I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 218: Section 218


He huddled in the corner in despair, looked at the group of demons in front of him in pain, felt the spiritual energy of his cultivation soaring in his body, and wished he could just die.

Demon... He could become a demon... He could fall into the devil's way...

This kind of thing, even just thinking about it, made him feel so painful that he wanted to commit suicide.

He is a disciple of the Wolf God, a white ape under the patriarch's sect!

How could he fall into the devil's way! How can the ancestors be ashamed

The boy with tears on his face was in pain.

And his slap slapped Xie Yunniang's hand, and at the same time, he also woke up the distracted banshee.

The demon wearing a cool leather armor slowly looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes returning to the indifference of the past again.

She looked at the boy's face and confirmed that this was indeed not her brother, who had been dead for many years.

This thought made her calm down.

She stood up, looked down at the young man at her feet, and said, "Don't cry, it's so easy to get into the devil, those two bastards lied to you."

Xie Yunniang said: "It is true that the true qi in your body has changed, but it would be too fantastic to say that you are enchanted by this."

"You don't even know evil methods, you don't know sorcery, and you don't even know how to refine blood food... If you don't know anything, how can you become a demon?"

"Although it is easy to practice the magic way, you only need to have enough blood and food, but it is not as simple as you think."

"Do you really think that you only need to be able to eat people when practicing the magic way?"

Xie Yun's remarks directly stunned the crying boy.

The young man raised his head blankly and looked at Xie Yun in front of him. He didn't know which demon said what was true.

And Xie Yunniang continued.

"As long as you don't refine blood food in the future, practice well, and cultivate the alien true qi that is forcibly injected into your body by the red and blue demons, you will not have the risk of becoming a demon."

"Of course, the refining of this alien infuriating energy is much more difficult than refining the ordinary spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

"In the final analysis, although you entered the Heavenly Gate Realm overnight and opened the Heavenly Gate, it will take you longer to completely refine the Xenogeneic True Qi in your body than your step-by-step cultivation to the Heavenly Gate Realm. "

"The two bastards, the red and blue demons, are just to scare you and disgust you by the way. You don't have to worry about being a demon at all."

Kicking the stunned boy with a forceful kick, Xie Yunniang said indifferently, "If you have time to cry here, why not take the time to refine the Xenogeneic True Qi in your body, it will work better than you cry 10,000 times."

After speaking, Xie Yunniang waved her hand again, locked Sun Yan, and then returned to her original position to continue refining blood food.

Not far away, Shuangqing Shuangmo sneered while watching her series of actions.

Scarlet Devil said: "Yoyoyo... Our Lady Yunniang is so merciful, she cares so much about monkeys."

Qing Mo said, "Who told me to be a disciple of the Wolf God? If I were a disciple of the Wolf God, the beauty of Yunniang would be more active than she is now. Maybe she would have climbed into my bed at night, hehe..."

The red devil suddenly said: "So that's how it is... The beauty of Yunniang looked at the appearance of the weak boy after the monkey turned into a human form, and her heart was sprouting! I want to climb on this monkey's bed!"

The green devil said: "I want to cultivate with him! Mating! Then have children!"

Red Devil said: "It's a monkey!"

The green devil said, "Why not give birth to a scorpion? The beautiful lady Yunniang is a scorpion, so the child she gave birth must be a scorpion, right?"

The red devil said: "This is not necessarily. Who knows what species the monkey and the scorpion gave birth to? I have never seen such a thing before."

The green devil said: "Hahaha... Maybe we will meet next time."

The red devil whistled: "Then it depends on the efforts of the beautiful lady Yunniang, hahaha..."

Inside the cave, the red and blue demons still sang a yin and yang strangely together, full of nonsense.

In the corner, Xie Yunniang frowned slightly, her eyes turned colder and colder on the face of the red and blue demons.

For some reason, in the past, no matter what the two bastards said, she could ignore it. When I listened to those bastards said by these two bastards, my heart didn't waver.

But this time, she became more and more angry.

If it weren't for the critical situation, the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain might come to you at any time, and she would have already taught these two bastards a lesson.

Let their stinky mouth full of feces learn to close it!

"Huh..." Xie Yunniang let out a slight sigh of relief, forcibly forced herself to close her eyes, and at the same time closed her hearing, and stopped listening to the foul language of those two bastards.

For her, this morning's refining of the blood food that belongs to her is the most important thing.

In such a crisis situation, the chance of surviving would increase for every point in the cultivation base.

