I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 229: Section 229


The disaster that happened a thousand years ago resulted in countless casualties. In the end, it was only by relying on the decree issued by the King of Humans that the evil here was reluctantly quelled.

But now the situation that happened a thousand years ago is going to happen again

Duanmuzhi's expression also became serious, and she immediately said: "The younger generation will immediately report to the Ming capital and evacuate the residents of the city as quickly as possible."

"In addition, there are still a few powerful clans in the city, and they have some quarrels with the husbands of the younger generation. If the city lord's mansion orders, they may violate the order, so I hope the wolf god will come forward and persuade those clans..."

Lu Heng nodded and said, "Mrs. tell me the names of the patriarchs of those clans, and I will persuade them to leave."

"Well, there is another matter that I hope my wife will know," Lu Heng smiled helplessly and said, "I also hope that my wife will keep it secret and not let a third party know about Lu's coming here."

"If the news of Lu Mou in Zhuxian Town comes out, I am afraid that the day of the change has not yet come, and the place will be disturbed."

Duanmuzhi was slightly startled by Lu Heng's words.

Looking at the wolf god's reaction, what does he seem to be afraid of

But the wolf god exists like this, and there are things to be afraid of

Confused in her heart, Duanmuzhi's face still respectfully said: "The younger generation obeys the instructions of the wolf god and will never tell a third person about seeing the wolf god. Violators will be punished! The body and spirit will be broken!"

Duanmuzhi made an evil oath directly to express her determination. In front of such an ancient existence, she didn't even dare to think a little bit.

Next, after Lu Heng asked Duanmuzhi the names of several clan chiefs who needed to be greeted, he left the City Lord's Mansion.

And after Lu Heng, who was dressed in white, drifted away, the unconscious people inside and outside the house also woke up one after another.

After they woke up, they stood on the spot and froze for a while, then they remembered what they had to do, and hurriedly went to work on their own.

Including the old butler behind Duanmu Zhi who had already touched the threshold of the Innate Realm, he didn't notice anything wrong after he woke up.

In such a situation, Duanmuzhi's heart became more and more awe-inspiring.

The means of this Cold Feather Mountain Wolf God is truly terrifying!

Chapter 371

On the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, it snows heavily in midwinter.

There was only one last day and one night left until the day when Zhuxian Town changed.

However, before the mutation came, the goose feather snow and the cold wind came first.

This blizzard suddenly fell last night and swept across the vast territory of the Bear Country overnight. It was extremely abrupt.

It was bright and sunny yesterday, but today it is full of snow, frost, trees and ice flowers, and the sky is also gloomy and bleak, and there is no scorching sun.

This sudden heavy snow greatly hindered the speed of the migration of the residents of Zhuxian Town.

Although it is an ancient city that has experienced major troubles and changes every 100 years, there is a plan to prevent emergencies in the city.

But it was still too difficult to relocate hundreds of thousands of residents out of the city in one day and one night in the face of such a heavy snowstorm.

However, at the critical moment, the city lord's mansion and several old clans in the city contributed at the same time, sending their own practitioners to help the residents migrate.

On a Caohai Plain fifty miles away from Zhuxian Town, the practitioners of the City Lord's Mansion set up a formation that covered a huge area. There is only one magical effect of this battle, that is, being in it is as warm as spring and will not feel cold.

The practitioners of several old clans used various spells to bring the residents of the city out of the old ancient city one by one into the vast grassy sea that was still warm as spring in the snow.

The scene of hundreds of thousands of people migrating at the same time is simply terrifyingly spectacular.

When standing on the top of the sky and overlooking, the earth is densely packed with moving figures, and the crowd seems to have spread to the end of the sky.

And such a large-scale migration of people will naturally cause a lot of riots and disputes.

But this time, the City Lord's Mansion and the several old clans in the city are rarely working together. Not only did they not hold back each other, they even cooperated with each other tacitly. Under the shock of the authority of many practitioners, the commotion and chaos in the crowd appeared from time to time, but they were still able to maintain order.

After all, the mortals in this world have become accustomed to living under the protection of cultivators.

When the gentlemen asked everyone to do what, no one dared to contradict, or violate the yang and yin. Because the mortals who dare to do this have long since become the feces of demons.

Not to mention temporarily moving out of the city, even if the city owner really wants to force everyone to move out of their homeland, or leave their homeland, mortal people will not resist at all.

Can't resist either.

Ferocious beasts and monsters are entrenched in the wilderness, and as mortals, there is no room to struggle in front of those man-eating monsters.

The mortals who are unwilling to accept the blessing of practitioners and still be alive and kicking, only the legendary southern kingdom exists.

