I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 147: Section 147


Lu Heng explained with a smile: "This robbery cloud will rain aura of spiritual energy every once in a while. Although it is a good thing for the mountains, last night just happened to be the time for the rain."

"It's New Year's Eve. If it rains heavily, it will be wet everywhere. Wouldn't it be very unpleasant?"

"It just happened that I recently deduced the method of Tianlei, and when I had a little experience, I temporarily turned the falling rain into snow. Now that it snowed heavily overnight, Hanyu Mountain is finally in harmony with this winter."

"And didn't you say it before? The snow is pure and white, very beautiful."

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Now you can see the snow scene in the mountains, so it's a New Year's gift from me."

Lu Heng's words made the little girl blushed slightly.

That sentence was mentioned by her inadvertently when the wolf god was talking to her while walking among the snow-covered mountains on the way to Luoye City to buy New Year's goods.

But I didn't expect Lord Wolf God to remember...

The little girl was holding her sleeves, her emotions surging in her heart, and her face became more and more rosy.

Lu Heng smiled and looked behind Xiao Ai, "Oh? Sun Yan got up too?"

In front of the Wolf Temple, the white ape, who had always been covered in white hair, was squatting on the wooden stairs, looking at the scene in surprise, and seemed to be shocked by the snow scene in front of him.

Lu Heng smiled and waved to Sun Yan, and said, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

Lu Heng's call made Bai Yuan hesitate for a moment. After sneaking a look at Xiao Ai not far away, and seeing the little girl with silver-haired beast ears returning to her usual indifference, then Bai Yuan cautiously ran to Lu Heng's side.

Lu Heng looked at the one person and one ape in front of him and said with a smile.

"New Year's Eve is over, it's New Year's Eve."

"Next, I'm going to retreat and practice."

"This time, the retreat is not the same as before. I may not have the energy to care about things in the mountains. So during my retreat, all the affairs in the mountains will be handed over to Xiao Ai to manage."

"Sun Yan, the monkey head's practice, you have to supervise it."

"Of course, this monkey head is not the same as you. It's just an ordinary beast cultivator. It's impossible to keep practicing for twelve hours."

"So for his playfulness after practice, you should also relax appropriately, and don't always look at him like a prisoner. In your spare time, you should also give him a resting space to play."

Lu Heng said: "For a living being, the happiest time in life is the time when it is ignorant and only knowing how to play. It should not obliterate its nature and take away its fun."

"Of course, Sun Yan, you monkey head can't be lazy. During my retreat, you have to practice well, don't make Xiao Ai angry, otherwise I won't care if she rips you off... Well, I hope when I go out , there won't be an extra monkey fur coat at home."

What Lu Heng said with a smile directly scared Sun Yan, who was so happy at the beginning, that his face turned pale, and he couldn't smile directly.

Because it felt that when Xiao Ai next to him heard the words of the wolf god, his eyes became subtly cold...

After explaining Sun Yan's affairs, Lu Heng looked at Xiao Ai and said, "During my retreat, if there are any visitors, I need to treat them well."

"After the news of the South China Sea is spread, there may be some cultivators who come here with various thoughts."

"These visitors from outside the mountain will be left to you to deal with."

"But a good reception doesn't mean you have to compromise. If you meet someone who doesn't know what's good or bad, you can drive them away."

Lu Heng smiled and said, "But if Zhulong and Jiu Mie come, you need to inform me, and I will personally greet you."

"But apart from these two, the rest of the visitors will be left to you to deal with..."

In front of the Wolf Temple, in the snow, Lu Heng explained to Xiao Ai the things that need attention one by one.

Many things are too complicated for a girl of this age.

But for Xiao Ai, Lu Heng was very relieved.

After explaining the matters after the retreat, Lu Heng took Sun Yan and Xiao Ai to Houshan Taoyuan, and buried the peach wood stick that the old peach demon had given his life to cultivate for thousands of years in the Taoyuan.

There is a strong vitality in this peach stick, and its origin is similar to that of the peach trees in Taoyuan.

After Lu Heng used Tianlei to crack the peach wood, now he has buried the peach wood stick in the ground. Through the cracks of the thunder, the vitality in the wooden staff will continue to escape, feeding the peach fruit in the peach orchard.

In this way, it may be possible to speed up the ripening of the peach fruit in the garden.

The caretaker of Taoyuan was handed over by Lu Heng to the fat bird who was always lazy.

Gu Yan and Sun Yan were too out of touch, and it was impossible for them to guard Taoyuan.

Although Xiao Ai has a low temperament, she is required to be in charge of affairs in the mountains, and it is impossible to always stare at the small Taoyuan.

So this piece of Taoyuan was handed over to this lazy fat bird by Lu Heng.

In this regard, the fat bird has no opinion.

Even if Lu Heng promised it with a smile, and gave it the biggest one when the peach fruit was ripe, this lazy fat bird remained calm.

In this way, after explaining everything, Lu Heng escaped into the underground and returned to the underground shrine again.

This time, he must open the heavy heaven door and step into the real cultivation realm...

Chapter 234 The God-Man Enlightened

In the empty underground shrine, there is a pale yellow earth spirit.

The Moruo Evil Sha, who was slammed by Tianlei and always screamed, was now locked in a lower position by Lu Heng, and his voice was also blocked, so that this guy's cries would disturb his cultivation.

And if it is willing to commit suicide, it can give up resistance directly. Lu Heng's Tianlei prison has already set up the battle in advance.

