I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 17: Section 17


Although the village chief wanted to keep the two of them for a while, but the old priest insisted on leaving, he couldn't. He could only send the two to the village entrance himself, and he kept making promises along the way that he would find a way to persuade Xiao Ai and let the priest not be discouraged. .

But along the way, the old priest just smiled at each other, but didn't say much.

After the two left the village far away, away from the smiling old village chief, Qianqian asked curiously.

"Grandpa Priest, why didn't you take out the gift you asked me to prepare? If you take out the gift, maybe the envoy will think more about it."

But the old priest shook his head and said, "You little girl, you think things are too simple. Some people in this world can be bought, such as the village chief of this aquatic village. But there are also some people who can't be bought, such as This wolf god angel."

"Although she is young, she is well-founded, neither humble nor arrogant. She is not a person who can be bought with a little treasure. Continuing entanglement will have the opposite effect. "

Qianqian pouted, a little unhappy, "But we just left like this, and we can't find anyone to ask for help to see the wolf god in the mountains. Do you think that the old village chief can really convince the envoy?"

The old priest smiled and patted the little girl's head, and said, "Actually, the envoy has already given a hint, but you just didn't notice it."

Qianqian was immediately stunned, "Ah? A hint has been given? What hint?"

The old priest said with a smile, "The envoy said that as long as I wait for my sincerity, the mountain god will not be embarrassed. Haha... The hint in these words is already obvious."

"Although she claims that she is not the envoy of the wolf god, in this small mountain village, a rural girl in this small village can have such a demeanor. Could it be that she was born with a sage?"

"I can't say, this little envoy has been taught and trained by the wolf god in the mountains, so she is so extraordinary. It's just that she lives in the village and doesn't want to make her identity public, so the villagers don't know it."

"So her words can also represent the wolf god in a sense. Since she acquiesced to us to visit the wolf god, we can go directly to the mountain, and we don't need to ask for any referrals."

The old priest's explanation made Qianqian suddenly realize, "Is that so... Then I'm going to prepare the tribute to the wolf god right away?"

"Well, let's go, move faster," the old priest thought for a while, and then said, "Just in case, bring the human face drum."

"Okay, Grandpa Priest, wait for me for a while, I'll be right back," the girl said happily, and jumped away.

The old priest smiled, and after watching the girl leave, he turned to look in the direction of Hanyu Mountain.

It was noon now, and with the rising sun, the fog in the mountains gradually dissipated, and the old man was finally able to see the whole picture of the Hanyu Mountains.

The sky above the mountains, which are not very famous mountains and rivers, is now shrouded in a huge vortex cloud. The black vortex cloud slowly rotates, and there are flashes of lightning from time to time. From a distance, this black vortex cloud looks like a huge eyeball, looking down at this world indifferently.

And staring at this huge vortex for a long time will even give birth to a creepy feeling, making people subconsciously want to look away and dare not look at it.

The old man knew that this was the cloud of robbery and punishment, which contained a terrifying power of destruction, and it was a terrifying celestial phenomenon that only appeared during divine scourge.

However, according to the stories of the villagers in Shuisheng Village, this terrifying cloud of robbery and punishment hangs over Hanyu Mountain all year round and will not recede...

The old priest's expression was slightly solemn. Having personally witnessed this huge robbery cloud, he became more and more sure that the wolf god in Hanyu Mountain was by no means an ordinary fragrant volcano god.

The origin of its roots is probably more terrifying than everyone imagines.

And my own family, then they will live under the rule of this wolf god for a few years... hey...

The old man shook his head bitterly. Now, he can only hope that the Lord of Calamity mentioned in the prophecy of the Holy Maiden is not the God of Cold Feather Mountain.

Otherwise, the people of my own family are afraid that they will be more fortunate and less fortunate...

Chapter 30: Beyond the Ordinary

The preparation of the offerings was soon completed.

When the girl came back, she saw many people gathered around the old priest. The leaders of all the branches in the Xifeng tribe have come, and everyone is surrounding the old priest and obeying the old priest's instructions.

Seeing this scene, the girl was a little curious, "Why did everyone gather here?"

The old priest smiled and said, "This trip is dangerous, so I asked everyone to prepare early. If there is an accident, we can deal with it in time."

After finishing speaking, the old priest looked at the group of branch leaders beside him and said, "That's it, you all separate as I said, and all of you retreat twenty miles away. If there is an accident in the mountains, and Qianqian and I fail to come back, You should flee this place immediately and find a way to inform the saint of what happened here."

"If nothing happens, just wait for the news from me and Qianqian, don't act rashly... Do you understand?"

When the old priest spoke, he deliberately stared at the most burly and sturdy Ordinary in the crowd, and said, "Ordinary, do you understand?"

The strong man known as the Orohan nodded vigorously to show his understanding.

The old priest then waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can go. After you leave, Qianqian and I will enter the mountain again."


