I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 89


In the University Town of Hong Kong District, the new teaching building of Shanghai University of Technology is a good place to stay.

The location is good, the facilities are not seriously damaged, and the building had not yet been officially put into use when the zombie outbreak occurred. Few people and zombies died inside, so you don't have to spend time cleaning up corpses and remains when you move in.

However, there are two zombie gathering points nearby, and it is easy to be besieged at night, which requires a certain level of military strength and psychological endurance.

This is exactly the purpose of the invaders who were trapped by Qi Guang. When they first arrived, they always had to find a place to shelter from the wind and rain, even if they did not plan to live there for a long time and were just passing through temporarily.

The destination building seemed to be only a few steps away, but no matter how I walked, I just kept going in circles.

As an intruder and a self-aware "alien", Su Bai probably knew that he had accidentally walked to a place where he shouldn't have gone.

There were few traces of human presence in this area, and he thought it was uninhabited.

Su Bai blinked, and the various traces in his vision were entangled like colorful threads, spreading out like a map.

Sure enough, although judging from the color, it doesn’t look human, there are indeed signs that “something” has been active nearby.

There cannot be any monsters or demons in the apocalypse. Su Bai himself is a monster who was half-eaten by zombies but is still alive.

Unfortunately, his physical strength was not much better than when he was a human. After persisting for another half an hour, he decisively chose to give up.

No matter how far you walk, you'll just be going in circles. It's better to lie down and save energy.

I’m so hungry.

Su Bai's stomach growled twice. He turned over silently and picked some young leaves and berries from the bushes next to him and stuffed them into his mouth.

It is sour and astringent, and has been found to be slightly toxic. It is not recommended for consumption by people with fragile digestive systems.

Su Bai could sense a pair of eyes staring at him from more than ten meters away, and he could roughly judge that it should be a large furry creature - smaller than a tiger or lion, but much larger than a domestic cat. It was a wild beast that could easily hunt humans.

But he obviously doesn't taste that good.

Apart from scavengers who would be interested in him, predators that ate fresh flesh and blood wouldn't even look at him twice, just like the zombies' attitude towards him.

Not only did it not taste good, it also smelled a bit bad.

But if you stay with Qi Guang for a long time, get used to the mixed smell of zombies and humans on Qi Guang, and have been taken care of by an interstellar poop-shoveler with a strange smell for two years, you will feel somewhat familiar with the smell of Su Bai.

After all, as a cat from the interstellar age, it has never smelled what a real pure human smells like.

The cat, which was let loose by Qi Guang at the end of the world, stared curiously at the two-legged beast lying flat on the ground not far away.

After accidentally rubbing zombies several times, the cat has learned how to distinguish zombies and bipeds by smell - the ones that smell stinky and rotten and are absolutely inedible are zombies, and the ones that smell a little bit but are still edible are bipeds.

Su Bai smells fresher than Qi Guang.

Cats have also encountered two-legged animals that smelled particularly fresh and had no odor at all, but before they could happily approach them, they ran away in fear.

So this time the cat was particularly cautious, keeping its claws tucked into its paw pads and walking lightly, for fear of accidentally scaring the biped away again.

The cat wants a two-legged beast.

Ever since it met Qi Guang, it has never lacked bipeds to snuggle with. Even though Qi Guang was so fascinated by that bird that he changed his mind, there were always new bipeds lining up with number tags to comb its hair, massage it, and even lick and roll on the ground.

What a wonderful day...

This makes it even more miserable that you can only lick your own fur now, even though the group of dogs next door can still huddle together for warmth.

The cat's pupils shrank into a slit, and its paw pads seemed to be unable to hide its claws.

Su Bai noticed a change in the aura.

But he didn't move at all.

Turning around and running away when encountering a wild beast is undoubtedly the most wrong decision. No matter how fast a person runs, he can't be faster than a wild beast. Lying down and not moving can help you avoid being bitten less.

After all, it doesn't taste good, and the beasts will give up after taking a bite.

His best feature now is his self-healing ability. It only takes a few hours to recover after losing two pieces of flesh.

Su Bai's eyes were blank as he watched a cat appear in his sight.

It has shiny fur, bright eyes, and even a slightly round belly. It is obviously a wealthy cat that has no shortage of food and drink.

If it were before the end of the world, there would definitely be a group of people who would scream with cuteness.