The Huotong Kingdom, where Lu Heng came from, is the "land of absolute demons". Although there are strange beasts in the mountains, there are almost no demons harming people. Within the range of the boundary monument, the demons and beasts are extinct.

Compared with the Fire Link Kingdom, most parts of the world have demons living.

Although big demons and big demons are rare, those little demons and little demons who have not yet transformed into human beings have already had a little bit of Taoism.

Maybe they just inadvertently inhaled the mountain essence, or they were lucky enough to live long enough to warm up their spiritual energy and start to cultivate, like the endless leeks. To practitioners, these little things are as fragile as ants, and they are mortal men with more vigorous blood, and they are afraid that they can be easily driven away.

But the various evil methods of the little monsters are not something that ordinary mortals can resist. Once neglected, it is the price of life.

There are no evil demons in Huotong, and wizards are active everywhere, so the monsters in the country are always in a dangerous situation where they may be hunted by wizards if they fall into a demon. Therefore, most of the little demons do not dare to take the evil path even if they are greedy for the convenience of the evil way of cultivation.

But it's different outside of Huotong.

Outside of Fire Link, if there is a bear country, it is the norm for demon cultivators in the wilderness to eat people. It is only natural that the demons are entrenched and the demons are raging.

The little monsters in the mountains who are a little bit of Taoism, the monsters who come into contact with them are basically the ones who follow the magical way. Everyone eats people, but if you don't eat people, how can you get along

- So after the genie of cannibals was formed, the situation became so chaotic.

Like Huotong Kingdom, who are unwilling to accept the rule of the Fire Temple, unwilling to pay food taxes, and build villages in the wilderness to live in groups and self-sufficient [wild people], it is unimaginable in Youxiong Kingdom.

Here, if a village is not suppressed by the [Human King Stele], there will be demons raging within three days, and if the villagers do not escape, the entire village will be wiped out within ten days.

Therefore, the mortals of the bear country are naturally obedient and obedient. The cultivator of the City Lord's Mansion ordered that the residents of the city did not dare to disobey.

The large migration of hundreds of thousands of people, under the shock of the cultivators' authority and the orderly maintenance of many petty officials, did not cause any trouble.

At nightfall, the huge Zhuxian Town completely became an empty city.

Except for a few cultivators, almost no one can be seen.

Standing at the head of the city, Lu Heng looked at this empty old city, shocked by the obedience of these mortals, and also sighed at the hands-on efforts of the practitioners.

In this world, there seems to be a very positive relationship between practitioners and mortals.

The two are integrated into each other, but they are distinct.

Practitioners of the right path are influenced by the exercises, and their xinxing will inevitably pass the test. There is almost no traditional bully who bullies the market and rides on the heads of mortals to make good fortune, and the cultivators do not need much support from mortals.

And mortals are also willing to accept the leadership of this group of practitioners, and are willing to be obedient under the rule of practitioners, so as to stay away from the threat of demons.

The Zhuxian Town in front of me is just an old town with hundreds of thousands of residents. In this world with ridiculously high productivity, it belongs to that kind of remote and deserted small place.

But this kind of forbidden order was something Lu Heng had never seen before.

He had to sigh that when the ruler is really a superior immortal, the mortal's desire to resist will indeed be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, the practice in this world requires a lot of xinxing. Practitioners of the right way will basically not appear evil people, and they are often even good people who have sentient beings in their hearts. Otherwise the consequences are simply unimaginable...

Upstairs at the city gate, Lu Heng sighed.

Duanmu Zhi, who came not far away, was still dressed in filial piety, and now came towards Lu Heng with a slightly nervous expression.

"Senior Wolf God, all the residents of Zhuxian Town have moved out of the city according to your request."

"Now there are only thirty-seven practitioners left in the city, and they can leave at any time."

After reporting the situation, Duanmuzhi looked at the profile of the wolf god, and said carefully: "In addition, after the capital learned about the changes here, His Majesty paid great attention to it and sent Lord Zhennan to Zhuxian Town."

"Now, Wang Nian, the prince of Zhennan, is staying thirty miles outside the city and wants to ask to see you, but I don't know senior..."

Duanmuzhi's expression was a little nervous.

Lu Heng smiled and said, "King Zhennan? How is his relationship with King Zhenbei?"

Lu Hengke still remembered that there was an old acquaintance in Xiongguo, the king of Zhenbei in Xiongguo, so he casually mentioned it.

But Duanmuzhi became even more nervous after hearing this.

After she passed the news to Beijing last night, she immediately received feedback from there, and she also knew that the wolf god in front of her had had a bit of a rift with the King of Zhenbei at the South China Sea Mermaid Country Rare Conference six years ago.

