I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 131: Section 131


He can see through the enemy's next move, and he can accurately sense the target's inner thoughts. A magical power that can move instantly within a thousand feet and cannot resist unpredictable...

However, according to the brothers of the Wu family, these supernatural powers that sound very intimidating are only the most common among the nine Li tribes.

There are many mysterious supernatural powers, such as Wuji's [Blood Battle Suit] and Wu Mie's [No Phase Golden Bone]. Such supernatural powers are the real terror.

It was also after chatting with these two brothers that Lu Heng suddenly realized what kind of force the thousands of people in the Xifeng Department had been living outside Hanyu Mountain.

Those thousands of people in the Fengfeng Department, but everyone is cultivating supernatural powers...

No wonder the nine tribes of the Li tribe withered, such a powerful race, if the tribe is prosperous and each tribe has tens of thousands of people, I am afraid that it can really be invincible in the world.

In this way, when Yu Huaifeng arrived at the other courtyard, the wolf god, who had already made the Merman Kingdom feel the pressure, sat leisurely and casually on the threshold and chatted with the two strong men of the Vast Sea Division standing by the door.

That casual and relaxed smile did not show the slightest bit of fierceness.

If they had not known each other long ago, whoever saw this scene would not associate this easy-going and elegant man in white with the rumored wolf god...

Seeing Yu Huaifeng coming over, Lu Heng stood up with a smile and said, "Master Yu is here... Is the king finally willing to see me?"

Yu Huaifeng smiled embarrassedly and said, "The country lord still has important matters to deal with, so she has no time to split up. But she has already instructed Yu Mou, let me greet the wolf god on her behalf, and take the wolf god to visit her friends in Jiyuan Prison."

Yu Huaifeng opened his eyes and said nonsense, "I also ask the wolf god to forgive me. It's not that Yu has made a slip of the tongue. It is really just around the corner, so many things are so busy that the lord really can't leave..."

Yu Huaifeng tried to convince the lord of the country, but Lu Heng smiled and said, "Understandable, understandable, after all, it is important for the country. The lord of the country allows Lu to visit Jiyuan Prison, and Lu is grateful and will not ask for it. More... When can we set off for Jiyuan Prison?"

Lu Heng asked straight to the point and didn't want to delay.

Yu Huaifeng smiled and said, "Now... Does the Wolf God need to prepare?"

Lu Heng shook his head, "No, let's go."

With that said, Lu Heng called into the yard, "Xiao Ai, let's go."

In the yard, the little girl with silver-haired animal ears quickly walked out with the Heavenly Tribulation Sword on her back and followed behind Lu Heng.

At the same time, Lu Heng's gigantic white wolf's body came out.

Lu Heng's primordial spirit incarnated in a flash of white light and returned to his body. The huge white wolf said a few words to the brothers of the Wu family and the Bingxian guards who came, and left them here to wait, then took Xiao Ai and followed Yu Huaifeng away.

The huge ray once again carried Lu Heng, Xiao Ai, and Yu Huaifeng into the sky, and swam over the city.

Behind the ray, there were 300 mermaid soldiers and ten mermaid generals, and the pomp was even bigger than the day Lu Heng entered the city.

This scene was quickly noticed by the monks in the city.

The news that the Wolf God, under the leadership of Zhongshuling, crossed the capital of the Merman and the Great Wall under the sea, and went further south quickly spread.

"Zhong Shuling took the wolf god to the south..."

"Could it be that the Kingdom of the Merman really plans to release people?"

"Impossible... The Merman Kingdom has a profound background. After killing the old demon Bi Fang, he may not be afraid of the wolf god."

"Did you not find out if you said that? The mercenary king hasn't shown up until now... Isn't this normal? Logically speaking, she should go to meet the wolf god today..."

"Could it be that the lord of the merman has secretly reached an agreement with the wolf god?"

"It may also be about going to war... According to ancient rumors, it depends on the lord of the mercenary kingdom. If the lord of the mercenary kingdom is still showing his face before the enemy approaches, it proves that the mercenary kingdom has not used its heritage at all. The merman king disappeared before the enemy approached, that's the real terror..."

"Why do you say that? Could it be that the king of the merman disappeared, is he going to prepare some big killer?"

"That's not clear, I just heard that before the old demon Bi Fang came, the lord of the merman also disappeared for a few days. The ancient vicious demon Bi Fang was completely slaughtered in the South China Sea…”

"Tsk... Then, according to that, the lord of the merman has disappeared for three days now... Is there a good show to watch next?"

"Well... I don't know, let's keep watching. This time, the rare and precious conference is more lively than any previous years!"

