I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 236: Section 236


It's over, another lunatic...

When Lu Heng saw Nian Cangqing's excited reaction, his heart suddenly froze, and he said quickly, "You have mistaken the person, I'm not Tianxie Zun!"

Nian Cangqing sneered again and again, and said: "You are dead, and you have the same blindness as always... You said that you are not Tianxie Zun? Do you think I am a fool?"

"But if you say that you are not Venerable Heavenly Evil, then I will give you a chance. Uncover the tricks and let me see your true face! If you are not Venerable Heavenly Evil, I will let you go immediately!"

Nian Cangqing's eyes stared at Lu Heng on the long street.

The unforgettable hatred in his eyes made Lu Heng's scalp go numb.

Obviously, this Tianxie Zun and Nian Cangqing are not only old acquaintances, but also a real life and death enemy! Can't wait to eat its flesh and drink its blood!

Lu Heng screamed in his heart, and his headache was incomparable.

If it wasn't for Lu Heng, he would just remove the blindfold. But he is Lu Heng...

The disguised identity of the blindfold, as well as the real identity under the blindfold, happened to be the people Nian Cangqing wanted to kill.

No matter which identity Lu Heng uses, he can't be good today... How could he be so unlucky to run into a lunatic woman like Nian Cangqing at this moment

Lu Heng secretly complained in his heart, and finally, in front of Nian Cangqing and the two demons, he dissipated his cold death and revealed his true face.

When Lu Heng in fluttering white clothes appeared on the street, both demons were stunned and shocked.

"Hanyu Mountain Wolf God?!"

At this moment, they finally understood why this "evil master" could say such righteous words.

It turns out that this guy is really a righteous person!

The appearance of the evil way was disguised by him with a blindfold!

At the end of the long street, Nian Cangqing couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he saw Lu Heng's true face.

Then a bright smile appeared.

"Yo... Isn't this the Lu Lang God of Hanyu Mountain? Which gust of wind brought you here? Don't tell me, the Tianxie Zun you saw in the Qingming Cave before was also disguised by you."

Nian Cangqing guessed the cause and effect in an instant, Lu Heng smiled bitterly, but also tried to clear up the misunderstanding.

"It is indeed a disguise," Lu Heng said: "Everything is a misunderstanding. From the very beginning, Tianxie Zun was a scam used to deceive the Ten Thousand Demons."

"So there is no such thing as Lu robbing Nian girl first and killing Tianxie Zun... Well, since the misunderstanding has been cleared up, Nian girl should be able to let Lu Mou go, right?"

Lu Heng looked sincere.

But Nian Cangqing sneered again and again and said, "Let me go? What a joke! I said in front of the world that I wanted to kill you, but in the end you told me that you lied to me and let me expose it? Then I've become a joke!"

Nian Cangqing said with cold eyes: "Since I said I want to kill you, I will definitely kill you! Never break my promise!"

"As for the misunderstanding... Hehe... You are in possession of the "Magic Scripture" exercise of the Heavenly Evil Lord, dare to tell me that you have nothing to do with it? You can't think I'm an idiot!"

"Speak! Where did you get the "Demon Scripture"? Has Tianxie Zun been killed by you?"

Nian Cangqing's question made Lu Heng helpless.

He said: "Tianxie Zun was not killed, but was sealed in a cemetery of gods and demons, with many ancient demon gods. I accidentally got the "Demon Scripture" when I entered that cemetery by mistake. It really has nothing to do with Venerable Tianxie."

Lu Heng told the truth, but he didn't expect Nian Cangqing to sneer after hearing what he said.

Said: "The ancient tomb of the devil is the place where the emperor buried all living beings. It would not be strange if the emperor was buried in it. But you can still come back alive after entering that ancient tomb? When I am A fool can't fool you!"

Nian Cangqing said angrily: "Speak! How did you get the "Demon Scripture"? Where is that bastard Tianxie Zun? If you don't make it clear today, I will teach you to beg for death!"

In the gloomy and gloomy wind, Nian Cangqing walked directly towards Lu Heng.

It was obvious that his anger had reached its limit and he couldn't bear it any longer.

Seeing this situation, Lu Heng was very helpless, but he also knew that words could no longer calm this crazy woman.

He took a step back and said, "Xiao Ai, Heavenly Tribulation Sword."

