I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 262: Section 262


Zhulong and Jiu Mie still left, and they didn't come back until the Dragon Emperor left.

And Lu Heng still didn't see Ambergris.

On the fourth day, the Dragon Emperor came to the door and brought an ancient painting with strong sword intent for Lu Heng to appreciate...

On the fifth day, she brought a volume of human skin ancient books that sealed the remnants of evil spirits and asked Lu Heng to taste it...

On the sixth day, she brought three hundred years of fine wine...

On the seventeenth day, she brought a precious Suzaku tail feather...

30th day…

Day 37…

In the blink of an eye, Lu Heng and the others have been on Dragon Island for nearly two months, and the list of the new batch of dragons sent to the WTO has been finalized, but Lu Heng and the others still have not been allowed to move freely on the island.

On the Moon Dragon Platform, the group of dragon elders were still in a meeting, and a result had not yet been discussed.

And during this period of time, the Dragon Emperor would come to visit every day, and the things he brought every day were different.

In the end, even the candle dragon was a little impatient, and discussed that if the group of dragons were in the ink, he would go straight ahead.

On the forty-ninth day, the Dragon Emperor's visit this time did not bring any gifts.

She came empty-handed and stood outside the gate waiting for Lu Heng to open the door, with a slightly serious expression.

When Lu Heng welcomed her in and the habitual courtesies of the two sides ended, the Dragon Emperor took a deep breath and said, "Brother Lu, I'm going to the secret realm of the Dragon Clan to explore the ancient wonders, I wonder if Brother Lu would be interested in going together. ?"

"If there is a place where Hetu Luoshu may be hidden on Sanxian Island, Xiu Ya thinks that the dragon clan secret realm that has existed for a long time is the most suspicious place."

"Perhaps in this ancient dragon clan's secret realm that has been dusty for many years, there really exists the Hetu Luoshu mentioned by Brother Lu."

On the terrace, the young girl invited Lu Heng seriously.

When Lu Heng heard the invitation, he was speechless.

"This..." He looked at the little girl with a serious face and no malice in front of him, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Invite him alone to the so-called secret realm...

Is this... Was it really said by the crow's mouth of the two bad friends

Chapter 435

There was a brief silence on the terrace.

The atmosphere seemed a little weird.

Lu Heng silently looked at the little girl in front of him and said nothing.

The little girl also looked up at him, dodging without any guilt.

The early morning sun gently fell on the little girl, reflecting her long fiery red hair brightly and radiantly, giving it an inexplicable stunning beauty.

For a while, Lu Heng couldn't be sure of the Dragon Emperor's true intentions.

He hesitated for a few breaths before saying, "Dare to ask Your Majesty, what is the secret realm of the Dragon Clan?"

Lu Heng wanted to find out the situation.

And the Dragon Emperor didn't want to hide it, and said bluntly: "The secret realm of the Dragon Clan is the hidden cave house left by the ancient Dragon Clan, and even the Dragon Emperor of all dynasties is difficult to explore completely."

The Dragon Emperor said: "A top congenital like Brother Lu must know the truth of the disasters in the Heavenly Desolate Realm and the fate of the catastrophe in the world."

"The dragon genus on Sanxian Island has actually lasted for an unknown number of years before the known thirteen generations of dragon emperors, but all of them have not left the slightest trace of information. Scorched earth."

"But in fact, there is a hidden secret realm on Sanxian Island, and only the dragon emperors of all dynasties are eligible to enter."

"The secret realm is dangerous and unpredictable, and there are all kinds of prohibitions against the enemy. And each kind of prohibition has its own secrets. Only the dragon family can develop the corresponding cracking method."

"And the Dragon Clan has gone through the painstaking efforts of thirteen generations of Dragon Sovereigns to decipher it. In the generation of Xiuya, they finally reached the last level of the secret realm and found the technique for cracking that level."

"Next, Xiu Ya only needs to be fully prepared before heading to the secret realm to find out."

"This time, although there is no danger to life, it will take a long time. So I want to invite Brother Lu to go with me."

"Although it is difficult for outsiders to enter the secret realm, as the Dragon Emperor, Xiuya can accompany her with her. With Brother Lu by her side, Xiuya will feel much more at ease."

The young girl sat in front of Lu Heng, looking at Lu Heng expectantly and eagerly, wanting to get Lu Heng's companion.

She said: "And this secret realm has existed for many years. Maybe the Hetu Luoshu that Brother Lu has been looking for may not be in it... Brother Lu, would you like to walk with Xiuya?"

"Uh... This... Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor," Lu Heng hesitated for a few breaths and said, "If Lu Mou refuses, will there be any consequences?"

Without saying a word, Lu Heng asked the result of rejection first.

