I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 268: Section 268


However, no matter what kind of imagination, Lu Heng never thought that when he actually returned to Earth, he was faced with such a scene.

Empty, deserted, natural, with no trace of human activity... If it weren't for the many characteristics of this planet, he was very clear. The snow-covered Mount Everest towering over the Eurasian plate, the Japanese islands hanging off overseas are as narrow as knives, and the Bering Strait blocking the transition of the Asian-American plates... If these familiar geographical features were not exactly the same as in his memory, he almost doubted that he had made A false dream!

The earth that I live in, the earth that I am familiar with, the earth that I long to return to... Why did it become what it is today!

In the icy outer space, Lu Heng's figure disappeared instantly.

The rapid glimmer of light in the world instantly brought him to the seaside city where he once grew up... the original location.

Standing in the dense coconut grove, staring blankly at the dense virgin forest around him, Lu Heng's spiritual sense scanned the ground frantically.

However, when his spiritual sense penetrated deep into the inner core of the planet and the burning magma, he never found the slightest trace of human beings.

The huge city that once developed and grew in this bay and attracted the eyes of most of the east, but now not even a brick or a tile is left.

In the deep underground geological layers, Lu Heng even saw the ancient fossils of dinosaurs and trilobites, but he never saw a human corpse fossil.

Even those non-degradable garbage built by humans that claim to be able to pollute nature for millions of years have never been seen by Lu Heng.

This clean geological layer, as well as on the surface, seems to have no traces of human existence at all. Even if Lu Heng turned the entire geological layer upside down, he couldn't find it, just couldn't find it.

Beside him, Dragon Emperor Xiuya looked worried.

Seeing that Lu Heng's frantic search was finally over, the woman finally found a chance to speak.

"Brother Lu, if you have any troubles, you can talk to Xiuya," the Dragon Emperor said worriedly, "Perhaps Xiuya can help you find a solution? One person is short, two people are long... At least fellow Xiu Yaqing After talking about it, the pressure in my heart will definitely be much less!"

The Dragon Emperor was worried and anxious, and wished to be troubled for Lu Heng.

Lu Heng looked at her in silence. After a long silence, he slowly shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness, but Lu has something in his heart."

The voice fell, the light flashed, and Lu Heng's figure disappeared from the place and appeared on the other side of the planet.

Chapter 446 Buddha Head and Palm Print

American continent.

This continent that once stood as a global hegemonic country has now also lost traces of human activities.

In the vast land of America, there are groups of carefree creatures.

In this isolated land, the competition for survival among organisms does not seem to be as fierce as that of other continents, so that the evolution of organisms on this land has all moved in a direction that is incompatible with other continents.

Lu Heng's spiritual sense swept away and found that the creatures on these two American continents were completely different from other continents.

It's just that he is here now, not to investigate biological evolution.

After experiencing the initial excitement and hesitation, Lu Heng's mood is now much calmer.

Many unusual places were also found.

And on this American continent, there is one of the most unusual places.

Yellowstone National Park…

This name used to have a great reputation.

But now, there is no trace of the huge volcanic group that once was.

Standing in the void, Lu Heng looked down at the earth and saw a dark and cold wasteland. It was the color of the soil formed by the cooling of the volcanic lava that had erupted. It had a strange color in the sun. Even though it had been cooled for many years, it still gave people a terrifying feeling.

It seems to have witnessed the horrific sight of the magma flowing all over the earth and destroying all living beings.

This huge volcano has already erupted...

Of course, what attracted Lu Heng was not the Yellowstone volcano that had erupted.

It is the power of this volcano after the eruption, except for the lava flowing all over the earth, it has not caused much change to the planet.

It seems that on the day of the volcanic eruption, some kind of force forcibly suppressed the impact of the volcanic eruption on the tectonic plates, so that after such a violent volcanic eruption, even the surrounding mountains did not show any signs of collapse.

And the most obvious evidence of someone's interference is the huge handprint that suddenly appeared on this dark wasteland...

A huge handprint covering a radius of several miles was deeply imprinted on the wasteland formed by the cooling of volcanic lava. It was like a horrible thing that only appeared in mythology. It is logically impossible to appear on this planet.

