I’ll Have My Seatmate Beat You

Chapter 25: a little cold


"You say it again." Lin Xiaobin said.

Gu Qinan looked at him inexplicably: "Six."

Wu Yuan was the first to laugh out loud, and only said one word: "Serve!"

Lin Xiaobin put down his phone: "Come on, tell me, which six are they?"

Gu Qinan took a sip of lemon tea: "You don't know."

Lin Xiaobin: "..."

Zhan Ming said, "You tell me, I'm also curious."

Gu Qinan looked up at Zhan Ming, and seeing Zhan Ming's serious expression of wanting to know, he said, "Three in elementary school, one in junior high school, and two in high school, all of them are people you don't know."

Lin Xiaobin asked, "I won't hear you say that your ex can't count on one hand, right?"

Gu Qinan was even more inexplicable: "What are you talking about?"

Lin Xiaobin took a closer look at Gu Qinan's people, and affirmed: "Actually, Xiao Nanzai is very good-looking, but he is too short, so we have always treated him as a child, but we didn't expect his results to be so amazing!"

Gu Qinan felt offended: "That's because I skipped a grade! I'm only fifteen years old, and I'll definitely grow a lot taller when I'm seventeen!"

Wu Yuan asked, "You didn't agree to a single one?"

Gu Qinan asked back: "Isn't it true that each person takes turns once? Why is it my turn, you asked so many questions?"

Lin Xiaobin was overwhelmed by the question, and quickly said, "Okay, next! It's the next turn to see if I won't ask you to die!"

The fourth is Zhanming.

Zhan Ming saw that the truth-telling questions in front of him were so silly, so he took a big risk.

Lin Xiaobin pressed the random button: "Your big adventure is - 'Please choose one person to present your kisses', my mother, it would be fun if there were many people. Now there is no girl, just the four of us, playing Mao."

Zhan Ming: "...why is this Truth or Dare so stupid?"

Lin Xiaobin urged him: "This is fun! What's the point of answering some children's questions, of course, it's only exciting for adults! Brother Zhan, although there are only three of us here, but you still have to complete the big adventure, Otherwise, you will go to the tent next door and shout that you are a fool! It doesn't matter, I don't mind if you pick me and kiss, really, I am your faithful little brother after all—"

Before Lin Xiaobin could finish speaking, Zhan Ming lowered his head and kissed Gu Qinan who was sitting next to him on the cheek.

"The kiss is over." Zhan Ming said coolly.

Gu Qinan blankly touched his face and looked up at Zhan Ming.

Zhan Ming rubbed his hair.

Gu Qinan raised his fist in protest: "I'm not a child anymore, don't kiss my face, don't touch my head!"

"Okay!" Lin Xiaobin said, "Who is not a kiss? If I draw this big adventure, I will also choose Xiao Nanzai to kiss! It's tender and cute!"

Gu Qinan hid behind Zhan Ming in horror: "I don't want it!"

One round ends, and the second round begins.

The truth Lin Xiaobin drew was—"Who do you want to fall in love with the most?"

Because there were too few people present, Lin Xiaobin changed "presence" to "class," and the question became "who would most like to fall in love with in the class". Lin Xiaobin pondered for a long time and said Gao Linlin's name.

Wu Yuan whistled.

Lin Xiaobin has a thick skin and is not embarrassed at all, saying, "Gao Linlin is so cute!"

Wu Yuan still chose to take a big risk, this time he drew "blow a bottle of beer".

Wu Yuan didn't say much, just filled a bottle.

Gu Qinan still chooses the truth, this time everyone is looking forward to his question. What he drew was—“Who would you most like to sleep with in your class?”

As soon as Lin Xiaobin read the word "up", Zhan Ming covered Gu Qinan's ears with lightning speed.

"Change one." Zhan Ming said.

Lin Xiaobin was speechless: "No, Brother Zhan, is it necessary for you? This is Brother Nan who has been confessed by six people!"

Gu Qinan, whose ears were covered, knew that it must be a problem not suitable for children, so he obediently covered his ears and did not speak. He just wondered, why did Brother Zhan guess that it was not suitable for children before Lin Xiaobin finished reading the question

Lin Xiaobin couldn't help it, so he changed the question, this time - "Who do you think is the prettiest in the class?"

After reading the question, Lin Xiaobin smiled slyly: "This time is normal, right? Brother Zhan, put your hands down, and I will read the question again. This time Xiao Nanzai must answer!"

Although this problem is a lot more normal, its essence is similar to the previous one, so Lin Xiaobin and Wu Yuan both looked at the show.

Gu Qinan did not hesitate: "Brother Zhan!"

"Ahahahahaha!" Lin Xiaobin burst into a burst of shocking laughter, and he almost passed out of laughter. Even Wu Yuan smiled and shrugged his shoulders, sweating profusely.

