I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 25: Section 25


Today's Lu Heng can't be transformed into a human form. If the Heavenly Tribulation Sword is really successful, he cannot hold the sword with his wolf-shaped body, and it is impossible to go out with the sword in his mouth, right

This little girl is willing to go into the mountains to serve him, but she can hand over the Heavenly Tribulation Sword to her on weekdays, so as to avoid the inconvenience of Lu Heng's wolf body holding the sword.

When the girl heard Lu Heng's answer, she immediately lowered her body in excitement, and wanted to kowtow again.

However, Lu Heng let out a breath of fresh air, and the girl couldn't get down on her knees.

"I already said that in front of me, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to kneel again," Lu Heng said lightly, "This is the last time you made a mistake, and you are not allowed to make it again in the future."

The girl was stunned for a moment, then stood up quickly, nodding respectfully, "Xiao Ai remembers it."

After solving the little girl's matter, Lu Heng looked at the old priest beside him, and said, "This is the matter, but the old gentleman seems to have something to say? But it doesn't matter."

Lu Heng took the initiative to speak, and the old man laughed.

He touched the beard on his lower jaw and said, "Miss Xiao Ai has to enter the gate of the wolf god today, and she must be extraordinary in the future. It's just that the Hanyu Mountain is secluded, and the little girl is used to living in the village, maybe not."

"If the wolf god doesn't mind, I can help Xiao Ai build a house in the mountains... In addition to being good at smelting gold and iron, I am also good at civil engineering."

The old priest said with a smile, releasing his goodwill.

Most of the young adults in the clan have nothing to do, so it is better to find something to do for them, and by the way, form a good relationship with the wolf god, killing two birds with one stone.

Lu Heng looked at the little girl beside him and nodded, "It is true that as the old man said, Xiao Ai still needs a house to live. If so, the old gentleman will be troubled."

The old priest smiled and shook his head, "It's just a matter of raising your hands, the wolf god's words are serious."

"Well, then let's go back," Lu Heng said, looking at Xiao Ai in front of him, "After you say goodbye to your relatives, you can pack your bags and go directly to the mountains. From then on, Hanyu Mountain is your home. already."

Chapter 44

After leaving Shuisheng Village, Lu Heng said goodbye to the old priest of the Li ethnic group outside the village.

He was awakened from the state of submerged cultivation, the power of the thunder in his body has not been fully digested, and now he needs to go back to the mountain to continue his cultivation.

What's more, after the 200-year-old demon power that belonged to the wolf demon in his body disappeared, Lu Heng felt that his state seemed to have changed in some way.

Without the hindrance of the monster power shrinking in the sea of qi, the flow of the power of the thunder in the body seems to be smoother, and Lu Heng is eager to figure out the specific changes.

Therefore, after saying goodbye to the old and the young of the Li ethnic group, Lu Heng did not hang out in the mountains, but directly used the power of shrinking into the mountains to quickly return to the mountains and sneak into the shrine below the mountain temple to practice.

This shrine is the gathering center of the spiritual energy of the Hanyu Mountains. Although it is only an underground cavity, it is better than quiet. Lu Heng practiced here and would not be disturbed.

As for Xiao Ai, now she has possessed the Taoism of the wolf demon for two hundred years, and Lu Heng does not need to worry about her safety.

After she said goodbye to her relatives and dealt with the village affairs, she would go into the mountain by herself.

Thinking like this, Lu Heng entered the state of submerged cultivation.

The field of vision was instantly filled with blazing white lightning.

In a trance, he seemed to have entered a strange world full of thunder and lightning. Whether it is the body or the soul, they are all ups and downs in this world of lightning flashes.

Every thunderbolt that passed through his body contained terrifying power, but it did not cause any damage to him. On the contrary, in such a sea of thunder and lightning, Lu Heng felt a warm force gradually immersed in his soul.

This is a feeling that has never been experienced in the past. Not only has the demon body been tempered, but even the soul is floating in this world of thunder and lightning, and there is an addictive and fluttering feeling.

Unconsciously, Lu Heng's consciousness slowly sank into this sea of thunder and lightning, falling into a state of confusion and trance.

In this peculiar state, he forgot everything, just instinctively ups and downs in thunder and lightning. In a trance, he seemed to hear a lot of sounds and see a lot of sights.

Mountains, rivers, and exotic treasures were born, despairing demons punished by heaven, roaring angry demons who refused to yield...

In the haze, Lu Heng saw countless strange and strange sights.

He seems to have turned into a simple cloud of calamity, scattered and separated in the world, appearing in different areas, facing anger, despair, fear, wailing, or crying and begging for mercy... and so on all kinds of strange individuals.

In this scene that flashed like a revolving light, he finally saw a familiar scene.

Under the pitch-black sky, a huge white wolf knelt in front of the mountain temple, howling mournfully. In the body of the white wolf, there is a ray of demonic energy that has just been cultivated.

