I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 184: Section 184


The old monk's inquiry made the leader of the practitioner's complexion suddenly change.


I can't even bother to ask who sent this old guy. The moment the other party calls out their heels, the two sides are already dead!

We must get this old guy as soon as possible and escape from Sanshui City!

This city is no longer safe!

In the alley, the light of the sword is cold and the sword is like a rainbow.

The sight of seven cultivators shooting at the same time, even the wizards who patrol the city have to flee in a hurry.

What's more, the cultivator at the head has already condensed the five qi in his chest, and he is only one step away from entering the next realm, which is already considered a top cultivator in the mortal world.

It's just that the sword light and sword energy only shone for a moment, and then disappeared silently.

Not even the mud walls on both sides of the narrow alley were hurt.

After a dozen breaths, the old monk in a tattered robe walked out of the alley with a bitter face.

Merged into the flow of people on the street outside.

As for the seven cultivators with extraordinary cultivation, they have completely disappeared, and no one has seen them again.

Chapter 297 The Water Mansion Abandoned For Many Years

In Luwu Mountain, the lake is clear and the mountain breeze is cool.

Lu Heng, dressed in white, stood by the lake, watching Xiao Ai and the little boy emerge from the water one after the other, and said with a smile.

"Have you found anything?"

Xiao Ai shook her head and said: "The water house is empty and deserted, there is not even a piece of cloth or a chair, it has long been abandoned."

The little boy's expression was lost, and he seemed to be greatly affected, different from the happy and excited appearance of returning home before.

Lu Heng was a little surprised and asked, "What's wrong with Wuyou?"

The little boy glanced at Xiao Ai next to him hesitantly, and said, "Daddy, Sister Xiao Ai said... She said that the water house in this lake has been abandoned for at least a hundred years, and it can't be the place where my mother and I lived. "

"But I remember clearly, this is indeed the home where my sister, my sister, and my mother live. It's just that we've been away for a while, so it looks dilapidated..."

Lu Heng was slightly surprised by the little boy's remarks.

He looked at Xiao Ai next to him, and saw Xiao Ai shaking his head silently.

Lu Heng understood a little, but facing the lost boy, Lu Heng still said warmly: "That may be Xiao Ai's mistake... Anyway, since you have seen this place, we should go to the next place. Whether the water house is abandoned or not, it doesn't really matter."

Lu Heng's words surprised the little boy.

"Daddy... Daddy, won't you stay for a few more days?"

He quickly defended: "Although the house is a bit shabby, if Wuyou cleans it properly, it will soon be able to live in. Wuyou also wants to tell Daddy how we lived in the past..."

"Daddy... Daddy, let's stay for a few more days."

The little boy begged pitifully.

Lu Heng sighed and said, "Although I would like to stay for a few more days, now is not a leisurely vacation time."

"Your sister is still under the control of the demon in the Qingming Cave. We have to find a way to go to Fuyu Mountain to see Xiaojuechen and see if we can sneak into the Qingming Cave in advance to rescue your sister."

"Secondly, there is another major event happening in Huotong, which is even more serious than the demons in the Qingming Cave. We must go to check and deal with it."

Having said that, Lu Heng roughly recounted what the musician Gu Yin came to inform.

After the little boy heard it, he was stunned.

"Go... Go to the ancient monster?"

In the past, he lived in seclusion with his mother and in the barren mountains. He had never even seen ordinary monsters and practitioners. Those practitioners only existed in the legends of mother, and they were extremely mysterious.

Although after seeing Daddy, he also saw many big demons and demons by his side, and even participated in the ferocious banquet, saw the chaos of the dance, and saw Xiao Juechen, one of the four old guests in the Qingming Cave.

But these practitioners are only relatively powerful in the world, and they are not as good as Daddy at all.

However, the ancient monster that Daddy is talking about is obviously a real legendary figure...

The little boy looked worried: "Daddy, you... can you beat this woman who has returned from the dead?"

Lu Heng smiled bitterly and said, "This is also a question that worries me... Am I the opponent of this female senior? I don't know the answer to this question."

