I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 115: Section 115


"Come to a private box and serve two roasted red scallops. Then good wine and good food will be served. I want to have a good meal."

The little boy's amazing words instantly attracted the attention of all the diners in the restaurant.

That included a red-haired woman sitting by the window drinking...

Under everyone's astonished gaze, the little boy carved in pink and jade glared back viciously and cursed.

"What are you looking at? A group of little brats who don't even grow their hair, do I have any opinion on your ancestors? Haven't seen your ancestors order food? Look again, dig out all your eyes!"

Although the little boy was milky and milky, his fierce expression instantly brought a little fierceness.

The diners in the restaurant are all business travelers traveling from south to north. Most of them are ordinary people, but they also see many strange people. Knowing that there are many people in this world who are rejuvenated and rejuvenated, the age of a person cannot be judged by appearance.

Therefore, the little boy scolded fiercely, but no one replied. Everyone bowed their heads silently, daring not to look this way, and unwilling to cause more trouble.

Only the red-haired woman looked up and down at the child at the door in astonishment. After her gaze stayed on the back of the other's hand for a while, she smiled.


Lian Shanjing let out a low laugh and looked away like everyone in the restaurant. But while drinking, she kept listening to the conversation between the little boy and the steward not far away.

After the little boy scolded everyone, he looked at the stunned butler and said old-fashioned.

"Did you hear me? Go and prepare a secluded private room, as well as good wine and good food! I wasted my ancestor's time, and you will peel off your skin to make a blanket!"

The little boy spoke evil words, and the hairy butler frowned.

He is a righteous demon cultivator, and his body is a lynx. He has been practicing with Master Wu Zhu of Nanhai City for decades. It has not yet been transformed, but it has spiritual and magical powers. Although it has not lost its fur, it can also be transformed into this half-human, half-demon beast form to travel.

Therefore, he took an errand at the post and was in charge of the restaurant. That is, to see human relationships in the red dust, and to rely on the body of a demon cultivator to calm down some rogues among the merchants.

In the event of a major incident, it will not be solved at once, and you can ask the wizards for help in time.

Now he opened his eyes and saw the glare of the little doll in front of him, which was indeed far superior to that of his predecessor, Gao Xiu. But the other party's attitude is so bad...

The steward said, "Senior, please take a seat first, good wine and good food will arrive later."

After Haoyan persuaded the little boy to enter the private room, the steward immediately sent someone to inform the wizards and gentlemen of the Fire Temple, so that the gentlemen knew that a vicious senior had come here.

Then he urged the back kitchen to serve the grilled red squid and good food and wine that the little boy needed as soon as possible.

After the drinks and dishes were served, the steward wanted to go into the box to make friends with one or two, to test the senior's plan. However, before the person stepped into the door, he was pushed out by a suffocating aura.

The little boy's milky scolding sounded from the box.

"Give it to my ancestors and I'll stay away! I'll call you if I have something to do, and don't allow me to come here!"

Then, the sound in the box was lost, and outsiders could no longer feel the movement inside.

Seeing such a scene, the Bobcat manager couldn't help but sigh and turned around to leave. But this scene happened to be seen by the wizard who came to check the situation from the Fire Temple.

Seeing that the people in the box were so vicious, the young wizard immediately showed anger.

"Where did the thief come from! Dare to come to Nanhai City to splash!"

He cursed angrily and tried to rush to the door, but was hurriedly stopped by the Bobcat manager.

"Junior Brother Ning, wait," the Bobcat manager stopped the young wizard and whispered, "The seniors in this box are no trivial matter, and it is not easy to make friends. It's just a meal, just send him, let him leave after eating, and save money. trouble for us."

"Otherwise, if there is a real fight, I'm afraid there will be a lot of casualties... There's no need."

Ning Zhongyi was slightly taken aback by the persuasion of the Bobcat manager, and said in a low voice, "Senior brother, is this true? Is this little boy really so scary?"

The manager of the lynx sighed and said, "I see it with my eyes, and the light is dazzling. I'm afraid that his cultivation is not under Master Wu Zhu... So let him go."

"From my eyesight, this senior is just here to find food. He should have other important things to do. After eating, he should leave. He is not a rogue who is here to make trouble."

