I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 181: Section 181


Lu Heng smiled and shook his head: "There is such a possibility... In short, Xiaoxiao doesn't have to worry. She stayed alone in the mountains for so long before she had an accident, and it may not happen now."

"Let's worry about our own business first..."

Lu Heng smiled and took Xiao Ai and Shen Wuyou to say goodbye to Jiang Shen Gu Zhou, then left Pangjiang Water House and headed towards Luwu Mountain.

This time, Lu Heng no longer hurried on the road as slowly as before, but drove directly towards the east.

It is necessary to arrive at Luwu Mountain as soon as possible, deal with the current affairs, and then go to Fuyu Mountain to see a smile.

The four old guests of the Qingming Grotto, Xiao Juechen, and Lu Heng made an appointment to meet at Fuyu Mountain. Now that it has been delayed for so long, Lu Heng will not go again. Xiao Juechen is afraid that he will have to wait patiently.

Even a demon can't keep letting it dove.

Over the Pangjiang sky, a flash of light flashed by.

Lu Heng left with Xiao Ai and Shen Wuyou.

And in the wilderness more than 3,000 miles away from the Pangjiang River, on a vast swamp, there is now a faint blood-red aura.

With this swamp at the center, within a radius of hundreds of miles, there was no trace of any living creatures, and they all fled in a hurry.

A few days ago, the blood-red sword light that cut through the sky spread unparalleled fear in the wilderness. Wherever the sword energy went, all beings panicked.

And this vast swamp was affected the most.

Because the sword energy that spanned more than 3,000 miles, the place where it finally landed was here...

Although the faint blood-red aura floating on the swamp is no longer as terrifying as it was in the first day, it still contains the power of robbery and punishment that flickers the fear of living beings.

God's Meteor Tribulation Thunder...

In this legend, the terrifying thunder punishment that represents absolute killing, even if there is only a little breath that is about to dissipate, it still infiltrates people.

So all the creatures in the swamp fled.

In the now barren swamp, only the rancid water flows silently.

But at a certain moment, two figures appeared one after the other on the edge of the swamp.

They stood beside the floating blood-red aura, quietly looking at the swamp in front of them, and one of the ghosts said.

"Ghost mother, what do you think of this sword?"

The demon known as the Mother of Ghosts is a woman with a bewitching face. She has dark purple hair and a sturdy figure, like the most common peasant woman in rural villages.

Now facing the question from the ghost, the woman sneered and said.

"The power of a sword is unparalleled in the world... The sword power of the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain is indeed worthy of the name of unparalleled, no wonder it dares to boast half of the ancient sword in the world."

"The power of this sword alone is terrifying that I have only seen in my life. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, who would dare to believe that someone in the world can cultivate such a state of sword power?"

After the ghost mother finished speaking, she looked at the ghost next to her and said, "Xieying, it's not a good plan for you to provoke such an outrageous old monster... Are you sure you really want to go all the way to the dark?"

In this regard, the evil shadow smiled lightly, and said: "This is the end, is there still a way out? If I saw this sword before the plan started, maybe I would really back off."

"But now, there is no way out... Does the ghost mother think that if she gives up now, then the wolf god will not trouble us?"

"Maybe he already has our name on his list of extermination of demons."

Xie Ying's words made the ghost mother laugh weirdly and said: "At least we can find a place to hide, hide for a long time, and hide in the cold feather mountain wolf god to retreat and then come out, it's better than giving our lives directly... Isn't it? "

Chapter 292 Mutated Living Corpse (4300/4300)

The ghost mother's words made Xie Ying laugh and said.

"This is not the style of the ghost mother... Even if the wolf god is invincible and unparalleled in the world, as long as we don't show our faces and face the enemy, what can he do?"

"It would be too passive to really want to shrink back and wait for it to retire and then come out of the mountain."

"This kind of ancient monster will not easily come out of the mountain. Now that it is in the world, I am afraid that it will not retire in a short time."

