I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 219: Section 219


Qu Fengchun was very dissatisfied with this, but with the foreigner by his side, he didn't have a bad attack, so he could only follow without a word.

Lu Heng, on the other hand, was sitting in the courtyard, watching Gu Yin's leaving back, and sighed a long time.

Xiao Ai with silver-haired animal ears silently came to his side.

Also watching Gu Yin leave, Xiao Ai frowned and said, "Senior Gu Yin, the situation at home is a bit embarrassing..."

Lu Heng sighed and said, "As expected, Gu Yin has a withdrawn personality, is not good at communicating, and has left home since childhood. He has hardly returned for hundreds of years, so he doesn't have much affection for this place."

"He came back this time just because he was disheartened and wanted to find a place to retire, but Qushui Village is no longer what he remembered."

"Just like Xiao Ai, if you practice for a few more decades and then go back to Shuisheng Village, you will feel unfamiliar."

Xiao Ai was slightly startled by Lu Heng's words.

Then Xiao Ai shook her head and said, "Xiao Ai is very unfamiliar now when she returns to Shuisheng Village."

"But Xiao Ai doesn't need to go back to Shuisheng Village."

She looked at Lu Heng's profile and said, "Xiao Ai's house is no longer Shuisheng Village."

The little girl's words made Lu Heng laugh and said, "That's right, we have a good thing in Hanyu Mountain, that is, there are enough people."

"Even if I'm gone in the future, and Sun Yan, Guyan and the others will accompany you to entertain you, otherwise I'm really worried that you, like Gu Yin, won't even have a warm place to go."

Lu Heng's words made the little girl frown slightly.

She really wanted to ask Lord Wolf God not to make such a joke, but looking at Wolf God's laughing profile, the little dissatisfaction in her heart disappeared.

Qushuizhuang is very lively.

But the courtyard where Lu Heng and Xiao Ai were in was quiet and silent.

As if they were in Hanyu Mountain, there was only one person and one wolf from each other.

- It's just that this tranquility was quickly broken.

Gu Yin's elder brother, Qu Fenglin, appeared in the courtyard and walked straight towards Lu Heng.

Facing Lu Heng, Qu Fenglin said with a smile: "My father heard that Mr. Huo was left alone in the yard, so he blamed me for waiting, and asked me to invite Mr. Huo to a banquet... I wonder if Mr. Huo would like to honor him?"

Lu Heng stood up with a smile, and said, "Master Qu has invited him, and Huo Feng will naturally go... Let's walk around, Huo is already hungry, and he must have a big meal tonight."

Lu Heng didn't refuse to be withdrawn like Qu Fenglin was worried about, but left with Qu Fenglin with a smile, without any embarrassment.

That free and easy smile made Qu Fenglin very surprised. The fifth brother's friend... How could he be so good at being a man

He also thought that Mr. Huo Fenghuo, like the fifth brother, had a strange personality with aloofness and coldness.

Now it looks completely different.

In Qu Fenglin's heart, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The main hall of the banquet is in the middle area of Qushui Village.

The courtyard here is vast, with flying eaves and bucket arches and vegetation and trees, making it beautiful. In the middle of the river, there is also flowing water, and the swimming fish and koi are jumping, which is as beautiful as a fairyland.

When Lu Heng arrived, the banquet was about to start.

There were seven tables in the courtyard, and the people in the seats were all monks with extraordinary cultivation.

The old man Lie sat at the main table with Qushui Village's master Qu Minlie, next to him was the Zhuxian Town's city master Nangong Hao, and several other top cultivators.

It is worth mentioning that among the brothers of the Qu family, only Gu Yin was seated at the main table, and the rest of the brothers were seated in ordinary seats.

Lu Heng followed Qu Fenglin and sat beside him. This table is still quite far from the main table. It can be seen that although Lu Heng was fortunate to be invited to attend, he could only sit at the bottom of the table.

Behind Lu Heng, Xiao Ai with silver-haired beast ears followed all the way, and Qu Fenglin was greatly surprised.

