I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 16: Section 16


The girl nodded suddenly, if it was a legendary ancient beast, then no wonder the priest grandpa was so nervous.

Most of those ancient mythical beasts were ferocious and terrifying, and they regarded human life like a mustard, but they were extraordinary and difficult to resist. This place is the anchor point where the Xifeng Ministry will temporarily stay for several years, and they cannot leave for a few years. If there is a ferocious beast in the mountain, it will definitely be a disaster for the tribe.

Thinking of this, the girl consciously understood the worries of the priest's grandfather. She nodded earnestly and said, "Since that's the case, we really should have a good talk with the villagers of the Shuisheng Village."

"They live here for a long time. If there are divine beasts in the mountains, they may be able to get their help so that the divine beasts can allow us to temporarily live here."

When the girl said this, the old man smiled and clapped her hand, but said nothing.

After he arranged for the girl to check the gifts prepared by the clansmen, he sat on the side of the road to rest without saying a word.

Among the mountains, the fog was deep, and the old man still couldn't see through the scene in the depths of the fog.

However, a certain kind of uneasy feeling continued to ferment in the heart of the old man.

In front of Qianqian, he didn't say the reason why he was really worried. With the force of the Kazebu, coupled with the human-faced instruments, even the ancient beasts don't need to worry so much.

His present gaffe was due to the revelation that the saintess received when the saintess sacrificed to the holy mountain last time when the nine tribes of the Li tribe gathered at the holy mountain.

The Li people will usher in a catastrophe that has never been seen before, and there is a danger of annihilation.

And the Lord of Calamity who drives the robbery and punishment in the revelation seems to be highly similar to the existence in this Hanyu Mountain...

Thinking of this, the old man's hands clenched unconsciously.

If the existence in this mountain is really the Lord of Calamity in the prophecy, he attacked the Feng clan... Is he going to become the first clan of the nine Li clan to destroy the clan

How could this danger of extermination come so quickly? !

Chapter 28 Water Ganoderma

The departure and return of Xifengbu made the villagers of Shuisheng Village nervous again.

Although the village chief said that the people of the Li ethnic group would not kill, burn, loot, and loot, what if this group of aliens were not the real Jiuli people

The villagers were nervous and curious, but also uneasy. Nowadays, most of the young and strong people in the village gather at the entrance of the village. If there is any change in the group of aliens outside, they can also resist in time.

However, although the aliens were all gathered not far from the village, they did not approach the village.

The only people who came to the entrance of the village were two figures, an old man and a young man.

"Li Ju, the priest of the Xifeng Department of the Xia Li tribe, has a request to see the mayor of your village."

The old priest bowed his hands to the villagers behind the fence, "Please let me know."

By the old priest's side, only the girl named Qianqian was accompanied. The rest of the Jiuli people stayed far away and did not come close.

At this time, the fog in the mountains has faded a lot, and you can see the scene a little further away. After the villagers confirmed that the village entrance was indeed only the old and the young, they opened the door to welcome them in.

The old village head greeted him in person, with a smile on his face, "If the priest has any orders to send someone to tell me, why do you need to go there in person?"

The old village chief kept his attitude low and showed great enthusiasm.

The legendary Jiuli people live in no fixed place and migrate from place to place. But if they live temporarily in a certain place, they will open up mountains and cultivate fields, smelt gold and iron, and live there for several years.

However, the Jiuli people do not stay in one place for long. When they leave, the fields they reclaimed and the gold and iron smelted are often donated to nearby villagers on the spot.

Therefore, there is no place where this group of Jiuli people who are migrating is not welcome.

When the old village chief was young, he had heard the legends of these Jiuli people in Luoye City, but he had never seen them before.

Now that the Jiuli people have migrated to this place, as long as they have a good relationship, after a few years, when this group of aliens leave, won't the land they reclaimed and the gold and iron smelted belong to Shuisheng Village

In the vicinity of Hanyu Mountain, except for Shuisheng Village, there are no other villages.

Thinking of this, the old village chief smiled even more brilliantly.

I went out to greet him in person, and after welcoming the old man and young man in front of him into his home, he took out the tea leaves at the bottom of the press box, as well as the cakes he bought not long ago. The old village chief brought out almost all the best things, and he must not neglect the two Li people, the old and the young.

"I don't know if the priest has something to order?" After taking a seat and serving tea, the old village chief asked, "If there is a need, I will definitely help."

The old priest glanced at the girl beside him, and the girl immediately understood and handed over the gift box that she carried with her.

"This is a two-hundred-year-old water ganoderma. It was born in the cold abyss and gathers the essence of Gui water. It melts in the mouth, and it can prolong life when consumed. I hope the village chief will accept it," the old priest explained.

While the old priest was speaking, the young girl Qianqian opened the gift box, revealing a pure blue Ganoderma lucidum inside. This Ganoderma lucidum is lean and clear, with the essence of light blue water flowing inside, and the moment it is opened, the house is instantly filled with fragrance.

Such a treasure made the old village chief's eyes widen instantly, with a look of disbelief.

"This... This kind of treasure, how dare this old man accept it? I also ask the girl to take it back quickly."

