I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 235: Section 235


However, as soon as these words came out, the expressions of the five congenital demons changed drastically.

The red-haired and blue-faced fangs monster roared and jumped up: "It's too much of a deception... Brothers, retreat!"

After speaking, the red-haired and blue-faced monster fled directly into the distance.

And the other four-headed monsters did not hesitate, and even ran faster than it.

In the blink of an eye, only Lu Heng and Xiao Ai were left in the empty small square.

The five demons, divided into five directions, quickly disappeared from Lu Heng's field of vision.

This made Lu Heng quite helpless: "I didn't plan to kill you, why are you running so fast..."

Now the situation in the city is inexplicable, and Lu Heng does not have the strength to hold on to this group of demons without the Heavenly Tribulation Sword.

After all, this is also a five-headed innate demon, and wherever it is placed, it is the leader of the demon path.

Even the overall strength of these five demons is stronger than the sum of the four old and three demon generals pulled up by the Ten Thousand Demons in the Qingming Cave.

Lu Heng just wanted to make excuses for the snake and probe the tone of this group of demons, so he left directly, without any intention to do anything at all. After all, you can't beat it.

However, they didn't expect that these demons did not have the demeanor of a giant of the devil's way, and they escaped neatly and without any hesitation.

Lu Heng's plan to spy on the news was aborted.

- He also wants to inquire about Sun Yan!

Standing helplessly in the empty small square, Lu Heng was silent for a while and sighed.

"It seems that it's time for Tianxie to respect the rivers and lakes..."

When the voice fell, Lu Heng's Tianlei Daoji disappeared directly, and the Nether Soul Requieming Seal released an extremely strong Yin Sha and Death Qi.

Lu Heng, who was originally dressed in white fluttering and exiled like a fairy, instantly became gloomy and ghostly.

Even the gentle smile in the past seemed inexplicably sinister and creepy at this time.

After changing his own image with the blindfold method again, Lu Heng looked at the sculpture in front of him.

Although the five demons escaped, the sculpture remained in place.

Lu Heng walked towards the sculpture, but noticed an invisible barrier five feet away from the sculpture, preventing outsiders from approaching the sculpture.

Only then did Lu Heng understand why the group of demons formed a battle, and why the green-faced and fangs monster in the center of the battle looked so laborious.

Without rushing into this invisible barrier, Lu Heng first walked around the sculpture a few times and observed the sculpture carefully.

In Lu Heng's eyes, the sculpture was dilapidated and covered with traces of weathering, and the original appearance of the sculpture could not be seen for a long time.

But judging from the situation of this small square, it should have been a sacred and peaceful small square, very lively. And this sculpture must also be carved with charm and charm, and countless people pay homage to it.

But now these things have all been wiped out by the years.

All Lu Heng could see was the broken and blurred statues with only rough shapes, and the desolate square with broken walls and splattered black blood, silently describing the glory of the year.

Chapter 380

"Lord Wolf God, this sculpture..."

Beside Lu Heng, Xiao Ai said softly, "It seems a little weird."

Lu Heng nodded and said, "It's really weird, but it's not a living thing, so don't worry about it."

After speaking, Lu Heng stepped directly into the invisible barrier.

Huge pressure immediately poured in from all directions. But there was a layer of gloomy and deadly aura around Lu Heng, which blocked all the invisible pressure from all around him.

Lu Heng, who was a little slow, came to the sculpture step by step, and found something pulled by the red-haired and blue-faced monster under the base of the sculpture.

It turned out to be a torn silk cloth.

On the dark blue silk cloth, there is a bone-piercing sword intent.

Even if he didn't touch it with his own hands, Lu Heng felt the fierce sword intent like a thorn in his back.

There is such a strange thing hidden in the base of this sculpture

Lu Heng frowned slightly. He didn't reach out to touch the piece of silk, but after taking a closer look, he slowly exited and returned to Xiao Ai's side.

This scene made Xiao Ai a little puzzled: "Lord Wolf God..."

Lu Heng said with a serious expression, "I know the plans of those demons."

"There must be more than this small square like this in this city. And there is a corner of the sword array picture hidden in the base of the statue everywhere."

"That group of demons wants to take away all the sword formations in the city, and then rely on the collected formations to take away the ancient war swords hanging on the four city gates! Break the seal and release the ancient beasts here!"

Lu Heng took Xiao Ai and walked directly into the distance, "They must be stopped! If the evil creatures in this city are allowed to break free from the prison, it will be a disaster!"

The ferocious figure on the loess throne is the strongest evil thing Lu Heng has ever seen in his life.

Compared to that, the Qingming Cave and the Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Venerables are nothing more than little furry children.

Such a terrible thing must not be put outside!

And that thing seems to have something in common with Lu Heng. Once it is released, Lu Heng will be the first to bear the brunt!

Not to mention that for the sake of the world, but for Lu Heng himself, he must stop those demons.

The figures of Lu Heng and Xiao Ai are running fast in the city.

In the ancient and dilapidated city, it was difficult to escape, and the speed of running was also affected.

But Lu Heng no longer took a leisurely walk, but ran quickly with Xiao Ai, and quickly crossed one street after another.

The figures of him and Xiao Ai flickered rapidly in the city.

Every time you cross a street, you move out of thin air to another part of the city.

But after each flickering transfer, Lu Heng kept his footsteps, continued to sprint forward, and flickered again after crossing the end of the street.

Within a quarter of an hour, Lu Heng had walked through most of the ruined city, and his figure appeared in thousands of different streets in the city.