Ning Zhongyi nodded when Lynx was in charge.

"Okay! Then I'll listen to Senior Brother Lynx... Yes, this old senior is so vicious, I have to report to the right witch sacrifice. This is handed over to Senior Brother."

"It's natural, Junior Brother Ning walk slowly." After sending the young and vigorous wizard away, the Bobcat manager returned to his position and continued to keep accounts, as if nothing had happened.

The conversation between him and Ning Zhongyi was naturally unknown to outsiders.

Therefore, everyone in the restaurant was quite curious and wanted to stay and see how the Fire Temple would deal with the little boy who came here to make trouble.

After all, there are not many people who dare to make trouble in front of the gate of the Fire Temple.

However, the young wizards came and went, the fur-clad demon cultivators were in charge and lazily dealing with chores, everything was calm, and it seemed that the Fire Temple did not intend to take care of the little boy in the box at all.

In this way, time gradually passed.

Occasionally, an order came from the box, that is, to add vegetables or wine.

Moreover, most of the ingredients added were precious ingredients such as red squid, and it was only when it was late and the sun was setting that the door of the private room was kicked open.

A little girl carved in pink and jade rubbed her stomach, walked out of the box full of alcohol, came downstairs, and said to the steward.

"Go... go and prepare a good guest room for grandma, grandma will stay in your Nanhai City tonight."

The little girl who came out of the box surprised everyone outside.

Many people came to the restaurant until a vicious little boy called himself an ancestor, but now that he came out after eating, how did he become a girl

In this scene, even the Bobcats in charge were a little stunned.

He frowned and looked at the little girl in front of him, and then looked behind the little girl... This whole afternoon, he stayed in the restaurant and didn't find anyone entering that private room.

Could it have been a trick to hide his eyes and ears

But inside the inn, there is a great formation to prevent thieves and thieves, even Master Wu Zhu can't use the trick here, the little girl in front of him...

The Bobcat manager pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "Dare to ask the seniors, how many rooms do you need?"

The little girl covered in alcohol glared at him and scolded, "Is your stupid cat blind and deaf? Grandma said one room! One room is up! Can't you hear it? Your ears No, grandma will tear it up for you!"

The voice fell, and the little girl stretched out her hand directly to the Bobcat steward in front of her.

In an instant, the pupils in Lynx's eyes suddenly contracted.

At this moment, the little girl was clearly not moving quickly, but he couldn't dodge? It seems that the whole person is frozen, it is difficult to even lift a finger, and he can't move at all.

Seeing that the little finger was about to touch the ear of the Bobcat manager, a chuckle suddenly sounded from the window.

"Hehe... The wolf god killed you once, and you are so arrogant that you dare to come to the fire country to run wild. I was wondering if you were really dead, but I didn't expect you to slam into the door... Haha... This time I happened to be caught. You go to the wolf god and prepare your sixteen monsters for dinner."

The red-haired woman laughed, and her laughter instantly attracted the attention of everyone inside and outside the room.

The little girl who smelled of alcohol was even more startled, she quickly retracted her hand, stepped back half a zhang, and looked at the red-haired woman by the window in surprise.

"Who are you?" the little girl said solemnly, "You dare to care about grandma, I think you are tired and crooked!"

The little girl was still fierce, but even though she spoke fiercely, she was a little nervous.

Because until the red-haired woman spoke, she hadn't noticed anyone by the window, and subconsciously ignored the red-haired woman.

Such a phenomenon is not normal.

It stands to reason that everything inside and outside the house can't be hidden from her. But the red-haired woman appeared out of nowhere and was completely ignored by her before...

What's more, this woman broke their origins and footsteps in one bite, and also mentioned some wolf god... wolf god... Could it be that devil's accomplice

Thinking of this, the little girl's heart sank and she cursed.

"This place is Nanhai City, and the opposite is the Fire Temple. Demons and ghosts, dare to come here to make trouble... Hey! Stupid cat! Go and inform you Wu Zhu, that there is a devil here!"

The little girl shouted at the lynx.

However, after scolding, she was shocked to see that the lynx ran to the red-haired woman in front, and saluted excitedly.

"I have seen the king!"

The lynx's words shocked the spectators inside and outside the restaurant.


