I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 266: Section 266


Beside the Dragon Emperor, Lu Heng witnessed how she opened one level after another, and then defeated the phantoms of the top powerhouses.

In the splendid Galaxy World, most of the time is deadly silent, and it takes a long time to open the first level.

Whenever this happens, the Dragon Emperor opens the level alone, and Lu Heng, who has nothing to do, does not give the Dragon Emperor a chance to talk to him. He directly calls the Heavenly Punishment Tribulation Cloud and hides in the clouds to practice, and never wastes every minute of his practice time. .

After the level was opened and the shadow of the strong man came, Lu Heng dispersed Jieyun and fought against the Dragon Emperor together.

Chapter 442 The End of the Secret Realm (Part 2)

Under the Jiuding, Lu Heng and the Dragon Emperor are invincible, allowing the phantoms of these otherworldly powers to attack, and they have never been able to break through the spirits and spirits hanging from the Jiuding.

For the two Ding Ding, who had a vicious reputation, the Dragon Emperor was very calm, and did not regard Lu Heng as a foreign enemy at all.

Even if Lu Heng confessed to her that he was not a creature from the Heavenly Desolation Realm, the Dragon Emperor's attitude towards Lu Heng did not change in the slightest.

With that completely undefended attitude, if Lu Heng was really a foreign enemy, he could attack and kill her from behind at any time.

However, Lu Heng did not express any doubts about this, and would never give this woman a chance to tease him.

Although he did wonder why the Dragon Emperor was so convinced that he was not a foreign enemy...

However, although the Dragon Sovereign was calm, the ghosts of the otherworldly powerhouses who were called out were all frightened by Lu Heng's Jiuding.

They simply could not understand why the Emperor of the Dragon Clan in the Heavenly Desolate Realm would fight side by side with the Lord of the Nine Cauldrons without any suspicion.

In the end, under the joint strangulation of Lu Heng and the Dragon Emperor, the giant eagle and thunder beast with a wingspan of tens of thousands of feet, the ghostly resentful ghosts, and the demons who can hide in nothingness and kill... The three phantoms of other world powerhouses All were successfully killed.

The Dragon Emperor bluntly said that this was the easiest time for her to break through.

Every breakthrough in the past has been extremely difficult, because the strength of each of these strong phantoms is far superior to hers. Even relying on the strategy of fighting the enemy explored by the dragon emperors of all dynasties, every time he won, he was very embarrassed.

But this time, with Lu Heng following her, and under the protection of Jiuding, she was able to use all the methods she had prepared without any worries, and successfully killed the enemy.

Even the last and most troublesome Garuda giant beast was successfully killed while Lu Heng protected her against the Qingzhou Ding.

Even the ambergris ecstasy that was refined in advance and used for surprises was omitted, and there was no room to play.

When the huge golden Garuda fell, the Dragon Emperor couldn't help but look at Lu Heng and said, "Brother Lu's Jiuding... is indeed terrifying..."

This way, the two people under the Jiuding are invincible, and no attack can threaten the two people under the Jiuding. But they can attack the enemy outside at will.

The dragon emperor finally had a personal experience of the frightening aspect of the legendary Jiuding.

If she were to fight against an enemy like Lu Heng, she could hardly think of any way to win. All she could see was despair.

Lu Heng said with a smile: "Jiuding is indeed scary, but the amount of life essence that needs to be consumed is also huge. If the life essence in the cauldron is exhausted, the cauldron will lose such miraculous power."

And this is also one of the main reasons why the group of foreign powerful enemies are keen to harvest the spirits of the wild world.

In the sigh of one man and one wolf, the huge Garuda Garuda disintegrated into the galaxy world. At the end of the galaxy world, a huge pitch-black vortex appeared silently.

The vortex seemed to have the mysterious power to devour everything, even light and even Lu Heng's spiritual thoughts.

Lu Heng stood in front of this huge dark vortex, a little hesitant.

"Uh... Your Majesty, are you sure this is the entrance to the secret treasure house?"

No matter how you look at it, this black hole-like vortex does not look like a treasure trove door.

At this time, it has been five years since Lu Heng entered the galaxy world.

In the past five years, in addition to helping the Dragon Emperor against the enemy, Lu Heng had only boring practice, and all he saw in his eyes was the dazzling galaxy.

