a stone axe to cut a lot of vines and prepared to take them back to make ropes.

After walking another twenty or thirty kilometers along the river, Qi Guang found the first plant that was suspected to be an experimental field crop - a large area of green occupying a good place where the sun could shine. The height of the plant was almost at Qi Guang's chest, with green stems and narrow leaves, and spike-shaped flowers on the top.

The fruits have not yet grown at this time of year. Qi Guang picked up a handful of spikes and said, "I think this should be corn."

He had only seen what corn looked like growing in the soil on TV. The plant in front of him had shrunk a lot, but its basic shape had not changed much.

The discovery of corn (suspected) meant that he had reached the periphery of the experimental field, and there should be more new discoveries ahead. However, Qi Guang looked at the time and decided to go here first, so as not to run too far and not be able to return before dark.

He made a mark on the tree and returned along the same route, carrying the branches and vines he had collected along the way.

The discovery of corn was good news. Qi Guang could already see the golden corn filling the grains and warehouses. As he walked, he couldn't help humming a song like "A Hero in the Green Gauze Tent" under his breath.

Since he had forgotten most of the lyrics, the audience could only listen to him humming the same line over and over again.

The tune is simple, with a single sentence in a loop, and within a few repetitions the audience begins to hum along unconsciously.

Be powerful and positive, and your efforts will be doubled.

On the way back, Qi Guang saw from afar the flock of sheep (probably) those of the sheep dung egg makers he had discovered before.

Qi Guang became more and more certain that he had reached Shen Hainong's territory - there was a group of sheep, with thick fur on their bodies that made people feel so hot that they could hardly breathe in the summer. A dozen of them were drinking water by the river, and a few were standing guard nearby.

Qi Guang immediately stopped talking and moved sideways to peek behind the bushes, then opened his notepad and quickly wrote down the time and place where he found the sheep.

If he could still see the sheep nearby, it meant that this was their fixed drinking water point. He could then set up a few traps nearby and try his luck.

What Qi Guang was thinking about was #a hundred ways to eat mutton#, #a hundred ways to weave wool#, and #a hundred ways to use sheepskin#, but the interstellar audience obviously had a different idea from Qi Guang.

It's fluffy!

This amount of hair! Even though it's dirty, I still want to rub it!

What planet is this little cutie from? !!! Raise one! I want to raise a bunch of them!

It’s the earth’s 2333333.

Watching them drink water is so healing.