The old village chief swallowed his saliva and forced himself not to look at the Shui Lingzhi, which can prolong life, but squeezed out a smile and expressed his sincerity in wanting to make good friends, "What is the order of the priest, but it's okay to say it, you don't have to be so polite. "

The old priest didn't say much, he motioned for Qianqian to close the gift box, and then he spoke.

"To be honest, my Li people are from the Youfang tribe, and they will not live in one city and one place for a long time. Since ancient times, the Li people have followed the guidance of the holy mountain and the blessing of their ancestors, and migrated from city to city."

"And now, according to the revelation, I, Xifengbu, will temporarily live near Hanyu Mountain for several years, and be neighbors with everyone in Shuisheng Village for several years."

"It's just that I waited to hear what the village chief said before, there is a noble wolf god in this Hanyu Mountain, and he is the god of this mountain."

"I think, if the people of my clan want to live here temporarily, not only do they have to get everyone's approval, but they should also visit the wolf god and get his approval, so it's not rude."

"But with the dignity of the wolf god, I'm afraid that if we rush to the door, we won't be able to enter. If it disturbs the purity of the gods and hates the wolf god, I am afraid the situation will be even worse."

"So..." The old priest looked at the old village chief and said, "I wonder if the village chief can help me with referrals

The old priest's request made the old village chief hesitate for a few seconds, "This..."

The old man secretly glanced at the gift box, swallowed, and then looked at the statue of the wolf god on the shrine in the main room, hesitating for a while.

In the end, the old village chief said with a wry smile, "I beg the priest to forgive me, it's not that the old man is unwilling to help, but that the old man is powerless."

"How noble is the Mountain God Master, even the Thousand Needles City Master Wu Zhu must be careful in front of the Mountain God Master. I wait for the mortal to be blessed by the Master, it is already a great kindness, how dare I disturb the quietness of the Mountain God Master? "

"I'm so busy, this old man really can't help!"

The old village chief said sincerely that he really didn't want to offend the wolf god in the mountains - even if Shui Lingzhi was placed in front of him.

The old priest opposite him frowned.

"Wuzhu of Thousand Needles City? A city of Wuzhu should be careful in front of the wolf god? This... old village chief, can you elaborate on this matter?" The old priest said with a serious expression.

This aquatic village is remote, far away from the city, and not within the scope of Wu Zhu's blessing.

What's more, the Thousand Needles City is far away from the mountains and high roads here, even if there is a Wuzhu here, it should be the Wuzhu of Luoye City. Why did the Wu Zhu from Thousand Needles City come here? I am also very respectful to the wolf god in the mountains...

Although the old priest had never met Wu Zhu Gongshu Jie of Thousand Needles City, he had also heard of the other's deeds. It is a person who hates evil, does not fear power, and has a noble deity. No matter how powerful a monster is, it is impossible to humiliate its mind and break its pride.

But the uncle Jie, who is famous for his tough bones, is actually very careful about this wolf god in the mountains

The old priest's expression became serious.

Under the narration of the old village chief, the old priest knew the cause and effect of the incident. After the half-hour-long narration was over, the old priest had a clear understanding of the wolf god in the mountain.

This wolf god may not be the Lord of Calamities in the prophecy. But such an extraordinary existence is by no means an ordinary ancient beast.

Its origin, root, may be even more terrifying.

After all, according to what the village chief said, there was a huge black vortex cloud shrouded in the Hanyu Mountain, and thunder and lightning fell from time to time.

The villagers were ignorant and could not tell the difference between ordinary thunder and lightning and divine punishment. But the old priest knew that what fell from the mountain was not lightning at all, but the real thunder of divine punishment!

Moreover, that day's punishment for the tribulation thunder is highly likely to be related to the cultivation of the wolf god in the mountains.

When he was outside the Hanyu Mountain before, the old priest sensed that after the robbery thunder struck, there was no destructive aura emanating from it, but it gradually disappeared... Perhaps the foundation of the wolf god's practice in the mountain is the thunder of heaven's punishment that everyone fears!

Thinking of this, the old priest couldn't help but stand up.

"I don't know where the girl the village chief is talking about?" The old priest said seriously, "I just can't see the wolf god. If the village chief can introduce the old man to see the girl named Xiao Ai, Li Ju is also very grateful. ."

Chapter 29 God's Envoy

The old priest's request made the village chief stunned for a moment.

"Go to see Xiao Ai? This... "

This request is not difficult for a strong man. After all, the wolf god in the mountain has a noble status, and the village chief does not dare to offend, but the girls in the village can still be introduced.


After hesitating for a few seconds, the old village chief felt that he should explain it clearly in advance to avoid any trouble.

He said embarrassedly, "Although this girl has no father, no mother, and is young, she is someone who is regarded by the Mountain God in a special way and has a special status. During the Double Ninth Festival, all the villagers in my Shuisheng Village worshipped the Mountain God, and this girl was able to Stand beside the wolf god and accept the salute together."

"That's why I am an elder in the village, and I am very cautious in front of her, and I will never dare to despise and offend her because she is young. So..."

The village chief didn't say anything later, but the old priest already understood what the village chief meant.

