I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 217: Section 217


The red and blue demons were yin and yang strange, but Ning Po was indifferent, and the indifferent expression did not change because of the sarcasm of these two madmen.

It just walked over to Lord Mo's body and said calmly, "It's just the rules of the devil's way. Doesn't Lord Mo know what will happen to it after it dies? Since the two of you are so righteous, don't split the flesh later."

Ning Po's words instantly made Chiqing Shuangmo jump.

They came directly around, and squatted beside Mo Ye's body, staring at him and said, "Don't you fucking want to eat alone!"

"That's right! This corpse is divided equally, and no one wants to swallow it alone!"

The red and blue demons shouted loudly, and Xie Yunniang, who had been watching for a long time, also sighed and walked straight up.

The four demons directly surrounded the corpse of Lord Mo, and at the same time stretched out a right hand and placed it on top of Lord Mo's corpse.

Then, under Sun Yan's terrified gaze, the corpse of the demon named Mo Ye silently split into four equal parts.

Chiqing Shuangmo, Xie Yunniang, and Ning Po... The four demons each grabbed a corpse and walked to the corner, and sat down.

Sun Yan's eyes widened instantly.

Because after the four demons walked away with the corpse, they all lifted the corpse, and each took out a ripe peach fruit.

The red and blue demons sitting back to back hummed happily.

"This peach fruit is matched with the flesh and blood of congenital demons, and it can absorb more evil power... Hee hee! Let's thank the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain! Thank him for his peach fruit."

The red devil added: "And Lord Mo! Thank you, Lord Mo!"

"whee… "

The red and blue demons giggled, and directly under Sun Yan's terrified gaze, each opened their mouths, chewing and swallowing Master Mo's corpse and the plump peach fruit full of juice.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Sun Yan couldn't bear it any longer, and cried out in horror.

"You...what are you talking about! That...isn't...companion?! Why do you eat...can go on!"

Sun Yan's loud scream attracted the attention of the four demons.

Ning Po in the far corner glanced at Sun Yan and frowned, but did not speak.

Xie Yunniang looked at the white ape in surprise, and said, "Don't you know that demons are common?"

The red and blue demons even came over with a laugh and said, "Wow! The disciples under the wolf god's gate are really innocent! They don't even know about the demons?"

"What do you rely on to cultivate as a demon? It's blood food! The blood food of mortals is a small supplement, but the blood food of practitioners is a big supplement!"

"It is also the flesh and blood of the practitioners of the devil's way, and it is the most important supplement among the great supplements!"

Shuangqing Shuangmo you said, I laughed strangely, "You don't even know such basic common sense... Are the disciples of the Wolf God this level?"

"Hee hee... Who asked the wolf god to protect it so well? And don't blame the wolf god, this monkey has only been cultivating for a few years? It's less than ten years! The roots are so ordinary, if not for the protection of the wolf god. Great opportunity, how can there be such a good fate."

"That's right! This monkey is just a piece of shit. It's a once-in-a-lifetime. If I were it, I would definitely work harder and have a higher cultivation level than it!"

"Hee hee... If it were us, it would be even more evil and cruel. After all, such a lazy guy is a good material for infatuation!"

"That's right, I've seen a lot of lazy people, but it's really rare to be lazy with this virtue. If it wasn't for the care of the wolf god, this monkey would have been unable to bear the loneliness of cultivation, and ran to cultivate the devil."

"Most of the other demon cultivators became demons because of all kinds of deep hatred and desperation, but this monkey, because he couldn't stand the loneliness of cultivation, went to cultivate demons... Hahaha... It's just shameful! Even in the demon cultivator, it is the most That kind of rubbish."

"Hee hee... This monkey is still not convinced? Look, its eyes are clearly saying that you are all talking nonsense."

"How do you say it? Brother, do you want to educate this monkey who has been lucky?"

"I think it's okay, this stinky monkey is blind with such good luck, but practiced so hotly, he just looks angry. Damn, if our brothers had such luck, would they become such a scumbag? ?"

"That's right! If our brothers had been so lucky back then, would they have become what they are now? Every time I see this stupid monkey's self-righteous appearance these days, it's just his mother's anger!"

"That's right! Get angry! A scumbag who is lucky enough to be favored by the wolf god, but is still lazy, a shit-like thing, is also worthy of pretending to be a big-tailed wolf in front of us? Are you worthy?"

