I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 211: Section 211


Ganniang said that practitioners will have sympathy between heaven and man, and they must trust their intuition.

But this time, Su Xiaoxiao hopes that she is unfounded and cranky, not that something really happened to the godmother...

In the green bamboo building, the little fox's face was bitter and sad.

She really wanted to go down the mountain and go outside to inquire about the situation, but now that the situation in the country is chaotic, she left Qingzhu Xiaozhu, and she was extremely vulnerable outside without even opening the gate of heaven.

Any demon passing by could catch her and eat her.

She could only sit alone in the green bamboo building, silently waiting for the godmother's return...


A strange muffled sound suddenly sounded outside the green bamboo building.

The sound was incomparably slight, but the little fox's pointed ears suddenly stood up, and the whole person jumped up.

With a sudden surge of indescribable emotions, the little girl rushed out of the door anxiously.

In the early morning sun, what appeared in front of her was a comatose woman crawling on the ground.

The familiar clothes, the kind face...


Surprised and happy, Su Xiaoxiao rushed over, hugged the unconscious Mrs. Qingzhu, and said anxiously, "Godmother, wake up! I'm Xiaoxiao, I'm Xiaoxiao!"

However, the call of the little fox demon failed to wake up the unconscious godmother.

Under the bright sunshine, Mrs. Qingzhu's face was as pale as a living person, and her icy body was as cold as ice.

The little fox demon only took a dozen breaths, but she was so cold that her whole body trembled, and even the cultivator's body couldn't resist the strange cold.

Her face became more and more anxious and frightened, and she choked her heart tightly, making her even breathe faster.

"God girl! Wake up! Wake up!"

Under the sun, the little fox demon cried and shook the godmother in her arms desperately.

However, the godmother, who raised her up and was close to her mother, completely lost her response, and even her breath gradually weakened.

The breath that belongs to the living is passing through Madam Qingzhu's body.

The twilight of the dead gradually emerged.

The cries of the little fox became more and more desperate.

"Who will save... Who will save the godmother! Who will save the godmother!"

But this green bamboo building is remote and far away from the world, and it is impossible for anyone to come.

No matter how sad the little fox demon's cries were, it was impossible for anyone to save her.

- Normally, it is.

A breeze blew, and a figure appeared silently outside the gate of Qingzhu Xiaozhu.

The witch, who had disappeared for several years after the Nanhai farewell, now reappears in front of the fox demon Su Xiaoxiao.

Facing the stunned and bewildered eyes of the little fox demon, the witch sighed and said, "Your godmother has been hit with Yan Luozhang, one of the secret skills of the Fire Tong Nation's divine way. It’s the limit to escape here with the last breath.”

"For ordinary people, this is an irreversible serious injury."

"Of course, for me, this injury is terrifying, but as long as the anger is still alive, the ten witches of Lingshan can save people."

In the little fox's surprised expression, the witch shook her head and said, "But the ten witches in Lingshan's rule are not to save demons. If I save your godmother here, I will suffer the pain of the blood alliance. Then the soul will fly away, and in severe cases, the soul will fly away after being tortured.”

"So it's impossible for me to rescue your godmother."

What the witch said, the smile on the little fox demon's face froze.

The little girl's hope that had just ignited was instantly extinguished.

But then, the witch said again: "Although I can't save her, but you can... You are not the ten witches of Lingshan. If you learn my medical skills, it will be easy to save your godmother's life."

The witch's words made the little fox's eyes tremble, and he lowered his head regretfully.

I knew earlier... I knew earlier that I had studied medicine with my niece...

The little fox demon's despair and regret were completely written on her face. The witch smiled and said, "How? Do you regret leaving now? Heh... Little girl, you finally know that you regret it, right?"

"If it were someone else, and you dared to abandon me in the first place, then you would never see a good face with me again."

"But who made you such a cute little girl... Well, now this witch will give you one last chance."

"If you are willing to worship me as a teacher and inherit my mantle, I will teach you the wonderful medical skills of healing sentient beings, and you can save your godmother's life."

"How? Are you willing to be a teacher now?"