What floats in the air is a creepy aura even after a long time has passed.

So much so that on the wasteland, living things are extinct, and even the withered grass cannot grow.

The terrifying creature that left this huge palm print in the past, until the long years have passed, and until now, its influence on this land still remains.

Next to Lu Heng, the figure of the Dragon Emperor Xiu Ya appeared.

She looked at the terrifying palm prints on the ground in disbelief, feeling the breath in the air, and muttered: "On this planet, such a terrifying existence has descended..."

This huge palm print is not terrible. Any cultivator who has opened the Heaven's Gate can leave a similar print in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, let alone in this ordinary world without spiritual energy.

But the palm print is not scary, but the breath that escapes from the palm print is creepy.

Even if the Dragon Sovereign cultivation base is not low, she has to admit at this time that her strength is definitely not as strong as the existence that left the palm print!

Lu Heng glanced at her, did not speak, and disappeared from the sky again.

In the next breath, Lu Heng, dressed in white, stood on the Antarctic land covered with ice and snow.

Compared with the other continents where everything is flourishing, Antarctica is as always covered by icy snow.

In a vast white scene, the violent wind and snow tore everything on the ground.

No living creature could survive in such a blizzard, but Lu Heng and the Dragon Emperor Xiu Ya who followed closely were not among them.

They stood side by side in the blizzard, looking at the frozen ice sculptures on the ice sheet ahead, silent.

In the icy cold wind, a huge Buddha head with a height of 100 meters fell crookedly on the snow field. The golden Buddha's blood flows through the snow. Even after a long time, the Buddha's blood has not solidified, and it has always maintained its original appearance.

But no creature can get close to here, because the blizzard and snow that surrounds the Buddha's head and has a radius of 100 miles will never stop, and the living creatures on this planet will be torn apart by the violent wind and snow if they can't get here.

In the wind and snow, the Buddha's head has soft facial features and benevolent eyebrows. Even if he perishes here, he will not be able to see any pain or hatred on his face.

It was just the terrifying aura that spilled out, even if it was just the corpse, which silenced Lu Heng and the Dragon Emperor.

Because just the breath of the corpse has far surpassed the two. Even the huge golden Buddha in the Dragon Emperor Mystery Realm is very different from this Buddha head!

The Dragon Emperor couldn't help but look at Lu Heng, a little shocked: "Brother Lu, your hometown... Why does the golden Buddha in the spiritual world appear?"

The top beings in the Eight Desolates World have never left the Eight Desolations easily and go to the All-Heaven World, because the All-Heaven World can hardly bear the arrival of the top beings.

Although the Starry Sky Tomb can accommodate all the top cultivators due to its particularity. But also because of its special danger, practitioners dare not approach it at all.

But the planet in front of me not only has the palm prints left by the top powerhouses, but also the corpse of the Golden Buddha of the Earth Spirit World!

Even this mysterious and unpredictable cold feather mountain wolf god said that this place is his hometown...

The end of the Dragon Emperor Mystery Realm also points to this seemingly ordinary planet...

Dragon Emperor Xiuya's heart was shrouded in endless shock and confusion.

She only felt that she had inadvertently broken into some terrifying ancient secret. What she saw and heard were all mysterious things that ordinary people could not understand and had huge secrets.

Even the husband who was betrothed to her by God seemed so mysterious and unfamiliar now.

At first I thought I knew him well, but now I find that I only know some of the roughest fur. Even the origin of this marriage promised by God is so mysterious.

If he was not a creature from the Heavenly Desolate Realm, but was born and grew up here, how did he leave this frightening starry sky tomb and arrive at the Heavenly Desolate Realm

And what happened on this planet, there will be two top powerhouses leaving corpses and palm prints - the huge palm prints before, not the ones left by the golden Buddha in front of them.

Therefore, on this planet, at least two top powerhouses have descended! And there was a fight!

The Dragon Emperor looked at Lu Heng at a loss, not knowing what to say for a while.

However, Lu Heng went straight forward and came to the head of the golden Buddha that was hundreds of feet high.

The head of a hundred feet tall stood like a mountain in the blizzard.

Standing on the ground, Lu Heng looked up at the compassionate face of the golden Buddha, and saw a small white dot between the golden Buddha's eyebrows.