An understatement, but Nian Cangqing, who was originally furious, instantly retreated dozens of feet and took a stance from a distance.

"Okay! I'll learn from you today... Lu Heng!!!"

The woman's hysterical roar resounded through most of the city.

Because when Nian Cangqing retreated to widen the distance and took a stance, Lu Heng, who made a sword gesture, ran away with Xiao Ai without looking back.

In an instant, the two disappeared at the end of the street, and moved to somewhere unknown.

This scene made Nian Cangqing go mad with anger.

However, in this strange city, she couldn't follow her breath as easily as in the real world.

This time I lost it, I really lost it.

Nian Cangqing, who had lost the target of hatred, clenched his fists slightly. After being silent for a while, he slowly turned his head to look at the two demon souls curled up in the corner.

In a cold voice: "You... think it's funny, don't you?"

In the corner, the two-headed demons who were curled up and trembling with their souls suddenly froze.

They didn't laugh at all!

However, the woman in red had already slowly walked towards them.

The two demons at that moment were shrouded in a shadow of incomparable despair...

Chapter 382 Embarrassed Confluence (Part 1)

Lu Heng did not understand the despair of the two demons.

At this time, he had left the block where Nian Cangqing was, and came to another street in the city.

On the right side of this long street, there is a dry river. Willow trees are planted on both sides of the river.

Once here, it must have been shaded by willow trees, rippling blue waves, and beautiful.

But now that everything has been withered and broken, the river has long been depleted, the ugly riverbed is exposed in the air, and the two rows of willows beside the river are all twisted and withered, like stiff corpses with strange postures inserted on both sides of the river.

After Lu Heng and Xiao Ai appeared, they looked around and confirmed that Nian Cangqing was not chasing after them.

Xiao Ai said, "Lord Wolf God, shall we go after those demons?"

Lu Heng said: "Naturally, we have to chase, but we must not let those demons destroy the battle in the city. If the sword formation is taken away by them, there will be chaos!"

Without staying in place, Lu Heng and Xiao Ai continued to rush towards the far corner of the street, trying to kill the group of demons before they stole all the maps.

At the same time, in a dilapidated courtyard somewhere in the city, the escaped three-headed demons reunited again.

After looking at each other, their faces showed surprise.

"The Ten Thousand Tree Demon and the Ember King are dead?"

These five demons had sworn a blood oath before, that this trip to Zhuxian Town must work together and not betray. And relying on this blood oath, they can roughly sense the position of the others.

That's why they run around in the city, but they can still gather quickly.

But now in their induction, the Ten Thousand Tree Demon and the Ember King, who also signed the blood oath, have died...

"Could it be that the evil master who appeared just now was also directed at the sword formation diagram?" The red-haired, blue-faced, and fangs-looking ferocious monster, Qingmusha, said in surprise.

The three-headed witch, Xiu Heliankui, frowned and said, "Except for the five of us, the outside world doesn't know about the sword array map. How could that guy know..."

Heliankui and Qingmusha both looked at the anti-chaotic scattered people on the side, and this action was caused by this anti-chaan. The four magic cultivators are all invited by it, and it is also the strongest leader among the five.

Now that something unexpected happened, Heliankui and Qingmusha naturally followed suit.

In the icy cold wind, Ni Chao scattered people: "That wicked master is full of lifeless energy. It is truly a rare evil in the world. I have never seen a guy with such a heavy death energy but still alive."

"Maybe it's an old monster who survived in the ancient times. Because he was injured in the catastrophe of the world, he could only survive and survive, so the death energy is so heavy."

Niran Sanren once again looked at the Shangguchi Lake in front of him, and said, "As soon as it made a move, both the Ten Thousand Tree Demon and the Ember King fell inexplicably, but it took so long to die. , the killing technique is not strong, and it is not really strong enough that we cannot resist."

"Next time we meet, I don't have to run away, I have a fight with it directly... It may not be able to win."

Reverse chaos scattered people's words, so that Heliankui and Qingmusha are also recollected.

Indeed, although the means of the evil masters were extremely frightening, it took so long to kill the Ten Thousand Tree Demon and the Ember King, and the real strength can be seen.

After they made a decision, they were no longer nervous, and left the dilapidated house directly and walked towards other areas in the city.