"Let's know, the village chief doesn't have to worry," the old priest said. "I also understand that this girl is special, so I will never blame her. The village chief can relax and introduce her."

The old village chief breathed a sigh of relief, "Then ask the priest to come with me."

He was really afraid that the priest had a high self-esteem, and that he would anger Xiao Ai and bring disaster to the village.

Ever since Xiao Ai was chosen as a virgin, the villagers felt that they had offended this little girl. Later, this little girl was favored by the mountain god, and even the sacrifices of the Double Ninth Festival could stand beside the mountain god and receive the big gifts from the villagers.

After the Double Ninth Festival, everyone knew that Xiao Ai, this girl, couldn't afford to offend her.

And after Xiao Ai was tied up by everyone and sent to the mountain temple and came back, her temperament became colder day by day. He neither plays with the children in the village nor chats with the elders, and often sits alone at the door of his house watching Hanyushan in a daze.

Even if someone took the initiative to talk to her, her attitude was not lukewarm.

So taking this Li priest to see Xiao Ai, the old village chief was a little nervous. Fortunately, when they left, the old priest and the girl beside the priest did not take the gift box from the table, so the two hundred years of Shui Lingzhi were "forgotten" by everyone in the old village chief's house.

This gave the old village chief a little courage.

He led two Li people, an old man and a young man, through the village and came to the door of Ai Lazi's house. From a distance, the old village chief saw Xiao Ai sitting in front of the house, fanning the fire with a palm fan for the medicine.

The old village chief suddenly showed a smile and said softly, "Xiao Ai, are you decocting medicine?"

The girl turned around and saw the smiling old village chief and the two aliens behind the old village chief.

There was no big reaction, she just nodded and explained, "My brother's illness is not yet healed. Grandpa Whitefoot said that this medicine has to be taken twice a day, regularly and quantitatively. ."

The white-footed grandpa in the girl's mouth is an old man in the village. He knows herbs and can cure diseases. He has practiced medicine for generations. The villagers always seek the old man's treatment when they get sick, and have a high status in the village.

After the girl finished speaking, she glanced at the two aliens behind the old village chief and asked, "Is there anything wrong with the village chief grandpa?"

Even in the face of the village chief who had harmed her, the girl's attitude could not be said to be indifferent.

It's just that the old village chief felt guilty, so the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

"That's it, these two guests from the Li ethnic group came to the village and wanted to see you. I wonder if Xiao Ai is free now?"

After the old village chief finished speaking, the girl looked at the old priest behind the village chief and the girl beside the old priest.

Seeing the girl look over, the old priest bowed his hands and saluted, "The old priest of the Xifeng Department of the Li tribe, Li Ju, has seen the wolf god envoy."

As an old man, this is already a great gift.

The girl hesitated for a while, and gave a bow, but shook her head and said, "Master Priest has misunderstood, I am not the envoy of Lord Wolf God. If you have anything to ask me, just say it directly, there is no need to make this big gift."

The girl's response surprised the old priest.

Although this girl dresses simply, she speaks and behaves modestly and politely. At first glance, she has received an education in etiquette. She is by no means an ordinary country villager, and it is out of tune with the environment of this wild mountain village.

The old priest thought about it and said.

"That being the case, the old man said it bluntly... Since ancient times, the Jiuli tribe and I have been following the guidance of the holy mountain, moving from place to place for home and from all over the world. And this year, according to the guidance, my Xifeng tribe needs to migrate to your land. live for a few years.”

"But I heard that there is a wolf god in the mountain. If I want to live here, I must obtain the permission of the wolf god. But it is difficult for no one to introduce it. Therefore, I want to ask Xiao Ai for help!"

The old priest said earnestly, "This matter is extremely important to my Xifeng Department. Whether it succeeds or not, my clan will be grateful."

After the old priest finished speaking, everyone present looked at the girl in front of the house. Not only the old village chief, but also several nearby neighbors who secretly watched the lively scene, everyone was wondering how the girl would answer.

The old village chief looked even more eager, and wished that he would act in place of Xiao Ai at this time.

This Li ethnic priest has a distinguished status and has a lot of money. If he can make them owe a favor, it will be a great deed!

However, under the eagerly-anticipated gaze of the old village chief, the girl named Xiao Ai shook her head and said.

"Sorry, Grandpa Priest, Xiao Ai can't help with this task."

She said with a serious expression, "Sir Shanshen has given me a mountain of gratitude, and if I fail to repay it, I am ungrateful. If I can't repay my kindness, but also seek benefits in the name of Lord Shanshen, that would be a loss of righteousness... So the priest Xiao Ai can't help you, sir."

"But Master Priest, you don't need to worry too much. Lord Mountain God is a good god. As long as you are open-minded and don't do evil things, I don't think Lord Mountain God will embarrass you."

The girl's answer made the old priest smile, and he knew a little more about the little girl.

He didn't continue to entangle, but smiled and thanked him, "If that's the case, then I would like to thank Miss Ai for her guidance, and I will keep it in my heart."

There was no entanglement, and no further lingering. After expressing his thanks in words, the old priest left with Qianqian.