I’ll Have My Seatmate Beat You

Chapter 45: Moonlight


On Sunday, Brother Zhan was not free because he was changing shifts with others. The three younger brothers gathered in the coffee shop, feeling that the organization had lost its soul.

"Brother Zhan is not here, what are we doing?" Gu Qinan looked at the time and said.

It's only three o'clock in the afternoon, and it will take five hours until Brother Zhan gets off work.

Omg, five hours.

Wu Yuan said: "Don't be like this, Brother Nan, look at us two poor little ones! I have a lot of questions that I don't know, just waiting for your old man to tell me."

Lin Xiaobin said, "Brother Nan, I'm just waiting to copy your homework. What would you like to drink? Coffee, tea, or juice? Some cakes and biscuits for you?"

"Juice." Gu Qinan said, and took out all the summer homework from the big bag, "It's best to do the homework yourself, I have marked the basic questions, advanced questions, and difficult problems. You can do the basic questions first. already."

Lin Xiaobin was stunned: "All the homework is done? All?"

Wu Yuan gave a thumbs up: "Serve!"

Lin Xiaobin buried his head in copying, but Wu Yuan still asked questions.

The three of them tacitly did not mention the rioting of the experimental class again.

This afternoon is just like every ordinary summer afternoon, with ice juice, whirring air-conditioning, and a table full of rolls.

At four o'clock, Gu Qinan packed two sandwiches and a glass of juice to send to Brother Zhan as a snack. The coffee shop they had made an appointment with was not far from Brother Zhan's construction site.

It was so hot that neither Wu Yuan nor Lin Xiaobin wanted to go out.

Lin Xiaobin praised: "As expected of Brother Zhan's number one loyal younger brother, number one house elf!"

Gu Qinan ignored him, carefully picked up the juice, and left the coffee shop.

He called Brother Zhan in advance, and Brother Zhan was already waiting for him at the last place.

Within a week, Brother Zhan had already tanned, and his skin had completely turned wheatish.

"I won't use it for delivery next time. It's too hot, and I don't have time, so I can only rest for ten minutes." Brother Zhan said, he picked up the sandwich and solved one in a few bites.

"Anyway, it's on the way." Gu Qinan said, "Wu Yuan told Lin Xiaobin to wait for you to have dinner together in the evening."

"It's too late, let's eat first."

"We've eaten a lot at the coffee shop, and now I'm not hungry at all." Gu Qinan said, "You finish it quickly and eat with us. Without you, it's not fun at all."

Zhan Ming almost choked on the sandwich, and his face turned red from coughing. Although it was too dark to see, he quickly drank most of the juice.

"Can you come back a little more for nothing after school starts, just a little bit?" Gu Qinan asked.

Zhan Ming was inexplicable: "What's wrong?"

Gu Qinan sighed: "A man is a MAN when he is black, but he can't be too dark, just moderate. Although you are so dark, you are handsome, but you were even more handsome before."

This time, Zhan Ming almost choked on the juice.

He wanted to touch Gu Qinan's head, but was afraid of getting his hands dirty, so he just said, "I'm sixteen years old, and I still talk like a child."

"No, no!" Gu Qinan said.

He looked at Brother Zhan for a while, and Brother Zhan also looked at him for a while.

Neither of them mentioned what happened last night.

When he woke up today, Gu Qinan continued to broadcast his daily routine on WeChat as he did every day before.

Wake up, eat, read English, take online classes...

But Gu Qinan was a little embarrassed.

He cried yesterday, and he didn't cry in front of his parents.

The boy does not cry easily.


Gu Qinan touched his nose: "I'm leaving, bye."

Gu Qinan wondered if Brother Zhan would call him that last time, that embarrassing one, Bao.

As a result, Brother Zhan didn't call, just waved his hand and turned away.

Gu Qinan walked back to the coffee shop lost, feeling a little baffled.

He looked at Wu Yuan and Lin Xiaobin who were lying on the table writing and writing, but he didn't want them to call him treasure at all.

The three stayed at the coffee shop until eight o'clock.