"Bah! If there is no wolf god, you are not a goddamn bullshit! Where do you have the confidence to despise us?"

"Even the most trashy magician is 10,000 times stronger than a trash like you who eats and waits for death and relies solely on luck! Bah!"

The more the red and blue demons spoke to the white ape, the more excited and angry they became.

Ning Po on the side couldn't help frowning and reminded: "Don't go too far, this is a hostage."

Chiqing Shuangmo smiled and said, "Don't worry, our brothers know what to do."

"That's right, that's right, I know it in my heart, and I promise not to hurt the life of this waste."

The red and blue demons held up the peach fruit and the bloody corpse, and showed a ferocious smile to the white ape in the cage.

"Waste monkey, don't you look down on our demons? Would you like to come and have a taste?"

"Yeah, come and have a taste, it's really cool! Your cultivation level will soar in an instant, which is much more refreshing than your ascetic cultivation. Why don't you try it?"

The Crimson and Green Demons had a ferocious face, while the White Ape in the cage had an angry look and shouted loudly.

"Go! Go! I don't… eat! I don't… eat!"

It struggled frantically, dodging the corpse of the demon handed over by the red and blue demons.

Absolutely do not want to fall into the devil's way.

Chapter 356 A Familiar Scene

Inside the cage, the white ape struggled frantically to dodge, unwilling to touch the bloody demon flesh.

When the red and green demons saw that the white ape was so resistant, they couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't be afraid, monkey, you won't become a demon after eating a bite of flesh and blood."

"That's right! Even if you eat this piece of meat, as long as you don't take the initiative to absorb the blood in it and refine the true energy, you won't be enchanted."

"That's right! You need to pay attention to the will to enter the devil. As long as you are not subjectively refining blood food, even if our brothers force you to eat blood food and help you refine it, you will not enter the devil."

"As long as you can always uphold the righteous way, don't want to fall into the devil's way, and don't take the initiative to refine blood food, the true qi in your body will not deteriorate, and you will not fall into the devil."

"But if your heart is shaken, you like the feeling of refining blood and food, and you take the initiative to eat people... Hee hee... Then the true energy of the righteous path in your body will be transformed into evil energy in an instant!"

"You will fall into the devil's way and become the devil you most despise!"

"It has also become the thing that your master, the wolf god, hates and hates the most!"

"Hahaha... Will you take the initiative to enter the devil? It's really curious!"

"Yes, it's really intriguing!"

The red and blue demons sang one and the other, and the words they said finally defeated the bravery of the white ape Sun Yan.

It shook its head desperately and shouted frantically: "I won't eat it! I definitely won't eat it! I won't eat it!"

That desperate cry, even had a little cry.

Hearing this voice, Xie Yunniang, who was refining blood food, could not help frowning and opened her eyes again.

She looked at the red and blue demons surrounding the white ape, and said, "It's almost done, what kind of skill do you have to scare a little thing who has only been practicing for a few years? Even if you really introduce it into the devil's way, its good luck It will not be transferred to you."

Xie Yunniang's words immediately attracted a sinister sneer from the red and blue demons.

"Yo... Our big beauty Yunniang is starting to feel bad for the monkey... What? Did you like this monkey from a famous family? Are you planning to please him and let him lead you to Hanyu Mountain?"

"Wow! This is really a wonderful plan! If you can confuse this monkey with a beauty trick, wouldn't she become the disciple and daughter-in-law of the Wolf God? In an instant, you will become half a member of Hanyu Mountain."

"Although the wolf god hates evil, does he still want to fight and kill his own family? At that time, he will definitely help our beautiful Yunniang to lose her demonic energy, and Yunniang will be able to change her body and become a person in the right way. The sun has been shining since then."

"Maybe I can still be the guest of honor at the Fire God Temple. I laugh and chat with the wizards who destroyed the Qingming Cave, and I don't have to hide anymore."

"Hee hee hee... That's really beautiful, but unfortunately I'm not the mother's, otherwise I'll have sex too."

"Hey... I'm not a mother either. It's a pity that such a good opportunity can only be given to Yun Niang."

Chiqing Shuangmo's strange yin and yang anger, singing and harmony, what they said directly made Xie Yunniang's face turn cold.

She snorted coldly, closed her eyes, and was too lazy to spend more time with these two things.

After Xie Yunniang shut up, the red and blue demons stopped entanglement, but turned their heads again and surrounded the white ape Sun Yan with a smile.

