I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 267: Section 267


The moment the Dragon Emperor opened his eyes, he just glanced at his spiritual sense, and immediately understood the sinister environment he was in.

A shocked cry came out of her mouth.

"Starry Sky Tomb?!"

The Dragon Emperor looked at Lu Heng in shock, and said unacceptably, "Brother Lu, why did we come to the Starry Sky Tomb? This is the Jedi of cultivators!"

The look of despair and shock of the Dragon Emperor made Lu Heng slightly stunned.

He asked, "The Starry Sky Tomb... Is this cosmic space called the Starry Sky Tomb?"

Lu Heng asked: "I dare to ask Your Majesty, where did this ancient tomb of the starry sky come from? What kind of danger is there? Can we go back to the Heavenly Desolate Realm?"

Originally, Lu Heng thought this was his hometown, and only he was familiar with it, but now it seems... the Dragon Emperor seems to know more than he does

Under Lu Heng's astonished gaze, the huge silver dragon silently transformed into the figure of a young girl. She said with a bitter expression, "Brother Lu, it was Xiuya who harmed you... This ancient tomb of the starry sky is a cultivator Jedi. Once you enter it by mistake, it is almost impossible to escape."

"Being in the middle, not only does not have the slightest nurture of spiritual energy, but even the loss of one's own spiritual energy is much faster than in the rest of the world."

"Even a congenital expert will quickly drain all the auras in the body in the starry sky tomb, and finally turn into a withered corpse floating in the vast starry sky, no longer alive."

"The only way to survive is to escape before the spiritual energy in the body is exhausted. But Xiuya just scanned the space of hundreds of millions of miles with her spiritual sense and found that we were not on the edge of the starry sky tomb, but somewhere deep within it. area."

"And this ancient tomb of the starry sky is vast and vast, beyond the imagination of ordinary people, we are afraid that we can't escape..."

Chapter 444 Goodbye Earth

Lu Heng was speechless after hearing the desperate remarks of the Dragon Emperor Xiuya.

According to the legend of the Eight Desolate World, this starry sky ancient tomb is a Jedi left behind by an ancient great power who blew himself up.

At first it was just a small patch of chaotic energy in chaotic nothingness, but it expanded and grew rapidly over time.

Up to now, this star field is vast and vast beyond the limit that practitioners can leap.

Once you stray into it, unless you immediately escape as soon as you enter, there will be no way out if you fall into the depths of the ancient tomb of the starry sky, and you can only turn into a corpse suspended in this icy world in despair and loneliness.

And the area where Lu Heng and the others are now is somewhere deep in this ancient tomb of the starry sky. Because within the reach of divine sense, Dragon Emperor Xiuya could not feel the slightest chaotic aura.

Even if he kept fleeing outwards all the time, it would be difficult to escape from here before the aura was exhausted.

What's more, they don't even know which direction is closest to the edge of the universe. If you run in the wrong direction and fly towards the depths...

In the desperate and helpless expression of the Dragon Emperor, Lu Heng sighed and said, "Since the spiritual energy is very precious here, you should stop using magic to change your body shape. Just show your original posture and save some spiritual energy."

After speaking, Lu Heng added: "Besides, I don't like young girls. If I have to say it, I prefer tall, mature women..."

Lu Heng's words made the Dragon Emperor's face slightly red.

Then she changed her body and finally changed back to her original adult woman appearance.

In the girl's heart, there was some embarrassment and a little cosmic joy.

Brother Lu specifically emphasized that he likes mature women, does he care about me... woo...

Thinking of this, the woman's face turned red.

Lu Heng gave her a strange look and said, "Although the ancient tomb of the starry sky is dangerous and unpredictable, we came from the end of the Dragon Emperor's secret realm. Human? Is there any way to get out?"

Lu Heng's question made the Dragon Emperor startled.

Then she took out a token and said, "This token is the key to the secret realm..."

Having said that, he stopped.

Because after the Dragon Emperor took out this jade talisman, an arrow flashed on the jade talisman, pointing straight to the depths of the universe diagonally below.

Obviously, it is to remind them of the direction they are going to go next.

The Dragon Emperor breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, it seems that we don't have to be trapped in the ancient tomb of the starry sky."

Lu Heng squinted at the star field pointed by the jade talisman and said, "It's not that simple..."