The practitioners in the city were talking a lot, because the wolf god left the city, and there were subtle changes in all parties.

But all this does not need Lu Heng to have a headache for the time being.

Now, standing on the back of a huge ray, he has crossed the magnificent underwater Great Wall hundreds of feet high and headed towards the deep sea further south.

The further south you go, the deeper the water becomes.

The seabed below also continued to extend downward, and it seemed that it would extend all the way down to the end of the gloomy and dark abyss.

And after crossing the Great Wall under the sea, the sea became colder and colder. And the further south you go, the heavier the chill in the sea.

Lu Heng could feel that the coldness in the sea was not brought about by the physical level.

Because the temperature of the sea water is not much different from the north. But the further south it gets, the colder it gets. This weird chill actually comes from my heart.

Even a well-established cultivator can't help but feel chills when he is in the sea to the south.

But this chill is not felt on the other side of the huge and magnificent Great Wall under the sea. The huge and magnificent city wall seemed to completely isolate this strange chill from the south.

To the north of the Great Wall, the waters are filled with bright corals and swimming fish. Even in the capital of the merman, ordinary swimming fish can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys.

But in the sea to the south, it was gloomy and dead, and I couldn't feel the slightest anger.

Lu Heng and the others went all the way south, but they didn't see even a single swimming fish or a seaweed...

The south of the Great Wall under the sea is completely a dead area with no life, desolate and empty.

Chapter 206 Mysterious Stone Gate

What Lu Heng saw on the back of the ray was completely different from the vibrant scene north of the Great Wall under the sea.

You must know that in the deep sea, if there is no accident, even if it is 10,000 meters underwater, you can find some strange creatures.

Life is very tenacious.

But in the south of the Great Wall under the sea, even if the sea is not really deep, there is not much difference with the north of the Great Wall. The sea area where life is extinct is countless times gloomier than the north.

In this inexplicably cold water, Lu Heng felt a little depressed.

—Is this dead sea area related to the legendary South China Sea Jiyuan

After all, after arriving at the capital of the merman, not far south, you can see the rumored South China Sea Jiyuan.

Lu Heng couldn't help but look back at the three hundred mercenary soldiers behind.

In the sea, these soldiers all straddled the South Sea Kraken. The sea-monster that ravages the outside world is extremely tame under the hands of the sharks.

Three hundred mercenary soldiers, straddled three hundred South Sea Krakens, such a large battle did not seem to be used to guard against Lu Heng.

Because of what Lu Heng saw along the way, this group of mercenary soldiers were much more wary of the surrounding waters than Lu Heng.

The sea patrol soldiers shuttled back and forth like scouts, constantly reporting the situation of the seas in all directions to the generals and leaders. The solemn and alert situation was indeed not to guard against Lu Heng.

But it seems that this place is also in the territory of the Kingdom of Mers... It is said that there are several cities of the Kingdom of Mers in the south of the capital of the Kingdom of Mers, but they are not as prosperous as those in the north.

How come this group of mermen are like a big enemy, they don't seem to be cruising in their own country at all, but shuttle in the enemy's country...

Lu Heng was confused, but he couldn't ask questions.

Maybe this is the secret of the people's kingdom of merman

But Yu Huaifeng saw that the wolf god was curious, so he explained.

"To the south of the capital today, compared to before, the situation has changed dramatically."

"The sea area to the south of this capital is temporarily uninhabitable. The residents of several cities in the south have all been moved to the north."

Yu Huaifeng said, "Except for Jiyuan Prison and soldiers guarding it, there are no living creatures in the waters to the south of the entire capital, except for us."

Yu Huaifeng's explanation surprised Lu Heng slightly.

"Did something happen?"

Yu Huaifeng sighed, looked towards the south, and said, "When Sword Master Moruo committed murder in the capital, Moruo's evil qi seemed to arouse the long-quiet South Sea Jiyuan, causing Yin Sha and death qi to reverse. It rushed out and swept the waters south of the capital."

"As a matter of fact, if it weren't for the sea wall that has been guarded by the Merman Kingdom for generations, this outbreak of evil energy could at least swept over half of the South China Sea, causing more than 70% of the deaths and injuries of the South China Sea tribe..."

Yu Huaifeng's remarks surprised Lu Heng.

"so smart… "

Yu Huaifeng smiled bitterly and said, "The outbreak of evil energy in Jiyuan in the South China Sea is so terrifying. Fortunately, if there is no external stimulus, this Jiyuan black water will not erupt once in thousands of years..."

Yu Huaifeng's words made Lu Heng laugh, but he didn't say anything.