He smiled and said, "Come on, monkey, take a bite, I'm sure you'll be refreshed."

"That's right, there's also your master's peach fruit. We'll feed you a bite too. The combination of divine fruit and innate demon meat is a perfect match! We are the only ones in the world who can have such a luxury."

"That's right! There is only one peach fruit per person, and the rest have to be donated to the Jiufeng Palace Master. It's too precious."

"But such a precious peach fruit, our brothers are willing to give you a bite... You have to appreciate it."

The red and blue demons laughed, and regardless of the desperate resistance of the white ape, they directly tore off a piece of Mo Ye's flesh and a small piece of pulp, and stuffed it into the white ape's mouth at the same time.

In the prison, although the white ape struggled desperately, how could it be the opponent of these two innate demons? Even if the red and blue demons don't use the evil energy in their bodies, it is not something that the white ape can resist.

Very smoothly, the bloody demon flesh and fruit flesh were swallowed by the painful white ape.

And the red and blue demons placed their hands on the front and back of the white ape, one on the left and one on the right, forcibly arousing Sun Yan's true qi to run the evil method and refine the blood in his stomach.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the aura on Sun Yan's body is getting stronger and stronger, and his cultivation base is constantly rising.

With Sun Yan's cultivation, that piece of innate demon meat is an absolute supplement, and the magical effect of peach pulp makes the demon meat more effective.

After a day and a night, when the red and blue demons stopped and stood up, Sun Yan, who was in the prison, had completely changed.

The white ape hair covering his entire body disappeared without a trace, replaced by human skin.

The short body has grown a little bigger, but it is only the appearance of a thin teenager.

The messy black hair, the sweat all over his body, and the appearance of crying and sobbing on the ground, clearly looked like a weak human teenager.

-Under the power of the red and blue demons, it took only one day and one night to break through the cultivation base of the white ape Sun Yan to the Tianmen realm, rushing open the Tianmen and turning into a human form.

Beside the cage, Chiqing Shuangmo looked at the boy crying and despairing with satisfaction, and burst out laughing.

"From now on, the true qi in your body will be between the righteous way and the demonic way. As long as you have the idea of being lazy and want to refine blood food again... Hee hee... Your true qi will become Demonic!"

"The disciple of the wolf god, fell into the devil's way, turned into a devil... Hahahaha... If this thing comes true, the fun will be great, hahaha..."

The Chiqing Shuangmo haha loved it, turned around and left with satisfaction.

The emaciated teenager had been crying in the prison, desperate and in pain.

Obviously, the feeling of refining blood food should be extremely refreshing, but he seems to have experienced the torture of torture.

Seeing such a situation, Xie Yunniang, who had been silent for a day and a night, could not help but stand up, temporarily put down her share of blood food refining, and came to this prison.

The red and blue demons are doing things wrong, but the white ape is an important hostage, so don't let them really play.

Thinking like this, Xie Yunniang waved her hand away from the prison where Sun Yan was being held, squatted down beside the boy, and frowned.

"Are you OK?"

Xie Yunniang's hand poked the desperately crying boy lying on the ground.

The boy's body froze slightly, then he raised his head in fear, clasped his shoulders with his hands, kept shrinking back, and murmured in his mouth.

"Don't...don't come...you don't come!"

At that moment, Xie Yunniang clearly saw the helpless expression of despair and fear on the boy's face full of tears.

This scene looked so familiar and so terrifying.

Her head, buzzing, exploded.

In his ears, he seemed to hear the cry of his brother before his death many years ago.

"Don't come... please don't come..."

"Don't come here!"

Chapter 357 Ning Po's Discovery

Smoke of gunpowder, food of blood, crying desperate boy, raging and arrogant demon, standing by and watching everything happen, but unable to do anything...

This scene looks so familiar and so stinging.

It stabbed Xie Yunniang's heart, which had been cold for hundreds of years, and contracted violently in pain.

younger brother…

Xie Yunniang's hand stretched out subconsciously, wanting to help the boy wipe away the tears from the corner of his eyes.

However, when the demon's hand stretched out, Sun Yan, who was astonished as a bird, shouted hysterically, slapped Xie Yunniang's hand flying, and cried.

"I will never let you go!"

Sun Yan, who had stumbled and stumbled before, was finally able to speak fluently after opening the gate of heaven.

But at this time, he was not at all happy.