I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 14: Section 14


"In that case, I may still hold unrealistic fantasies and stay by my aunt and aunt's side, hoping that one day they will be good to me. Then one day in the future, will I be hurt more terribly?"

"So Xiao Ai doesn't want to come back."

"And in the current situation, Xiao Ai doesn't hate it."

The girl took a deep breath and said, "Sir Mountain God is the best in this world except for my parents. Xiao Ai has sworn to worship you forever."

"So I don't hate everyone's awe of me, I even like it. Because of this, I can be qualified to preside over your sacrifice, Lord Mountain God, and truly worship you."

"It's Xiao Ai's honor."

Sincerely, girl. There was light in her eyes, and that emotion couldn't even be said to be sincere.

but piety.

Looking at such a little girl, Lu Heng couldn't help but fell silent.

In the pitch-black forest, the slightly cold night wind blew through the forest and stirred up the sound of rustling grass and trees, and it also transmitted the sound from the foot of the mountain.

Bang Bang Bang – Bang Bang Bang –

The sound of the wooden boards banging echoed in the mountains, and at the river bend at the foot of the mountain, the aged old village chief was shouting.

"The hour has come! The hour has come! Everyone kneels facing the mountain! Bow down to the mountain god!"

Bang Bang Bang – Bang Bang Bang –

The sound of the wooden board knocking reverberated continuously. The villagers who used to be playful, are now all gathered in one place, and at the same time, facing the direction of the mountain, they knelt down on their knees, and knelt down in a large area.

But in such a ceremony, the village chief cried out anxiously.

"Where's Xiao Ai? Where has Xiao Ai gone? Why is Xiao Ai gone? Go and find her back!"

The village chief's anxious shout came from down the mountain.

Hearing this voice, the girl hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Lord Shanshen, I...I want to go back..."

"No need," Lu Heng interrupted her indifferently and said, "Anyway, they just want to worship me, and you are the same here."

As he said that, Lu Heng thought for a second, and in the next second, the huge vortex cloud covering the entire Hanyu Mountain in the night sky slowly spun.

Then, in the dark robbery cloud, a gap slowly spread out. The cold moonlight fell down this gap and shone on the Hanyu Mountain, just on the huge rock where the man and the wolf were.

And the trees in the forest below the rock, all trembled and swayed their branches. The rocks that were originally blocked by these tree canopies now fall down as the blocking trees move away, clearly appearing in the sight of the villagers at the river bend.

When the villagers raised their heads, they clearly saw the huge rock in the mountain and the huge white wolf on the rock. The cold moonlight fell on the body of the white wolf, and every hair of the white wolf seemed to be exuding a silver brilliance, which was extraordinary.

All the villagers who saw this scene widened their eyes.

Because the moment they saw the white wolf, they also saw the young girl beside the white wolf.

Although the little girl was almost negligible compared to the huge size of the white wolf, no one dared to ignore it at this time. Because everyone recognized who that little girl was.

That is clearly...

"Xiao Ai?"

"It's Xiao Ai!"

"Yes, it's Xiao Ai!"

"Why is Xiao Ai there..."

The villagers started to talk about it, but the old village chief hurriedly cursed in a low voice, "Everyone shut up! No discussion!"

Then the old village chief walked in front of the crowd and took the lead in bowing to the person and the wolf on the rock.

"All the villagers of Shuisheng Village, worship the mountain god!"

Behind the old village chief, the villagers all bowed down and kowtowed heavily.

The voices of the villagers shouting in unison reverberated in the mountains.

"All the villagers of Shuisheng Village, worship the mountain god!"

The screams of the villagers echoed in the mountain wind, but the young girl on the rock was stunned and became uneasy again.

The cold moonlight formed a silver-white beam of light that fell on her and the white wolf. At this moment, this person and one wolf are the most eye-catching focus in the entire Hanyu Mountain.

Lu Heng chuckled and said, "Since you like it, let them be a little more afraid of you."

"It's better to be feared than to be despised."

Lu Heng's words made the little girl raised her head in a daze. Looking blankly and ignorantly at the mountain god in front of her, she seemed to see the mountain god smiling.

In a trance, the scene of the giant wolf smiling under the moon seems to be forever engraved in the girl's memory...

Chapter 25

After the Double Ninth Festival, the remote Hanyu Mountain became quiet.

After the rice harvest in the fields is over, there is not much farm work to be done. Most of the villagers are at home leisurely, and the only thing to consider is the food for the winter.

But this year's rice crop is still a bumper crop, and there is no need to worry about the food for the winter, as long as enough necessities are prepared before the heavy snow closes the mountains.