Facing the punishment, the white wolf howled mournfully, kneeling down and praying. However, the robbery clouds in the night sky were surging, and there was no sympathy at all.

In the end, with the loud bang, a thunder pierced through the night, and the blazing white light drowned the white wolf in the mountain temple.


Seeing this scene, Lu Heng's consciousness shuddered, and he instantly woke up.

The numb and painful feeling flowed through the limbs. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to the time when he first crossed into the body of this white wolf.

But after he regained consciousness a little, he found that he was still lying in the underground shrine, and the air was filled with a dim earth spirit.

And his body was not hit by the thunder, the feeling of numbness and pain was just an illusion.

Lu Heng frowned slightly and sat up. The state of submerged cultivation this time has never been seen before.

Not only has the sea of thunder and lightning never been seen before, but even this trance-like state of consciousness has never been seen before. Although he woke up now, Lu Heng didn't even know how long he had slept.

It's just that he sensed that he vaguely found that his soul seemed to have undergone a qualitative change.

Originally, although the demon body was constantly being transformed by the power of the thunder, his soul was always fragile. But now it was different, he felt that his divine soul had grown countless times stronger.

With a thought, Lu Heng found himself floating slowly. However, after lowering his head, he saw a huge white wolf body standing under his feet, and he was now floating on the white wolf's body.

This is... Primordial Spirit Out of Body

Lu Heng thought about it, and saw the blazing white light surging in the shrine. He didn't need a mirror to feel the surging power of lightning in his soul.

Your soul seems to be reshaped by Tianlei? Or, has it become a pure thunder? Completely composed of the power of Thunder Sha

Looking down at his hands, Lu Heng found that although his soul had undergone a qualitative change, it still maintained the form that he once had as a human being.

After getting used to the body of the wolf demon, Lu Heng is still a little unaccustomed to having hands and feet suddenly.

But this kind of out-of-body state made him feel a little fresh.

With a thought, Lu Heng's soul left the shrine directly and flew away towards the ground above.

Almost instantly, Lu Heng broke through the shackles of the soil and returned to the ground again. In the sky, a pitch-black robbery cloud was still shrouded in it.

The slowly rotating huge vortex cloud, like an eyeball, silently stared at the land.

However, the scene under this robbery cloud was completely different from what Lu Heng remembered.

The originally low and dilapidated mountain temple has now disappeared. At the original location of the temple was a large hall constructed of logs and tiles, with an area and scale several times larger than the original low mountain temple.

On the altar in the main hall, there is a statue of a huge white wolf.

Compared with the crude clay statue of the god, the white wolf statue standing in this hall is several times larger in appearance and size. It can be said to be lifelike, like the real Lu Heng standing there.

On both sides of the main hall, there is a slightly smaller house on the left and right. The architectural style and workmanship are similar to those of the main hall, which can accommodate people.

In the middle of these three majestic halls, the originally rough soil floor is now covered with a flat bluestone floor. The only area where the floor could not be laid was the piece of soil where Tianlei Sand was located, but a bronze tripod was also erected on it to cover up the incongruity of the lack of bluestone floors in this area.

Lu Heng turned around and looked towards the outside of the mountain. I can see that the bluestone floor extends out along the forest, surrounded by green trees on both sides of the road, and the bluestone path in the shade is quiet and elegant.

Lu Heng continued to walk out along the bluestone path, and soon reached the edge of the flat land. Standing here, you can overlook the river bend below and the mountains in the distance.

Originally, there was no road here, the mountain road was rugged and surrounded by trees. But now the same has changed.

In the lush mountain, there is a path extending to the foot of the mountain out of thin air. Carefully polished stones are laid on this mountain road, forming a long slate staircase, which just extends from the foot of Lu Heng to the river bend at the foot of the mountain. .

And at that spacious and open river bay, a simple small ferry was built.

If it weren't for the fact that there were no boats stopping near the ferry, Lu Heng would have thought he had come to an unfamiliar area.

This... This is Hanyu Mountain

The corners of Lu Heng's mouth twitched, thinking of what the old priest of the Li tribe said with a smile before diving into practice.

"... In addition to being good at smelting gold and iron, my Li people are also good at civil engineering."

Is this what you mean by "good enough"

Although Lu Heng didn't know how long he slept this time, it shouldn't take long to see the scene in the mountains.

As a result, in such a short period of time, you have renovated the entire Hanyu Mountain

Originally it was just a low mountain temple in a barren mountain forest and was in tatters, but now it has a new look. Lu Heng almost thought he had come to some tourist attraction.

Such a huge change, such a large amount of work completed in a short period of time... This is why the Li people are good at civil engineering

Lu Heng shook his head wordlessly, not knowing what to say for a while.