Although the scene is very beautiful, it is too monotonous. After watching it day and night for more than five years, even Lu Heng couldn't bear it and wanted to leave.

But after a lot of hard work and finally defeating all the enemies, what appeared in front of him was such a pitch-black vortex...

Lu Heng's suspicious eyes made the Dragon Emperor a little embarrassed.

She smiled dryly and said, "That... Brother Lu, it's actually the first time that Xiu Ya has come this far. So the next situation is not very clear."

"It's just that the records of the stone carvings in the secret realm show that this is indeed the entrance to the treasure house... Should I go in first? Brother Lu will come later?"

Lu Heng shook his head and said, "Since the Dragon Emperor is not afraid of death, Lu Heng is naturally not afraid of death... Let's just go inside."

Even if the Primordial Spirit incarnation is here, Lu Heng can rely on the body left in the Heavenly Desolate Realm to revive, so he has nothing to fear.

It's just his free and easy performance that makes the Dragon Emperor's eyes shine again and again.

She smiled like a flower, grabbed Lu Heng's hand, and said, "If that's the case, then Xiu Ya will share life and death with Brother Lu!"

The Dragon Emperor's hand was extremely tight.

Lu Heng was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the woman seemed to think too much.

He was about to open his mouth to explain, but the Dragon Emperor had already pulled him into the vortex ahead.

The dark and deep whirlpool instantly devoured Lu Heng's primordial spirit, perception, and consciousness. He sank into some kind of dark and terrifying abyss, and could no longer perceive his own existence.

However, in a trance, Lu Heng seemed to be able to feel a familiar atmosphere in the space getting closer and closer...

Finally, Lu Heng suddenly opened his eyes.


Cold, dead, pitch black... In the empty space of the universe, even dust is as rare as the conscience of a demon, let alone other substances.

There is no gravity, no spiritual energy, and nothing Lu Heng is familiar with in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

In this cold and dark world, the first moment Lu Heng entered, he felt the pain of suffocation, who was used to the abundance of spiritual energy.

It took an extremely long time for Lu Heng to reluctantly adapt to this terrifying world without spiritual energy.

And his sight gradually recovered as his perception recovered.

a planet...

A huge, devastated planet was spinning silently and slowly in front of his eyes.

In the far reaches of the universe, huge and dazzling stars emit terrifying light and heat, brutally and relentlessly scorching the planet that revolves around it.

Even if they were separated by an extremely long distance, Lu Heng could clearly perceive the terrifying heat emanating from the star.

If he was still a mortal body, he would have been completely roasted at this moment.

But for some reason, Lu Heng had another intuition in his heart telling him. The power contained in this star may not be comparable to that of an ordinary mortal in the Heavenly Desolate Realm...

Beside Lu Heng, a silver dragon, almost curled up into a ball, floated silently in the space.

The white scales shone brightly in the dazzling light of the stars.

After coming to this lonely, strange, and soulless world, the Dragon Sovereign also fell into a suffocating state of despair. And it's even worse than Lu Heng's situation.

After all, she has lived longer in the world with abundant spiritual energy. Compared with Lu Heng of Tianlei Daoji, the Dragon Emperor also relies more on the nurture of spiritual energy...

this world…

In the dark cosmic space, Lu Heng stared blankly at everything in front of him, feeling an unacceptable sense of strangeness and absurdity in his heart.

After passing through the dark vortex of the Dragon Emperor Mystery Realm, the world you arrive at is actually here

The cultivator's powerful memory made Lu Heng instantly recognize the bright stars in this starry sky and their true appearance.

Here, it is clearly the Milky Way where the earth is located!

And the way the planets are arranged is exactly the same as that in the starry sky sand table that Lu Heng saw in the Merman Kingdom!

"I actually came back..."

Staring blankly at the dark and dead universe in front of him, Lu Heng's primordial spirit murmured.

The voice from the primordial spirit was clearly audible in the vacuum of the universe!

Chapter 443 Starry Sky Tomb

The vortex at the end of the Dragon Emperor's Secret Realm leads to the universe where Lu Heng had lived for the past twenty years.

This was something Lu Heng never expected.

What is the scene behind the vortex, he has imagined many possibilities.

Maybe it was the treasure house of the ancient dragon clan, or maybe it was the place where the Fuxi Tibetan River Tuluo Shu was located. Even if this vortex led to the rest of the Eight Desolate Worlds, Lu Heng would not be surprised.