This ancient city of Shangcheng pond occupies a very large area, and the situation in the city is strange. Even the consciousness of the congenital monks is compressed to within a radius of ten feet, and it is impossible to spy on things further away.

Therefore, they still need to find the twelve squares where the sword array is hidden.

But just as the three-headed demon left the dilapidated house and returned to the street, a strange shadow suddenly appeared in the shadow of the street not far away.

The other party was wearing a black robe, and his body was thin, but his face was hidden in the shadow of the black robe and could not be seen clearly.

And faintly, this shadow also exudes a very strong and deadly aura, like a dying person.

The moment they saw the shadow, the three-headed demons immediately formed a formation and waited attentively.

"Where is the master?" Heliankui's three heads shouted at the same time.

These three heads are the face of a young and lovely girl, the head of a charming woman, and the face of a kind and kind old man.

The three heads spoke at the same time, and the three voices sounded at the same time, giving people an inexplicable sense of horror.

But Heliankui's weirdness did not scare the black shadow blocking the road ahead.

The shadow looked at the three demons coldly, and after a while of silence, turned around and left. The walking speed was very slow, and after walking out a few steps, he looked back at this side, and then continued to walk.

In this situation, it seems to want three demons to follow it

Such a strange situation is even stranger than the evil master who suddenly appeared and attacked them just now.

Heliankui and Qingmusha were in shock, while Niran Sanren frowned, "Go! Follow it!"

Having said that, the anti-chaotic scattered people followed directly.

Seeing this, Heliankui and Qingmusha had to follow, but they were terrified and whispered: "Sanren, this black shadow has come from an evil sect, and the death energy around him is stronger than the evil masters who just appeared... Could it be that they are Together?"

Niran Sanren shook his head and said, "It's not a group. We've seen this shadow before. It's the mysterious shadow that interfered with Nian Cangqing and Aotian's bloody killing just outside Qushui Village."

"Obviously, it has a lot to do with this place, maybe it's some ancient evil who was banned in the city!"

"I am waiting for the plan of the ancient sword formation, which is also a great benefit to them. It is not surprising to show up to guide now."

"What really needs to be guarded against is the evil master who suddenly attacked us just now, the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain, and the crazy Nian Cangqing and Ao Tianxing..."

Following the mysterious shadow from a distance, the three-headed demon soon saw a small broken square appear in front of the field of vision.

And at the moment when this small square appeared, the mysterious black shadow that had been walking in front of them groaned, as if they had suffered some kind of heavy damage, and dissipated directly into the air.

The anti-chaotic scattered people who saw this scene reconfirmed their previous guess.

"Sure enough! This shadow is an ancient existence that was sealed in the city!"

Regardless of whether the shadow was alive or dead after the shadow dissipated, the three-headed demon walked directly towards the small square not far away, and quickly surrounded the statue in the center of the small square from three directions.

Nichaan Sanren showed demonic energy all over his body, and said, "Please help me, two colleagues, and send me in!"

The formation that was originally supposed to be formed by five people, now there are only three people left, which is a huge challenge for the three-headed demon.

But with the ancient sword formation in front of you, it is impossible to retreat!

Chapter 383 Embarrassed Confluence (Part 2)

In the ruined Shangcheng Ancient City pool, the figures of Lu Heng and Xiao Ai kept flickering.

They ran quickly in the city, leaving one street after another, and came to one block after another, unfamiliar or familiar.

However, this time, Lu Heng and the others ran wild in the city for half an hour and shuttled nearly 10,000 times, not to mention that they met the group of demons again, not even Nian Cangqing and Ao Tianxing.

After shifting positions nine thousand seven hundred and sixty times, Lu Heng suddenly stopped and stopped walking.

When Xiao Ai next to him saw the wolf god stop, he was a little surprised: "Lord Wolf God..."

Lu Heng frowned and raised his hand to signal her not to speak.

The street they are on now is a long street that has descended three times before.

At the same time, it is also the street where Xiao Ai smashed the door before, but failed to smash the roadside door.

Lu Heng stood in front of the door that Xiao Ai had smashed madly before, looked at the door that was covered with dark red granulation and became disgusting like animal viscera, and said slowly.

"The speed of breaking the seal is accelerating..."

On the door in front of me, there was originally a lot of dark red moss, but it was all smashed by Xiao Ai before.