Gu Qinan was confused again, and asked Zhan Ming, "What's so funny?"

Zhan Ming was a little embarrassed: "What are you talking about when you talk about the opposite sex?"

"You look good!" Gu Qinan said, "the coolest handsome guy I've ever seen!"

As he spoke, he gave Zhan Ming a thumbs up.

The streetlights in the camping area were not very bright. Some people brought their own lights, but the four of them didn't bring anything. They played games under the light of the streetlights and the moonlight.

After Gu Qinan praised Zhan Ming, he saw a smile on Zhan Ming's cool face.

Cool brother's smile is very light and light, but it is a very sincere and cheerful smile. Because at that moment, Zhan Ming's always sharp eyes became so soft.

Soft enough to make Gu Qinan feel that he can be willful or unreasonable, and he can let Brother Zhan tolerate him a lot.

In the third round of the game, Lin Xiaobin's big adventure drew "please the princess to hug one of the people present and go around the field."

Just as his claws were about to reach Gu Qinan, Gu Qinan hid behind Zhan Ming.

Brother Zhan didn't say much nonsense, and directly asked Lin Xiaobin to give up this question and went to the next tent to call himself a fool.

Lin Xiaobin was extremely wronged: "How can you guys play games like this?! They don't cooperate at all!"

Gu Qinan grimaced at Lin Xiaobin behind Zhan Ming, and finally Lin Xiaobin shouted, "No more playing, no more playing, how can you be like this!"

It was almost ten o'clock after a long day of trouble, and the three of Zhan Ming drank all the beers they brought. Gu Qinan took Zhanming's jar and tasted it a few times, but it didn't taste good at all.

Wu Yuan and Lin Xiaobin were no longer able to go back to the tent to sleep.

Gu Qinan followed Zhan Ming to take a shower.

The shower room was still open at night, and there was only one uncle who was bored and swiped short videos. Gu Qinan walked in with Zhan Ming, he glanced at them both, and each charged ten yuan.

The shower room is for people who have finished swimming. There is no hot water, only cold water.

Although it is summer, it is still a bit cold to wash in cold water at ten o'clock at night. Gu Qinan was shivering and jumping in the shower, and Zhan Ming's puzzled voice came from next door: "What are you doing?"

"The water is cold!"

After taking a shower, it was even more obvious when Gu Qinan went out wearing short-sleeved shorts. When the sea breeze blew, he shivered.

A piece of clothing was placed on Gu Qinan's head, and Zhan Ming's voice came: "Put it on."

Gu Qinan put it on obediently. It was a thin jacket. After putting it on, it was much warmer, even a little hot. It's just that the coat is too big, and Gu Qinan looks like a child who steals adult clothes. The sleeves are too long and can be rolled up, but the hem is too long. The hem is so long that it almost covers Gu Qinan's five-point pants, and it feels like no pants.

Gu Qinan walked back to the tent depressingly wearing oversized clothes, and sighed, "Oh, when will I be able to grow taller?"

Zhan Ming comforted him: "Come on, the year I was in high school, I grew eight centimeters."

"Really?!" Gu Qinan turned around excitedly, holding a small bag of towels and clothes in his hand, shaking and shaking, looking carefree.

When they returned to the tent, Wu Yuan and Lin Xiaobin seemed to have fallen asleep, and there was no sound at all.

Gu Qinan entered the tent excitedly, put away his belongings, picked up his mobile phone and reported to his family that he was going to sleep. Then he lay down obediently, patted the vacant seat beside him, and said, "Brother Zhan, come quickly!"

Zhan Ming put the jacket that Gu Qinan took off and lay down with his back to Gu Qinan.

Zhan Ming is too big, and the tent becomes smaller after lying down, so he can only bend his long legs slightly sideways.

Gu Qinan turned over and asked in a low voice behind Zhan Ming, "Brother Zhan, are you sleepy?"


"I'm a little excited." Gu Qinan said, "No sleepiness!"

"Don't make trouble." Zhan Ming was helpless.

Gu Qinan patted Zhan Ming on the shoulder: "Brother Zhan, this is the first time I've slept with someone else! Really! I've never gone out overnight with my classmates! What about you? How about you?"

The tent was quiet for a while, and then Zhan Ming's voice came out in a low voice: "When I first arrived at my uncle's house, I slept with my cousin for a while."

Gu Qinan didn't expect to get such an answer. Although he has a low emotional intelligence, he is not stupid. He blurted out, "Are they good to you?"

Zhan Ming didn't expect Gu Qinan to ask him such a question, and was a little stunned.

No one has asked him this question since he moved to his uncle's house from junior high school.

Zhan Ming didn't know how to answer.