Compared with the hundred-zhang-high golden Buddha head, the white dot was almost invisible. And it was covered up by the terrifying aura of the Golden Buddha, and even Lu Heng almost ignored it.

But in the end, he was aware of the existence of this white spot by relying on the breath of the same origin.

Under the astonished gaze of the Dragon Emperor, Lu Heng raised his hand silently, his mind moved slightly, and then he heard a "thorn" explosion in the wind and snow.

The blazing white thunder light flashed suddenly in the center of the Buddha's head.

The white dot that was hidden in the center of the Buddha's eyebrows flew out and flew directly into Lu Heng's hands, turning into a white thunder spear with a length of 10 feet.

The Thunder Spear was blazing white and composed entirely of condensed and condensed lightning to the extreme. The moment it appeared, it exuded an extremely terrifying aura of robbery and punishment.

And when the thunder spear was pulled out, the golden Buddha head that had been lying in the snow for an unknown number of years exploded, turning into a light spot that dissipated in the sky and disappeared in the snow.

Even the golden Buddha's blood surging in the snow disappeared, leaving no trace.

Obviously, the reason why this Buddha head is immortal is that it was suppressed by the spear of thunder in the eyebrows. Now that the Thunder Spear was pulled out by Lu Heng, the remaining golden Buddha head was eliminated.

The Dragon Emperor looked at this scene in astonishment and murmured, "Apart from Brother Lu, is there anyone else in the world who can command Tianlei..."

However, Lu Heng looked down at the Thunder Spear in his hand and did not speak.

His heart was full of incomprehensible confusion.

Because the aura emanating from this extremely terrifying Spear of Thunder seems to be of the same origin as him.

This kind of homology is not the same source that both have the same power. Rather, both have the same origin.

In other words, this spear of thunder seems to be left by Lu Heng...

It is filled with the same breath as Lu Heng!

Chapter 447

I left...

Lu Heng looked at the Thunder Spear in his hand expressionlessly, and his mind moved.


With a sound of thunder and lightning, the spear, which was completely solidified by the power of Tianlei, suddenly exploded, transforming into the most primitive and pure power of Tianlei, and integrated into Lu Heng's body.

This scene is exactly the same as the scene of those practitioners in Tianhuang Realm taking back their mana creations.

The Dragon Emperor on the side was stunned.

She instantly widened her eyes in horror, thinking of an extremely terrifying truth.

"Brother Lu..." The Dragon Emperor's aura was recuperating, and everything was gone at this time.

She looked at Lu Heng in horror, and stammered: "This... this golden Buddha... you killed it?"

The Dragon Emperor asked in horror, but got no answer.

On the snowy icefield that was gradually dissipating, the man glanced at her indifferently and disappeared.

To another place on the planet again.

Seeing the disappearance of the man, the Dragon Emperor was slightly taken aback, but this time he did not dare to follow him as before.

But she was silent for a while in the ice field, and finally gritted her teeth and chased after Lu Heng's breath.

When she came again, she came over a vast and huge inland ocean.

This inland ocean is surrounded by surrounding continents, with only one outlet at one end leading to the wider ocean.

The water here is shallow compared to several other oceans on the planet. And on one of the beaches by the desert, a strange corpse was floating in the sea.

The thousand-foot-long body was covered with criss-cross wounds, and it was immersed in seawater and motionless. The waves of the sea slapped on the corpse, as if it had hit a huge mountain range, and the corpse remained motionless.

This is not a human being, nor a beast, but a giant monument. No face, no facial features, no limbs, it looks like a huge stone tablet, but it is actually flesh and blood.

It was immersed in the sea water, and the words on the tablet were scarlet and terrifying, and the dense words were all accusing one fact.

die! ! !

Until the long years after his death, the hatred and pain conveyed by this huge monument of flesh and blood have not dissipated until now.

Both Lu Heng and the Dragon Emperor clearly felt the resentment in the air.

Looking at such a monument, Lu Heng remained silent.

However, the Dragon Emperor hesitated, and broke the dead silence between the two: "Brother Lu..."

This place is already the last anomaly on the planet.

Both of them have already used their spiritual sense to sweep the entire planet inside and out, but nothing else has happened.