Although the wolf god might not care about the trivial matters six years ago, the capital side still warned Duanmu Zhi.

Therefore, Duanmu Zhi quickly said: "Back to the wolf god, Zhennan Prince is located in the southern border, six million miles away from the north border, the mountains are high and the road is far away, and the two families are afraid that it will be difficult to see each other for hundreds of years. Therefore, the two The lord has never been familiar with him."

No matter what the wolf god thinks of Su Lie, the king of Zhenbei, he must separate Su Lie from Youxiong Country and other practitioners in Youxiong Country!

After Lu Heng heard Duanmuzhi's reply, he was stunned for a moment.

Not surprised by Duanmuzhi and Su Lie's demarcation, but the distance...

"Six million miles?" Lu Heng was really surprised this time - how big is the border of the Xiong Country

The border of Huotong Nation is long and narrow, so he didn't feel much.

Although the South China Sea has a vast territory, in order to find Huo Feng at that time, he almost traveled by escaping light, and he didn't know much about the distance.

And this is the distance between the southern border of the bear country and the northern border, but it is a full six million miles... What is this concept? You must know that the farthest distance between the earth and the moon is only about 800,000 miles.

But the straight-line distance between the southern border and the northern border of the Bear Country is six million miles away.

And according to Lu Heng's understanding, the area of the South China Sea farther south of Huotong Country is many times larger than that of the entire Bear Country.

In addition, to the north of the Bear Kingdom, there is the Wan Yao Kingdom with a wider territory, and even further north there is the vast North Sea...

The continent area of this world is a little scary.

Lu Heng didn't have much feeling for it without knowing it deliberately before. Now that I have touched the specific numbers a little, the whole person is shocked.

It can only be said that it is indeed a world where gods exist, and there is no need to follow the rules of physics.

Otherwise, according to the laws of physics, such a large planet is absolutely impossible to exist.

But when you think that this world is not a planet, but a world with a round sky, can you accept it again

Lu Heng thought for a while, but the expression on his face remained calm.

Looking at the cautious and extremely nervous little widow, Lu Heng smiled and said, "I still can't meet, Lu will go underground to check the situation. Seeing that tomorrow night will be the time of the change, there is no time to meet new friends. ."

"Madam, it's better to call out the practitioners in the city first, so as not to be affected."

After speaking, Lu Heng left the city gate directly and turned into a lightning bolt and escaped into the ground.

But he didn't intend to see the Zhennan King at all.

In this regard, Duanmuzhi couldn't imagine it, and could only follow Lu Heng's request to notify the remaining practitioners in the city to leave, and to inform the king of Zhennan outside the city of the wolf god's reply.

As the half ruler of the southern border, the wolf god can ignore this prince, but she can't ignore the power of the other party.

After Lu Heng escaped into the ground, he smelled a faint smell of blood.

This Zhuxian Town seems to be dilapidated and old, and even at this time there is no abnormality, but there is a completely different scene under the ground.

The dark red soil seemed to be soaked in countless blood.

As Lu Heng escaped deeper and deeper, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger.

When he escaped into the distance of about a thousand feet underground, the bloody aura around him had almost condensed into substance. The dark red soil was filled with a strange blood-red gas.

And Lu Heng saw a huge stone tablet.

This stele is as high as 100 zhang, it is huge, it is buried thousands of zhang deep underground, and I don't know how it got in.

The stele was engraved with densely packed characters, all of which were incantations to suppress demons and seal evil.

And the bottom of this huge stone tablet is completely blood red. The blood-red blood had completely condensed into substance, turning into a wall, preventing Lu Heng from continuing to escape.

Obviously, this huge stone tablet was a decree issued by the King of Humans a thousand years ago, suppressing the evil here.

It's just that on the day of the mutation, even this stele couldn't completely suppress the things in the ground, and there was a bloody red and rich blood emanating out.

But the good news is that although this rich blood energy is pungent, it does not have any lethal power and cannot harm the creatures on the ground.

However, this may also be related to the fact that the day of mutation has not completely come.

Maybe tomorrow night, when the aberration begins, the scene of this underground will be different again

While thinking about it, Lu Heng hurriedly walked through the ground, and soon found the place with the most blood.

In the dark and eerie underground world, Lu Heng's white clothes were almost dyed eerily crimson by the ubiquitous blood, but his face remained as calm as ever.

Standing in the most bloody position, Lu Heng directly mobilized his spiritual energy and started the battle.

Obviously, there is another ancient city below Zhuxian Town.

There is the real ancient city of Zhuxian, that is, the strange city that is now projected into the nether world.