The little girl in front of him sighed and said, "Brother Lu is joking. Even if Brother Lu refuses, what can Xiuya do? She can only go to the secret realm alone."

"It's just that if Xiu Ya enters the secret realm, it will take a year or two or a decade to come out. During this period of time, the three brothers can only be wronged and wait on the island."

"Even if the elders discuss a result and allow the three to walk freely on the island, this decree cannot be issued without the Great Seal of the Dragon Emperor."

The Dragon Emperor looked at Lu Heng apologetically, and said, "This is not Xiuya's intention to make things difficult, but it is actually the rules of the Dragon Island. Even if Xiuya is the Dragon Emperor, she cannot stamp an undecided decree, and can only let Lu Brother, wait for Xiu Ya to come back on the island."

"I hope Brother Lu will forgive me..."

Dragon Emperor Xiuya's face was full of guilt and sincerity.

Lu Heng looked at her golden eyes and was speechless for a long time.

After a while, he smiled and said, "If that's the case, then Lu will wait on the island for His Majesty's triumphant return... I wish His Majesty all the best in this trip."

Lu Heng's words are also full of sincerity, but the meaning of rejection is also very clear.

Seeing this, the little girl's face was full of loss.

But she still gave Lu Heng a salute with a forced smile, and said, "Thank you, Brother Lu, Xiu Ya will return as soon as possible and not waste time in the secret realm..."

Until the moment she left, the little girl's aura of loss was undisguised.

Only when the young girl in the dragon robe escaped from the wind and disappeared on the terrace, did Zhulong and Jiu Mie return again.

Standing on the terrace to watch the Dragon Emperor leave, Zhulong sighed: "You actually refused... tsk... Friend, friend, you are really hard-hearted. People treat you warmly and treat you with kindness and courtesy since you came to the island. , Day and night, I have never been negligent, but now I just exchange a sentence of wishing all the best... tsk tsk tsk... It's so cruel, Zhu Mou can't even see it."

Jiu Mie also said: "Such a beautiful woman can live up to it... No wonder people in the world say that the wolf has no heart. There is indeed so much truth. The old wolf has no heart... The old wolf has no heart."

Zhulong sighed and said, "He is full of lovesickness and sorrow, and only talks to the wild dog... But the unintentional old wolf is even more ruthless than the wild dog."

Jiu Mie said: "Ask what love in the world is

Zhulong said: "Ren Er is peerless in elegance and splendor in the world, Ren Ru's generation is arrogant, sitting on the immortal island of thousands of miles, and in the eyes of the old wolf, he is but a handful of loess."

Jiu Mie said: "As long as you have a beautiful appearance and a cultivation base that is beyond the sky, in front of Wuxin people, you are just a pink and pink skeleton."

Zhulong said: "The furthest distance in the world is when I sit in front of you. You know that I love you, but you smiled and said to me next time..."

Jiu Mie said: "I saw Lu Heng's life by mistake, goodbye to the old wolf's soul. The dragon emperor's dream was broken, but the old wolf said that the weather is cool and autumn..."

Zhulong applauded: "It's so wet! It's so wet!"

After clapping and applauding, Zhulong looked at Lu Heng and said, "Why is Lu Heng's friend silent? Did your voice leave even though the Dragon Emperor left?"

Lu Heng stared at the two of them speechlessly, and said, "I've let you guys say it, what else can I say? Can I praise you for making up your tongue?"

Jiu Mie laughed and said, "Friend Lu Heng, if you dare to do it, don't be afraid of what others say. Besides, I am friends with Zhulong, but I totally support you! You shouldn't be malicious to us."

Lu Heng glared at the old monk and said, "You support me and say rude words?"

Zhulong smiled and said, "Although we support you, it doesn't affect us from despising you... You unintentional old wolf, did you crush this girl's heart? Or this love?"

On the terrace, there was constant laughter, and the yard was full of cheerfulness.

Because he refused the invitation of the Dragon Emperor, Lu Heng was again run on by the two friends.

And this time, Lu Heng couldn't refute it forcefully.

Because anyone can see that this time the Dragon Emperor's invitation is not malicious.

Then I think of the rules of the dragon family secret realm that only the dragon family can have the corresponding means to unlock it, and the dragon emperor will go to the secret realm soon after the ambergris is made... Combined with these information, it is not difficult to think of the dragon emperor sacrificing the dragon salivary ecstasy Incense is used to deal with secret levels.

After all, dragon saliva ecstasy incense, especially the dragon soul ecstasy incense of this top-level fetish, really only the dragon family can successfully sacrifice...

In the end, although Lu Heng was run, he still got the bet of Zhulong and Jiuyi.

An ancient Tianyi sword, and the talisman that was practiced in the Nine Destruction Festival.

written request for leave

I've been a bit busy in the past few days and can't find time to code.