Because he couldn't connect the secret realm of the dragon race with this cold and dead space.

What is the meaning of the ancient dragons leaving a passage to this world

Or, in fact, it is not the ancient dragon who left this passage

After all, the earth that Lu Heng came from seems to be inextricably linked with the Eight Desolate World.

Standing quietly in the void and empty space, Lu Heng pondered all kinds of possibilities.

And beside him, the huge silver dragon curled up into a ball has already turned into an ice sculpture in the cold cosmic space, and the body surface is covered with a layer of fine ice crystals.

A world without spiritual energy is simply the most terrifying Jedi for these heavenly and desolate world creatures who rely on spiritual energy to survive.

But according to Lu Heng's knowledge from Zhulong, although the spiritual energy of the heavens is not as good as that of the Eight Wasteland World, it is not that there is no spiritual energy at all, but the spiritual energy is too thin.

However, the cosmic space in front of him was completely wiped out of spiritual energy, and he could not feel the existence of any spiritual energy.

When the creatures with aura come here, not only can they not breathe the spiritual energy, but even the spiritual energy in their bodies will continue to leak out and dissipate in the dark cosmic space.

Only by getting used to this state of complete spiritual qi extinction and finding a balance between the two, can he regain his sobriety like Lu Heng.

In the empty universe, Lu Heng took a deep breath and tried to point out the huge star in front of him.

The fiercely burning star is the brightest thing in the starry sky, with a raging sea of flames surging on the star's surface. The gigantic prominence dances on the surface of the star like an ethereal yellow streamer, releasing terrifying energy that can destroy planets.

This star is so magnificent, but the planets orbiting it are either cold and dead, or hot and manic, and there is no life.

- In this icy universe with no spiritual energy, Lu Heng's spiritual sense can scan millions of kilometers around his body in an instant, which is an impossible speed in the wild world.

After confirming that there is no life planet nearby, Lu Heng directly absorbed the energy of the huge star.

The surging heat energy continuously flew towards Lu Heng, and finally all entered his fingertips.

In ten breaths, the huge star in front of Lu Heng disappeared.

All the matter and energy inside the star was swallowed by his whale, leaving not even a trace of embers.

If this terrifying picture that breaks the laws of physics is seen, it will definitely scare everyone crazy. It's just that in addition to Lu Heng, even the Yinlong next to him couldn't watch this scene.

After the star died, the gravitational force of the star was lost, and the orbits of the planets in the surrounding space were instantly out of control, and each flew into the dark and cold depths of the universe.

Lu Heng, who stayed in place, put down his hand in silence, verifying his previous intuition.

- The energy contained in this star adds up, and it is not as good as the aura he exhaled in a single breath in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

Not to mention compared to the mortals in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, even an ordinary ant in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, the energy contained in the spiritual energy in the body far exceeds this star...

In other words, Lu Heng's plan to feed himself by absorbing the energy of the stars along the way failed.

The energy contained in this star is so small that even if Lu Heng drains all the stars in the entire galaxy, the energy he draws is a drop in the bucket for a practitioner of his realm.

As for thunder...

Lu Heng frowned and thought for a while, trying to concentrate and visualize.

Immediately afterwards, he showed a surprised look.

Because in the cosmic space above his head, a dark robbery cloud appeared out of thin air. The aura of robbery and punishment that kills everything is mighty, and the terrifying power of a small robbery cloud has already overwhelmed the entire galaxy.

... Can he also summon Jieyun here

Lu Heng directly hid in the robbery cloud and tried to practice cultivation, and found that the robbery cloud summoned was no different from the robbery cloud that was summoned in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

It can also absorb the power of Heavenly Punishment for cultivation, and the surging power of Heavenly Thunder is equally terrifying.

As a result, Lu Heng's mood was a little calmer.

As long as he can still summon Tianlei, he doesn't have to worry about being trapped in this cold and dead world.

It's just the Dragon King beside me...

Lu Heng looked at the huge silver dragon curled up in a ball not far away. Even if the long silver dragon curled up into a ball, it could be called a colossus.

But in this vast and dead cosmic space, it seems so small.

Lu Heng flew to Yinlong's side and put his hand between Yinlong's eyes, helping the Dragon Emperor stabilize the riotous spirit in his body.

After a few hours, the sleeping Yinlong finally got used to this cold and dead strange world, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother Lu..."