I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 206: Section 206


Looking down at the many monsters on the ground, looking at the fear in the eyes of the monsters, and the fear and hatred in the eyes of Venerable Ten Thousand Demons, Lu Heng thought for a while, but did not explain the situation, but recognized the matter according to the conjectures of the monsters.

He smiled and said: "Is it called Tian Xie Zun? Ha... Such an arrogant name is also in line with its behavior."

"As a demon, but I want to design a trick to harm me, but I don't know its subtle tricks. In my eyes, it is no different from a child's trick."

"I challenged me by myself, and it was even more so that the mayflies shook the trees and didn't know whether to live or die. Although courage is commendable, it can also be called stupid..."

After saying these words lightly, Lu Heng looked at the increasingly fearful eyes of the demons below, and said with a smile: "Now that the dust has settled, if you can catch it, you can still get a good death."

"Otherwise, under the thunder calamity, the body and spirit will be destroyed! The pain is unbearable!"

Lu Heng's low voice instantly shocked the demons in the forest.

Even the Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerables are now a little rude, and their eyes are splitting.

The strength of that day Xie Zun was personally experienced by him, and he was an absolute master of the magic way, far superior to him.

But such a powerful Heavenly Evil Venerable was actually defeated by the wolf god. Listening to the wolf god's tone, it seemed that the other party was still worthless and did not hurt the wolf god at all...

In such a situation, the morale blow to the demons in the Green Underworld was completely fatal.

Facing the land wolf god in the void, the demons could hardly have any idea of resistance.

Beneath the robbery cloud, the evil spirits only had anxiety and despair in their hearts.

- Could this wolf god of Hanyu Mountain really be so powerful? Really unbeatable

Even the Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerable can't help shaking his hands now, consciously in a desperate situation.

But at this moment, a woman's indifferent voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

There was an undisguised cold killing intent in that voice.

"You said you killed Venerable Tianxie?!"

Under the sky, a red-clothed woman in bloody clothes suddenly appeared.

As soon as she appeared, she stared coldly at Lu Heng who was under the robbery cloud, and said angrily, "Say it again, did you kill Tianxie Zun?"

The sudden appearance of Nian Cangqing instantly changed the atmosphere of despair and silence.

Both the demon and the wizard looked at the woman in red in amazement, wondering how the other party appeared.

I don't even know where this woman got the courage to provoke the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain...

Seeing this scene, Wan Yao Demon Venerable was overjoyed and said loudly.

"Lu Langshen! Even if you can destroy Tianxie Zun and take back your daughter, what about your Hanyu Mountain? Do you just ignore it?"

Under Lu Heng's astonished gaze, Venerable Ten Thousand Demons sneered loudly, "This seat strives to act in a safe manner, so why would Venerable Tianxie be the only way out?"

"In your Hanyu Mountain, you are about to suffer a great disaster! If you don't rush back immediately, I am afraid that all the disciples of the mountain gate will perish!"

Chapter 337 Xie Yunniang

In the Sacred Fire Binding Demon Net, Wan Yao Demon Venerable burst out laughing.

The words he said made Lu Heng's heart sink slightly.

In the Hanyu Mountain... This Ten Thousand Demonic Demon Venerable, did you send the demons to the Hanyu Mountain to make trouble

Outside the Hanyu Mountain, there is the Li Nationality's Fengfeng Department adjacent to it.

According to the information that Lu Heng has contacted, Li Po, the old priest of the Li tribe, is the most senior priest among the nine priests of the Li tribe.

And although the girl Qianqian seems to be mischievous and naughty, she has extraordinary supernatural powers and can compete with innate masters. She is the seed of the next priest.

Not to mention that everyone in the Xifeng clan cultivated supernatural powers, and their per capita strength was extraordinary.

It is because the Xifeng Department is sitting on Hanyu Mountain that Lu Heng can go down the mountain without any worries in the current chaotic situation.

But now the Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerable mentioned Hanyu Mountain... Could it be that it has another plan to summon demons to invade Hanyu Mountain

Knowing that Hanyu Mountain is in charge of the Fengfeng Ministry, he still dares to provoke...

Lu Heng looked down at the Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerable below and said, "If there is an accident among my disciples, even if your Ten Thousand Demon Demon Venerable escapes to the ends of the earth, I, Lu Heng, will never die!"

Lu Heng's understated tone was not overly emotional.

However, such a cold warning made Venerable Ten Thousand Demons tremble slightly and felt a huge pressure.