The branch leaders of the tribe took their orders away one after another, so outside the Shuisheng Village, the people of the Xifeng tribe scattered among the mountains and fields to rest, quickly moved.

According to the old priest's instructions, they evacuated in different directions so as not to be swept away.

And with the evacuation of the giant tortoises, the earth trembled again.

The villagers of Shuisheng Village were all alarmed and gathered at the entrance of the village to see what happened, and then saw the figure of the aliens leaving.

The villagers were all a little confused.

"Why did these aliens come and go, go and come, and now go again..."

"Yeah, what are they doing?"

"It's weird..."

The villagers were at a loss, completely ignoring the meaning of the movements of this group of aliens outside. But the Kaze Department didn't need to explain to them and left.

There were originally many people of different races in the mountains, but now there are only two figures, one old and one small.

The old priest sat on the ridge and watched the clansmen go away. His face was kind and kind, but he didn't say a word.

A young girl named Qianqian sat beside the old priest, took out the offering to the wolf god from the gift box, and said, "Grandpa priest, do you really want to give this pot of Qian Ri Zui to the wolf god? Give it to the wolf god. God, you really won't be able to drink in the future."

The old priest's face twitched, and then he sighed slowly, "Anyway, I can't bear to drink it if I keep it, so I might as well give it away..."

Qianqian giggled, "Why don't we taste it before giving it to the wolf god? This is the divine wine brewed by the holy lady herself. It would be a pity to give it away without tasting it."

The old priest glared at the girl with a smile, and scolded, "Is it your little girl who wants to drink, right? Don't think about it, with your cultivation level, I'm afraid you will get drunk with a single drop... Don't you want to visit the wolf god in this mountain drunk? "

"Hehe..." The girl laughed, the little abacus was dismantled but she didn't blush, and continued to talk about other topics as if nothing had happened.

One old man and one young man just sat in the ridge in the countryside, watching the clansmen of the Xifeng tribe gradually go away.

In the end, when all the clansmen disappeared from their sight, two people, one old and one young, stood up and walked towards Hanyu Mountain in the opposite direction.

The noon sun fell on the two of them. But the late autumn season is no longer hot, and the two of them are fast paced.

Although the road in the mountain is rugged, neither the rugged mountain road nor the dense bushes can stop the footsteps of the old and young. It's just that they didn't walk too fast, and walked into the mountains like ordinary mortals.

As for the destination, both of them knew very well that it was the position in the middle of the vortex cloud, the main peak of Hanyu Mountain.

But after walking for a while in the mountains, the young girl Qianqian muttered in a low voice, "Grandpa priest, there are a group of monkeys following us all the time... Do you think these monkeys are the eyes and ears of the wolf god?"

The old priest patted her hand and said, "Don't worry about it, it's just an ordinary group of monkeys in the mountains, not monsters."

The old man soothed the girl's uneasy feelings, but in fact, the more he walked into the mountains, the more uneasy feeling in his heart became. The robbery cloud shrouded in the sky above Hanyu Mountain is too terrifying, causing great psychological pressure on the old man.

Every time he took a step inside, the depression in his heart became stronger.

On the contrary, it was the girl beside her, who felt less pressure because of her lack of cultivation. But even so, the girl named Qianqian was much quieter and also felt the pressure.

Amid such anxiety, the two, one old and one young, walked in the mountains for an hour before finally arriving at the main peak shrouded in robbery clouds.

At this point, the coercion of the Heavenly Punishment Tribulation Cloud has reached its peak. Even the old priest, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, couldn't help but get nervous at this time.

When the two of them passed through the woods and saw the mountain temple surrounded by trees from a distance, Qianqian shrank her neck even more, a little scared.

"Okay... what a terrible breath!"

The girl's face was a little pale, "This place has such a strong thunderous aura, it's like the center of the catastrophe!"

Standing in the woods, feeling the aura of thunder emanating from the air, the young girl even had an illusion, as if she had already suffered divine scourge and was about to be annihilated by lightning strikes.

And the old priest beside the girl had a similar feeling.

But he knew that this was just an illusion caused by thunderstorms falling all year round in this place, causing the thunderous energy to condense and not disperse. It was not the real punishment.

Thinking of this, the old priest took a deep breath and walked towards the mountain temple with the girl. One old and one young stood in the open space in front of the mountain temple, but did not dare to enter, but stood outside and bowed in salute.

"The priest of the Li tribe's Xifeng Department, pay tribute to the wolf god!"

The old priest's old and serious voice echoed slowly in the mountains. The sound is not loud, but it has a wonderful penetrating power. It spreads far, and even Lu Heng, who is cultivating underground, can hear it.

Hearing this unfamiliar voice, Lu Heng was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

Li people attack the wind department? Priest? see me

What is this situation? Is there another guest in the mountains

Shen Xin felt it for a moment, and Lu Heng felt the respectful waiting outside the mountain temple, one old and one young, and at the same time he saw the vigorous blood on the old priest.

