I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 270: Section 270


These words, crying and begging for mercy, and the huge information contained in each word, were like the sharpest knife stabbing in Lu Heng's heart, causing his heart to tremble with pain.


Sure enough, a long time has passed.

Even longer than he thought.

Thirty million years ago, he had already attained the Dao here and was able to slay and suppress such a terrifying enemy, and he even had to reverse the so-called time-space grinding wheel and snatch back the long-dead soul.

Such an experience never existed in Lu Heng's memory.

But when he said a thousand sins, it made him feel extremely familiar.

It seems that in the distant past, in this cold and lonely cosmic starry sky, there was indeed a Taoist enlightened person who alone cut off many invading enemies, preserved the continuation of human civilization, and finally left such a supreme existence. Protect the human race.

And he himself went out of the world alone to reverse the so-called time and space grinding wheel.

In the end, the biggest taboo in the world of the heavens is violated.

It turns out that this is the reason why Sister Yuanjun is still alive...

It wasn't that Sister Yuanjun reversed everything and saved him, but that he reversed everything 30 million years ago and saved Sister Yuanjun's soul

But then what

Sister Yuanjun, who should have died long ago, is now alive and waiting for him in the so-called "Tianwaitian".

But he turned into an ordinary wolf demon in the Heavenly Desolate Realm. At the beginning, he didn't even have a cultivation base, and even forgot everything that had happened.

What Hetu Luoshu, Sister Yuanjun, slaying the powerful enemies who came from across the border, reversing the great mill of time and space, and why he became what he is today... Lu Heng has no memory of these things.

It's just that when I listen to Thousands of Sins talk about the past of "his", a familiar feeling will arise in my heart, and I realize that it is indeed true.

In his soul, there are still some feelings from the past.

It's just that now he has only those Xu feelings left...

Not even a few fragments of memory were left behind.

He didn't know what happened back then, and he couldn't even think of anything he had done. He could only stand quietly in the moon's core, listening to the sorrowful cry of a thousand sins, and watching the dragon emperor Xiuya beside him was shocked. Frightened eyes, bitter smile.

It turned out that he was really the so-called ancient senior...

Even the power of Tianlei that he thought he had obtained by accident was actually the Daoji that he left behind.

After all, 30 million years ago, he relied on Tianlei to kill his enemies.

Even the Heavenly Thunder Prison that suppressed thousands of mortal sins has many similarities with the Heavenly Thunder Prison inside Hanyu Mountain...

Chapter 449

Inside the moon's core, Lu Heng outside the sphere of light was silent and his expression was cold.

The Dragon Emperor Xiu Ya, who was beside him, remained silent and was so frightened.

And the Dragon Sovereign didn't dare to speak, let alone the thousand sins in the ball of light.

Both of them waited in horror for Lu Heng's response, trying to figure out Lu Heng's mind, worrying about why he didn't speak, what was he thinking...

So, in such a long and icy silence, Lu Heng was lost for a while.

In the end, when Lu Heng came back to his senses, he realized the fear of the Dragon Emperor next to him.

He squeezed out a smile without smiling, and said, "I'm a little distracted... I'm sorry..."

Lu Heng's apology was a subconscious polite behavior.

It's just that his hideous smile made the Dragon Emperor tremble, and the whole person almost shrank into a ball. Like a frightened little girl, she lost her previous Dragon Sovereign bearing.

And the outsider, the Dragon King, is so nervous, not to mention the thousands of mortal sins in the ball of light that are already fearful.

The moment Lu Heng opened his mouth to laugh, the mortal sins in the ball of light shuddered and said in horror.

"Heavenly Venerable, forgive me! Sinners deserve ten thousand deaths! I beg Heavenly Venerable for mercy!"

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There was a clattering sound of the chains shaking in the ball of light. If it wasn't for being locked, this supreme powerhouse with a terrifying breath would have been so frightened that he would kneel down and beg for mercy on the spot.

This frightened performance, it is obvious that Lu Heng left him with no small psychological shadow.

Lu Heng was quite speechless, feeling the fear and fear of the thousand sins in the light ball. After he was speechless, he sighed and said, "Stop howling, I won't kill you. But If you continue to howl, I have no guarantee..."