The wolf god of Hanyu Mountain... He will never die if he chases the ends of the earth...

Such a warning threat is enough to make all the demons in the world sleepless.

But now the situation is critical, Wan Yao Demon Venerable can't show his cowardice.

It forced a smile and said: "Wolf God has time to talk harshly here, why don't you go back to Hanyu Mountain to take a look. With Wolf God's cultivation base, it may be too late to rush to Hanyu Mountain now."

After Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerable finished speaking, Lian Shanjing on the side said, "I'm waiting here, Wolf God doesn't need to worry, you can go back to the mountain to check the situation first."

If the disciple of the Wolf God had an accident because of this, no one would be able to afford it.

However, Lu Heng shook his head and said, "It's okay, if a demon dares to go to Hanyu Mountain, it's tantamount to throwing himself into a snare."

At the same time that Lu Heng finished saying this, a huge white wolf suddenly opened his eyes under the earth about 1,500 miles away from here, left the pitch-black underground, and leaped out.

This time down the mountain, Lu Heng's body has been following behind him, about a thousand miles apart, hiding in the dark and taking care of each other.

If the evil shadow hidden in the dark can really harm Lu Heng's primordial spirit with evil tricks, the physical body can also arrive in time to protect Xiao Ai, and use the Heavenly Tribulation Sword to kill the enemy.

The demon in the dark was caught off guard.

But now that there are Jiu Mie and Lian Shan Jing around, Lu Heng doesn't need to worry about Xiao Ai's safety even if his Primordial Spirit is damaged.

This place is far from Hanyu Mountain. If you fly normally, it will take about a day.

However, Lu Heng has a top-level movement technique [Flickering Shadow], which can make the body reach Hanyu Mountain within half an hour.

Above the sky, the pale thunder light flashed rapidly, and the speed of the floating light was extremely fast.

Even passers-by practitioners saw the lightning flashes across the sky, but they could not see the figure in the escaping light.

And in the direction where the lightning flashed from the sky, in the remote and secluded Hanyu Mountain, a new guest came today.

Under the noon light, Sun Yan, a white ape wearing an ordinary robe but covered in white hair, was holding a broom and sweeping leaves in front of the Wolf Temple.

As autumn became stronger, the fallen leaves in Hanyu Mountain gradually increased.

The withered leaves turned yellow in the blazing sun.

In the peach orchard in the back mountain, the fat bird with blood-red eyes stood on one foot of the treetop, yawned lazily, closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Since Lu Heng left, the peach fruit in the Taoyuan has ripened several times, but no one picked it.

And the more the peach fruit ripens, the more cracks on the peach stick buried under the peach tree...

In the chaos of the outside world and the fierce battle between witches and evil spirits, everything in this Hanyu Mountain is as peaceful and peaceful as ever.

But at a certain moment, Fat Bird noticed something, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked in the direction of the mountain gate.

At the mountain gate, on the winding stone steps, a woman's figure slowly appeared.

The leather armor that binds the body is cool and simple, and only the key parts are wrapped in the pocket, which looks hot and enchanting. With a slender figure and white and delicate skin, she is as beautiful as a goddess in a painting.

It's just the very deep eye shadow and sharp eyes that make her look hard to be provoked. No matter how gorgeously dressed and how seductive the figure is, it is like a rose with thorns that people dare not touch easily.

In this way, under the surprised gaze of Sun Yan, who was sweeping the floor, the woman in leather armor walked up the steps and came to the Temple of the Wolf.

Looking at the white ape in front of the Wolf Temple, Xie Yunniang said, "Are you from the Wolf Temple?"

Xie Yunniang's question made Sun Yan a little confused.

He opened his mouth wide and said, "The Patriarch... went down the mountain... I have something to say..."

Sun Yan's speech was stumbling as always.

Xie Yunniang looked at the white ape in front of her, shook her head, and said, "I know that he has come down the mountain, otherwise he would not have come here."

After speaking, Xie Yunniang directly threw a command flag into the sky in front of the white ape Sun Yan.

In the Hanyu Mountain shrouded in robbery clouds, the pitch-black Lingqi was inconspicuous. However, after the flag was raised in the sky, it immediately trembled, and countless jet-black ink flew out from the black flag and continued to spread to all directions.

Like a rapidly spreading dark cloud.

