I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 256: Section 256


In the bleak and cold autumn wind, the red-haired woman lowered her head and murmured: "This world is really hopeless. No wonder Vulcan never forces others to believe in him, but only shelters those who are willing to believe in him... In such a desperate world , even if the god of fire has extraordinary supernatural powers, it is difficult to bless everyone."

Lian Shanjing sighed with emotion, shocked by the information Lu Heng told, overturning all her past cognition of the world.

Although since she met Lu Heng, her cognition and common sense have been continuously subverted by Lu Heng.

But the shock that Lu Heng brought her this time was far more than before.

However, Lian Shanjing is tough after all. Although the truth that shocked the world is so cruel, she quickly cleared up her emotions and stabilized her mind, and said with a smile: "The benefits of short-lived ghosts appear at this time, I am not as long as the wolf god. It's long, but you just need to live your life well."

"Even though the catastrophes in the world are terrifying and cruel, and the powerful enemies outside the world are ferocious, but those things are things that I don't need to worry about."

"It's impossible for me to be just unlucky, and encounter the catastrophe of the world in my tenure, right?"

Lian Shanjing said with a smile: "When the catastrophe of the world really comes, I will already be turned into a cup of loess. I don't have to worry about what's behind me at all... Hahaha... It's a long-lived strong man like the Wolf God who needs to worry about the catastrophe of the world, as expected. Those who can do so much work.”

"For the first time in my life, I discovered that it is beneficial to have a low cultivation base and a short lifespan, hahahahaha..."

Lian Shanjing laughed again and again and felt relaxed.

However, although she is humble and low in cultivation, Lu Heng knows that in terms of cultivation, Lian Shanjing should be the strongest among all the Emperors of Yan.

Not to mention that her father, Lian Shankui, was even more ancient than Lian Shankui, and no one's cultivation level could reach the level of Lian Shanjing.

That's why the Erba Shenren, who has been ravaging the South China Sea for many years but no one can sanction, was defeated so miserably in her hands...

The ten thousand demons in the Qingming Cave are very talented and have a lot of talents under their command, but they are still afraid of Lian Shanjing's strength and dare not act rashly...

Lian Shanjing can be regarded as unprecedented in the practice of Shinto to the current state.

However, although the cultivation base is high, it is indeed a flaw that her lifespan is not long.

But she didn't mind it, and laughed.

Lu Heng had no choice but to smile bitterly at her schadenfreude attitude, but he couldn't say anything to refute it for a while.

After all, what Lian Shanjing said really made sense.

One of the easiest ways to make powerful enemies outside the world help you is to die before they come...

Chapter 422 Changes in the world (11 more)

The chat with Lian Shanjing lightened the gloom in Lu Heng's heart.

This fiery, cheerful and generous woman is always so sunny. It seems that as long as you chat with her for a while, she will not help but be infected by her optimism, and she will no longer be afraid of all the difficulties and dangers in the world.

After the two sides exchanged opinions, Lian Shanjing simply said that the matter of Hetu Luoshu would be handed over to Lu Heng. After all, Lu Heng is an ancient predecessor and a capable person who works a lot, so a younger generation like her will not go to Sanxian. The island joins in the fun.

In the end, Lu Heng personally sent Lian Shanjing to the outside of the mountain, and promised to inform Lian Shanjing of the result as soon as possible after returning from Sanxian Island.

And after Lian Shanjing left, Lu Heng returned to the robbery cloud to continue his cultivation, and did not stay in the mountain.

Although he knew that the three generations of disciples in the mountains all wanted to see him, if Lu Heng was in the past, he would definitely show up and meet the little wishes of these three generations of disciples.

But now, Lu Heng was under a lot of pressure, and he no longer had time to pay attention to such mundane things.

He just wants to cultivate as soon as possible, and then go to Tianwaitian to find Sister Yuanjun and find out the truth of the world.

The truth of the world in the Heavenly Desolation Realm, the powerful enemies of the other realms, the earthly catastrophe that may come at any time... These things, like a command talisman, are always pressing on Lu Heng's heart, making him not dare to slack off.

As soon as he stopped to rest, he felt a deep sense of guilt. Although he rationally knows that he takes a day or two of rest, it will not affect anything.

But Lu Heng couldn't stop in the end.

Today's Lu Heng finally understands why most of the ancient powers in this world are closed and secluded in the world.

After knowing the truth of the Heavenly Desolate World and experiencing the catastrophe in the world, few people are afraid to continue wandering in the world without heart and soul.

Not to mention that Lu Heng is more stressed than ordinary ancient powers.

Although the pressure of his survival was not great, the whereabouts of Sister Yuanjun was always Lu Heng's lingering heart disease.

And Earth's parents...

Today, Lu Heng has only been away from the earth for more than ten years. If the progress is fast enough, he may be able to return to the earth a hundred years before his parents and see his parents from a distance.

But he was obsessed with it.

But if he's been in the Heavenly Desolate Realm for a long time, and the Earth's parents have exhausted their lifespan, then what's the point of him returning to Earth...