After visiting the Jiyuan Prison in the Kingdom of the Sharks, Lu Heng had an astrolabe map of the entire Milky Way galaxy in his memory, so he recognized at a glance where the jade talisman was pointing.

There, it should be the direction of the earth...

Obviously, the earth does have a huge relationship with the world of the Eight Desolates, and there may even be some kind of secret hidden there. Even the secret realm left by the ancient dragons points there.

Thinking of this, Lu Heng took a deep breath and couldn't help feeling a little excited.

After nearly 30 years in the Heavenly Desolation Realm, I never thought that I would eventually come back in this way.

This time, he will not only uncover many ancient secrets that puzzled Lu Heng, but also see his parents, relatives... those familiar faces emerge one by one in front of his eyes.

Lu Heng's mood to return home became more and more urgent.

He said: "Let's go quickly and see what is hidden in the place pointed by this jade talisman."

After he finished speaking, Lu Heng directly transformed into an escape light and flew towards the depths of Xinghai.

The Dragon Emperor was in his elusive light, looking at Lu Heng's eager expression, he was a little confused. I don't know why the wolf god, who has always been calm, suddenly became excited.

But if Lu Heng didn't say it, she was not easy to ask.

Just in the shadow of Lu Heng, he couldn't help but say, "Brother Lu, why don't you let Xiu Ya come. Don't waste your aura..."

However, Lu Heng shook his head and said, "Your Majesty is still worried about yourself, Lu Mou's Tianlei Daoji does not need spiritual energy, even in this dead and barren starry sky tomb, he can practice normally, and he can replenish the lost energy at any time. , is no different from being in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.”

Lu Heng said, and with a wave of his hand, a dark robbery cloud gathered and dispersed in the void space ahead. The surging power of robbery and punishment made the Dragon Emperor stunned.

"Ah? Brother Lu is not affected?"

In the light of escape, the Dragon Emperor's face was full of joy: "Doesn't that mean that Brother Lu will not be trapped in the ancient tomb of the starry sky. No matter what the situation is, he can leave in the end?"

The first thing that came to the mind of the dragon queen was to be happy for Lu Heng.

But she obviously forgot that she didn't have the ability like Lu Heng...

Lu Heng glanced at her and said, "Your Majesty should take care of yourself first."

After speaking, Lu Heng stopped talking to the Dragon Emperor.

The Dragon Emperor nodded and said, "Brother Lu is right, Xiu Ya will restrain her inner breath and enter the state of turtle breath. When you reach the destination, please ask Lu brother to wake me up."

After speaking, the woman took a deep breath and her body shrank rapidly.

In the end, it turned into a one-foot-long pocket dragon, and fell asleep directly on Lu Heng's shoulder.

But it entered the state of turtle breath, which reduced the loss of spiritual energy to a minimum.

Seeing this scene, Lu Heng's eyelids jumped, and he finally acquiesced to the other party's slightly intimate behavior.

In the elusive light, Lu Heng took the sleeping pocket dragon quickly through the star field.

This escaping light, which was at the same speed in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, is now terrifyingly fast in the Starry Sky World.

Wherever the Escape Light went, Lu Heng directly passed through one space node after another, constantly jumping in the distance.

Space nodes that are hard to see in the wild world can be easily detected here.

In such a rapid jump, Lu Heng flew from one end of the Milky Way world to a sea of stars, bizarre black holes, and twinkling stars, and finally arrived at a familiar star field on the thirty-sixth day.

Lu Heng, who flew out of the space node, took the sleepy little dragon and flew straight to the only star in the icy universe ahead.

The familiar aura in the space, as well as the few planets orbiting the stars, all made Lu Heng warm and affectionate.

Finally, he came to a blue planet.

Lu Heng has seen this planet rotating in space with a satellite in illustrations, movies, textbooks and many other places.

However, it is the first time to have such an experience as standing in the cosmic space overlooking the continental plates and surging oceans on the planet.

Lu Heng's mood became excited again.

Has he finally returned after being away from home for thirty years

Thirty years later, my parents should still be around, right? Parents have always been healthy and healthy, coupled with the continuous development of medicine, it should not be difficult to live to the seventies...

And those familiar faces, familiar classmates... Thirty years later, what have they become

The earth at this moment was so familiar to Lu Heng, yet so unfamiliar, that he even had a little fear and did not dare to go forward.