"So in order to find out the details of her, we must now go to the swamp where she was resurrected to see what is under the swamp, so that we can specifically deal with this old senior who came back from the dead."

When Lu Heng said so, Shen Wuyou nodded again and again and said, "Then let's go, Daddy, if it's inconvenient to bring Wuyou, you can send Wuyou to Pangjiang Shuifu, I'll wait for you in Jiang."

Lu Heng shook his head and said, "No, it won't affect anything with you."

After finishing speaking, Lu Heng waved his sleeves and took Xiao Ai and the little boy Shen Wuyou directly into the sky. The misty clouds and mist gathered at Lu Heng's feet.

Driving a dark cloud of robbery, Lu Heng left Luwu Mountain directly and headed towards the swamp where his sword fell a few days ago.

It is more than 3,000 miles away from the Pangjiang Water House, and it is even farther from Luwu Mountain, nearly 10,000 miles away.

Such a long distance, in Lu Heng's previous life, he was able to straddle the third largest country in the world.

But here, it is only a corner of the territory of Huotong Nation.

And Huotong Country is only a country with a small land area in this world, and even several maritime countries in the South China Sea are larger than Huotong Country...

In such a vast world, it is extremely difficult to find a wild swamp thousands of miles away.

But that sword was cut by Lu Heng after all, and he knew exactly where the sword energy ended up.

Therefore, Lu Heng drove Jieyun, along with Xiaoai and Shen Wuyou, directly across the Huotong Kingdom, heading straight for the swamp with a faint blood mist.

The earth, receding rapidly under their feet.

But in the distance are the continuous rolling mountains, and there is no horizon in sight.

Obviously, the world could really be a round place...

Standing high in the sky, overlooking the mountains and rivers on the earth, Lu Heng sighed in his heart.

In fact, he has always been curious about the true appearance of this world, and has always wanted to fly out into the sky to take a good look at what this land looks like.

It's just that every time this kind of thought arises, he will suddenly have a feeling of trembling in his heart, as if he is stepping on an extremely dangerous road.

So Lu Heng has been deliberately controlling himself not to think about it.

The intuition of practitioners is often very accurate.

He would have that kind of heart-pounding feeling. Obviously, the real face of this world is not something he can peep at now.

This seemingly wild and primitive world actually hides countless mysteries and crises.

Lu Heng was in awe of this, so even though he possessed two killer weapons, he was never arrogant, nor did he feel that he was invincible in the world with the Heavenly Tribulation Sword and the Soul-suppressing Seal in his hands.

However, the little boys Shen Wuyou and Xiao Ai obviously did not understand these feelings in Lu Heng's heart.

The little boy stood above the robbery cloud and looked at the rapidly receding earth below in amazement.

Although it was not the first time that he was taken to fly by his father, the feeling of standing in the clouds overlooking all beings still made him feel extremely novel.

Especially the cloud under their feet is not an ordinary cloud, but a robbery cloud that can bring down punishment...

Even if he knew that Jie Yun was under the control of his father, the little boy was still shocked when he stood on this Jie Yun, for fear that his actions of stepping on Jie Yun would lead to divine punishment.

For a living being, even a trace of the aura of robbery and punishment is enough to evoke the deepest fear and trembling in the soul.

In the wilderness below, countless monsters saw the Jieyun flashing in the sky, felt the terrifying aura of Jieyun, and they all shivered, thinking that they had done something wrong. .

Chapter 298

In the sky, robbery clouds flashed by.

Lu Heng swaggered through the market, never hiding his figure.

This was the agreement he had made before with Jiu Xie. If there was a major event that was difficult to handle, he would directly sway through the market and pass on information to the outside world.

In this way, another person in the Fire Tong Nation will rush to help.

However, the speed of flying with the robbery cloud is indeed faster than the ordinary flight of light.

It didn't take much time for Lu Heng to take Xiao Ai and Shen Wuyou across the thousands of miles to the swamp filled with a faint blood-red mist.