I saw the Hanyu Mountain below the robbery cloud, which was quickly submerged by the rapidly spreading ink. The deep pitch-black ink turned into a huge black cover, directly covering the entire main peak of Hanyu Mountain.

From the outside, there is no trace of the mountains and the Temple of the Wolf under the surging Hanyu Mountain.

Appearing in people's field of vision, there is only a huge pitch-black cover, covering everything.

In the Xifengbu camp outside the mountain, Qianqian, who was washing clothes by the lake, was shocked and stood up immediately when she saw this scene.

"Grandpa Priest!"

When the girl shouted, calling for the old priest in the camp, she directly flew up and flew towards the huge pitch-black ink cover.

Inside the huge ink hood, Xie Yunniang flung four black shadows from her sleeves in front of the stunned White Ape.

After the four shadows landed, they quickly revealed their original appearance.

Master Mo with a head as big as a bucket and a beard like a wriggling tentacle on his chin, a pair of red and green demons, one green and one white, each with only one hand, and the sad-faced, thin, taciturn Ning Po...

Several demons who had discussed major events in Mohu Shuifu before, now all came to Hanyu Mountain and appeared in front of the Wolf Temple.

In an instant, the originally peaceful and peaceful Hanyu Mountain immediately became sinister and terrifying.

Chapter 338 Peach Tree Fury

These five demons are all heroes of one side.

Now that they are gathered at Hanyu Mountain, the terrifying aura alone is enough to scare away countless people.

And under the cover of the magic weapon [Ink Cloud Cover], the robbery cloud on the sky can't perceive the demon in the ink cloud cover below, and did not drop the calamity.

At this moment, these few demons dared to show their bodies in front of the Wolf Temple.

Standing in front of the Wolf Temple, scanning the situation in all directions, the green devil with a long left arm laughed.

"Wan Yao Mo Zun doesn't mention anything else, but the qi concealment technique under the door is indeed mysterious. If there is no Yunniang to lead the way, I really dare not approach this robbery cloud."

The red devil with a long right arm laughed and said, "Master Mo's ink cloud cover has also done a great job. Without the ink cloud cover, even if Yunniang brought everyone in, everyone would not dare to show up."

Chiqing Shuangmo changed his previous bad attitude and complimented Xie Yunniang.

But Xie Yunniang didn't bother to pay any attention to the compliments of these two demons, and said directly: "There is also a wind-fighting department outside the mountain, everyone move faster, don't delay..."


With a terrifying sound, the entire Hanyu Mountain trembled violently.

The ink cloud cover on the dome was shaking violently, as if it had been bombarded violently from the outside.

Xie Yunniang, who was interrupted, frowned and raised her head, saying, "It came so quickly..."

Next to him, Master Mo touched the wriggling tentacles and whiskers on his chin, and said, "Don't worry, this ink cloud cover is something that an old man has given his life to cultivate. No matter how powerful the priest of the Kaze Ministry is, it will be broken in a short period of time..."

Boom! ! !

A deafening loud noise rang out suddenly outside the ink cloud cover.

The dark ink cloud cover seemed to be hit by a dense meteor in an instant, and a terrifying tremor sounded in all directions.

Even Xie Yunniang and others could see the crumbling of this pitch-black cloud cover...

Chiqing Shuangmo looked shocked, and hurriedly said: "Master Mo! Don't pull your hips at the critical moment! If the ink cloud cover is broken, we will become turtles in the urn, and we will die without a place to be buried."

"Yes, Master Mo, we brothers believe you, you can't cheat us!"

Chiqing Shuangmo shouted anxiously, startled by the crumbling ink cloud cover.

Master Mo's expression was shocked, and he felt the tremendous pressure from the ink cloud cover in disbelief.

Even if you don't look at it, it can feel that the continuous impact outside the ink cloud cover is not from one person.

There were strong and weak collisions, dense and continuous sounds, and it was obvious that the entire Assault Department had been dispatched.

And this destructive power...

Master Mo's expression became solemn, and said, "Not good! The strength of this attack on the wind group is far beyond my expectations. The nine tribes of the Li family can't be underestimated. This old man needs help!"

After saying that, Master Mo flew up and said, "Brother Ning, come and help!"

He opened his mouth to directly call Ning Po, the strongest among the demons. At the same time, Master Mo had already flown under the ink cloud cover, his hands were open, his body swelled rapidly, and he turned into a giant a hundred feet tall, and flew out of the giant's body. Eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight giant octopus tentacles.