M78 Nebula 756365104

PS: I recommend my friend Qingdi's book "My Identity is a Little Too Much". The book is an old pigeon. Except for the update, everything else is fine. Although I don't generally push fanboys, this book can be tried

Chapter 45 Flawless Beauty Jade

After witnessing the great changes in Hanyu Mountain, Lu Heng's Primordial Spirit strolled around the mountain, and soon felt that Primordial Spirit's state was beginning to be unstable, and even had a feeling that it was about to dissipate.

Lu Heng understood that he couldn't leave his body for too long now, otherwise he would most likely dissipate directly.

With a thought, Lu Heng returned to his body.

In the underground shrine, with the return of Lu Heng's spirit, the huge white wolf slowly opened his eyes.

He gained a lot from this dive. After the demonic energy belonging to the wolf demon disappeared, if there was no longer any stagnation in the flow of the power of thunder in his body today, he could feel that his power became more and more pure.

To rescue Xiao Ai, he didn't expect it to be a good thing for him.

Lu Heng sensed it slightly, and then he sensed that the little girl was now in the mountains. Because of the reason of submerged cultivation, this little girl was left alone in the mountains for so long, and it was almost time to see her.

Thinking like this, Lu Heng left the underground shrine directly, walked quickly through the soil, and soon found the girl in the mountain.

Covered by gloomy robbery clouds, the sky behind the main peak of Hanyu Mountain is dim, even if the sun is bright outside the mountain, the light here is still gloomy.

In a mountain forest with a slightly flat terrain, the girl with silver-haired animal ears carried a hoe that was taller than her, pursed her lips, and stood in the wasteland waving the heavy hoe. Every time the hoe is dropped, it will bring up a blanket of dry and hard soil.

Behind the girl, a small piece of wasteland with soft soil has been reclaimed. There are many roots and grass stalks that have been dug out of the ground, and they are all covered with dirt.

When Lu Heng emerged from the ground, what he saw was the scene of the little girl reclaiming the wasteland by herself.

He was silent for a few seconds and asked, "Xiao Ai, what are you doing?"

The girl who had just raised the hoe heard the sound, and quickly dropped the hoe in her hand, and turned around nervously. Facing the huge white wolf, the little girl subconsciously pulled up the dirty clothes and trousers on her body, trying to tidy up her appearance.

"Lord Mountain God," the girl saluted respectfully, "Xiao Ai is cultivating wasteland and preparing for planting in the spring of next year."

After finishing speaking, I was afraid that the mountain god could not understand, the girl explained softly, "Although it is inconvenient to divert water in this mountain, it is impossible to grow rice, but Sister Qianqian of the Li nationality is willing to teach me to grow their crops. The crops called earth potatoes and yellow rice, It can be grown on dry land like this.”

The girl's explanation was easy to understand, but Lu Heng looked at her serious look and didn't know what to say for a while.

Although after two hundred years of wolf demons, the farm work of reclaiming wasteland is no longer difficult for the little girl. but…

This little girl really intends to be self-sufficient in the mountains by herself

Lu Heng was speechless.

With the current status of the little girl, there is no need to work in the field in person. Just say a word, the villagers at the foot of the mountain will spontaneously bring all kinds of necessities up the mountain, why bother to work in the fields and waste time

However, Lu Heng admired this kind of stubborn character, so he didn't say anything.

He nodded and said, "This kind of life in the mountains is boring and boring. In my spare time, I can grow fields, grow flowers and plants, and it can also cultivate my body and mind."

"But you follow me to practice in the mountains, but you can't spend a lot of time on farming. You need to remember that your own practice is the most important, understand?"

Lu Heng's words were not harsh, but the girl was still a little nervous, and hurriedly saluted respectfully, "Lord Wolf God's teaching, Xiao Ai will keep it in mind."

"Okay, don't be so restrained in front of me," Lu Heng said, "I don't like to see you nodding and bowing like this. Since you practice with me, you should be arrogant and arrogant, and you must not be weaker than others."

"You have to remember that everything in this world is not worth your knees. Even in front of me, your knees must not be soft."

"Compared with you now, your usual indifferent appearance is more to my taste, but your respectful appearance makes me displeased."

Lu Heng's tone was not severe, but the content of his words made the little girl stunned.

She raised her head a little dazedly, saw the serious eyes of Lord Wolf God, and knew that Lord Wolf God was not joking with her.

But these words were different from what she knew.

Whether it is the adults in the village or her own mother, they all tell her that the elders and the younger are respectful and orderly. What's more, such a great wolf god, she must not be disrespectful because of the care of the wolf god.

But Lord Wolf God said that he didn't like her appearance...

The girl hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Then Xiao Ai... Xiao Ai is presumptuous."

Saying that, the little girl straightened her waist uncomfortably, trying her best to show her usual indifferent expression. But in the face of the revered wolf god, she couldn't do it at all, forcibly suppressing her inner emotions, on the contrary, her face twitched and her expression looked very strange.