"Maybe we will be directly boiled to death by him... After all, they are old monsters who have survived the catastrophe in the world. If there is a way to prolong life, they will definitely live longer than us."

"And we have already set up the battle, just waiting for the wolf god to enter the game... The matter has come to this point, is the ghost mother really not going to fight, but shrinking from the battle?"

Xie Ying's inquiry made the stout ghost mother laugh again.

She licked her lips, looked up and down at the evil shadow in front of her, and said.

"It doesn't matter if you fight, even if you lose, you will die. I am afraid that in the end, I will find that the bamboo basket is empty, and I am just a wedding dress for others... That will be uncomfortable."

The ghost mother's words mean something.

Xie Ying said in surprise: "Don't you believe the ghost mother? Think I will take advantage of it alone?"

The ghost mother smiled and said: "It's not so, the evil shadow demon is still trustworthy. Those who are worried about the old body are in the Qingming cave."

"The ten thousand demons are very talented, they have always made plans and then act, and they are extremely meticulous. It is really not to be underestimated to be able to create a great foundation in the fire of this land of absolute demons."

"Although the Qingming Grotto seems to be bright now, the Ten Thousand Demons and Demons have never made an appearance, so that the outside world does not even know whether it is male or female, tall, short, fat or thin, and no one knows what medicine it sells in its gourd. ."

"If you and I choose to go shopping with the Wolf God, at a critical moment, the Ten Thousand Demons and Demons will suddenly appear to cut off the hustle... Then don't we just do other people's wedding dresses?"

The analysis of the ghost mother made Xie Ying ponder for a few breaths, and said: "The ghost mother's concern is indeed justified. Then we will wait a little longer to see the trend of the Qingming Cave."

"Now that the wolf god has set his sights on the Qingming Cave, if there is no accident, it will not be long before a result can be determined."

"We can wait until the dust settles before we start..."

As soon as the words were finished, both of them sensed the approach of some kind of breath.

Looking at each other, the figures of the two demons disappeared instantly.

On the edge of the deadly swamp, it took a long time before two figures appeared one after the other on the edge of the blood-red swamp.

In the dim light, it could be seen that it was a man dressed as a musician, pale and slender, with a huge piano case on his back.

Behind the musician, followed by a woman in a red wedding dress. She was clearly covered with a red hijab, but it didn't affect her sight.

Walking on the edge of this muddy swamp, the woman in red did not step on a single puddle.

However, after approaching the surging blood-red fog, the woman in red suddenly stopped, as if she was a little afraid of the blood-colored fog in front of her.

Aware of her fear of the blood-colored mist, the musician paused and said, "I'll go ahead and take a look. Master, please stay here for a while."

After speaking, without waiting for the woman in red to reply - the woman in red would not reply - the musician walked directly into the swamp, facing the surging blood-red aura in front of him, he slowly stretched out his hand and touched it.


In the swamp, a thorn suddenly flashed, and there seemed to be a faint flash of blood-red thunder.

When the musician's right hand was pulled out again, it was already blackened by electricity.

But he didn't feel any pain, just looked down at the charred arm with a shocked expression.

"God's Meteor Tribulation Thunder... This sword light turned out to be God's Meteor Tribulation Thunder?"

He raised his head, looked at the bloody swamp in front of him, and fell into incredible shock.

Although blood is surging in the swamp today, there is no terrifying momentum when the sword energy fell.

But just looking at this bloodless wilderness, the musician seems to have seen the terrifying scene when the sword qi fell that day...

God's Meteor Tribulation Thunder...

The God's Meteor Tribulation Thunder, which only exists in legends, actually appeared in the world? And it's still being manipulated...

The musician's expression was so shocked that when the woman in the red wedding dress walked up to him, he didn't even react.

Until the woman in the red wedding dress passed him and walked directly into the surging blood-red mist in front of her...

stab - stab -

The blood-red airflow surged violently, and the blood-colored thunder light flickered violently.

