I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 214: Section 214


The icy cold wind howled through the streets of Zhuxian Town, rolling up a few withered leaves.

The ragged beggar leaned on the corner of the street, weakly watching the passers-by, and from time to time a hoarse whisper came out of his throat.

"Okay, okay, sir, I haven't eaten for three days..."

It's just his feeble plea, not to mention that passers-by ignore it, even the beggar himself feels perfunctory.

Zhuxian Town, located in the southern border of Xiong Country, is rumored to be a big town that existed in ancient times, but it has long since fallen.

The streets and alleys where countless gods' blood was spilled in the legend are only old and broken, and there is no trace of glory.

But today's Zhuxian Town is unusually lively.

All kinds of people crowded the old city, and the accents from all over the world echoed in the ears of the beggars.

But the beggar is not actually a local, he came from outside.

Originally, he lived in Mingxin Village, about a hundred miles away from Zhuxian Town. But not long ago, there was a battle between demons passing by. During the battle, the two demons destroyed the Monument of the King of People who protected the village.

Although the two big demons did not start killing in the village, they drove the demon wind away while fighting.

But without the protection of the King Monument, the village will no longer be safe.

The villagers fled and left Mingxin Village.

He had no relatives, friends or acquaintances to rely on, so he came to Zhuxian Town, which is more than a hundred miles away from home, alone, and became a beggar and made a living.

And according to the rules of the beggars, the Fallen Soul Street where he is now should not come.

This Meteorite Street is the most prosperous and lively street in Zhuxian Town. The city also explicitly prohibits beggars from appearing here to prevent the stinking beggars in rags from accidentally bumping into a certain dignitary.

But today's beggars broke this rule and came here secretly.

Because according to rumors, the big man from the capital will hold a big banquet here today, entertain practitioners from all over the world, and recruit enthusiastic practitioners from the public to go out of the city to kill demons.

In the past six months, there have been demons raging in the southern part of the bear country, and countless villages like Mingxin Village have been destroyed.

The big figures in the capital have also noticed the chaos in the southern border, and finally have to make efforts to rectify it.

For the beggar, he would like to witness this grand event with his own eyes.

Although he is not a practitioner and can't go to subdue demons and destroy demons, but as a mortal whose village was destroyed by demons, at least he wants to see the cultivators participating in the grand event and preparing for the feat of eliminating demons.

Before coming, the beggar was ready to be driven away.

But after arriving at the Street of Fallen Soul, he found that no one came to drive him away.

When the city guards who patrolled the streets in armor saw him, they all turned a blind eye and never came up to ask for trouble.

The beggar was a little surprised at first, but after a long time, he realized that there were many people in ragged clothes like him.

Among them, there were several people who were clearly cultivators with magical weapons on their backs. They were all dirty and tattered. They looked even more like beggars than him.

Being in the Street of Fallen Souls, the city guard may have regarded him as a cultivator who came to the conference, so he did not drive him away.

Realizing this, the beggar became much more courageous.

He left the starting position and moved the broken bowl of begging to the Fuyu Building in the center of the Fallen Soul Street.

This is the main venue for today's conference, and top practitioners are qualified to enter and meet the big man from the capital.

Outside the Fuyu Building, dozens of tables were set up to entertain the practitioners who came to the conference. Later, the big man will come out to deal with many practitioners and give everyone face.

On the long street, a high platform was set up, and an opera troupe was invited to perform.

If there is still a need, you can even directly greet the patrolling city guards and mention it to them.

However, although the beggars barely got in, they didn't dare to provoke those patrolling guards, let alone touch the delicacies on both sides of the street.

Although he was interested in the grand event outside the Fuyu Building, he only dared to sit in the corner and listen to it with both ears, and did not dare to look closely.

But just sitting in the corner and listening to the chat among the practitioners, listening to the miraculous experiences of subduing demons and eliminating demons, he was already very satisfied.

And gradually, the beggar also understood many things.

It turned out that the demons that have been ravaging the southern border for the past six months did not emerge out of thin air, but escaped from further south.

Practitioners all say that at the other end of the barren and dead land in the south, there is a place called Huotong Kingdom.

That country is different from the bears. They don't respect their ancestors, they don't worship human kings, but they believe in some kind of fire god. Even the lord of a country is not an emperor, but a country lord.