The little girl with silver-haired animal ears pouted and snorted softly.

The reaction of one person and one wolf made Yu Huaifeng smile awkwardly, and said, "Everything Yu said is true, but it is not an exaggeration... It is because of the special nature of the Moruo Sword that the Sword Master must be eliminated. "

"This ancient evil sword of unknown origin seems to have some kind of connection with Jiyuan in the South China Sea. For a long time, the evil sword of Moruo has always only appeared in the South China Sea, never on land, or To go to other waters is to stay in the South China Sea and wait for an opportunity.”

"The Moruo evil spirit in the sword is not a sword spirit, but a special existence with wisdom. Although there is no chance to realize its hidden evil intention, it is obviously to use this South China Sea Jiyuan to disturb the living beings in the South China Sea."

Yu Huaifeng's narration made Xiao Ai snort softly and mercilessly demolished the platform.

"Then the Moruo Sword is so sinister, why would you keep Sister Huo in a prison very close to Jiyuan? Wouldn't it be more dangerous?"

In this regard, Yu Huaifeng said sternly, "Miss Xiao Ai does not know, although the Jiyuan Prison is located near Jiyuan, it is a demon cage built by my mermaid ancestors. It is absolutely impossible for evil demons to suppress this place. Get out of jail."

"The Sword Master Moruo is locked in Jiyuan Prison, so that he can completely block his connection with Jiyuan in the South China Sea, and prevent the Sword of Moruo from triggering the evil energy under Jiyuan and causing chaos in the South China Sea again."

Yu Huaifeng explained in detail, and Lu Heng nodded, expressing his understanding.

"I see… "

Looking at a huge underwater portal that suddenly appeared in the sea area ahead, Lu Heng said, "Could that huge stone gate in front be the Jiyuan Prison?"

In the sea area in front of Lu Heng and the others, in the chilly sea water, there was a huge stone gate that was several hundred meters high.

Looking from a distance, it is even more magnificent than the Great Wall under the sea in the capital of the merman.

A huge stone gate stands silently in the water. It doesn't reach the sky, it doesn't touch the ground, and it doesn't move in the turbulent sea water.

On the stone gate, various mysterious characters and patterns are carved.

Mottled stone carvings, I don't know how many years have passed. The moment he saw Shimen, a grand and desolate aura came over his face.

Lu Heng's pupils shrank slightly.

Because in the middle of the huge stone gate, there was the largest pattern, and he looked very familiar.

The pattern is in the middle of the two stone doors, half on each stone door. When the stone gates are closed, a huge gossip picture is put together.

Even on top of the stone gate covered with mysterious text patterns, this huge gossip picture is the largest, the most conspicuous, and the one in the center.

Just the yin-yang fish in the center has a diameter of several tens of feet. Compared with this huge gossip picture, the many engraved pictures on the stone gate are simply the foil in the corner, not the main body at all...

Lu Heng looked at Yu Huaifeng, who was beside him, and asked, "Are the stone carvings on this stone gate left by the ancestors of your country?"

Lu Heng pointed to the huge gossip map.

Yu Huaifeng was a little surprised at this, wondering why the wolf god asked this question, but he replied, "According to the records, this stone gate was built by the ancestors. But what is the meaning of the pattern on it, I don't know know..."

Speaking of this, Yu Huaifeng thought of a certain possibility.

"Could it be that the wolf god knows this door?" Yu Huaifeng looked shocked.

This wolf god who has lived for an unknown number of years, does he really know the ancestors of the Merman Kingdom

Yu Huaifeng was extremely stunned, while Lu Heng stood on the back of the huge ray, looking up at the approaching Shimen and the constantly enlarged gossip map in his field of vision.

This is the first time he has seen a gossip chart in this world.

For some reason, at this moment, facing this huge gossip map, a little familiar feeling emerged in his heart.

It seemed that he had returned to the end of the mysterious forest of giant stone monuments, standing under the huge statue of Nuwa, looking at the small ordinary tombstone.

The tomb of my elder brother Fuxi...

Could it be that the gate of this extreme abyss has something to do with God Fuxi

M78 Nebula 756365104

PS: The five shifts are over, I hope the monthly pass is okay... cough...

Chapter 207 Bright Star Sea

Gossip is the most mysterious and ancient esoteric thing in Kyushu.

Among the unearthed cultural relics, it was found that there were gossip patterns as early as the Stone Age when the knotted ropes were recorded.

It is hard to imagine that gossip has already appeared in the ancient times when the wisdom of the people was not yet enlightened.

The oldest innate gossip in the rumors is played by the legendary god Fuxi, also known as Fuxi gossip.