I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 204: Section 204


The Moon Refining Demon Lord is also the leader of the Demon Dao after all, but now he was frightened and fled, which was a good thing for Lu Heng and the others.

At least the dragon soul of tomorrow will be without the threat of a great demon.

After returning to Yanjing City, Lu Heng met Lian Shanjing.

The Dragon Soul is about to appear, if there is no such thing as the Moon Refining Devil Lord, Lu Heng and the others should have gone to the outside of the city to make arrangements.

But it's too late now.

After driving away a top-notch demon, and quelling the gods that were about to be born underground, Lu Heng and the others could finally free up their hands to deal with the demons in the Qingming Cave.

Fifty miles west of Yanjing City, in the barren mountains, Lu Heng and others set up a battle and disappeared into the void, only to wait for the demon in the Qingming Cave to take the bait.

In Yanjing City, fifty miles away, there was a peaceful, prosperous and lively appearance. It seemed that the wizards were not prepared for the evil demon's conspiracy to attack the city tomorrow.

This situation was passed on to the mountain stream two thousand kilometers away from the Yanjing City through the spies of the demons.

The Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerable who received the news nodded and said: "Instruct the spies in the city to continue monitoring the situation of the Fire Temple, and send a message back every hour."

As things come to an end, hundreds of years of painstaking plans are about to succeed, even Ten Thousand Demons Demon Venerable can't help but be a little excited now.

Beside him, the graceful face dressed in purple looked indifferent, like a sculpture.

And above the Demon Hall below, the three demon generals and the four elders of the Qingming Grotto are almost gathered together.

Except that Xie Yunniang, who had other plans, did not come, the backbone demon generals under the gate of Qingming Cave are all here now.

Chapter 333 Now the pressure has come to Venerable Tianxie

Above the Demon Temple, the demons gathered, and the evil spirits rushed into the sky.

In order to hide and act, the disciples of the Qingming Cave have always been scattered all over the place, doing their own work, and only returning to the cave at a certain time to report to the Ten Thousand Demons.

It was the first time for Qingming Cave to see such a huge gathering of demons.

Sitting below the Ten Thousand Demons Demon Venerable, according to the order of seats, the first is the Tiger Jiao General of the Three Demon Generals, the Heavenly Cruel Daoist, and the Yin Moon Bone Demon.

Followed by Xiao Juechen, Niu Tieyi, Mrs.

As for Xie Yunniang, she was not on the seat.

Below the four old masters, there are the demon generals in each cave and each cave, all of them are demons with extraordinary strength, and the second is the strength of Yicheng Wuzhu.

With such strength, even if one looks at the world, it is a powerful demonic force, and it can be called an abundance of talents.

But now that all the demons are gathered together, Niu Tieyi growled angrily and said, "Xie Yunniang has always been lazy and never cared about the things in the cave. She has been in my Qingming cave for eighty years, and the master of the cave has promoted and ranked the fourth. In the position of the old guest, but she has been lazy and doesn't do anything, she has long been disliked by her."

"I didn't expect her to be lazy and selfish on weekdays, but she didn't come to participate in today's big event in the devil's cave... Why is this Xie Yunniang in the same position as a senior? I'm not convinced!"

Niu Tieyi's loud scolding caused whispers from the demon generals below.

The Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerable at the top just heard the spy's report, but now that Niu Tieyi was angry, he didn't say anything to stop him. Instead, he whispered to his wife, Wanrong.

As if indifferent to everything below.

But after Niu Tieyi finished speaking, Mrs. Qingzhu, who had a good relationship with Xie Yunniang, spoke up.

She said coldly, "Niu Tieyi, are you too lenient? The devil has already said that Yunniang has other important things to do, so it's normal if she doesn't have time, we should understand."

"However, you are unrelenting, a big man with such a small belly... I think you are jealous because Yunniang has a higher seat than you! You want to make use of the topic and squeeze Yunniang out, right?"

Mrs. Qingzhu said a few words, and immediately said Niu Tieyi's eyes blood red, and slapped the table angrily.

"Bamboo bitch, what the hell are you talking about?! What kind of person is I?"

"I just see you two sluts stealing and cheating all day long, yet occupying a high position and being unhappy! In terms of cultivation, there are several demon generals in this hall that are not much worse than you."

"And in terms of credit, which of the demons in the temple is not stronger than you two sluts?"

"One Xie Yunniang, the other you, fished in troubled waters all day long and didn't do serious business. Then Xie Yunniang ran around without seeing anyone, and never saw her when she was doing business."

"And you bitch, raising a little fox who only practises the right way, and talks about how to correct the way every day... It's so fucking ridiculous."

"You are an evil demon, and you still want to raise a goddess of the righteous way?"