The cat circled around Sober, came closer to sniff the scent, and patted the two-legged beast with its paw pads.

Su Bai remained motionless to avoid further stimulating the beast's hunting instincts.

very good.

The cat was very satisfied with the Twolegged Beast. It lowered its head to adjust the Twolegged Beast's posture and bit the fake fur (clothes) that the Twolegged Beast was wrapped around.

It was very satisfied, but it also wanted to bring it to Qi Guang to see if he could keep it.

Su Bai was dragged in front of Qi Guang by the cat.

The cat circled around Qi Guang's feet, sniffing the scent on Qi Guang's body with its nose moving.

The cat no longer gets angry when it smells the scent left by the sparrow, although its claws still itch and it wants to scratch the sparrow.

Look at that bird, it seems like it can't even stand up straight. Mr. Cat won't bother with a weakling.


The cat meowed and pushed the two-legged beast it brought back in front of Qi Guang, forcing Su Bai, who was pretending to be dead, to look up and have a friendly meeting with Qi Guang.

"… "

"… "

After confirming through eye contact, we found that they were all people who had been bitten by zombies.

Ahem, just kidding.

But Qi Guang and Su Bai did feel something strange and similar in each other. The zombie part of their bodies became restless and boiled with an unprecedented heat.

Like sharp teeth and claws, like armor and weapons, they silently crossed between them, leaving behind imperceptible traces of sword light and blood.

Zombies have no intelligence, and no hierarchy. The more they eat, the stronger they become. However, no matter how powerful they are, they cannot dominate other zombies and will only be bitten back by their own kind.

But there are humans, and there are also "humans" who have perfectly integrated the zombie virus and ultimately retained human rationality.

The strong dominate the weak, and the losers submit to the winners.

This was a rule that Qi Guang and Su Bai were both unaware of, and it was only out of instinct that they could not bow to each other.

Three seconds later, Su Bai looked away under Qi Guang's gaze.

A part of his blood made him aggressive, chattering and urging him to rush forward and bite Qi Guang's throat, but a stronger sense of oppression made him look away - before he realized that he was dodging and showing weakness.

Then it seemed as if the verdict bell in the duel arena had rung, declaring the winner the king.

Su Bai's eyes gradually became confused and turbid. At a certain moment, his face turned pale and distorted like a zombie, and then he struggled to turn back into a human.

The spiritual bond based on victory and defeat tied a loose knot between the two men, and both Qi Guang and Su Bai were aware of it.

"Meow?" The cat looked around, a little confused as to why no one spoke.

Don’t bipeds love to communicate with each other? The bipeds that used to comb his hair were like this, each one chattering more than the other, and they could entertain themselves for a long time even if you ignored them.

"You can keep it." Qi Guang said concisely, with an expression like a father who would allow his son to keep a cat.

"But you're responsible for feeding it yourself."

Fortunately, bipeds are very smart and can take care of themselves, even a cat can do it.

By the way, you can also help him look after the group of dogs that have made their home next door to the cat.

Qi Guang brought the cats and dogs to the end of the world and cleared out an area nearby for them to use as their territory.

Neither cats nor dogs are the domesticated pets before the apocalypse. Generations of survival in the wild have allowed them to return to nature. Although genes for being close to humans still flow in their blood, they prefer the free wind of the forest to being locked up in the house and enjoying pampering.

Of course, combing, massage and games are still indispensable. Qi Guang also has Heath to deal with, so he can only give the furries a keeper as compensation.

"We can start talking about other things." Touching the cat's head, Qi Guang changed the topic.

He looked at Su Bai and asked about his background and the purpose of his coming to the university town.

Su Bai was in a trance for a moment, wavering between confessing and concealing his will, and was pulled by the upper and lower levels of the zombies, forcing him to speak: "Have you heard about... the map?"

The treasure map that is so magical in rumors that it leads to priceless treasures.

The author has something to say: NPC tool man is online

I will update every other day for now, there are a lot of things to do after I just returned to work qaq


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-25 22:54:52~2020-02-27 22:44:32~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Ge Zhi and 1 Xuanwu;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Nanfeng Bushiliren 44 bottles; Moshang Xiyan 25 bottles; Wutong 20 bottles; Doudou Qiongxiongjie 5 bottles; Shuoye 2 bottles; Xinxin Mengmei, Xianyutengdi, Dongbi Xinshilan, Yu Qianfeng 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!