I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 186: Section 186


He didn't know what Lu Heng was going to do, but he knew that the wolf god was definitely angry.

And Lu Heng didn't explain.


With a loud bang, the blazing white light of thunder once again illuminated the entire cave.

The incomparably deep pitch-black hole seemed to be tens of thousands of meters deep, extending all the way to the ground, which was terrifyingly deep.

However, the power of the thunder was surging and intense, and wherever it went, the darkness spread out, revealing the true appearance of the cave.

Lu Heng's line of sight also clearly saw the strange cauldron deep in the cave.

And the corpse of the woman floating in the tripod.

However, this time, the corpse of the woman in the cauldron changed. It was no longer the one that was lying flat in the water before.

Under the blazing white light of thunder, the woman covered with gnawing marks was raising her head and showing a strange smile to the sky above her head.

Look at Lu Heng.

Lu Heng's eyes turned slightly cold.

There was no thunder, but he did not stop like the first time.

The second thunder, shining again.


With the piercing sound of explosions, the second sky thunder slammed into the pitch-black hole, dispelling the darkness in the hole again.

And this time, directly facing the giant cauldron below!

The flickering thunder light reflected the dark hole in every detail.

The surging power of thunder and punishment mercilessly slashed towards the woman in the giant cauldron.

Then, the third, the fourth, the fifth...

Above the wasteland, the sound of thunder explosions sounded one after another, one after another, without the slightest pause.

The surging and mighty aura of thunder and punishment trembled over the swamp.

A huge thunderous sound resounded for hundreds of miles. The terrifying thunderous roar could be clearly heard all over the wasteland.

In the swamp, the huge lynx was already trembling with fright. It has been cultivating in the mountains and has not been involved in the magic way. How has it ever seen such a terrifying scene of thunder and thunder in the past? It is impossible to bear the power of tribulation thunder at all.

And Lu Heng's eyes have been staring coldly at the hole under his feet, staring coldly at the cauldron deep in the burrow, and staring at the corpse of the woman in the cauldron with a grinning smile.

The strange corpse didn't take his eyes away, and Lu Heng's thunder didn't stop.

The surging power of robbery thunder is surging in the ground. On the rusty blue cauldron, countless tiny lightning flashes and trembles, constantly dissipating, but at the same time adding new ones.

Even the miserable green liquid in the cauldron swayed violently in the continuous thunder of heaven's punishment, green gas constantly rose from the water, and the strange stench spread out along the hole.

Finally, when the seventh celestial thunder fell and the blazing white thunder light reflected the giant cauldron pale, the woman in the cauldron finally stopped grinning at Lu Heng.

Inside the strange cauldron, there is a half cauldron of miserable green liquid. And in this strange green water, there is no longer the woman's body.

The woman's corpse seemed to have dived under the green water and no longer looked at Lu Heng.

However, Lu Heng did not stop.

This pitch-black cave is extremely strange, except for the power of the thunder, whether it is mana, sight, or spiritual sense... Everything, whether it is false or real, will be swallowed up when it enters it.

Lu Heng didn't plan to take risks and explore in person.

Knowing that there is something weird in the ground or entering rashly, that is the act of a fool.

After smashing all the thunderbolts under his control in one breath, Lu Heng rose directly into the sky and sat cross-legged in the sky that was thousands of feet above the ground.

The surging power of robbery and punishment surged around him.

The dark clouds of Heaven's Punishment and Tribulation continue to condense over the wasteland.

Soon, a terrifyingly huge cloud of heavenly punishment shrouded the swamp.

And in the center of the huge vortex cloud that was slowly rotating and surging, Lu Heng stood cross-legged, his eyes were slightly closed, and the whole person seemed to be integrated with the robbery cloud.

Seeing the huge lynx in this scene, I was so frightened that I couldn't help myself.

He hurriedly looked at Xiao Ai beside the cave, and asked in horror, "What is Lord Wolf God doing!"

The terrifying sight of the seven thunders falling in a row just now scared him to the point of fighting with his legs, but the wolf god doesn't seem to be satisfied

Could it be that he really intends to directly lead the thunder to kill this strange underground hole

The huge lynx was frightened by such a big battle, and Xiao Ai looked up at the wolf god in the sky, and heard the wolf god's order.

So she respectfully bowed to the robbery cloud in the sky, and then looked at the huge lynx not far away, said.

"Let's leave this place first, and don't interfere with the wolf god to punish evil."

After speaking, Xiao Ai flew up and flew away towards the swamp.

Thousands of feet away, the little boy Shen Wuyou looked terrified, and he was taken away by Xiao Ai who flew over without knowing what happened.

And Xiao Ai reacted like this, how could the giant lynx dare to stay

It directly activated the power of the land god, immediately shrinking into an inch, quickly disappearing into the swamp, and constantly running towards the outside.

The speed is far more than Xiao Ai.

Soon, the huge lynx escaped from the range shrouded in the calamity cloud and appeared thirty miles away.

And Xiao Ai chased after dozens of breaths, and brought the little boy Shen Wuyou to the land god.

And the moment the two of them turned around...


With a loud bang, a huge thunder pierced through the sky, traversing the heavens and the earth, reflecting everything on the wasteland in white.

The first tribulation thunder fell.

Chapter 301

"Wolf... The wolf god can really control robbery and punishment..."

At the edge of the swamp, the lynx, whose whole body was whitened by lightning, murmured in horror.

Even if the thunder of heaven's punishment fell in the swamp, even if it was separated by dozens of miles, when the terrifying aura overflowed, it still made the monk lynx tremble.

Heavenly Punishment Tribulation Thunder, it is an extremely rare disaster in the world, and it is the most feared disaster for practitioners.