No court, no civil and military officials.

Governing the whole country is a group of wizards who are busy worshipping the god of fire every day.

And the lord of Fire Tong Nation is the biggest and most devout wizard...

The strange things mentioned by the practitioners made the beggar stare.

At this moment, the performance on the stage just ended, and a storyteller came on stage to talk about the show and sing.

The storyteller, whom the beggar had seen before, had the surname Hu and Mingyi, knew the characters, but was not very talented. On weekdays, I am amused by storytelling in various restaurants and inns in Zhuxian Town, and earn some tea money.

But because he can say all kinds of strange things, such as all kinds of strange things, monsters and ghosts, and love between children, he can cater to the audience's taste in any occasion, and even the women in Goulan like to listen to him tell stories.

So this Hu Yi is fairly well-known in Zhuxian Town.

It's not surprising that today's event invited him. However, Hu Yi used to tell his stories in the past, and there are so many practitioners here today... Does he want to tell stories about practitioners

In the corner, the beggar was very curious.

On the high platform, the storyteller in a long gown coughed lightly, and after laughing and saying the opening remarks to everyone below, he really wanted to tell a story of cultivation.

"What I'm going to tell you today is the story of that outside the barren and dead land to the south, in a country called Huotong Kingdom, where a wolf divine sword swept the heavens and the earth to destroy demons, and hundreds of millions of demons were destroyed..."

Hu Yi's voice was cadenced.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the entire long street fell silent.

In an instant, all eyes on the long street turned to him.

Those practitioners who were talking, working, and eating, even if they were far away on the other side of the long street, all tacitly let go of what they were doing and turned to look at him.

The scene that hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at together made Hu Yi's heart suddenly startled, and the cold sweat on his back broke out instantly.

Those present are all high-ranking practitioners...

Is the story he told a taboo among practitioners

Otherwise, why are all these practitioners reacting this way

Chapter 352 The Legend of the Wolf God (2)

The strange reactions of the practitioners directly frightened Hu Yi.

He is an ordinary person, how can he provoke these practitioners!

And offending practitioners... and offending hundreds of practitioners at the same time.

Such a thing, just thinking about it, makes Hu Yi's scalp tingle.

Just when Hu Yi was frightened and thinking about whether to change the subject and tell a different story, a little boy's voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

"What's the story of the wolf god?"

The little boy's curious voice was not loud, but it sounded very clearly in the now dead silent street.

Hu Yi looked over and found that it was a little boy sitting on the side of the road. He looked five or six years old and was looking at him curiously and expectantly.

Wait for him to tell the story.

And beside the little boy, there was a girl of the same age and face as him, who should be his sister.

Seeing that everyone was looking over, the girl hurriedly hit the little boy on the head and said, "Worry-free! Don't talk nonsense!"

And beside the two little dolls, a man and a woman, sat a man in white.

Behind the man, stood a little girl about ten years old. But this girl doll has cold eyes, hair as white as snow, and has two furry wolf ears on the top of her head, and carries a dark blue ancient sword on her back.

At first glance, it is not ordinary.

Seeing the little girl scolding her younger brother, the man in white grinned, raised his cup and sipped his tea, and said, "You don't need to care about the urchins... go on, go on..."

The man in white has a kind smile and an extraordinary bearing.

Just sitting there, it gave people an otherworldly feeling, and instantly pulled away from most of the practitioners on the street.

After the man spoke, the voices of several practitioners rang out in the crowd one after another.

"Go ahead, we also want to hear the story of this wolf god."

"Yes, listen to the legend of the wolf god destroying the devil..."

The tone of the practitioners seems to have known this legend for a long time.

But seeing the atmosphere eased down, and everyone took the initiative to let him speak, Hu Yi was relieved, and quickly borrowed the donkey to get off the slope, and began to say that the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain killed the demon and destroyed the demon, scaring the fire of countless demons and demons in the country to flee. , The story of the collapse of the Quartet.

It's just that Hu Yi is nervous now, and his words are more and more cautious. Many of the modifiers and plots that were originally exaggerated for the effect of the show were changed by him on the spot.

Tell a story that should have been exciting by him for a long time, and tell it in a straightforward manner without passion.

But even so, Hu Yi's story obviously attracted many practitioners present.