This old man seems to be a little strong...

Lu Heng thought for a while, but the body did not appear, but his mind moved. The next second, in the mountain temple, the white wolf clay sculpture above the altar moved.

"I'm Lu Heng, dare to ask what the priest is looking for me?" The clay figurine white wolf jumped off the altar, walked into the sunlight outside, and asked the old man and the young man outside.

The old priest hurriedly bowed and saluted, "Don't dare, the wolf god's words are serious. Li Ju came here, just to pay homage to the wolf god, and beg the wolf god to allow the people of our clan to live here temporarily. I will never dare to offend the wolf god. Majesty, I also look to the wolf god for a lesson."

The old man's words were sincere, but Lu Heng was a little strange.

Come and ask me to allow you to come here for a while? What kind of weird request is this? I'm just a mountain god, and I'm not a land man. You can live there if you want. Is it because I'm afraid that I won't trouble you

Lu Heng looked at the old man and the young man in front of him in surprise, thought for a while, and said, "As long as you don't disturb the villagers in Shuisheng Village at the foot of the mountain, don't do bad things, just stay where you want, I have no opinion."

Lu Heng's words stunned both the old and the young at the same time.

This... This wolf god is so good at talking

Qianqian is okay, but I just think that this wolf god is very kind, without the air of a god, and it is not scary as imagined.

But the old priest thought of more.

No wonder that little god was humble and polite, and he was disciplined in advancing and retreating. He was taught by this wolf god, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to have a bad character.

And although this wolf god is only coming in an incarnation, the power of robbery and punishment that condenses and does not dissipate has already made people feel awe-inspiring. If the main body comes, I am afraid that the power will be even stronger.

It's just that compared to the terrifying power of the Wolf God, what the old priest fears today is something else.

To envoy Tianlei and control thunder tribulation is terrifying, but it may just be pure innate supernatural powers. Among the so-called ancient beasts, there are even more terrifying and terrifying ones.

But beasts and beasts, the word beast is the key point. Most of the people called gods and beasts have a deep beast nature, are cruel and bloodthirsty, and they are all ignorant and cruel things.

In the eyes of the old priest, the so-called ancient mythical beasts were nothing more than evil things that relied on innate supernatural powers to ravage one side. Even with a long lifespan, it is just a puddle of filth between heaven and earth, not worthy of respect.

But the wolf god in front of him is definitely not the so-called ancient beast.

His divine power is fierce, his divine nature is friendly, and he is kind to people. There is not the slightest evil spirit in his body.

A far more mundane existence...

Chapter 31 Tianlei Sand

With a conjecture in his heart, the giant stone in the old priest's heart was temporarily put down, and he no longer worried about the safety of the tribe.

It's just that although he is no longer afraid, the old priest's heart is more and more awe-inspiring.

This white wolf god is the kind of existence that is a real god...

This kind of conjecture, he just thought about it, it felt terrible.

But the old priest did not dare to say it outright, or even to tell others about this conjecture, and could only bury this conjecture silently in his heart.

Because this type of existence is mostly illusory, and rarely manifests itself in front of people.

But this white wolf god is different. Not only does he appear holy in front of people, he even lives in the mountains. Even ordinary villagers outside the mountain knew of his existence and had seen his figure.

Even the visit of a foreign migrator like him, the wolf god is not stingy to see him, and there is no pretense at all.

There is only one explanation for this behavior, and that is that the wolf god does not want the world to know his true identity, but just wants to walk in this world as the identity of all living beings.

Although I don't know the deep meaning of the wolf god's actions, that kind of existence is not something that ordinary people can speculate about.

No wonder that Thousand Needles City Wu Zhu Gongshu Jie, who was famous for his tough bones, was very respectful when facing the White Wolf God. Uncle Jie must have guessed the possibility of this wolf god, so he didn't dare to offend...

Thinking of this, the old priest bowed deeply and said respectfully.

"The entire family of Li Judai's Xifeng clan is grateful to the wolf god for accepting him. Thanks to the great kindness of the wolf god, we will definitely live here and there will be no more troubles."

When the old priest bowed and saluted, the young girl Qianqian also hurriedly bowed and saluted, "Qianqian thanks the wolf god for his great kindness, and I won't cause any trouble."

The girl was as cheerful and playful as always, but the moment she lowered her head, she saw the soil under her feet and was stunned.

Now she is standing in the open space in front of the mountain temple.

This open space has been baptized by the power of thunder for a long time, and the soil has turned a faint dark red. And faintly, there is a little black in this dark red.

The girl looked at it carefully, this time she saw it more clearly. These soils are no longer ordinary powdery soils, but gravel-like ones. Every grain of sand is dark red with a little pitch black, and there is a thunderous aura that is condensed but not scattered.