In the Hanyu Mountain not far away, it was even more silent.

The huge vortex cloud swirling in the sky still enveloped the entire Cold Feather Mountain Range, and lightning flashed from time to time. Every once in a while, there is a thunderstorm, and the rumbling thunder has been transmitted to the outside of the mountain, which is deafening.

However, the villagers of Shuisheng Village have become accustomed to the terrifying thunder and are no longer afraid.

The only thing they were curious about was what the Mountain God Master was doing and why there was always thunder in the mountains.

And the thunder in the mountains is endless, as time goes by day by day, the weather gradually enters the late autumn. The grass and trees in the mountains began to wither and turn yellow, and the howling wind in the mountains and forests gradually became icy cold.

Autumn is here, and winter is not far away.

Before the weather turned completely cold, the young men in the village were organized, a total of seventy-six people, all brought food and dry food, left the village, and rushed towards the nearest city. They are going to buy the necessities of life after the winter. Except for the young people who stay behind, almost all the young people in the village have gone.

Because the wilderness is hard to navigate, and wild beasts are rampant. Once you leave the range of the Cold Feather Mountains, you may encounter beast attacks at any time.

And the distance is long and it takes a long time. The closest city is said to be the closest, but with the strength of the villagers, this journey will take five to six days to go back and forth.

During these five or six days, the villagers will eat and live in the wilderness. Hurrying during the day and resting at night, if there are few people, it will not be able to resist the wolves and beasts in the wilderness.

If you are unlucky, the beasts you encounter will be starving, and there may even be conflicts, resulting in casualties.

But nothing like this happened this year. The villagers followed the route of previous years, crossed the wilderness, set foot on the gallop, and arrived at Luoye City smoothly. Then spent a day purchasing the living materials needed for the winter.

On the way back, nothing happened.

I didn't encounter any terrifying monsters passing by, nor did I encounter any terrifying beasts. Although I encountered a few herds of beasts at night, they were all ordinary beasts. The villagers waved torches and weapons, shouted loudly, and scared the herds away.

After the young people returned to the village smoothly, the villagers, led by the old village chief, held another sacrificial ceremony to the wolf god, thanking the mountain god for his blessing. Although the sacrifice this time was not as large as the Double Ninth Festival, it also provided a lot of incense and wishing power.

The influx of incense and wishing power even woke up Lu Heng, who was in a state of subterranean cultivation.

He looked at it in astonishment, only to find that the group of villagers were offering sacrifices to him again, and he was suddenly a little stunned.

It's not a festival now, so why are these villagers doing sacrifices again? Could it be that the autumn harvest is over, and the villagers are bored at home? So let's celebrate with a little celebration

Lu Heng, who didn't know the cause and effect and didn't know the specific situation, could only guess like this.

Since the Double Ninth Festival, he has been cultivating in the mountains, and has resumed his original simple life again, repeating the process of introducing thunder into the body, entering the tranquility, and then introducing thunder into the body, and entering the tranquility to cultivate.

Occasionally go down the mountain to the river bend to perform a mouthful of fish to fill the stomach.

There was no mountain people to disturb the mountain, and the black-robed Wu Zhu Gongshu Jie who left did not come back to visit. Occasionally thinking of this Wu Zhu, Lu Heng couldn't help sighing. He always had a hunch, it seemed that Uncle Jie was tossing in Thousand Needles City now.

I just don't know who will be unlucky in the end.

I wish it wasn't me...

With this thought in mind, Lu Heng re-entered the state of sublime cultivation and continued to practice.

Time, day by day.

Gradually, all the leaves in the mountains began to wither, and the weather turned completely cold, and there was no longer the sultry heat in early autumn. When the mountain wind at night blows on the face, there is even a tingling feeling.

In the aquatic village at the foot of the mountain, the lives of the villagers have returned to their former calm. The living materials for winter have been purchased and hoarded. Next, the mountain people only need to stay in a warm home and survive this cold winter.

However, winter has not officially come yet, but the aquatic village outside Hanyu Mountain has welcomed new guests.

It was a day in late October, just in time for frost. In the early morning, Hanyu Mountain was filled with thick white fog. This misty fog covered everything, and even the huge vortex cloud in the mountain could not be seen.

In the early morning, Wang Laoliu, who went out with a hunting bow on his back and was about to call his companions to hunt in the mountains, but after stepping out of the house, he heard a strange sound from the fog outside the village.


A heavy and slow voice sounded outside the village. It was like someone was beating a heavy drum, and it was like some terrifying beast walking outside the village.