Finally, when Lu Heng left the end of the street for the 3420th time and came to a new area, he saw the figure of the group of demons.

It is also a dilapidated and desolate small square, and it is also a statue that has been weathered so that it can no longer be seen clearly, and the group of demons that formed a battle around the statue.

At the moment of seeing this scene, Lu Heng didn't even say a word of nonsense, and directly called out the Nether Soul Soul Seal.


With a muffled sound, the Xuanhuang Great Seal flying out of the void suddenly shook, and the cold force swept across.

The two demons closest to Lu Heng groaned and fell limply.

When the remaining three demons saw this scene, their hair stood on end with fright, and they didn't even have any plans to rescue their peers, so they fled into the distance.

—Where is this demon coming from! How is it so terrifying

In an instant, the two innate demons were defeated!

With this move, the remaining three-headed demons were so frightened that they didn't even dare to say a word of cruelty and ran away.

For fear that after running, he would be caught up by this evil creature that suddenly came out to kill.

When Lu Heng saw that the remaining three demons had escaped, he did not pursue them.

Because after the bodies of the two demons fell limply, demonic souls flew out of their bodies.

Even if the soul of the Innate Demon Cultivator is forcibly shaken out by the Nether Ghost Repressing Soul Seal, it is not a weak thing without the power to fight back, and it is still terrifying and imposing.

It's just that the souls of these two demons were frightened by Lu Heng's methods. They didn't act immediately after appearing, but subconsciously gathered together and said to Lu Heng at the same time.

"Where is the master? Why did you attack me and wait?"

"You are also here for the ancient formation map?"

The two demons shouted in surprise.

Lu Heng looked at them and said, "Do you know what is sealed in the city? How dare you enter this place without authorization... Aren't you afraid that things in the city will run out and harm the world?"

Lu Heng's question made the two demons bewildered.

"We... why do we care whether it will harm the world or not?"

"That's right! Isn't it enough to get the ancient array map? What else does it have to do with us?"

The two demons are completely incomprehensible, why the evil master in front of him would say such righteous words... This strange master who suddenly appeared, could it be a lunatic

The demons looked at Lu Heng, who was full of life, and were terrified.

What's more terrifying than encountering an evil master of unknown origin is encountering an evil lunatic!

Although Evil Dao cultivation is often mad, the evil Dao expert in front of him is even more crazy than the ordinary Evil Dao lunatic.

If it weren't for the fact that the soul could not return to the body for some reason, the two demons would have fled long ago, and they would not have dared to stay with the lunatic in front of them for a while.

After being questioned by the two demons, Lu Heng was silent for a moment, and then he remembered that his current image was a cultivator of the evil way, not the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain in people's eyes.

He also heard that this group of demons didn't care about the existence of the seal in the city, they just came for the four swords on the city gate...

That being the case, Lu Heng stopped talking nonsense with the two demons.

Although the Nether Soul Suppression Seal can't contact the Netherworld and can't drive the two demons into the Nether, but relying on the suppressing power of the Nether Soul Suppression Seal on the soul body, Lu Heng can also kill the two demons here.

It only takes a while at most.

In the void, the black-yellow Nether Seal buzzed again.

When Lu Heng thought about it, the Netherworld Seal swept out a icy, deadly pitch-black light, and swept straight towards the demon soul in front of him.

The two demons turned pale in shock, and they quickly exerted their demonic energy to try to fight

However, the moment the icy light of death swept across, it directly shattered the demon's resistance, swept the two innate demons into the air, and smashed heavily on the wall on one side.

There were some cracks on the demon's spirit body.

The pain of the wounded soul made the two demons scream shrilly.


The two demons screamed in anger, but at the same time as the screams sounded, the Nether Soul Requieming Seal hummed again, and the cold death light swept again.

The two souls that were originally attached to the wall were swept away again and smashed heavily on the street wall on the other side.

Suddenly, there was another shrill scream.

The cracks on the two evil demon spirit bodies have become more and more.

The souls of the two congenital demons, under the power of the Nether Soul Suppressing Seal, are actually powerless to fight back!

Chapter 381 We didn't laugh!

On the long street, the screams of demons continued.

After all, Lu Heng had not yet reached the innate, and it was difficult to kill these two innate demons with conventional techniques.

But the shrill screams of these two demons attracted unexpected people.

"Who's screaming in there?"

The moment the woman's voice sounded, the long street suddenly fell silent.

The lifeless Lu Heng stopped subconsciously.

And under the seal of the Netherworld, the two demon souls that had been swept back and forth by the light of death, smashed all over their bodies with cracks, and could be broken at any time, finally had a chance to breathe.

They huddled in the corner, looking in horror at the evil madman in front of him, and the woman in red who suddenly appeared not far away, still not knowing what happened.

At the end of the long street, Nian Cangqing in red was not as calm as these two demons.

When she saw Lu Heng in a dead body, her brows rose and her face was shocked and angry.

"God! Evil! Respect!"

Above the long street, the gloomy and gloomy wind whistled.

The furious Nian Cangqing stared at Lu Heng, gritted his teeth word by word and shouted out the name, "You're not dead?!"

On the long street, a woman's crazy laughter sounded.

"Hahahaha... God help me too! God help me too! You didn't die in Lu Heng's hands, after all you want me to kill you bastard! Hahahaha..."

In the wild laughter of the woman in red, the expressions of the two demons in the corner became more and more frightened.