I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 265: Section 265


But the silver dragon trapped in the endless golden chains was completely desperate.

She looked at the man in white in disbelief in disbelief, looking at the appearance of the other party with Jiuding, and felt that her soul was trembling.

"Lu... brother..."

Dragon Emperor Xiuya's voice was full of unbelievable despair and pain: "You are actually... an enemy outside the world..."

The Dragon Emperor's reaction felt like the world was collapsing.

Lu Heng looked at her helplessly and said, "If I say that I am not the Lord of the Nine Cauldrons, and I have never harvested the creatures of the Heavenly Desolate Realm... Do you believe it?"

In Lu Heng's hand, he unfolded the ancient sword formation.

Immediately afterwards, a cold sword light shot out from the void.

The five swords smashed the void, and the mighty sword energy instantly shattered all the white lotuses in a radius of thousands of miles, and directly slashed towards the huge golden Buddha in front.

At this moment, all the excuses are pale.

Only practical actions are the most convincing!

Lu Heng revealed his ultimate move directly to the giant golden Buddha!

"The treasure of the Earth Spirit Realm? Ha... As far as Lu knows, the Earth Spirit Realm is not the real master of Jiuding, right?"

Lu Heng sneered and said, "The nine cauldrons were made by King Yu, and they are the most precious treasures in the world of desolation. It was only after being snatched away by the spirit world during the catastrophe of the earth, they were re-enchanted into the evil weapon they are today."

"Although I am not a creature in the world of desolation, I am extremely disgusted with the inferior things that you have done. How can I be on the same level as you?"

Amidst the icy sword energy, the huge golden Buddha was photographed with the palm of his back, and the huge Buddha's palm printed on the fierce ancient war sword.

However, the sword energy was powerful and powerful, and the five ancient war swords shone in the sky at the same time, directly passing through the palm of the giant Buddha.

On the Buddha's palm, five fingers fell to the mortal world, and the golden Buddha's blood spurted wildly.

The face of the huge golden Buddha showed a sad face.

"Buddha Amitabha, the killing nature of Buddhist friends is too heavy. You should sing the Buddhist scriptures with me to calm the killing mind."

Retracting the palm of which the five fingers were cut off, the giant Buddha clasped his hands together, and the golden light all over his body skyrocketed instantly. The grand sound of Buddha singing resounded through the galaxy.

Countless golden chains flew out of the void and entangled in Lu Heng.

It's just that under the Qingzhou tripod, Lu Heng can't invade.

The vast vitality of life is hanging down, and it is the most stable shield in the world. Let the golden chains go vertically and horizontally, and the grand Buddha sings harshly, but Lu Heng is still helpless.

On the contrary, there are five ancient war swords crisscrossing each other, carrying the icy sword intent to sweep away everything, and continuously slash at the huge golden Buddha.

Seeing such a situation, the expression on Jinfo's face became more and more sad.

He folded his hands together, and the sound of the Buddha's singing became more and more harsh, causing the silver dragon in the void to scream in pain and roll over and over.

Seeing this appearance, Lu Heng snorted coldly, and said, "Do you recite the scriptures? I can too!"

Under the blessing of the power of Tianlei, Lu Heng's voice shook the galaxy, and he spit out a huge Buddha sound.

"That's what I heard! At one time, the Buddha gave the Lonely Garden at the only tree in the country of Shewei, together with a thousand two hundred and fifty people of great bhikkhus!"

"At that time, when the World-Honored One was eating, he wore a robe and a bowl and entered the Great City of Wei to beg for food!"

Lu Heng is not a fan of Buddhist scriptures, but he has also encountered the most famous scriptures, the Diamond Sutra and the Guanyin Heart Sutra.

Although it was only a glimpse, and he didn't even read it, the practitioner's excellent memory allowed him to recall these scriptures easily.

Now, with the blessing of the power of Tianlei, every sentence of the Buddhist scriptures that Lu Heng recites has the breath of divine punishment that shocks the soul, which is shocking and inexplicable.

Although there was no mysterious scene of the huge golden Buddha that filled the sky with flowers and rain and the Buddhist disciples sang in unison, the grand roar still overwhelmed the golden Buddha's singing and eased the pain of the silver dragon.

Ahead, the huge golden Buddha was stunned when he heard such a confrontation.

Lu Heng's voice of Buddha singing did not have any Zen meaning, just relying on the power of the thunder to disturb his Zen sound, which was no different from roaring and screaming.

But the Buddha's verse spit out from the wolf's mouth made him not dare to regard it as an ordinary roar!

Because in that roar without Zen intent, his Buddhist Chanting was directly suppressed. As if encountering a more ancient and noble existence, even if the roar is not a Buddha's sound, it can still easily crush his Buddha's sound.

And the scriptures that can have this kind of performance are clearly...

