I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 226: Section 226


"If I were you, I would never mention my clan at all."

With that said, Nian Cangqing turned and walked towards Qushui Village.

As for the screams of the Lie clan before they died, she ignored them directly.

Her time is very precious, and she doesn't have time to make a special trip for the clamor of a few idiots.

If the people of the Lie clan don't come to the door, it's fine, if they really come to the door.

For her now, the most important thing is to find Lu Heng of Hanyu Mountain.

This guy actually came to the north, and it happened to be nearby... Humph!

It seems that the old monk Jiu Mie didn't lie.

Nian Cangqing, who originally planned to go back to find trouble with Jiu Zie, has now given up on this idea.

Walking all the way to the southeast, Nian Cangqing quickly came to Qushui Zhuang and saw the quiet and peaceful huge villa.

Without wasting time, Nian Cangqing directly stretched out his hand and aimed at a distant mountain and squeezed it hard.


In the deafening loud noise, the mountain that was thousands of meters away from her was directly held by her, disconnected from the ground, and rose into the sky.

Countless birds flew out of the rising mountain in panic and fled to all directions.

The scattered sand, gravel and soil fell like a waterfall.

Qushuizhuang cultivators and mortals who saw this horrifying scene in the early morning were all stunned.

Everyone ran out of the house in horror, went outside, and saw the suddenly flying mountain crossed the sky and hovered above Qushuizhuang.

The huge mountain is like a huge boulder that lifts the sky, hanging coldly above the villa, blocking the sun, and casting shadows on everyone's heads.

At the same time, there was an icy female voice that echoed through the mountains, allowing everyone inside and outside Qushui Village to hear clearly.

"Tell Yunmen Huo Feng to limit him to come here to see me within three days, or Qushui Village will be wiped from this land!"

The sound fell, and the huge mountain in the air hovered.

However, an invisible wall rises around Qushui Village, and the practitioners who are in it can't go out? Only mortals can come and go freely

Seeing this scene, Master Qu was immediately stunned.

"This... is there a great power taking us as hostages to force that Yunmen Huo Feng to show up?"

Zhuangzhu Qu's expression was desperate.

"But we only offended that Yunmen Huo Feng, how could he care about my life or death!"

Chapter 366 Xiao Ai's Learning Is Broken

The huge mountain hangs high above Qushuizhuang, obscuring the scorching sun in the sky.

In the shadows, Qushui Village was terrified.

Because the invisible wall around Zhuangzi separates the inside and outside, except for mortals who can enter and exit freely, all practitioners in the entire village, no matter how high or low, even children who are just starting to practice qi, cannot leave the villa.

And that invisible wall even covered the sky and blocked the earth.

At this time, Qushuizhuang was about three inches underground, and there were also invisible barriers that practitioners could not break through.

The owner of the villa, Qu Min, stood at the gate of the villa, looking at the situation outside through an invisible barrier, extremely anxious.

As far as his cultivation is concerned, even if the mountain above his head falls, he will not be able to hurt any grass or tree in Qushui Village. He can remove the mountain.

But in the case of a powerful shot, when this mountain falls, will it really only have the power of an ordinary mountain fall

Even if someone said yes, Qu Min couldn't believe it.

He quickly summoned all the servants in the village, and asked these mortals who have served Qushui Village for generations to quickly go to the city for help.

However, the news from the servants left Qu Min completely stunned.

Old man Lie and his group, who were supposed to return to Zhuxian Town, were stopped and killed by a woman in red of unknown origin.

The scene of the red-clothed woman brazenly committing murder on the gallop was seen by many passers-by.

In an instant, two innate gods were destroyed...

With such strength, it makes the scalp tingle to say it.

And Qu Min was even paler, guessing who hung the mountain above Qushuizhuang.

- The old man Lie and his party were killed by a woman in red from unknown origin, and Qushui Village was trapped by the mysterious power.

This red-clothed woman of unknown origin is clearly an acquaintance of that Yunmen Huo Feng! The other party wanted to use Qushuizhuang as a threat to force the Yunmen Huo Feng out.

Looking at the ruthless means of this high-ranking woman, she and the Yunmen Huo Feng are probably enemies, not friends.