So Lu Heng didn't dare to slack off, and tried his best to use every minute and second of his time to practice, and wanted to reach the realm that Sister Yuanjun said as soon as possible.

The last time is to break through to the realm where you can travel across borders and return to the earth a hundred years before your parents.

Under such pressure, Lu Heng devoted himself to the robbery cloud, constantly absorbing the power of Tianlei day and night, and constantly dispelling the clouds and mists in the heavenly palace in his body.

While Lu Heng in Hanyu Mountain concentrated on his cultivation, the world outside the mountain was as lively as ever.

With the continuous input of the souls of the dead from the Bear Kingdom and the Fire Link Kingdom, there are more and more dead souls in the Netherworld.

After You Yue used the authority of the Wheel Runner King to pick out ghosts who could be qualified for the Netherworld, she let these ghosts begin to transform death energy.

And the souls of the deceased in the world were sent in batches, and the ghost repairers in the underworld were also born in batches. The construction of the Ten Halls of the Underworld is also constantly improving.

After Lu Heng returned from the Daoism in the Falling Dragon Mountains, he chatted with You Yue for a long time, perfected many defects and proposed many improvements.

As a result, You Yue's workload increased.

But the reincarnation system of the nether world was gradually established.

The Ten Halls of Reincarnation took shape under the continuous construction of the army of ghost repairers.

The Ruoshui River, which is inaccessible to ordinary people, has also built huge Naihe bridges on the river, all of which point to the Samsara Tunnel in the middle of the river.

After the reincarnation is completed in the future, all the ghosts will take office, and the souls of the deceased will finally arrive here after a series of journeys.

- The reincarnation tunnel in the underworld world has its own memory cleansing power.

The function of Meng Po Tang is to protect the soul of the deceased from being torn apart by the reincarnation tunnel.

After all, most of the souls who will be reincarnated here are fragile and powerless mortal souls. If there is no special Meng Po soup to protect the soul, the soul of mortals will be torn apart after being thrown into the reincarnation tunnel, and it will not be able to reach the human world to reincarnate at all.

While the Nether Ghost Mansion is in full swing, the City God Temples all over the world are empty.

Although Xiong Nation and Fire Tong Nation have continuously sent souls of the dead to the Netherworld in the past few years, compared to the desolate Netherworld where everything has to start from scratch, the souls of the deceased are not enough to fill all the souls of the dead. The ghost job.

The ghosts wandering in the world are still only the black and white Wuyou Wuyu sister and brother.

As for the City God Temple? Leave it empty first, there are not enough ghosts in the underworld, how can there be time to take a temporary job in the world.

And the vigorous construction of the underworld, the Xiong Kingdom and the Huotong Kingdom, has also attracted the attention of other countries. Except for the overseas countries, which always ignored the situation on land, most of the countries on this land began to contact the Bear Kingdom and the Fire Link Kingdom, and then contacted the Netherworld.

Afterwards, there were newly built, but empty, Temples of the City God on their land. The only ghosts who will appear in these empty city god temples are still only two brothers and sisters, black and white.

After more and more people knew about the almost endless two sisters, they directly broke people's cognition and shocked many practitioners.

Because there is no such existence in the world, it is the first time that they know the so-called Netherworld and the reincarnation system that the Netherworld will establish.

The practitioners were astonished and shocked, and the mortals quickly became aware of the existence of these two sisters and brothers, and then learned about the theory of reincarnation.

Although the current reincarnation system has not been successfully constructed, there are only two brothers and sisters wandering in the world.

But the mortals enshrined Wuyou Wuyu in the Chenghuang Temple, making them the first batch of ghosts in the Netherworld to enjoy incense.

Immediately afterwards, even the funeral customs in various places gradually became slightly different from the original.

Even in the country of Huotong, which in the past advocated cremation and believed that after death, people should return to ashes and ashes, and ashes were scattered into rivers and seas, people began to bury them.

Because mortals feel that since the Netherworld is called "underworld", it must be underground. When people are buried in the ground after death, they can enter the underworld faster...

This statement is ugly, but it has gradually become the custom of mortals.

And Huotong Nation didn't care whether mortals were cremated or buried after they died, so they let mortals like it.

After all, in the Vulcan belief, it has never stipulated how believers should be buried after death. In addition to practicing, maintaining order, and expelling evil spirits, the daily work of wizards is to store incense, use the power of incense to nourish the earth, and bless one party with good weather and good harvest every year.

Chapter 423 Nine years of time (12 more)

In the world, the situation changes.

The existence of the nether world has disrupted the original order of the human world.

In addition to the new hope for mortals, practitioners have also been affected.

Because the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain is the lord of the underworld, this underworld world of rewarding the good and punishing the evil was created by him, and he has not concealed it from the beginning. People all know the wolf god's great generosity, great courage, and great compassion. .

If the Netherworld Reincarnation System is established, there will be no more soulless babies born in the world.