After entering, Xiao Ai did not go outside to share the table with the cultivator's entourage sword attendants, but followed the main hall and stood behind Lu Heng.

Qu Fenglin was shocked to see this scene.

On such an important occasion, why would you bring a sword attendant with you... It's too rude, isn't it

Does this Mr. Huo Fenghuo understand etiquette...

He looked at Lu Heng and hesitated.

Xiao Ai glanced at him and said, "You don't need to arrange a seat for me, it's fine when I don't exist."

After speaking, Xiao Ai stood behind Lu Heng, her thoughts moved, but her breath disappeared instantly.

Even Qu Fenglin, who had been staring at her, almost ignored the little girl standing beside him at this moment.

Qu Fenglin's eyes widened instantly with such a subtle technique of concealing air.

This... What is the origin of Mr. Huo Fenghuo? How can a swordsman be so powerful

Surprised in his heart, Qu Fenglin stopped talking and turned his head to stop looking at the sword attendant.

Lu Heng smiled bitterly, looked back at Xiao Ai, and said silently, "Stinky girl."

The little girl with silver-haired animal ears had a serious face, she stood up straight like a statue, and did not see Lu Heng's mouth at all.

In response, Lu Heng shrugged helplessly, and didn't bother to talk about this stinky girl.

Anyway, as soon as Xiao Ai's qi concealment technique unfolded, she instantly lost her sense of existence. Over the entire banquet, no more than one palm could detect her presence.

Thinking of this, Lu Heng turned his head with a smile, and began to boast with Qu Fenglin and the rest of the monks at the table.

But he turned a blind eye to the surprised eyes on the main table.

— When Lu Heng came in, he was low-key and ordinary, although he was not ostentatious. But the moment he came in, he caught Lie Yang's attention.

Lie Yang looked at this Yunmen Huo Feng, who had met once in Zhuxian Town, in astonishment, but he didn't expect to see each other here again.

And Nangong Hao obviously found Lu Heng too.

His brows furrowed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, under the gazes of Nangong Hao and Lie Yang, the little girl with silver-haired animal ears behind Lu Heng directly disappeared from the sense of existence and instantly disappeared from the minds of everyone.

Even with the cultivation of the two of them, if they did not deliberately observe, they would not be able to notice a little girl standing there.

Such an ingenious technique of concealment...

The stunned Nangong Hao couldn't help but said, "Old Lie, this Yunmen Huo Feng has appeared again... Do you want to greet him?"

Chapter 359 Angry Xiao Ai

Nangong Hao and Lieyang were stunned by the exquisite qi concealment technique of the little girl with silver hair and animal ears.

Lie Yang, in particular, considers himself to be well-informed and highly cultivated, but this little girl's subtle qi concealment technique is as powerful as he has never seen before.

Among the techniques of concealing qi that he has seen in his life, the method of concealing qi used by this little girl is the best!

And I don't know how much higher than the second and third...

And Nangong Hao's inquiry was also the hesitation in Lieyang's heart.

He sat on the main table, looking at the man in white sitting on the edge from a distance, watching the other side Yan Xiaoyan chatting with the ordinary practitioners around him.

For a while, it was hard to make a decision.

The last time he was in Zhuxian Town, he abruptly startled this stranger away.

Now it would be embarrassing to startle the other side abruptly.

Thinking of this, Lieyang sighed and said through a voice transmission: "For the time being, this alien behaves in a different way, and doesn't look down on my Lieyang's position of power. It's really inappropriate for me to interrupt me rashly, so I'll just let him go. already."

Lie Yang was also a little unswerving in his heart.

What kind of identity do you think he is Lieyang? In the past, whoever you wanted to see, even the monarch would not be neglected.

Since this Yunmen Huo Feng looked down on him, he was too lazy to take care of him.

There are thousands of different people in the world, why should you be unable to get along with a Cloud Sect practitioner

Lieyang decided in his heart, and stopped looking at Lu Heng who was sitting on the periphery, but continued to chat with the practitioners around him in a harmonious atmosphere.