In such a situation, will Yunmen Huo Feng really rise up for Qushui Village... After all, the strength of this female senior is simply appalling.

At the gate of the villa, Qu Min's face was gloomy and uncertain. After a while, he made a decision.

"Let Lao Song go to the city to inform Xiao Qi, and let him go and invite the fifth child back."

"Senior Huo Feng of the old five Tong Yunmen is a friend and old friend. If he comes forward, Senior Huo may be willing to help..."

With no way out, Qu Min could only think of such a life-saving straw.

He could never imagine that the fifth son, who embarrassed him so much last night and almost couldn't get down from the stage, had to rely on pleading today.

But Guyin was the only life-saving straw he could think of. He couldn't think of anyone who could save Qushuizhuang at such a time without asking for this son who had left home since childhood.

As the servant Lao Song left Qushuizhuang on a fast horse and headed for Zhuxian Town, the abnormality of Qushuizhuang also attracted more and more practitioners' attention over time.

Recently, Zhuxian Town has gathered many practitioners.

Now that even two congenital masters have died, there are still famous and powerful people in Xiong's country, which immediately detonated the situation.

The practitioners in the city went out of the city one after another and came to watch the play outside the city.

In the wilderness, Lu Heng stood on a high mountain, looking at the riots inside and outside Qushui Village in the distance, and shook his head helplessly.

"Why did Nian Cangqing follow him to the north?" Lu Heng had an incomparable headache.

Today, he really doesn't want to have a bad relationship with an ancient monster like Nian Cangqing.

Although the Heavenly Tribulation Sword is in no way unfavorable, it is basically an opponent who kills the innate realm.

The strength of this woman, Nian Cangqing, is unknown. In the state of reviving her corpse, her strength is far less than when she was alive.

Who knows if the Heavenly Tribulation Sword will be able to do nothing in front of this old monster.

If the attack of Tian Jiejian was evaded by the opponent using some kind of secret technique, Lu Heng would be bad.

Although Lu Heng had more than one life, he still did not plan to take risks.

Seeing Lu Heng's distressed expression, Xiao Ai understood the troubles in Wolf God's heart, and said.

"Lord Wolf God, Xiao Ai has an idea, maybe she can deal with this woman."

"Oh? What's the idea?" Lu Heng asked in surprise.

Xiao Ai looked into the distance and said, "When the war between the Huotong Kingdom and Wuxie was serious before, there was a cultivator who claimed to be Ao Tianxing challenged everywhere, claiming to defeat the powerful enemy and become famous."

"It is said that he once fought against Nian Cangqing on the day when the entire Qingming Demon Cave was dispatched, and he was blown away by Nian Cangqing and flew all the way to Youxiong Country."

"After arriving in Youxiong Country, this guy didn't leave. Now he is active in Santiancheng, which is less than 10,000 miles away from Zhuxian Town. If you write a letter to Santiancheng, tell this Ao Tianxing that he once hit the city with a palm. His Nian Cangqing is here, maybe this reckless man will come to disrupt the situation."

Xiao Ai's words made Lu Heng stunned for a moment, then laughed.

Said: "Xiao Ai, you have learned badly... But this is a good idea. We will find a way to inform Ao Tianxing and let him come to this muddy water."

"Besides, since Ao Tianxing has already notified it, the Xiong Kingdom's capital can't be ignored. The patriarch of the Tangtang Lie clan was killed here. If there is no response, it would be too much to say."

"It would be best if the official Xiong Nation can send some innate experts and famous experts to come forward and solve Nian Cangqing directly, then it will be infinite merit."

After Lu Heng finished speaking, he was about to continue explaining, but suddenly he heard a call from the underworld world, and his brows suddenly wrinkled slightly.

Is the wheel-turning ghost king Youyue calling him

Since the title of the Lord of the Wheel Hall was sealed, Lu Heng no longer cared about the affairs of the Netherworld, and left it all to Youyue to deal with.

Now hearing You Yue's call is the first time in the past six months.

In the icy cold wind, Lu Heng said, "I have something to do. I will go to the Netherworld for a walk. I will leave the matter here to you, Xiao Ai, for the time being."

After speaking, Lu Heng disappeared directly on the top of the mountain.