And the next plot needs to be well conceived, so it will be temporarily suspended for two days, and the update will resume on the 14th.

. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Chapter 436 I didn't come today, I won't come tomorrow

After getting the Tianji sword, Lu Heng's mood improved a lot.

With the addition of the Tianyi sword, the power of the sword array map became stronger and stronger, and it reached a higher level than before. It has become an important thing that Lu Heng now relies on to fight the enemy.

Therefore, the little conscience caused by the rejection of the Dragon Emperor's invitation was also diluted a lot by the happiness of the mood.

As for staying on Dragon Island and waiting for the return of the Dragon Emperor, Lu Heng didn't mind.

This Sanxian Island on the sea has a vast area and beautiful scenery, like a fairyland on earth. There is no difference between cultivating here and cultivating in the mountains.

Isn't it just waiting a few years or ten years? nothing! I wait!

On the terrace, Jieyun gathered again soon, and Lu Heng directly hid in the Jieyun and continued to practice.

Under the robbery cloud, Zhulong and Jiu Mie stood side by side, looking up at the robbery cloud above their heads.

Jiu Mie sighed and said, "It seems that this friendship between friends is about to come to an abrupt end."

However, Zhulong smiled and shook his head: "It's just the beginning, how can it be abruptly stopped? My friend, do you really think that the Dragon Emperor will give up because of one or two setbacks? Then you underestimate the Dragon Emperor's preparations too much. ."

"Oh? Prepare? How to say?" Jiu Mie raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

Zhulong laughed and said: "Friend, you need to know that the blood inheritance of the emperor of the dragon family is extremely special."

"On the day when each generation of dragon emperors ascended the throne, they offered sacrifices to ancient ancestors and prayed to heaven and earth, and they could get a response from this world. When the sacrifice was over, the world of heaven would tell the dragon emperor that he was the most suitable existence for his spouse's love. What are the characteristics."

"This is the love appointed by heaven and earth. It is the most suitable lover for each other in theory. When you see each other for the first time, you will be attracted involuntarily."

"Every conversation, conversation, even drinking a cup of tea together or giving a book, will involuntarily give birth to a little love from the heart, and will feel from the heart that the other party is the most suitable for you, and the other party's every move Excited and excited.”

"Look at how long this Dragon Emperor has known Lu Heng's friend for a few days? He's already deeply rooted in love and can't love him anymore."

"It's not acting, it's the love from the heart that she has accumulated good feelings little by little during the days she and Lu Heng were together."

"As for Lu Heng's friend Mo, he doesn't seem to have any fluctuations in his heart. In fact, his attitude towards the Dragon Emperor has changed dramatically compared to the initial one."

"It's just that the old wolf has a slow temperament, and the practice of the Way of Heavenly Thunder affects his soul, making him very calm, not confused by illusions, and not affected by emotional emotions, and he will be much more rational."

"But reason is not loveless. Now the old wolf is still sensible because he has not accumulated enough love for the Dragon Emperor. If the Dragon Emperor continues to contact him, there is no need for ambergris, as long as the two of them are ordinary friends for a long time. Sooner or later, Lao Lang Lu will find that he can no longer abandon the Dragon Emperor."

On the terrace, Zhulong smiled and was full of confidence.

Jiu Mie looked up at Jieyun above his head, sighed, and said, "So there is such a cause and effect... Ha... It seems that Lu Heng's friendship cannot be avoided even if it is hidden."

"But..." Jiu Mie glanced at Zhulong, then looked in the direction of Hanyu Mountain in the distance, and said meaningfully: "If the old wolf and the Dragon Emperor have a good relationship, there will be people around him who will be sad."

The words of Jiu Mo caused Zhu Long to be slightly startled.

Then Zhulong looked at Jiuzhai with a strange expression and said, "My friend, do you really want to discuss this topic... It's a little dangerous..."

Jiu Mie folded his hands together and sighed: "Sin of sin... The old wolf is really guilty."

Zhulong coughed and said, "Anyway, Zhu is a friend of Lu Heng who fully supports him... The prejudice of the world is bullshit in my eyes."

Jiu Mie had a sad expression, put his hands together, and sighed: "Everyone is suffering... The old wolf is suffering... The little wolf is also suffering..."

On the terrace, the topic of the two bad friends stopped abruptly and did not continue.

In the robbery cloud, although Lu Heng, who was practicing, noticed that the two bad friends below were chatting, but the two set up a soundproof battle, Lu Heng couldn't hear what they said at all.

It certainly wouldn't be a good thing anyway.

In the robbery cloud, he closed his eyes again and continued to practice.

On this day, the Dragon Emperor did not come to visit.