As for the red and blue demons with their mouths full of feces, when this matter is over, there will be a chance to take care of them!

Sooner or later, these two bastards will have to pay the price for their open mouth!

Xie Yunniang, who had ignored the Scarlet and Blue Demons along the way, felt ruthless in her heart at this moment, and hated the Scarlet and Green Demons.

But all this, Sun Yan, who had just turned into a human form in the prison, did not know.

The Scarlet and Green Demons, who are used to spewing feces and provoking disgusting everyone, didn't feel it either, just talking nonsense as usual.

Only Ning Po, who had been silent in the corner, squinted his eyes and silently glanced at Xie Yunniang not far away.

Then he looked at Sun Yan, a young man in the prison who had already listened to Xie Yunniang's orders, and began to cross his knees and close his eyes, trying to refine the true energy of the alien species in his body.

Ning Po's brows furrowed slightly.

It has been with these demons all the way, and now it seems that some incomprehensible strange thing has happened, and its expression is slightly confused.

But after the Chiqing Shuangmo provoked for a while, and Xie Yunniang ignored it, even the Chiqing Shuangmo felt boring and began to refine the blood and food practice.

In the quiet cave, there is no more noisy sound.

Whether it is the righteous way or the demonic way, they are all immersed in the practice and no longer speak.

Ning Po, who was watching this scene, closed his eyes and continued refining his blood food without speaking.

It's just that the strange discovery just now was deeply imprinted in his heart.

Chapter 358 Seeing Huo Feng Again

Qushuizhuang is located on the side of the road fifty miles west of Zhuxian Town.

It is said to be a villa, but in fact it is more like a prosperous town.

The high-rise Qushui Zhuang leans on the middle of the mountain and overlooks the galloping road below. The pavilions and pavilions and carved railings in the village are luxurious and noble.

It was the palace of Lu Heng's previous world. In terms of style and momentum, it was definitely not comparable to an ordinary villa in the world of immortals.

Although the area of Qushui Village is definitely not as big as the Forbidden City.

At the foot of the mountain, there are many tenant villagers living, and there are fields and crops in the distance.

It seems that it is an ancient scenery where the big landlords enslaved many villagers.

But in fact, these tenant villagers only need to hand in a small amount of food. If there is a disaster year, the practitioners of Qushui Village will also distribute relief food and clothing to the tenant villagers.

And under the protection of the practitioners, the tenant villagers here basically do not have to worry about the threat of demons, and they live much more comfortable than ordinary village residents.

The reason is that most of the tenants near Qushui Village are descendants of servants who have served the practitioners for generations.

These villagers have been cultivators who have served Qushui Village from generation to generation. They have been working as chores in the village, and they are already half of the members of Qushui Village.

Most of the practitioners do not need to eat, the thirst for material is not large, and the productivity of this world is ridiculously high, and practitioners do not need to squeeze and enslave ordinary mortals at all.

Therefore, the atmosphere of Qushui Zhuang was harmonious, and all the tenant villagers were full of affection for Zhuangzi.

- Of course, the villagers in ordinary villages will definitely not be comfortable here.

The arrival of Lu Heng did not cause much disturbance in Qushui Village.

The main reason is that Lu Heng did not disclose his identity, but only came to Qushuizhuang as a friend of Guyin, so Qushuizhuang did not know that the man in white was the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain who had recently been rumored.

In Qushui Village, Gu Yin's cultivation is the only one, higher than that of his father of the village owner. He has already condensed the five qi in his chest and started to warm up to the top three.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Gu Yin is already a well-established Taoist cultivation.

But in Qushui Zhuang, Gu Yin's presence is not strong.

This musician, who was taken in by the masters at a young age and brought out to practice, has rarely returned to Qushuizhuang for hundreds of years. After Shizun was killed, Guyin returned very rarely.

For Qushuizhuang, Guyin is more like an outsider who only exists in legends. Many young people of the new generation have only occasionally heard the story of this family senior in the conversation of their elders.

Now that he has returned, Gu Yin has never cared about Zhuangshang's affairs. He just lives in his own small courtyard, lonely and lonely, and even the handyman arranged by Zhuangshang has been driven away by him.

When Lu Heng arrived, the village owner wanted to arrange a few maids to serve, but Lu Heng also refused.

So in the eyes of Qushuizhuang, Lu Heng, who came to visit, is indeed a friend of Gu Yin, both of them are lonely carved out of the same mold.

However, although Lu Heng, the handyman arranged by Zhuangshang, refused, the food in Zhuangshang did not.