"Ancient Buddha Heart Sutra?!"

The huge golden Buddha looked at Lu Heng in disbelief and lost his temper.

The expression of the huge golden Buddha lost the appearance of compassion and sorrow, revealing an extremely shocked astonishment.

Even seeing two Jiudings coming out together is not as shocking as hearing the ancient Buddha's Heart Sutra at this time.

The shocking emotion was so strong that it even made him forget to avoid it for a while, and was directly cut off by the ancient war sword that was ruthlessly cut off a huge arm.

The golden Buddha's blood splashed into the sky again.

But the giant Buddha had no time to pay attention to the damage to his golden body. He looked at Lu Heng in shock and shouted eagerly.

"Buddha! Where did you get the ancient Buddhist Heart Sutra from?"

"This ancient Buddhist Heart Sutra has been lost in the Earth Spirit World for many years. If Buddhist friends can tell us the details, my Earth Spirit World will be very grateful!"

The urgent cry of the giant Buddha made the huge silver dragon look strange.

She looked at the huge golden Buddha, and then looked at Lu Heng on the other side, but she couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

She has also broken into the Dragon Sovereign Secret Realm several times, and the Golden Buddha in front of her has also been killed many times. Both parties are old acquaintances.

But even when she killed the golden Buddha, the golden Buddha never showed such a rude appearance.

Are those scriptures recited by the wolf god important to the earth spirit world

While the Dragon Emperor was watching curiously, Lu Heng looked at the huge golden Buddha in front of him, slightly surprised.

This... The Diamond Sutra on Earth is actually an ancient Buddhist Heart Sutra that has been lost for many years in the spirit world

Lu Heng frowned slightly, then sneered: "Since you know that this is the ancient Buddhist Heart Sutra, why don't you kneel down to me quickly? If you bow down and accept the precepts and die obediently, maybe I will be willing to tell you this sutra. true meaning."

Lu Heng's provocative words were originally intended to ridicule the giant Buddha in front of him.

However, after he said these words, the huge golden Buddha bowed his head and actually knelt down to Lu Heng, respectfully.

"Please teach me the Buddha way!"

The scene of the huge golden Buddha prostrating and worshiping, the Dragon Emperor Xiuya's eyes almost popped out.

Lu Heng was completely unprepared.

- This guy, really knelt down like this

Looking at the huge golden Buddha kneeling in front of him in astonishment, as well as the opponent's performance of removing all the Buddha's light and completely defenseless, Lu Heng was silent for a few breaths.

Then, the sword qi vertical and horizontal, the ancient war sword slashed straight, and instantly strangled the golden Buddha in the sword qi torrent.

In the splash of golden blood, Lu Heng said, "Not sincere enough... Kill!"

In the ruthless words, Jin Buddha, who took the initiative to withdraw his defense, had no resistance in the strangulation of the Tianyi sword.

In an instant, he died and disappeared, leaving only the golden Buddha blood in the sky that soaked the galaxy.

Chapter 441 The End of the Secret Realm (Part 1)

This huge golden Buddha was killed so neatly and neatly that the Dragon Emperor beside him was silent.

She came to this secret realm several times and fought against this golden Buddha many times. Although there are revelations and guidance left by the dragon emperors of the past dynasties, and the various weaknesses of the golden Buddha are known, it is quite difficult to kill the golden Buddha.

After all, although the opponent is an incarnation, it can also exert extremely terrifying combat power.

But now in front of Lu Heng, the golden Buddha slaughtered without any resistance.

Even at the last moment before his death, He never had any intention of resisting.

Is the so-called ancient Buddha Heart Sutra really so important to this golden Buddha

Among the stars in the sky, the huge silver dragon transformed into a tall and slender figure.

Although the facial features are very similar to the Dragon Sovereign Xiuya that Lu Heng had seen before, it is by no means the figure of a young girl, but an extremely powerful aura... Yujie

While Lu Heng stared in astonishment, the Dragon Emperor was also stunned for a moment.

After the two looked at each other, the Dragon Emperor lowered his head subconsciously, only to realize that he could no longer see his feet.

The Dragon Emperor immediately understood the situation.

"Uh... this..." The Dragon Emperor looked away embarrassedly, and said, "After Xiu Ya enters the secret realm, her body shape will change, and she has to go outside to restore her normal body shape. Today's Xiu Ya is not a real Xiu Ya. Ya, I hope Brother Lu will know."

Lu Heng looked at her speechlessly and said, "Really? I don't believe it."

Because he knew very well that the strong-willed royal sister in front of him was clearly the Dragon Emperor's true human form!

As for the figure of the young girl I saw before, it was definitely deliberately disguised by the Dragon Emperor. Probably because it is rumored that Lu Heng likes young girls? So she approached Lu Heng as a young girl


Realizing this, Lu Heng was a little desperate.