Wu Yuan asked all the questions that had accumulated for a week and felt refreshed. And after Lin Xiaobin finished copying his homework, he immersed himself in the game for more than an hour, and while playing, he asked, "Yo, Brother Yuan, have you really changed your mind? Are you so serious about chasing girls?"

"Shut up." Wu Yuan angrily scolded Lin Xiaobin without raising his head while taking notes, "I know how to play games all day long, and I even play games in the third year of high school!"

Lin Xiaobin was shocked: "Fuck you - you were still hacking with me last night!"

Wu Yuan replied calmly: "Last night was last night, am I not doing my homework now? What about you? What else do you do besides copying homework in the afternoon? Eat, eat, eat to death. What's the use of eating other than wasting food? , you eat less, give Nange more, Nange's brain consumes a lot, your brain can't consume a single calorie a day."

Can Lin Xiaobin bear it? Can't stand it!

Lin Xiaobin got angry from his heart, picked up the English book angrily, and vowed to memorize ten words so that Wu Yuan could see how powerful he was.

By the time Zhan Ming arrived, he had already memorized 12 of them, triumphantly.

The four of them were walking on the street and walked into a small shop "Chen Kee Cat Porridge". One of them asked for a bowl of cat porridge, and Brother Zhan asked for two bowls.

The front of the shop is very small, with four tables inside and two or three outside. It was past dinner time, and there were not many customers in the store, but several tables were filled. When the four of them went, there happened to be a table of guests who had finished eating and left.

The stove for cooking porridge is right in front of the shop, and a large pot is tumbling with broth. When they were well, the boss added a few tablespoons of broth to the large pot on the stove, scooped the rice that had been cooked a long time ago, and swiped the large spoon to spread the rice, waved the spoon again, and quickly Add fish, shrimp, shredded pork, shredded squid, oysters, and shredded mushrooms to the cauldron, bring it to a boil, and you're done.

The four of them didn't wait for a while, and five bowls of porridge came up, sprinkled with coriander, garlic oil, and pepper, which was delicious and fragrant.

Gu Qinan took a sip and sighed, "It smells so good!"

Then start picking the cilantro in the bowl.

Seeing this, Lin Xiaobin shouted, "What are you doing?! Ruining the food!"

Brother Zhan pushed his bowl over and said, "I'll eat it."

Gu Qinan picked all the coriander into Brother Zhan's bowl and asked, "Why is the cat porridge called cat porridge?"

He rarely goes out to eat these, and he doesn't know much about it.

Lin Xiaobin shook his head: "Because cat porridge was originally cooked with leftovers at home for cats to eat, it is called cat porridge, understand?"

"Oh~" Gu Qinan nodded clearly and put the last coriander into Brother Zhan's bowl, relieved.

"You don't see it, you and Brother Zhan really don't see it, it's too basic." Lin Xiaobin said.

He said this unintentionally, and he had already forgotten the smearing of Gu Qinan by the people of No. 1 Middle School on the QQ confession wall. As soon as he finished speaking, he began to gulp down his porridge.

Zhan Ming heard the words, but didn't say anything, and quickly buried himself in the porridge.

On the contrary, Gu Qinan was restless after listening to Lin Xiaobin's words. After taking a sip of porridge, I remembered Lin Xiaobin's words, and after another sip, I remembered that Brother Zhan called him "Treasure", and after another sip, I remembered that Brother Zhan gave him four-fruit soup.

Before the bowl of porridge was finished, he was already sweating and his face was flushed.

Lin Xiaobin looked up and saw his face covered in sweat, and smirked, "I'll go, what's wrong with you, Xiao Nanzai? It's so hot?"

Until he left the store, Lin Xiaobin was still making fun of Gu Qinan's sweaty appearance just now. Gu Qinan rolled his eyes angrily and hid behind Brother Zhan, expressing that he didn't want to hear about seeing Lin Xiaobin again.

The four of them didn't want to go home before nine o'clock after dinner.

Gu Qinan said that he made an appointment with someone to meet at a nearby small square at nine o'clock. The three of them had nothing else to do, so they went with him.