For fear that after landing on the planet, I will see a scene that I don't want to see...

Chapter 445

"Um... Brother Lu..."

"Brother Lu?"

There was a deep confusion in the soft calling in the ear.

Lu Heng came back to his senses and found that the pocket dragon sleeping on his shoulders had disappeared.

Instead, it was the Dragon Sovereign Xiuya who had regained his human form and stood beside him.

The woman looked at Lu Heng in confusion, and said worriedly, "Brother Lu found something? Why did you lose your mind for a long time..."

Lu Heng looked at her in surprise and said, "When did your majesty wake up?"

The Dragon Emperor sighed and said, "I just woke up. After I got here, the jade talisman woke me up, but I saw Brother Lu staring at this place in a daze... Brother Lu, is there something bothering me?"

Dragon Emperor Xiuya's eyes were full of concern and worry.

After all, Lu Heng stared at the planet in front of him in a daze, and his face was changing.

In the face of the Dragon Emperor's concerns, Lu Heng was silent for a few breaths, and then sighed: "To be honest, Your Majesty, this place has a great relationship with Lu. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is Lu's hometown. And Lu Mou's relatives and friends are here."

Lu Heng's words, although with some reservations, were still frank about his relationship with the planet in front of him.

After all, the Dragon Emperor was by his side, and he would definitely see the scene of Lu Heng meeting his relatives next.

This is absolutely impossible to hide, so it is better to confess it.

But after Lu Heng finished speaking, the Dragon Emperor said in astonishment, "Brother Lu's relatives..."

The Dragon Emperor looked at the giant planet that was spinning silently in front of him, and then looked at Lu Heng with a puzzled expression: "Brother Lu, it seems that no one is alive on this planet... The ones who are active are ordinary people who drink blood. Beast, brother Lu's relative... Could it be hidden in a secret realm?"

"But this place has no aura fluctuations, and it doesn't look like there is a cave in the secret realm..."

The Dragon Emperor's face was full of worry.

From the moment she entered this terrifying starry sky tomb, she noticed that Lu Heng's reaction was a little unusual.

It's just that the previous abnormality was not obvious, so she didn't care too much. But since before and after he came to this planet, Lu Heng's strange reactions were completely beyond the Dragon Emperor's understanding.

At first, the expression on his face changed endlessly, and he didn't know what was wrong, but now he even said nonsense...

The Dragon Emperor nervously stretched out his hand to hold Lu Heng, and said, "Brother Lu, is your spiritual platform still clear?"

The Dragon Emperor was full of tension, but Lu Heng was even more astonished.

He looked at the Dragon Sovereign in front of him in shock, listened to the other party's words, and subconsciously looked at the earth in front of him.

Familiar planet, familiar earth, but life on earth...

Lu Heng's thoughts moved, and his spiritual thoughts swept across the entire planet's surface in an instant.

Under the divine sense, the huge planet was not at all secretive in front of Lu Heng's eyes.

And on this planet, as the Dragon Emperor said, there is no such thing as a forehead, a human being, or a living being...

Yes, just a group of ordinary beasts that drank blood and fought each other in the food chain.

Humans, cities, civilizations, streets, neon lights, internet, barbecues, art, etc. All the elements that Lu Heng was familiar with, now no longer exist on this planet.

The familiar Eurasian plate, the never-before-seen African plate, the isolated American plate, and the perpetually frozen Antarctic plate... Five continents, four oceans, wherever the sun goes, where the night falls, all these In every inch of land that could be searched on the planet, Lu Heng could not see a single trace of human footprints.

In his memory, in the location of the seaside city where he lived, there is now a dense coconut grove. There are strange monkeys leaping in the coconut groves, giant birds roaring in the sky that have never been seen before, and the beach is washed with clean sand and gravel without any domestic garbage.

The seawater that originally had a turbid color was now clean and clear, like a sparkling gem, and no trace of life pollution could be seen.

This is…

"Is it a hallucination..."

Lu Heng murmured at such a scene, and the whole person was at a loss.

His hometown, the city where he lives freely, his familiar parents, relatives, and even the hospital... All of these have disappeared on the planet.

When he was in the Heavenly Desolation Realm, he imagined the scene of returning to Earth countless times.

I imagined how I should treat my elderly parents, relatives and friends after returning to Earth countless times, and I thought about whether to interfere in their lives.