The witch's words made the little fox demon look dazed: "But... Niangniang, even if Xiaoxiao is studying medicine with you now, it's too late to save the goddess..."

The witch glared at her and scolded: "Who do you look down on? As long as you are willing to kowtow to your teacher, this witch will immediately teach you to make medicine on the spot, and promise to continue the tone of your godmother."

After the witch had finished speaking, an ugly strange bird with a human face flew out and landed not far away with a shrill voice.

"Don't believe this old woman, she is just bragging."

"Your godmother is helpless. Now let her die peacefully without any pain."

"If you believe this old woman's words and forcefully continue the tone, even if you are rescued, you must be a cripple with broken muscles and broken cultivation."

"If a dignified demon girl in the innate realm becomes a waste, what's the point of living? It's better to die happily!"

Chapter 346 The Devil's Whereabouts

The human-faced owl that jumped out suddenly startled Su Xiaoxiao.

Without waiting for the witch to refute, the human-faced owl continued to shout in a sharp voice.

"Also, you little girl knows nothing about medicine and pharmacy. Even if you can rely on the [Extending Soul Pill] taught by this old woman to live, it will only last for a while."

"Before you thoroughly learn the old woman's unique skill [Nine Heavens Needle], you can only rely on medicine to hang your godmother's life."

"And every time I take Yanhundan, it's more painful than death... If I were your godmother, I'd rather be slapped to death here, and I'd definitely not survive!"

The human-faced owl roared loudly.

However, as soon as the harsh voice fell, Mrs. Qingzhu, who was in the arms of the little fox demon, opened one eye weakly, and muttered with the last breath of her body.


The weak words that Mrs. Qingzhu suddenly came out of made the outside of Qingzhu Xiaozhu slightly quiet.

Then the human-faced owl opened its mouth and spat out.

“he… tui… ”

After spitting up, the human-faced owl said, "Look, it's already back to the light, so let your godmother go. Going now is really the best way to die."

After the human-faced owl finished speaking, the witch who had endured for a long time finally couldn't help but speak.

"What do you call your mother! You stinky bird, you haven't been repaired for a few days, and your skin is itchy, right? My mother accepts an apprentice, what does it have to do with one of your mother's spare ingredients? If you force it again, I will stew you in one pot. It's gone!"

The scolding witch made the little fox demon stunned

It was the first time she had seen the witch girl curse so much.

But thinking of what the human-faced owl said just now, she couldn't care less about being shocked, and said anxiously: "Niangniang! I am willing to be your disciple and inherit your mantle. I beg you to accept Xiao Xiao as your disciple."

"Xiao Xiao wishes to serve you all his life, I just ask that you teach Xiao Xiao how to save the godmother..."

The little fox demon said, directly bowed to the witch one after another, and performed the apprenticeship ceremony.

While being bowed by the little fox demon, the witch glared at the human-faced owl not far away and cursed with her mouth.

- If you mess up again, I will stew you and make soup tonight!

After warning the human-faced owl, the witch hurriedly helped Su Xiaoxiao, smiled kindly and said: "Okay! Okay, I'll teach you the refining method of Soul Relief Pill, first help you to be your godmother. Keep this tone."

"After that, I will pass on your life-saving [Nine Heavens Needle]. As long as you learn [Nine Heavens Needle], it will be no problem to save your godmother."

"Well, it's urgent to follow the right, and I'll make up after the apprenticeship ceremony. I'll teach you how to refine the soul-extinguishing pill..."

Outside the Green Bamboo Building, the witch had a happy look on her face.

And the human-faced owl with a sinister expression and a ferocious appearance snorted unhappily, flapped its wings and flew away.

There is indeed some fear of being stewed.

After all, this old woman is a character who does what she says...

Qingzhu Xiaozhu, witch accepting disciples, fox demon Nabai.

And far in the mountains on the northern border of the Fire Tong Kingdom, the cold wind is bleak and everything is withered.

The land on the north side of Huotong Kingdom that borders Youxiong Kingdom seems to have been so desolate since a long time ago.

The dark barren mountains and the rugged cliffs were like the ribs of a tuberculosis patient, protruding one by one on the ground.