The woman in front of her was actually the lord of the Huotong Kingdom who was rumored to see the dragon but not the end

In an instant, inside and outside the restaurant, clatteringly knelt down. Everyone knelt down on one knee and bowed respectfully to the red-haired woman.

"I have seen the king!"

Even if there are people from abroad and practitioners, they bow and salute to show respect.

In such a situation, the standing little girl suddenly became very special.

Chapter 184

While Lian Shanjing watched with a smile, the little girl was shocked and angry.

"The Lord of Fire Tong Kingdom? Is Lian Shankui dead? Who is Lian Shankui, this girl?"

Lian Shanjing smiled slightly and said, "I am Lian Shanjing, I didn't expect you sixteen little monsters to remember my father... Haha... But my father is not here, I will entertain you today."

The voice fell, and Lian Shanjing directly untied the wine gourd around her waist and threw it into the sky.

In an instant, a gust of wind blew, and a scorching fire suddenly appeared from the sky, turning into a net of entangled rays of light, pressing down here.

Lian Shanjing used the power of the city to display the holy fire bound demon net, which is much stronger than what Lu Heng saw in Fushan City.

At the moment when Mitian Huowang appeared, the little girl's face changed greatly.

The ability of this Yan Emperor's daughter is stronger than she imagined.

The power of this sacred fire-binding demon net alone has surpassed his father Lian Shankui...

"Fight her!"

In the little girl's body, other people's voices sounded.

Seeing the power of the Sacred Fire Bound Demon Net, Erba Shenren knew that it was impossible to be kind today.

This young woman is stronger than her father!

M78 Nebula 756365104

With a flash of light, the little girl in the restaurant immediately became a shadowy figure.

Sixteen little dolls carved in pink and jade were connected with each other's palms and stood in a row. Evil qi and holy qi entangled and rose into the sky, instantly knocking the roof of the restaurant into the sky.

As the bricks and tiles splashed, all the spectators inside and outside the restaurant ran away in an instant.

Only Lian Shanjing and the lynx manager, as well as the handymen in the restaurant, did not leave.

Looking at the sixteen little monsters in front of her with a smile, Lian Shanjing said with a smile in the face of the incomparable power of the other party.

"You eat and drink for free, and you even demolished my roof... But it's okay, I'll forgive you this time. After all, you are a great gift! Hahaha..."

Lian Shanjing laughed loudly, and while waving away everyone in the restaurant, she flew directly towards the sixteen little monsters.

A scorching flame trapped, falling from the sky.

The wine gourd, which has been magnified countless times, spit out a terrifying blue flame.

In the face of Lian Shanjing's incomparably powerful fire, sixteen little monsters cursed in unison.

"Tricks of eagles! You dare to show your ugliness? When we were rampant, you still didn't have a hair, and you dared to be presumptuous in front of us?"

"Your father didn't even dare to talk to us like this when Shan Kui was here... Kill her! Let the Fire Pass King die today!"

"That's right! Kill her! Let the Fire Pass King fall!"

Sixteen little monsters roared in unison, and divine light and evil energy surged into the sky.

For a time, the mighty power overwhelmed the entire Nanhai City with panic.

Everyone looked in the direction of the station in fear, not knowing what happened...

Half an hour later, in the dark and quiet pool, the water was surging.

One after another, the white and pink baby dolls crawled out of the dark and quiet pool with tired and frightened expressions.

"Damn... how could that woman be so powerful... "

Lao Qi looked terrified and had lingering fears in his heart.

Beside him, the fifth child crawled out of the water with difficulty, and is now lying on the ground weakly, squirming weakly like a white bug.

"Lian Shankui actually gave birth to such a daughter... No wonder she died early. Who can bear such a terrifying daughter!"

"Wow... It hurts to death! It was already very miserable, and now I have died again, and now I feel like my soul is about to collapse! It hurts!"

"Okay, okay, don't fucking yell, who doesn't hurt now? I feel like my whole body is about to fall to pieces."

"Hey... Who would have known that we were so unlucky. After being careful for so many days, we didn't hit the devil, but we hit an equally hateful Lian Shanjing... Damn! If the Moruo Sword is still there, I must let that bitch Know what is the ancient magic sword!"