Before Lu Heng's voice fell, the thousand sins in the ball of light immediately fell silent, too obedient.

A majestic universe that shakes the world and can definitely suppress an era in the Heavenly Desolation Realm. Even Torch Dragon and Jiu Mie are not as powerful as his top existences, but Lu Heng is as obedient as a kitten.

Such a strange scene made Lu Heng sigh in his heart.

In the past, what terrifying thing did he do to make such a top-notch existence wipe out his backbone and dignity...

Lu Heng sighed and said, "Sister Yuanjun doesn't need you to save her, and there is no need to attack the time-space mill. I should have already reversed the time-space mill."

"It's just that since you crossed the border to kill me, do you still remember which world did you come from? Who instructed you to kill me?"

Lu Heng continued to talk.

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In the ball of light, Fan Qianqian didn't even think about it, and immediately replied: "Return to Tianzun, the sinner came from the Thunder Realm of the Eight Desolate World. At first, he was not instructed by others, but was fascinated by ghosts."

"The Eight Desolate World has always spread the fierce name of Hetu Luoshu, so the day when Tianzun realized the Tao, the sinner's mind was confused, and he wanted to see the power of Hetu Luoshu, and he came to provoke Tianzun. led to the present situation.”

"It's all the sinner's fault, it's all my fault..."

"Okay, there's no need to say repentance, I don't like listening to it," Lu Heng interrupted this guy's habit of begging for mercy with a headache, and said, "I hate to waste time... Since you've repented, then I I won't make it difficult for you, just open the Tianlei prison and let you out."

"But before I come out, I still have questions to ask you."

Lu Heng asked: "After you came out, apart from saying you wanted to be a dog for me, what else do you really want to do? After being detained for 30 million years, after being freed, do you have anything to do? What wish do you want to accomplish?"

Lu Heng's question was full of caring.

The Dragon Emperor next to him couldn't help but speak anxiously again: "Lu... Tianzun..."

She is still afraid that the existence in this ball of light will be a disaster after it comes out. After all, from the perspective of breath, the existence in this ball of light is simply the top figure in the outside world.

In today's barren world, apart from the mysterious and unpredictable wolf god Lu Heng, there are probably not many characters on the stage who can confront him.

But Lu Heng shook his head, indicating that the Dragon Emperor should not worry.

He looked at the ball of light and listened to the voice of a thousand mortal sins coming from it.


"Sinners have no desire if they have to say it."

"Sinners have always been withdrawn and have no relatives and friends. Thirty million years have passed, and the Thunder Realm has long been a matter of right and wrong. Apart from serving Heavenly Venerate, sinners seem to have no other things to do..."

In the voice of a thousand sins, there is a strong sense of frustration and loss.

Lu Heng nodded.

When the voice fell, Lu Heng waved his sleeve lightly, and the huge ball of light broke open with a "pop".

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The power of robbery and punishment that exploded when the light ball was broken, turned into a dazzling thunder light surging in the moon soil, and any leak could destroy a star field.

It's just the crazy explosion of the power of thunder, but not even the fragile moon was damaged, but all of it was submerged in Lu Heng's body.

Like mud flowing into the sea, it disappeared without a trace.

And after the ball of light dissipated, the ancient existence who had been detained and tortured for 30 million years and a thousand sins finally appeared in front of Lu Heng and the Dragon Emperor.

Even after being tortured for such a long time, it seems that even his dignity and backbone have been wiped out, but the breath of this supreme being is still terrifying.

His arrogant and independent stature is heartbreaking.

Even if he begged Lu Heng for mercy, his strong aura was not affected. Obviously, in his opinion, begging for mercy with Lu Heng is not something to be ashamed of, so even his Dao heart has not been affected, and he can still maintain the demeanor of a supreme powerhouse.

It's just that the Dragon Emperor looked at the thousands of mortal sins in front of him, but he couldn't help widening his eyes and showing an unbelievable expression.

Lu Heng was indifferent to this, as if he had already discovered it.

He bowed his hands towards the thousand mortal sins in front of him, saying goodbye.

And at the moment when Lu Heng surrendered, the figure of a thousand mortal sins could no longer be seen in the inner core of the moon.