Not to mention the dense jungles in the south, the birds and beasts wandering in the mountains, and even wild grasses are rare in this barren mountain.

Such a barren area can no longer be called a no-man's land, or even a "dead place".

For Huotong Nation and Youxiong Nation, this barren land that spans thousands of miles is the strongest natural barrier.

Except for cultivators with extraordinary cultivation, ordinary traders cannot pass through this wasteland.

Therefore, for a long time, the Huotong Kingdom, which is located in the southeast corner, has always had little contact with the outside world.

Because the east of the border is the sea in the south, the endless desert in the west, and the barren and dead land in the north...

In addition to practitioners, this country rarely sees people outside the country.

And in this barren dead place, there is now a group of demons lurking.

After escaping from Hanyu Mountain, they fled all the way to the north, hiding in the barren deadland on the edge of the border to prevent them from being overtaken by the pursuers.

However, to their surprise, three days had passed since they escaped from Hanyu Mountain, but still no pursuers appeared.

According to the news from the outside world, the wolf gods are still staying in Hanyu Mountain, and they did not immediately chase after them to rescue the doorman as they expected.

In the dark cave, several demons stood against each other.

Inside and outside, a multi-layered cave is set up, which can isolate all breath tracking and ensure that no one can catch up here.

But even so, the demons were still worried.

They are ready to escape at any time, ready to escape.

Even the old Mo, who was hit by a sword when escaping from Hanyu Mountain, and now the situation is getting worse and worse, has always been tense and dare not be careless these days.

Looking at the demons present, Xie Yunniang, who had just returned from outside, took a deep breath and said.

"The exact news has been obtained. The cave owner was killed by the wolf god with a sword three days ago outside the city of Yanjing, and the many demon soldiers and generals who followed the cave owner were all slaughtered, and no one survived."

"On the day when the demons perished, blood splattered all over the land outside Yanjing City for a hundred miles, directly turning the hundred miles of mountains and forests into blood red."

"The dragon soul was not caught either, the dragon soul escaped directly into the sky and disappeared into the clouds..."

Briefly reporting the latest accurate news, Xie Yunniang looked at the demons present and said, "Now the Qingming Cave has been completely destroyed, I have no place to live, and the dragon soul promised by the cave owner is gone. trace."

"The next road, we can only go by ourselves."

After Xie Yunniang finished speaking, there was a long silence in the dark cave.

The dead silence of the cave was not broken until Old Mo, who was hunched over and sitting in the corner, coughed several times in pain and coughed up several mouthfuls of jet-black blood.

The demons quickly said calmly: "Master Mo, don't worry, first slowly first slowly..."

Immediately afterwards, the red and blue demons looked at each other.

The green devil opened his mouth and said, "Since the dragon soul is gone, let's leave Huotong Nation. The cold feather mountain wolf god is ferocious and terrifying, but we have to avoid it far away."

Scarlet Devil said: "That's right! Now that the Qingming Cave has been destroyed, it can be expected that after the wizards of the Fire Temple recover, they will definitely use the power of thunder to clean up all the evil spirits in the country. The wolf god of Hanyu Mountain may be It is because of the worldly affairs that I didn’t immediately pursue it... The more terrifying wind and rain are still to come, so I propose to leave Huotong Country and go to the north!”

The green devil nodded again and again, and said: "The north is good! The Ten Thousand Demons in the north are divided into good and evil. The Qingqiu country's master is gorgeous and the Jiufeng Palace is cold and awe-inspiring. It is really a good place to go to the world."

Chi Mo said: "I like the King of Qingqiu, but it's a pity that the demon can only go to the North Pole Tianku Palace... alas... it's a pity..."

Qing Mo pouted and said, "What a pity? Although the Qingqiu country lord is good, but the Jiufeng Palace lord is not good? I prefer Jiufeng Palace lord, she is the number one beauty in my magic way, I have longed for it, this life. If you can be a dog of the palace lord and let it drive you, this life will not be in vain!"

Chapter 347 Your name is on the Demon Extermination List (Part 1)

As the green devil spoke, he couldn't help showing an intoxicated expression.