The moment a woman with evil spirits stepped into the swamp, wherever she went, blood-colored riots, the power of robbery and punishment remaining inside kept flickering and stirring, stimulated by the evil spirits on the woman.

And the strange sound finally awakened the musician who was distracted.

He raised his head in a hurry, and saw the terrifying scene of the master in a red wedding dress walking into the swamp and almost disappearing into the blood-red mist.

Suddenly startled.


The musician shouted anxiously, and immediately gave the order to return with his spiritual sense.

However, this living corpse, which in theory has been completely entrusted to him, now seems to be out of his control and is indifferent to his anxious urging.

In the sound of the blood-red mist surging and exploding, the dim thunder light flickered violently, and the woman's figure went deeper and deeper, and finally disappeared from the musician's sight.

Completely ignored the musician's control instructions.

In this scene, the musicians were stunned. He couldn't care about anything else anymore, so he flew up and flew towards the depths of the blood-colored fog.


The musician shouted anxiously.

The swamp filled with the aura of Thunder Demon is an extremely terrifying slaughtering ground for living creatures.

No practitioner can maintain inner peace in this swamp filled with thunder and punishment.

Neither can musicians.

However, what frightened the musician more than the pressure brought by the thunder and punishment aura was the master who kept walking into the depths of the mist.

Master did not listen to his instructions and acted without authorization... This is a strange scene that has never happened before.

Could it be that in the depths of the blood-colored fog, there is something that attracts Master

But this blood-colored fog was just the aftermath of the wolf god sword qi dissipating. The center of the blood fog is the location where the sword energy falls. Life has long been extinct, and it is impossible for any living creatures to exist.

But Shizun went straight there... What the hell happened!

The musician's heart was both anxious and panic.

If there is something in the center of the fog that really attracts Shizun, so that Shizun is out of his control... It is foreseeable that no matter what it is, it is definitely beyond his scope of coping.

Absolutely unimaginable horror!

I can feel the master who is walking farther and farther in the blood-colored fog. Even if he knows that the things in the center of the blood-colored fog are terrifying, the musician can't escape alone...

Chapter 293: Undying


Feeling that he was getting closer and closer to the center of the blood fog, and the atmosphere of thunder and punishment in the surrounding air was getting stronger and stronger, the musician who flew past the blood fog almost cried out anxiously.

At the same time, in his spiritual sense, he kept giving orders to return, wanting to recall the body of the master.

However, the body of the master, who used to be of the same mind as him, now completely ignores his orders.

All the divine thoughts he sent out were like mud bulls into the sea, without any feedback.

And the master's speed in the fog is extremely fast, and he is farther and farther away from him.

In the end, it stopped in the center of the blood-colored fog.

Not moving.

An ominous premonition emerged in the musician's mind.

He became more and more anxious, and the escape light hurriedly passed through the bloody swamp, quickly reached the depths of the blood-red fog, and saw the place where the sword fell a few days ago.

Compared with other top cultivators when the sky and the earth were torn apart, after the wolf god's sword fell, there was neither the huge scar of the earth cracking and everything crumbling, nor the splendid sight of the surging spiritual wind and the change of the mountains and rivers. .

Except for the blood-colored mist that slowly spread and disappeared over the entire swamp, there was not even a deep pit left in the center of this swamp.

The fall of that sword just took away the dozen or so demons and completely evaporated them from the world.

While killing the demons, even the turf in the swamp was not injured in the slightest.

Everything remains as it was.

If it weren't for the blood mist sword qi that slowly dissipated on the swamp, silently recounting the horrors not long ago, no one would believe that an unparalleled sword qi that spanned three thousand miles had fallen here.

Such a strange situation, if you see it in normal times, the musician must be greatly surprised and study it carefully to see if the sword of the wolf god really did not harm the innocent.

But now, he is not in the mood to pay attention to these trivial matters.

His eyes widened slightly.

The pupils suddenly tightened.