Soon, the exquisite dishes were delivered one by one.

In order to entertain these cultivators, the back kitchen of Qushuizhuang has gone all out to make the best dishes to entertain the guests.

Lu Heng couldn't help but smile as he watched the delicate dishes being served.

If Wuyou and Wuyu sister and brother saw it, they would definitely be very excited. It's a pity that the siblings are both outside and are not eligible to attend the home court.

Not everyone has the kind of cheeky Xiao Ai who insists on following up regardless of everyone's surprise.

At the banquet, the atmosphere was very harmonious. There are also various performances to entertain guests.

Lu Heng was in the middle of it, but he didn't have any burdens. He was happy and leisurely, happily enjoying the relaxation at this time.

As for what these cultivators are doing here, Lu Heng is too lazy to care.

But Lu Heng didn't care, but the others never ignored him.

After drinking and eating, a practitioner at the same table toasted Lu Heng and said, "This fellow Daoist looks at Miansheng, doesn't he know where he came from?"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Huo Feng of Yunmen, a loose cultivator in the mountains and fields, came from the Fire Passing Nation."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Heng's table instantly fell silent.

The cultivators who were originally eager, all frowned at this time and looked at Lu Heng.

The cultivator who spoke before was slightly stunned, and said, "Huotong Nation... Huo Feng... The arrogant person who saved Old Lie's face in Zhuxian Town a few days ago, is that you?!"

The cultivator did not lower his voice, and all the practitioners present were accomplished practitioners, and it was impossible to hide from their perceptions.

The moment these words fell, the entire courtyard instantly fell silent.

The practitioners who were laughing and talking and clinking glasses all turned their heads and looked this way.

Even Lie Yang and others on the main table looked over.

Seeing this situation, Lu Heng was a little surprised.

This... Has Huo Feng's reputation been so bad

Isn't it because he rejected this old man's invitation four days ago, how did everyone present know about it

The position of this old man in the hearts of everyone is too high...

Obviously, Lu Heng's behavior of rejecting Lieyang's solicitation and turning away directly that day was already regarded as a arrogant person, and his name spread among the group of practitioners.

Maybe these cultivators are still planning silently, planning to find this arrogant Huo Feng in the future and teach him a lesson for Old Lie...

Looking at the cultivators with bad eyes, Lu Heng smiled bitterly in his heart.

Knowing this situation earlier, I changed my name.

Now facing the indifferent eyes of everyone, Lu Heng was also unable to get down, so he could only sigh, and said, "It's down..."

Lu Heng's admission instantly caused an uproar in the courtyard.

The cultivators who were originally kind, all glared at him.

The words full of anger continued to sound.

"You rejected Old Man Lie's invitation that day, and today you openly infiltrated our banquet... Are you fucking here to spoil the place?"

"Damn! It's too deceiving!"

"Cultivator of Fire Tong Nation? Bah! A group of people who have betrayed humanity and believe in incense... What arrogance do you have? What are you pretending to be!"

"The surname is Huo! It's kind of a fight with Lao Tzu! My motherfucker has long wanted to beat you up!"

In the courtyard, the crowd was excited.

All the practitioners instantly shared the same hatred, and regarded Lu Heng as a madman who came to smash the scene to provoke.

In this situation, Lu Heng was very helpless.

He stood up and said, "Ask yourself, Huo did not intend to provoke this time. He was only invited to the banquet by the master of Qu Zhuang, but he did not intend to provoke you."

Lu Heng sincerely defended.

And everyone's attention immediately shifted to Qu Min, the owner of the previous song.

Qu Min was startled and quickly said, "Mr. Huo's words are true. He is a friend of my family's Gu Yin, and he came to the village as a guest a few days ago."

"Today, Zhuangzhong held a big banquet. Out of courtesy, Qu invited him too. It was definitely not Mr. Huo who wanted to provoke you and sneak in to make trouble."

Qu Min's explanation made the practitioners look much better.