Niu Tieyi angrily rebuked: "The worst thing is that you didn't come back to report in time after you learned about the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain, but instead ran to the South China Sea... Such selfish behavior is like running away. If it weren't for the cave master A lot of them, I have already sent you to the Demon Slayer Platform for a walk."

Niu Tieyi scolded angrily, but Mrs. Qingzhu did not give in, saying, "How many times have I said that, I'm taking Xiaoxiao to the South China Sea to seek medical treatment! I'm going to find the witch from the Ten Witches of Lingshan to heal Xiaoxiao!"

"What are you escaping from? I took Xiaoxiao to see his doctor, didn't he come back right away?"

Mrs. Qingzhu scolded tit for tat: "If you want to talk about dereliction of duty, isn't your dereliction of duty more serious? The devil asked you to pick up the son of the wolf god, but you were robbed in the middle and only brought back one."

"If you weren't so stupid, the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain wouldn't have descended into the mortal world!"

Above the magic hall, there was a lot of noise.

Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerable watched for a while, and waited until the two sides had almost quarreled, and then said: "Yunniang said that she is still young and does not need to prolong her life, so this time the competition for dragon souls can naturally not be used."

"Now that the war is imminent, you should restrain your temper first, and work together to take away the dragon soul first, and then talk about other things."

Looking at the many demon generals below, as well as the four old and three demon generals, Wan Yaomo said: "And after taking the dragon soul, I will be ranked according to merit."

"If you are dissatisfied with the current seat, we will discuss it after the dragon soul is taken away... Do you guys have any opinions?"

Wan Yao Mo Zun released heavy news lightly.

In an instant, many demons in the Demon Temple were all excited.

They all got up and saluted: "I'm waiting for the devil to send you! But there's nothing to say!"

"Okay!" Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerable stood up and said, "With everyone's help, I believe that this time the dragon soul will belong to my Qingming Cave!"

Above the Devil's Hall, after the oath meeting, all the devils left with their orders to dispatch troops and prepare for tomorrow's siege.

And after the conference dispersed, Ten Thousand Demons and Demons walked among the mountain streams, watching the scenes of demonic energy rising into the sky one after another, and said to the person around him with a smile.

"Is there any news from Venerable Tianxie?"

Venerable Tianxie, who left with the daughter of the wolf god, is the most worrying point in the heart of Venerable Ten Thousand Demons.

After all, what the Heavenly Evil Venerable had to face was the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain.

Even if you know that this Tianxiezun has an extraordinary origin, is an ancient demon from ancient times, and is an old acquaintance with that Nian Cangqing, no matter how powerful Tianxiezun is, when he thinks that he has to face the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain, the ten thousand demons There is no bottom in your heart.

In this regard, Xiao Juechen said: "After Xie Zun left, there has been no news coming back. However, according to the report of the spies in Yanjing City, the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain who came to Yanjing City a few days ago suddenly left the city today and did not know where to go. Where did you go, you haven't come back yet."

Xiao Juechen said: "And when the wolf god left, he took his sword attendant Xiao Ai with him. The two left in a hurry, and the wizards of Yanjing City didn't even set a farewell table to say goodbye."

Xiao Juechen's return made Venerable Ten Thousand Demons slightly relieved.

Said: "It seems that the plan of Xie Zun has begun. I just don't know if its plan can really successfully trap the wolf god..."

Xiao Juechen said: "Xie Zun's strength is extraordinary, and he has faced the wolf god directly and died a disciple. He knows the strength of the wolf god. Since it opens its mouth, it must be completely sure, otherwise it will not take risks."

"Hey... I hope," Wan Yao Demon Venerable shook his head, put his hands on his back, looked up at the demonic energy that was leaving from time to time in the sky, and said, "Hundreds of years of planning have finally arrived at the Dragon Soul."

"Even me, now I can't help but lose some ground."

"I only hope that Xie Zun's side can go well and successfully trap the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain... At least it must be delayed so that it can't quickly return to help."

"Otherwise, the great foundation of this Qingming Cave will really be abandoned."

In the tone of Wan Yao Demon Venerable, there is a little bit of reluctance and regret.

Chapter 334 The Demon Cloud Covers the Sun

Although the initial plan was to abandon the foundation of the Qingming Cave, only to seize the dragon soul and take away many backbone demons.

But the appearance of Tianxie Zun gave Wan Yao and Demon Zun the hope of getting the best of both worlds.

If it can capture the dragon soul, at the same time, it can also keep the main power of the Qingming Cave, and bring the group of demons out of the border of the Huotong Kingdom, and then when it goes to Cangwuyuan to seek revenge for the evil creature who killed his wife, there will also be a chance. More power can be envoys.

The next day, early morning.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone into this mountain stream, the demons hidden in the mountain stream were already lined up and ready to set off.

However, there are not many demons who appear here.