Lu Heng even unceremoniously asked the kitchen to cook dishes one after another, and sat in Guyin's yard every day eating and drinking.

Practitioner's appetite, that is not covered. Even the two little dolls of Wuyou Wuyu, who are not high in cultivation, are still enjoying themselves and their mouths are full of oil.

The two brothers and sisters who have been wandering in the wilderness for three months have finally eaten the food of the world. How can they not be excited

The two brothers and sisters had a great time, but Lu Heng was different.

Most of the time, Lu Heng sat on the side, chatting with Gu Yin about chores, listening to Gu Yin's experience of traveling around the world with his master's body over the years.

He also learned that in order to save the master, Gu Yin even went to Lingshan and asked the ten sorcerers of Lingshan for help.

It's a pity that even though the ten sorcerers of Lingshan are powerful, they can't help Gu Yin with this soulless body.

Although Guyin's courtyard is remote, it is located on the slope of the mountainside and has an extremely wide field of vision. The small pavilion where the two of them sat, overlooking most of the Qushui Village, had a wide field of vision.

At noon on the fourth day of Lu Heng's stay in Qushuizhuang, a group of strange guests came outside the gate of Qushuizhuangzhuang.

It can be seen that the status of this group of guests is very high. The owner of the village personally greeted them, and the welcoming ceremony was very lively.

Sitting in the yard, Lu Heng and Gu Yin looked at the scene beyond the gate from a distance. Lu Heng smiled and said, "It seems that there is a real distinguished guest in the village."

Lu Heng laughed and made a joke.

He actually recognized who the person who came to Qushui Village was long ago. The person at the head was wearing a scarlet robe, with a burly figure and red hair and beard. It was the old man in the capital who he had seen in Zhuxian Town before.

Lu Heng didn't expect to see each other again in Qushuizhuang in the past four days.

Gu Yin glanced over there, and was also a little confused: "At this time, Lie Lao should be going to exterminate demons, why did he come to Qushui Village?"

Gu Yin was puzzled by this.

After a while, Na Lie had been welcomed into the village, and Qushui village became lively.

From Lu Heng and the others, they could clearly see the crowds surging in the entire Qushui Village. It was clear that a feast was going to be held to entertain the distinguished guests.

But even in such a lively atmosphere, Guyin's courtyard is still deserted, as if it is not in the same world as the entire Qushui Village.

After another half an hour, a middle-aged man came out of the small courtyard, the second brother of Gu Yin, Qu Fengchun.

- That's right, Gu Yin is actually not Gu, her original name is Qu Fengyu.

After being put into the door wall by the master, his master felt that the name Qu Fengyu was not pleasant, and also saw that Gu Yin's character was cold, so he gave him a new name.

After entering the yard, Qu Fengchun walked straight to the small pavilion where Lu Heng and Gu Yin were. After greeting Lu Heng politely, he looked at Gu Yin.

Said: "fifth brother, father asked you to go out to see the guests. Old man Lie came to visit today, and the whole village of Qushui Village should be treated carefully and not neglected."

"Elder Lie appreciates you very much, and would like to invite you to the lobby for a chat."

Qu Fengchun's words made Gu Yin frown slightly.

He said: "I told my father that during this period, I have friends who need to be entertained. Don't call me about Zhuangzhong. Why do you want me to see the guests now? Old Lie asked and said that I was not there. Zhuangzhong."

Gu Yin was extremely resistant to this matter.

Qu Fengchun spread his hands helplessly and said, "Lao Lie wants to see you, so you can't help but show your face, right?"

Gu Yin said indifferently: "Elder Lie said before that he wanted to see me. I have already obeyed my father's words and went to Fuyulou to attend his conference, which has already saved face."

However, Gu Yin didn't say anything about it, but Qu Fengchun glared at him when he mentioned it.

"You're too embarrassed to mention it! Your father asked you to go to Fuyulou to see Elder Lie, but you ran away halfway without saying hello. Such rude behavior is shameful!"

Qu Fengchun's accusation made Gu Yin slightly silent.

Just when Gu Yin wanted to speak, Lu Heng said with a smile: "Since Lie Lao wants to see you, Gu Yin brother should go and see him. This Lie old man is good, but he is too enthusiastic, so you should do a good deed. , Let the old man be happy, don't worry about me."

When Lu Heng spoke like this, Gu Yin paused for a moment, then got up and said to Qu Fengchun, "Let's go."

After speaking, the arrogant musician walked straight out, ignoring the elder brother beside him.