In front of the Fuyu Building, the expressions of those practitioners became more and more solemn, and they gradually became fascinated. Even the doors and windows of the Fuyu Building were opened one after another, and the big people inside seemed to be listening, and no one spoke.

Hu Yi, the storyteller, was the only one left in the huge Street of Fallen Souls.

Seeing that everyone was gradually immersed in the story, while Hu Yi was a little proud, his tone was also a little excited.

"...The might of that sword, the sword energy spanned three thousand miles, and the sword light swept across the sky, scaring countless demons above the earth to flee..."

"... The so-called Tianxie Zun, what a conceited and powerful existence, saying goodbye to the Ten Thousand Demon Lord, and wanting to set up a pit to harm the wolf god by himself, but he doesn't know that he will never return, and there will be no Tianxie Zun in the world. …”

"...Outside the Yanjing City, that raging demonic power can cover the nine heavens and shake the earth. If it wasn't for Yanjing City's metaphor of the wolf god, we would have taken precautions in advance, otherwise today's group of demons attacking the city would definitely be a result of the loss of life and countless casualties... "

"...Since then, the wolf god returned to Hanyu Mountain, closed the mountain gate again, and saw no worldly visitors. And the fire opened up the country, the group of demons fled, and there was no evil again."

Outside the Fuyu Building, the storyteller in a long gown let out a long sigh, slapped the table hard, and said.

"This is exactly - the decree of Tianlei to slay all evil, half-mouthed ancient swords to suppress the world!"


The Xingmu in Mr. Storyteller's hand slapped heavily on the table, awakening many practitioners who were addicted to the story, but also attracted many surprised and confused eyes.

In the Fuyu Building, someone asked the city lord of Zhuxian Town beside him in surprise.

"This storyteller... Could it be a foreigner from the south?"

Nangong Hao, the Lord of Zhuxian City, quickly asked around and replied, "Old Zhilie, this storyteller is surnamed Hu Mingyi, a local resident of Zhuxian Town, and has never been to a foreign country in the south."

"This story is probably made by him through hearsay and processing. Although it is wonderful, Hu Yi said that the book is interesting, and it is precisely because of this that he was invited to come here."

Nangong Hao replied rightly, but the middle-aged man called Lie Lao laughed and said, "Hearsay? That's not necessarily true."

"Although the story told by Mr. Hu is exaggerated, there are many details in it that no ordinary person can imagine. There must be a real practitioner who told him the story."

After Old Lie finished speaking, there was a questioning voice from a cultivator outside.

"Wu Na storyteller! You speak so truthfully, don't tell me the process of the Hanyu Mountain wolf god slaying evil and destroying demons can't be done? Did you just come from the south?"

"That's right! Storyteller, how can you, a mortal, know more than we do?"

The practitioners continued to ask questions, and Hu Yi on the high platform hurriedly handed over his hands and smiled, saying: "Everyone, rest assured, this matter is actually simple. Hu Yi is indeed a mortal, and he has never left the gate of Zhuxian Town in his life. How could there be How about the opportunity to witness the wolf god slaying the demon?"

"It's mainly because I met an expert from the south in Zhuxian Town not long ago. The expert asked me about things, and he said he didn't bring any money, and told me some stories from the south as a reward."

"The villain only learned about the various deeds of the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain," Hu Yi said, "According to the expert, these are all news from the south, and there are many gossips that are exclusive to him. don't know."

Hu Yi's words made Old Man Lie in Fuyu Building look curious.

From the south... Master? You know so much, could it be a master wizard from Fire Tong Nation

And Old Man Lie didn't wait too long, and someone immediately asked outside.

"Did you ask the name of that expert at that time?"

Under the eyes of everyone, Hu Yi shook his head and said, "Of course the villain dared not ask the name of the master, but the master acted open-mindedly. He told me that his name was Ao Tianxing."

"Proud of the world, Aotianxing who walks alone in the sky."

"He also said that the reason why he knew so many stories of wolf gods was that he actually planned to fight with the wolf gods of Hanyu Mountain to prove his strength, but he didn't expect that the wolf gods were no longer in Hanyu Mountain."

"So he went all the way north and came to the north to find the wolf god."

"He also said that it won't be long before I hear his name resounding throughout the entire Youxiong country. Then he will come back to me and let me tell the world his story."