Many monsters under the gate of Qingming Cave are now in another position, preparing to attack the city.

Among the three demon generals, both the Yinyue Bone Demon and the Heavenly Remnant Daoist went to command the army, and only General Tiger Jiao was still here.

Among the four old men, Niu Tieyi also went to the main force, and only Mrs. Qingzhu and Xiao Juechen were by the side of the Ten Thousand Demons.

Although the number of demons here is not large, they are all the backbone elites in the Qingming Cave, headed by the guards around the Ten Thousand Demons and Demons, and many demons are not weak.

Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerable stood on the high platform, looking at the many cronies below, feeling slightly excited.

But it didn't say much, but took a deep breath and waved it neatly.

"Set off!"

As soon as the order came out, General Tiger Jiao on the side made a huge dragon roar, blowing the horn of the demons.

The desolate trumpet resounded through the mountains.

The gloomy demonic aura, with the sound of the horn of ten thousand demons, swept through the mountain stream, directly submerging all the demons in the mountain stream.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the magic horn disappeared, but the formation of the ten thousand magic horns had already formed.

The many demon cultivators under the sky have slowly lost their evil spirits and turned into ordinary cultivators.

Such a camouflage, even if it is usually close to the capital of the Fire Tong Kingdom, it will definitely not attract the attention of the wizards.

Not to mention that now in the other direction of Yanjing City, there are a lot of demons and evil spirits running in the wilderness. The wizards are busy dealing with the siege of the demons, so there is no time to pay attention to these ordinary monks with less than one hundred people. group

Under the light of the sky, many demons headed by the Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerables rose directly into the sky and headed towards the distance in a grand manner.

Not afraid of the wizard's investigation at all.

In the wilderness to the east of Yanjing City, there is now a dark air and a mighty cloud of demons. The dark clouds come from the east and continue to advance in the direction of Yanjing City.

The ferocious demonic aura swayed in the wilderness, scaring the creatures and beasts in the wilderness to flee.

In the dark cloud of demons, you can see densely packed figures of demons and evil spirits, all dressed in battle armor, holding demon weapons, shouting angrily, noisy and terrifying.

Among the demon soldiers, even more flags were fluttering, and giant monsters were rampant.

The deafening shouts continued to roar among the mountains as the demon cloud advanced.

"Break Yanjing City! Flooded Fire Temple!"

"Break Yanjing City! Flooded Fire Temple!"

Above the earth, countless creatures who saw this scene changed their faces.

Whether it was a wizard from Huotong Nation or an ordinary cultivator passing by, when they saw the dark demon cloud covering the sky and covering the sun, they all fled in panic.

Everyone who saw this scene knew in their hearts that the Wuxie battle that had lasted for several years in the Fire Tong Nation, with countless casualties on both sides, was about to come to an end today.

The demon of the Qingming Cave, which has always been acting strangely, is now unavoidable, and directly drives the army towards Yanjing City.

This is clearly to gather the power of the demons up and down the Qingming Cave, and to fight with the Fire God Temple to make this war of witchcraft and evil come to an end!

That Ten Thousand Demon Venerable, do you already have the certainty of victory, do you want to break the Yanjing City today

On the ground, many monks fled in panic, and passed the news of the demon beast attacking the city through their own means.

Soon, not only Yanjing City, thousands of miles away, but also other cities farther away, monks who were not in Yanjing City, also received this terrifying news one after another.

- The Ten Thousand Demons Demon Venerable, who has kept a low profile and avoided wars for many years, finally gathers the power of the entire Demon Cave today to fight the Fire Temple!

Under the sky, the cloud of demons that covered the sky and the sun was endless.

Wherever the demon cloud went, all the village houses and all the creatures were evacuated by the warriors who had heard the news.

The huge demon cloud advanced for hundreds of miles, only to see empty and desolate villages, but not even a single living person was caught.

The demons, who had hoped to feast on them before the war, were suddenly filled with disappointment and resentment against the wizards of the Fire Temple.

Can you move people away? Can the entire Yanjing City be moved away? The tens of millions of living creatures in Yanjing City will become blood food today!

In the demon cloud, the group of demons roared in anger.

The lack of blood food made this group of demons extremely frantic, so that the advance speed of the demon cloud was much faster.

Under the instigation and encouragement of the demon generals, all the demons were hungry and thirsty, eager to rush into Yanjing City immediately and kill all the living people they saw.

In the wilderness where the demonic clouds are surging, on one of the barren mountains, two figures, one tall and one short, stand on the top of the mountain, quietly watching the terrifying scene in the sky where the dark demon clouds cover the sky and cover the sun.

But not the slightest fear.

The ghost mother, who looked a little short but had a stout body, sneered: "Xie Ying, it seems that today is the time to implement your plan. The Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerable finally couldn't hold back to attack the city and set up such a big battle. It will not be good today."