In the eyes of the creatures in the wild world, has Lu Heng become such an image...

In the galaxy world, one wolf and one dragon looked at each other like this, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

The Dragon Sovereign said again: "That... Brother Lu, actually Xiuya has two body shapes. This is just one of the human-shaped postures. You can change back to the original shape when you go out."

Lu Heng covered his face and said painfully, "Don't talk about it..." This woman really took him as a lolicon!

"You'd better tell me about this Dragon King's Secret Realm," Lu Heng said, "Apart from this huge golden Buddha, how many enemies are in front of you?"

The enemies in the Dragon Emperor Mystery Realm are all powerful people from other worlds, and their identities have special meanings.

For Lu Heng, these existences are even more special.

Because these powerhouses have appeared in the myths and legends of the earth, which made Lu Heng curious. On the earth far away in the vast universe, why is there a legend of the gods and gods of the Eight Desolate Worlds

It's a demon and a golden Buddha... If things go on like this, Lu Heng won't be too surprised to see the Norse gods and the Greek gods next.

And Lu Heng's question made the Dragon Emperor hesitate for a while.

Then she said, "Brother Lu is not an outsider, so Xiu Ya naturally doesn't have to hide it. In this Dragon Emperor's secret realm, there are a total of nine phantoms of otherworldly powerhouses, each of which has earth-shaking power."

"Only by knocking down all the powerful shadows can we open the door to the hidden treasure house in the secret realm and get the treasure left by the ancient dragon race to my generation."

"The golden Buddha that Brother Lu killed now is the fifth gatekeeper. In the future, there will be four strong ghosts, and they are all stronger than this golden Buddha, so Xiu Ya really needs Brother Lu's help. help."

The dragon emperor with a broad chest said sincerely: "With the help of Brother Lu, Xiuya will be able to successfully pass all the levels and open the door to the treasure house that the dragon emperors of all dynasties have not been able to open. We will never let Brother Lu return empty-handed."

After speaking, seeing that Lu Heng had something to say, the Dragon Emperor hurriedly added: "In addition, there will be no fear of life in the Dragon Emperor's secret realm. Even if he is defeated by the phantom of another world powerhouse, he will only be driven out of the secret realm. , will not hurt the body and soul."

"Also, Brother Lu has nine tripods to protect his body, and he is invincible. He is invincible. So helping Xiuya is really a good thing for Brother Lu."

Among the dazzling stars in the sky, the Dragon Emperor had a sincere expression on his face.

Lu Heng looked at her speechlessly and said, "Listening to what His Majesty the Dragon Emperor said, it seems that His Majesty and the previous Dragon Emperors should have already figured out the strength and weakness of the shadows of the powerhouses in the secret realm, right? Can you tell Lu Mou, Which level has Your Majesty reached the furthest?"

The Dragon King said: "Brother Lu, under the inspiration of the Dragon Kings of all dynasties, Xiu Ya has successfully reached the last level three times, but each time she could not do anything about the shadow of the last powerhouse. Medicine, only saw the hope of success.”

"It's just that the hope is still slim, so Brother Lu's help is still needed. Because Xiu Ya doesn't know whether this attempt can really break through the final hurdle."

The Dragon Emperor is still sincere, revealing everything without concealment.

Lu Heng was stunned when he heard it.

Dragon's secret medicine... This should refer to the previous ambergris ecstasy.

It turned out to be trained to deal with powerful enemies in the secret realm...

Lu Heng thought for a while and said, "In that case, please let His Majesty the Dragon Emperor lead the way. Lu Heng is willing to help His Majesty to get through the secret level. After the matter is completed, he will not ask for any reward from the Dragon Clan. He only hopes that His Majesty will allow the three of us to stay on the island. Just take a look around.”

Lu Heng's change of heart made the Dragon Emperor smile extremely happily. She nodded quickly and said, "It's all up to you. As long as it's Brother Lu's request, Xiu Ya will all agree to it without any hesitation."

In this way, Lu Heng joined the Dragon Emperor's road to break through.

In the bright galaxy world, a dragon and a wolf walk together.

Under the explanation of the Dragon Emperor Xiuya, Lu Heng also gradually learned about the powerful enemies in the following levels.

It's just that compared to the previous demon Golden Buddha, the phantoms of the strong men on the later levels have no features that make Lu Heng care about.

Thunder beasts, resentful ghosts, demons... are all extremely ordinary existences, and even if they appear in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, they will not appear abrupt.

The phantom of the powerhouse in the last hurdle is a fierce and vicious beast Garuda from the Earth Spirit Realm, which is quite peculiar.

But there was already a golden Buddha in front of him. The existence of Garuda just made Lu Heng prove that the Earth Spirit World had a huge relationship with Buddha.