Then, the ground began to shake slowly. Although the magnitude of the shaking was not obvious, the trembling ground, coupled with the dull "drum sound" approaching slowly, instantly changed Wang Lao Liu's expression.

He hurriedly ran in the direction of the entrance of the village, and sure enough, it didn't take long before he heard the third son of Ai, who was on duty at the entrance of the village, shouting.

"There are monsters! There are monsters!"

dang dang dang dang dang-

The bronze bell hanging at the entrance of the village was struck violently, making a rapid warning sound, and the originally quiet village instantly boiled.

Hearing the warning bell, many villagers who were still asleep jumped out of bed in panic. The men all picked up the guy and rushed towards the village entrance. Wang Laoliu, who took the lead, carried a hunting bow and rushed to the entrance of the village in front of everyone.

Standing on the fence surrounded by logs, he saw the scene beyond the fog.

What kind of monster is that!

The huge figure is like a moving hill, several feet high. Just that huge head is as big as the tile-roofed house of Wang Lao Liu's family! The fence erected in the village to defend against wild beasts was as fragile as a fence that fell when the wind blew in front of the giant beast.

Wang Lao Liu's eyes widened in horror, watching this scene, he almost lost his ability to speak.

This monster is too big and too scary!

But the villagers who were on duty on the fence were much calmer. They were already shocked by the monster's huge stature. But what made them temporarily let go of their fears were the figures in front of the monster.

That's right, there are many figures following this giant tortoise-like behemoth.

The clothes of those people were different from those of the Huotong people, and most of them were carrying luggage and things, as if they were migrating on their way. Even on the spacious tortoise shell of the huge monster, if you look closely, you can see a lot of luggage strapped to the tortoise shell in the mist.

It seems that this huge giant tortoise is just the workhorse of these people's envoys...

The villagers in Shuisheng Village were all nervous and fearful, and had never seen such a terrifying beast. Even the wolf god in the mountain doesn't seem to be as big as this giant tortoise.

And in the fog, there seems to be more than one giant tortoise, and there are even more people in the fog outside the village. The number of these aliens seems to be not a few...

In the fog, looking at the fear and anxiety of the villagers on the fence, the girl wearing a green grass wreath turned and ran into the fog, passing through the clansmen one after another, and found the old man sitting and resting in the fog.

The girl ran over happily and excitedly, and said, "Grandpa priest, there is a village ahead. There are people living in such a remote place, and there are many people."

"But they don't seem to have seen the tortoise, they are all scared... Do you want to go over and talk to their village chief?"

The girl's narration made the old man who was resting on the side of the road raised his head. The white-haired old man was leaning on a pitch-black snake stick, and there were many pale patterns painted on his unclothed upper body.

Although because of old age, the muscles on the old man's body have slackened. But it can still be seen that this muscular old man must have been a powerful warrior when he was young.

Hearing the girl's words, the old man stood up with the snake stick and said, "Since there are villagers living there, you should explain everything to them, and don't scare them."

After the old man stood up, he walked towards the mist ahead with the help of the girl.

At the entrance of Shuisheng Village, the elderly old village chief has already arrived with the clan elders. It's just that the old people are all standing on the ten-foot-high fence, watching the giant beasts and figures outside nervously and fearfully. I don't know what kind of guests came to Shuisheng Village.

This battle in front of me is too scary!

When the old priest came out with the help of the girl, all the villagers on the fence noticed it.

Because when the shirtless old priest walked out of the crowd, all these aliens outside the village saluted the old man, showing the extraordinary identity of the other party.

And after the old priest was supported by the girl and walked out of the crowd, he didn't make a fool of himself. He bowed his hands to the nervous villagers on the fence and said.

"We are the Li tribe's raiding party, who migrated to a noble land. I never thought that the fog had disturbed everyone, and the old man here apologizes for the tribe."

"But we are not robbers or the like, and we won't do things like burning, killing and looting. You don't have to be afraid. Next, people from our family will temporarily settle in the vicinity to be next to you."

"At that time, if you need help, you can ask our family for help. Within your ability, our people will not delay."

Although the old priest was old, his voice spread throughout the Shuisheng Village. Whether it was the young men on the fence at the entrance of the village, or the women, children, and children in the village, they could clearly hear the voice of the old priest.

This extraordinary performance suddenly made the villagers' eyes widen, knowing that they had met a big man.

The old village chief even clenched his crutches and murmured, "Li people... Li people..."

He suddenly remembered something, and asked quickly, "But the Li people who move around, live by water, and are good at smelting iron?"

Before the old priest could speak, the young girl who supported the old man and wore a garland of grass began to laugh and said, "This old man is a well-known person... That's right, we are the Li people you mentioned."

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