Lin Xiaobin asked who the appointment was, and it was about nine o'clock in the evening.

Gu Qinan was inexplicable: "Didn't I want to go to dinner with you? It's so late after dinner. It's a senior, he wants to give me the study materials."

Lin Xiaobin expressed his admiration that during the summer vacation, he even took the study materials from the senior.


Zhan Ming paused and felt that the word "senior" had been heard somewhere before, and it seemed a little familiar.

When the four of them arrived at the small square, the person Gu Qinan had made an appointment with was already waiting at the stone monument in the small square. When Lin Xiaobin saw it, he said, "Xiao Nanzai, is that the person? He has the same temperament as you, my God, is this person a scholar? Just tell me whether he is a scholar?"

Gu Qinan nodded and gave a thumbs up: "Senior recommended the Mathematics Department of B University this year."

Lin Xiaobin and Wu Yuan were both shocked.

Is this the fuck is another male protagonist in the QQ confession wall who is said to be recommended to a famous school? !

Lin Xiaobin and Wu Yuan can't wait to rush forward to get close to the hero, take a good look with a magnifying glass, and what kind of person is the person who has an affair with Xiao Nanzai!

But Zhan Ming grabbed the camouflage jacket on his shoulders, stopped ten meters away from the hero, and said, "Come over, we'll be waiting here."

Lin Xiaobin and Wu Yuan had to stop as well.

It turned out that he was Li Teng, Zhan Ming thought.

On a sultry summer night, unlike them who were dressed casually, this senior Li Teng was also wearing a white shirt and beige trousers, neatly. He is half a head taller than Gu Qinan, and like Gu Qinan, his skin is very white, the kind that people know at a glance that he is a scholar.

He smiled and talked to Gu Qinan, glanced at the three of them, and said something, Gu Qinan also turned his head to look at them and nodded.

He handed Gu Qinan two big bags, and soon the two said goodbye, and Li Teng turned around and left.

When Gu Qinan ran over, Zhan Ming took the bag and found it heavy.

Gu Qinan said excitedly: "It's all the Mathematical Olympiad materials that the seniors used last year!"

The three of them didn't understand the Olympiad at all, and they listened to him with expressionless faces.

Gu Qinan was rarely so excited, and was about to jump up.

"You can't tell others! This is the internal information of No. 1 Middle School's Mathematical Olympiad class. No. 1 Middle School has always allowed students to leak it to other schools, but the seniors secretly gave it to me. No. 1 Middle School is so abhorrent, it doesn't matter if I use their materials. ,Right?"

Lin Xiaobin said: "Hey, your senior is a good person. I will send you materials in the evening. I thought that the first high school was all scum, and there was no good person."

Gu Qinan nodded: "Yes, the senior is very good. When I was in the first middle school, he often answered questions for me. Knowing that I had transferred, he offered to send me these materials."

"Then you don't thank them well, at least invite them to drink milk tea." Lin Xiaobin said, "I didn't introduce us to you, right?"

"Yes, we've agreed to invite him to dinner next week." Gu Qinan explained clearly, "Hey, Brother Zhan, you wait for me, why are you leaving so fast?"

The four of them bought another cup of milk tea at the milk tea shop beside the small square, sat on the stone bench in the square, and watched others dance the square dance.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening, and the four of them had no intention of going home at all.

Gu Qinan's parents have asked twice on WeChat.

However, Gu Qinan didn't want to go home at all, even if he was drinking milk tea on the edge of the small square and watching people dancing in the square, he felt very happy.

Several passionate and dynamic dance songs ended, probably to take a break, and the next song from the big speakers played a ballad song.

I don't know who wrote the Taiwanese song for their mother and grandma. Among the many old Taiwanese songs, there is a soda green Taiwanese song.

"Today's Yueniang is so bright"

"According to my return, I can't sleep"

"Inside Your Heart"

"Is there still me?"

Under the moonlight, the melody gently flows in the heart of the young man, flowing through the summer night in Nanzhou City.