"Hi... well... what a horrible feeling... "

When Lu Heng pressed the cloud head and landed on the edge of the swamp, although he hadn't touched the blood-red mist, the little boy's expression changed slightly, and he felt the terrifying aura from the God's Meteor Tribulation Thunder.

Couldn't help muttering.

Even though the spirit of robbery and punishment has dissipated a lot, it is still not something that the little boy can resist.

And it seems that the aura of robbery and punishment left here should remain for a long time. If there is no external intervention, it may even spread for decades.

Seeing this situation, Lu Heng waved his sleeves directly, and a breeze rose in the swamp.

The blood-red mist that many practitioners had tried when they came to watch, but they were all helpless, was now swept away by the breeze brought by Lu Heng with a light wave of his sleeve.

The blood-colored mist that slowly dissipated above the swamp quickly condensed and rolled in one direction under the blow of the gust of wind.

In the end, the blood mist became more and more condensed, and the diffuse area became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a dim red light and flew behind Xiao Ai, and silently fell into the Heavenly Tribulation Sword on Xiao Ai's back.

After taking away the stray aura of divine fall, the swamp shrouded in blood mist returned to its original appearance and appeared under the light of the sky.

Slightly turbid stinky water, dark and dirty water plants, and skeleton skeletons that appeared from time to time in the water... This swamp once devoured the lives of many wild creatures.

However, Lu Heng and the others walked across the water and against the wind, so naturally they would not fall into the swamp and be swallowed by the mud.

Lu Heng walked directly to the depths of the swamp, the swamp mud that ordinary creatures could not climb out of if they stepped in, but did not even leave footprints under Lu Heng's feet.

He and Xiao Ai walked over the swamp like weightless goose feathers, leaving no traces.

Even Shen Wuyou, a little boy with a low cultivation base, could barely walk on the mud and prevent himself from sinking.

Soon, the three came to the center of the swamp, where Lu Heng's sword energy had fallen.

The swamp here still maintains its original appearance, and the landscape has not been changed by Lu Heng's sword.

It's just that under the silt, a strange smell escaped, causing Lu Heng's brows to wrinkle slightly.

"Back off."

He said this to Shen Wuyou and Xiao Ai, and at the same time, his mind moved, and the technique of controlling the soil was activated.

In the central area of the swamp, the originally calm water and silt began to shake violently, and under the control of the earth-defense technique, the silt kept turning outwards, revealing the corpses of many beasts swallowed by the silt.

And as more and more silt rolled out from the ground and spread outward, a huge and dark pit gradually formed in the center of the swamp.

Inside the pothole, there is a strange and incomparable aura.

That aura was neither demonic, nor righteous, nor yin and dead.

However, when the aura spread outward, the three people who felt this strange aura were all subconsciously uncomfortable.

Felt extremely awkward.

Lu Heng's expression was slightly solemn.

The underground of this swamp is really weird...

And it happened to be hit by his sword... Really...

Lu Heng didn't know how to evaluate his luck.

As the silt in the center of the swamp continued to fly out, the pitch-black hole leading to the ground became deeper and deeper, and the strange atmosphere emanating from it became more and more intense.

Standing beside the pothole, Lu Heng was still able to remain calm, but the little boy Shen Wuyou was already pale, and he couldn't bear it even if he retreated a hundred feet away.

Xiao Ai was also pale and couldn't stand it. But she always stood behind Lu Heng, never retreating away, forcing herself to bear the impact of the increasingly strong and strange aura.

At a certain moment, the silt that was constantly surging outward finally stopped.

In that dark underground cave, the strange aura emanating reached its peak.

The little boy Shen Wuyou had already retreated thousands of meters away with a pale face, and could only look at this side from a distance.

Lu Heng looked down at the pitch-black hole under his feet, slightly surprised.

In this pitch-black cave, it seems that the spiritual sense and sight can be isolated. With Lu Heng's cultivation, he could not see the scene at the bottom of the cave.

- Not to mention the bottom of the pothole, Lu Heng couldn't even see the place three meters deep underground.