The figure and soul of this supremely strong man disappeared without a trace, and only a small cauldron with a strong vitality of life remained.

This scene made the Dragon Emperor stunned and inexplicable: "This..."

She looked at Lu Heng, unable to accept such a situation.

Why did Thousands of Sins disappear out of thin air as soon as it was released.

Lu Heng sighed: "Fan Sin Qian Shou said that he was tortured by thunder and fire for too long, and even forgot the pain... But under the thunder, even the soul can be broken, how can it be simply ignored after a long time ?"

"His soul and body were actually consumed by Tianlei in the long years."

"What's left in the end is just a breath of air that I couldn't swallow..."

"The obsession he left behind is like the moon in the water and the flower in the mirror. Although it can exist for a long time, if it is lightly poked, it will be shattered softly."

Chapter 450 Lu Heng's Idea

Lu Heng sighed with a little pity.

This thousand mortal sins, who had been detained for 30 million years, could not find out the fact that he had already died until the moment when his last obsession disappeared. Always hopeful, waiting for Lu Heng to come back and set him free.

But the freedom he longed for is long gone...

Such an experience, even the enemy of the Eight Desolate World, is worth saying "miserable".

Beside Lu Heng, the Dragon Emperor stared blankly at the scene of the disappearance of a thousand sins. His heart was inexplicably shocked, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

The experience of this supreme powerhouse is really tragic. But the "culprit" who caused all this was standing beside her now, and she didn't dare to comment, she could only be silent.

After Lu Heng sighed, he looked at the small cauldron that was left after the thousand sins disappeared.

The palm-sized bronze cauldron was suspended in the inner core of the moon, overflowing with the rich vitality of life.

In the 30 million years when the thousand sins were killed by the power of the thunder, all the magic weapons and weapons on this supreme powerhouse have all been wiped out, and it is impossible to survive in such a dense and terrifying thunder pool. Subsisting.

However, after 30 million years, all traces of thousands of sins have been completely wiped out, but this cauldron can survive.

Even intact.

Such an astonishing phenomenon shows the horror of this tripod.

Lu Heng stretched out his hand, and the palm-sized bronze tripod flew directly into his hand, letting him look at it.

On the small body of the tripod, there are many plants and animals imprinted on it. The ancient characters branded at the bottom reveal the origin of this tripod.

"Yongzhou Ding..."

Lu Heng calmly looked at the bronze cauldron in his hand, already used to the existence of Jiuding.

After all, this cauldron was the third Jiuding he had met, so he couldn't be surprised anymore.

Beside Lu Heng, the Dragon Emperor Xiu Ya hesitated to speak, but finally opened his mouth with a dry smile: "That... Brother Lu, is this cauldron the legendary Jiuding?"

"Well, it should be," Lu Heng said, "Yongzhou Ding, which is also imprinted with many plants and creatures in the wilderness. The life in the Ding is vast and majestic, and it is not used much."

"It's just that the creatures in the wild world can't use this mouth."

Having said that, Lu Heng was not stingy, he threw the Yongzhou Ding directly to the Dragon Emperor, and said, "You can try to drive it."

When Lu Heng's words fell, the Dragon Emperor just took over the small cauldron.

However, as soon as the Dragon Emperor held the small cauldron, he hadn't even started to confuse his mind. This bronze cauldron, which was full of life essence, instantly became ordinary and lost all its miraculousness.

Even if Lu Heng and the Dragon Emperor Divine Mind glanced, they had to admit that the small cauldron in front of them was really just a tattered bronze cauldron.

It seemed that the extraordinary Yongzhou Ding had nothing to do with it.

The Dragon Emperor looked at this scene speechlessly and said, "My treasure in the Desolate Realm is now the most repulsive to the creatures in the Desolate Realm..."

After a few breaths of speechless silence, the Dragon Emperor handed the Yongzhou Ding in his hand to Lu Heng, and said, "This Ding is more useful here with Big Brother Lu."

Lu Heng did not shirk, and after taking the Yongzhou tripod, he put it away.

He looked around and said, "The appearance of Yongzhou Ding is a trivial matter at this time. What is more important to us is the whereabouts of Hetu and Luoshu."