If Moruo Evilsha escapes from Huo Feng's body and gives up resistance, the power of Thunder will give this Demon Sha a pleasure that day, and even save Lu Heng's own efforts.

It can be said to be very humanized.

However, with the toughness shown by this Moruo evil spirit, there is no need to expect such a thing to happen in a short period of time.

After Lu Heng entered the underground shrine, he immediately began to cultivate.

The incarnation of the white primordial spirit appeared, sitting cross-legged in the void, and there was a faint connection between it and the huge white wolf on the ground.

A dim gossip pattern appeared silently in Lu Heng's Primordial Spirit palm.

Lu Heng never had time to study this mysterious gossip map from the Milky Way and Xinghai. Now that he is back in the mountains, he finally has enough time to explore.

Without hesitation, Lu Heng closed his eyes slightly, his thoughts sank directly, and began to touch the mysterious gossip in his palm.

An inexplicable intuition made Lu Heng know that this mysterious gossip pattern was of great help to him at present.

But Lu Heng was very curious about the specific benefit.

And as Lu Heng's thoughts touched, the gossip in that palm became brighter and more obvious.

Some kind of vast ancient power began to emerge from the gossip and slowly spread towards Lu Heng.

The desolate atmosphere shocked Lu Heng's mind.

Until the moment when the light is so powerful...


In Lu Heng's mind, there was a sudden buzzing.

Then Lu Heng, who was in the void, slowly opened his eyes.

However, at this time, the scene around him was no longer the underground shrine.

Lu Heng, dressed in white, is now sitting cross-legged in the vast sea of stars.

And above the vast land below, the vast world has spread to the end of the world.

The grandeur of facing a world directly shocked Lu Heng's mind.

However, what was even more shocking than this was the appearance of the world in front of him in Lu Heng's field of vision.

Not a three-dimensional world, but above it!

4D, 5D...and more.

Lu Heng's eyes seemed to understand everything in the world.

He seems to be far above all sentient beings, above dimensions. The vast land and the stars in the sky were all displayed in front of his eyes.

Not only can he see the outlines of everything in the world, he can even see every cell and every worm in their bodies.

In Lu Heng's eyes, all living beings are just an open canvas.

Right now, he seems to be in a three-dimensional world, overlooking a line canvas in a two-dimensional world. Everything seems so clear and without any cover.

Vaguely, he could even see one line after another, one node after another.


He can even see the nodes of space!

There are even lines of time!

Between the sky and the earth, there are densely packed tiny lines.

Those tiny lines were increasing and flowing forward every minute and every second, which seemed normal, but when Lu Heng's mind sank, he saw a completely different scene in his field of vision.

On a butterfly flapping its wings and flying into the sky, the dense lines seem to lead to every segment of its life.

Lu Heng randomly selected a few thin lines to watch, and what he saw in his field of vision was no longer the colorful butterfly.

Weak worms crawling out of their eggs with difficulty... Caterpillars covered in fluff that gnaw on leaves... A body curled up in a pupa motionless...

Every line leads to a certain segment in the butterfly's life.

However, all Lu Heng can do is to read and watch.

When he tried to cross the thin line and into the time behind the line, he found himself failing.

But even so, the scene in front of him still completely shocked Lu Heng.

—His eyes can clearly see the lines of time! You can look through the past and present!

However, the anxiety that rose in his heart made him know that such a mysterious and mysterious state could not be maintained forever.

Today, he has never reached such a state.

Such a detached and mysterious realm is not used to gossip and watch dramas for him at present.

But for enlightenment!

In such a mysterious realm, all things in the world and all living beings have been dissected into their original appearances in his eyes.

Of course, it also includes the foundation of the practice, the secrets of the exercises... Many things that were originally incomprehensible, comprehensible, and unexpected, can be clearly seen in this state, and can be seen farther.

In the void, Lu Heng, who was sitting cross-legged among the stars, closed his eyes again.

That belongs to the cultivation method he created and entered the final state of derivation.

Originally, although he relied on the inspiration of the two top-level exercises "Divine Art" and "Magic Classic", he was reluctantly deduced to the realm after Tianmen.

But now he is standing at a height of incomparable detachment. Looking back, all the details and difficulties in the deduction of the exercises are suddenly clear.

Among the stars, lightning flashes.

Outside the Hanyu Mountain, the howling wind howled.

Xiao Ai, who had just bid farewell to the Wolf God, raised her head in surprise and looked at the sky above her head.

The sky was empty, and the sun that had been shining brightly disappeared.

The sky full of stars appeared in the sky again. The dark night completely enveloped the earth.

The night came seven or eight hours earlier...

Xiao Ai's eyes widened slightly.

In the Xifengbu camp at the foot of the mountain, the old priest was frightened, and he quickly lifted the curtain of the tent and came out, seeing the terrifying scene of the stars moving.

Reminds me of an old legend...

"Day and night are reversed... The gods are enlightened?!"

The expression of the old man was almost frozen in shock.

As soon as the wolf god was closed, there was such a terrifying change in this world... Could it be that the realm of the wolf god has reached the level of the ancient sages

More terrifying than he imagined

In the heavy snow, a little doll carved in pink and jade had just avoided a group of wizards from the Fire Tong Nation flying through the sky, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the scene of the day and night being reversed.

Under the starry sky, Erba Shenren was immediately stunned.

"What the heck is the situation?!"

They could hardly believe their eyes, "In this world, there is still such a realm of power alive? Isn't it all dead?"