When he opened his eyes again, he had come to the underworld where the wind was blowing.

But what Lu Heng was in was no longer a barren and vast plain, but a magnificent and magnificent palace.

This majestic and majestic hall is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. In addition to the main hall, there are also continuous small hall buildings.

From a distance, shadowy ghosts wandered among the magnificent palaces.

In a trance, it was as if he came to the legendary Abang Palace and saw the ghosts of the pre-Qin era.

And on the wasteland farther from the hall, a city is being built.

Although there is only a rough framework now, and even the foundation has not been started, such a grand project has been completed in only half a year, and it can be seen that all the ghost repairers have made great efforts.

Lu Heng looked at the many ghost cultivators who greeted him in front of the Wheel Wheel Hall, smiled and cupped his hands: "Congratulations, everyone, the Wheel Wheel Hall is completed, this is a crucial first step in rebuilding the Netherworld."

Chapter 367 The Ghost Town That Appears Out of thin air

Lu Heng said casually without paying too much attention to the wording.

However, after he said these words, all the ghost cultivators present moved in their hearts.

Rebuild... Netherworld? reconstruction

This word is full of deep meaning.

You Yue and the two deputies beside her glanced at each other, and both understood the thoughts in each other's eyes.

But now is not the time to talk about that.

You Yue, who was wearing a ghost king robe, hurried forward and said anxiously: "Wolf God, there is a big event in the underworld, and I can't deal with it, so I can only disturb the wolf god Qingjing."

You Yue's face was full of anxiety and unease.

To make the dignified ghost king lose his temper now, Lu Heng also realized that the situation was wrong and his expression became serious.

"What happened? Please explain in detail," Lu Heng said, "If you can help, Lu will definitely not refuse."

After Lu Heng finished speaking, You Yue looked at the big city under construction not far away, and said, "How does the wolf god think of that city?"

Lu Heng turned his head and glanced at the frame of the big city in the distance, nodded and said, "It's grand, grand, and well-organized. It's really impressive. It shows everyone's efforts, and Lu Mou admires it."

Lu Heng didn't know the meaning of You Yue's mention of the city, so he replied according to his first impression.

However, after Lu Heng finished speaking, You Yue shook her head bitterly and said, "If You Yue told the Wolf God, that big city was not built by me, and has nothing to do with me?"

You Yue's words made Lu Heng frown again.

"Oh? Wasn't it built by you? Then, did this big city appear out of thin air?" Lu Heng asked.

Youyue nodded and said: "It does seem to appear out of thin air... Four days ago, the shadow of a city suddenly appeared in that wilderness."

"In the beginning, it was just an ethereal phantom, without any sense of reality."

"But after one day and one night, the phantom of the city gradually turned into reality. By now, the general framework has been transformed."

"At this speed, in about three days, this phantom will be completely condensed into reality, and the entire city will appear out of thin air."

"And the weirdest thing is that every time the sun enters the night, there will be countless weird shadows wandering in the phantom of the city."

"Vaguely, some ghost repairers saw a fierce sword hanging on each of the four gates of the city, as if they were suppressing the evil spirits in the city."

"But the war sword appears and disappears from time to time, and it is impossible to observe its situation carefully. I can only vaguely see that the city gate suppressed by the war sword has been crumbling, and it seems that it may collapse at any time, releasing the evil spirits in the city... "

You Yue said bitterly: "In order to investigate the situation, You Guixiu recklessly broke into the phantom, but the moment he broke in, it disappeared, and it was directly sold on the "Book of Life and Death"! Divine power and power All disappeared without a trace, whether it was life or death."

You Yue's words made Lu Heng frown even tighter.

"Book of Life and Death", that is the power that Lu Heng separated from the Nether Soul Requiring Seal when the Lord of the Wheel Hall gave him the seal.

There is a "Book of Life and Death" in each of the ten temples, which records the names of the priests of all the ghosts and ghosts in the temple. Theoretically speaking, as long as the name on the Book of Life and Death is not destroyed, even if the ghost is shattered by a major practitioner, he can reunite his soul and return.

But the "Book of Life and Death" was sold directly... This is tantamount to losing souls to ghosts!