The cultivators of the right way admired him immensely, all of them were amazed at the courage and handwriting of the wolf god.

But for the demons, this is not so good. Because if they die in the future, their souls are likely to be detained by ghosts, sent to the underworld to be tortured and tortured, to suffer in the eighteenth hell, and to be concocted by the Ten Kings according to the law...

Such a future is simply dark and terrifying, and it is simply unacceptable.

After all, if you die in the past, you will die, and if you die a hundred times, no one will care what happens to them after they die.

But now it's different.

After death, he might be detained by ghosts and taken to the underworld to be tortured, which caused an uproar among the demons.

After this incident got out, if it wasn't for the fierce name of the wolf god in Hanyu Mountain, the demons would have gathered in Hanyu Mountain long ago and overthrew this underworld that had not yet been built.

But this is the case, and the evil demons who are about to move are still connected quickly.

Although they did not dare to go to Hanyu Mountain to provoke Lu Heng, it was not difficult to smash the Temple of the City God in the underworld. After all, the Chenghuang Temple today is all empty, only the black and white Wuyou Wuyu sisters and brothers will come when they lead the souls of the dead into the underworld, and there are no ghosts on duty at other times.

The destruction of the Temple of the City God occurred in many cities in the world.

Although cities in various countries have quickly restored the Temple of the City God, the construction of the Temple of the City God, which has been destroyed, destroyed and rebuilt, has greatly affected the reception of the souls of the deceased, and has also allowed the original influx of the souls of the deceased. Rapidly flourishing The development of the Netherworld has slowed down.

In this regard, both the ghost cultivators in the Netherworld and the many cultivators in the human world are all very resentful, but there is nothing that can be done once and for all.

Destroyed today, rebuilt tomorrow. After it was built it was destroyed and rebuilt again.

Although the demons who were besieged and killed for destroying the Temple of the City God died in groups, these demons appeared one after another like inexhaustible leeks, and they always found an opportunity to destroy the newly built Temple of the City God.

And in this tug of war, batch after batch of evil spirits were detained.

And after the ghosts of these demons were detained, they provided new experimental materials to the underworld... Those torture instruments for punishing demons have not been tested since they were built.

After You Yue received the souls of these demons, after thinking about it for a breath, she threw all the souls of these demons into the eighteen layers of hell, letting them experience the torture and torture layer by layer, side by side with specialized ghost repairers. Always pay attention to the torture of the demons, and study whether there is room for improvement in torture.

In this way, there was a lot of uproar in the world because of the establishment of the Netherworld, and the opposition between good and evil has never been as fierce as it is now.

But in Hanyu Mountain, Lu Heng, who was the initiator, was still immersed in Tianlei's practice, and he never paid attention to the changes in the outside world.

In his cognition, the world is still calm and peaceful. It was never expected that the establishment of the Netherworld would cause such a violent chain reaction.

But even if he knew, he would not stop the establishment of the underworld.

The birth of a new thing is always accompanied by the damage or demise of the old thing.

Although there is no conflict of faith in this world, practitioners and mortals are happy to see the establishment of the Netherworld, and they never have the idea of obstructing.

But the demons were scared and worried about the situation after death, so it is understandable to jump over the wall.

And since the demons are so afraid, it proves that the system of rewarding good and punishing evil in the underworld is still a deterrent, and it should be established.

If this reincarnation system is completely established, it will also be a silent threat to all beings in the world.

After all, the existence of the underworld is equivalent to warning sentient beings all the time - if you do evil and set foot on the evil way, you will be tortured and paid the price after death!

Of course, this warning doesn't scare everyone.

After all, there are people in the world who take risks and who only care about the present and not the future.

But as long as the existence of the underworld can scare a person who was about to step into the evil way and let him finally decide to take the right way, it is also a victory for Lu Heng and the underworld world.

So, in the midst of such disputes, the nine years passed quickly.

In the past nine years, Xiao Ai in the mountains has also divided Sun Yan and Gu Yan, as well as some mature peaches from Feiyi, which has increased the cultivation of these three people a lot.

Now, apart from the fact that the fat legacy is still slightly lower, Gu Yan and Sun Yan have both condensed the five qi in their chests and began to condense the top three.

If they were put to the outside world, the two brothers could be regarded as great figures in one way of Miaozhen cultivation, and everyone admired them.

By this time, there were not a few peach fruits left on the peach tree.

Although the remaining few peaches were plump and juicy, they were hidden so deeply that no one could pick them.

Obviously, Gu Yan and the others will no longer be able to rely on peach fruit for their cultivation, and can only rely on themselves.

But Gu Yan and Sun Yan were not dissatisfied with this either. Down-to-earth practice is what practitioners should do.

And those disciples that Xiao Ai accepted, also under Xiao Ai's guidance, have all stepped into the path of cultivation. Although there is still a long time before the opening of the Heavenly Gate, these three generations of disciples are real rookies in the cultivation world, but it is foreseeable that in the near future, there will be more and more disciples of Hanyu Mountain, and their strength will become stronger and stronger.