Even cultivators who practice the right path may face a thunderstorm.

There is no monk who is not afraid of such a legendary thing, even if it is just the breath of Tianlei, it is enough to make Li Shan shudder.

According to the outside world, the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain ordered Tianlei to kill all evil and half-mouthed ancient swords to suppress the world.

However, very few people have actually seen the wolf god's envoy Tianlei.

The power of the wolf god to control Tianlei has always existed only in legends.

But today, it actually witnessed it with his own eyes.

This Cold Feather Mountain Wolf God is truly as capable of warding off tribulation thunder as the legend says...

Every thunder that fell over the swamp seemed to fall on the heart and soul of the huge lynx, which shocked it so much that it was extremely frightened.

By now, it no longer worries about the weird things in the ground.

Being ravaged by the wolf god like this, no matter how evil it is, it won't last long.

Moreover, depending on the situation, the thunder of the wolf god is no longer as rapid as it was at the beginning.

The robbery and punishment at such a long interval is like deliberately torturing the underground things... Could it be that the wolf god intends to torture slowly, and use this method to force the evil thing out of the ground

The huge lynx guessed in his heart.

And in the vortex cloud of heavenly tribulation, Lu Heng, who had already merged with the cloud of heavenly punishment, was immersed in his mind, and he kept triggering the gathering of the heavenly thunders in the cloud of tribulation, and then smashed the heavenly thunders.

Before opening the gate of heaven, Lu Heng could not really envoy Jieyun.

But after opening the gate of heaven and cultivating in the mountains for five years, Lu Heng was barely able to integrate into the robbery cloud with his primordial spirit, and ordered the thunder in the robbery cloud to kill the designated target.

However, the tribulation thunder gathered in this way is not Lu Heng's own power, but the power of the tribulation clouds gathered by pulling, which cannot be done like an arm and a finger.

Therefore, after each thunderbolt is dropped, it takes about a quarter of an hour to concentrate and pull before the second thunderbolt can be dropped.

And the power of the thunder is very general...

The tribulation thunder that kills is up to nine.

The power of each tribulation thunder is stronger than the previous ones combined.

And the tribulation thunder that Lu Heng controls himself can only hit seven at most in one breath.

- Of course, if he didn't stack the power and kept using the power of the first tribulation thunder, Lu Heng would be able to split many paths.

But now Lu Heng has emptied all the power of the thunder in his body, so he can only rely on Jieyun.

He sat cross-legged in the cloud of robbery, and while he continued to practice, he also used his mind to draw the power of robbery and punishment, and every quarter of an hour, he fell a thunder.

The roaring thunder exploded, resounding from time to time in the wilderness.

Every time, the sky and the earth are bleak.

In the dark cave, there was no sound at all.

Although the power of each sky thunder is the weakest and the first, it cannot continuously stack the power. But the frequency of falling one every quarter of an hour is enough to make one's heart skip a beat.

Lu Heng was not in a hurry, he sat cross-legged in the void, continuously causing thunder to fall.

Either something underground jumped out on its own initiative, or Tianlei completely wiped out that weird thing in the ground.

Even Torch Dragon will be injured when it resists the continuous nine thunders.

Lu Heng didn't believe that after resisting the superimposed power of the seven heavenly thunders, he could easily catch the tribulation thunder that fell every quarter of an hour.

-Even if this tribulation thunder is not strong.

In the wilderness, lightning flashes and thunder roars.

Lu Heng's primordial spirit was completely immersed in his practice, and by the way, he led a thunderbolt to kill the underground hole below.

Anyway, he has some time to waste here, maybe he will spend a few more days, and he can still wait for the Nine Extinctions.

On the edge of the swamp, Xiao Ai has been standing high, looking at the huge vortex clouds slowly rotating in the sky from a distance. Even if the air is filled with the power of robbery, it cannot affect her practice.

She was in sympathy with the wolf god, and even if Lu Heng didn't tell her, she guessed the wolf god's plan.

So Xiao Ai temporarily put aside her worries, stood in the distance while watching the wolf god, and practiced by the way.

But the god of earth guarding her side is not as easy as her.

The thunder that fell every quarter of an hour, every time it roared, this huge lynx could not help but tremble.

The fine fur on Li Shan's body was originally shining due to his successful cultivation, and it was quite bright.

But now it has lost its luster because of the constant threat of robbery and punishment in the air. The characteristic of cats shedding hair when they are frightened makes it more dry and broken on the grass around it.

Although he has not yet transformed into a human, Li Shan's expression is already quite agile. The bitter expression on his face now looks helpless.

Emotionally, it really wants to stay away from here, and doesn't want to feel the power of the waves of robbery.

But as the earth god of this place, it wants to stay and see how the wolf god is going to concoct the evil underground.

After all, this place is within its clerical jurisdiction, and it can't help but ignore it.

If the wolf god can completely destroy the evil things in the ground, it will be able to sit back and relax in future cultivation, and no longer have to worry about hearing strange and terrifying low-pitched calls during cultivation.

In this way, while Li Shan was terrified, but had to stay on the sidelines, the robbery clouds over the swamp were surging endlessly.

The blazing white thunder light fell every quarter of an hour.

Every thunder of the sky fell, as if the sky and the earth had collapsed, spreading the pale light and the incomparably fierce thunder and punishment to the surroundings.

Such a terrifying situation continued for a whole day and night.

It was not until the afternoon of the next day that the huge vortex cloud covering the entire swamp slowly dissipated.

But at this moment, the entire wasteland was dead silent.

All the creatures in the original swamp fled in a hurry because of the sword that fell a few days ago, and there are only some creatures and beasts in the surrounding wasteland.