I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 275: Section 275


Lu Heng was about to convince his apprentice, but two flashes of light suddenly flew from a distance.

Lu Heng frowned and stopped talking immediately.

After the two rays of light flew around in the air, they came straight towards Lu Heng's master and apprentice, and landed in front of them, turning into two youths in green clothes with similar faces.

"Lin Mushan disciple Qingye..."

"... sapphire."

The two youths in green clothes bowed and saluted at the same time: "I have seen senior."

The white dragon girl looked at the two strangers with incomparable novelty, waiting for Master's reaction.

Lu Heng was slightly confused: "Lin Mushan..."

In his memory, he had never heard of this name.

But he still bowed his hands and said, "Yunmen Luyuan, the two little brothers are polite."

Lu Heng threw out a vest casually.

Cloud Sect disciples are the most common street goods, and they are all over the street. It is most convenient to walk as a Cloud Sect disciple.

However, this time, Lu Heng seemed to have miscalculated.

After he finished speaking, the two youths in green clothes were shocked at the same time.

"Cloud Gate..."

The two looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

The young man who claimed to be Qingye asked respectfully, "Dare to ask the seniors, but the ancient Yunmen from which Senior Huo Feng, the sword master who shattered the Tianqun Mountains with one sword for thousands of years?"

Chapter 458

The respectful questioning of the youth in green clothes made Lu Hengwen stunned.

"Jianjun? Huo Feng? A sword shatters the Tianqun Mountains?"

Lu Heng looked at the two young men in green in front of him with a strange expression, and found that things might not be what he thought.

"Can the two little brothers tell me the story of this swordsman Huo Feng in detail?" Lu Heng asked.

Originally, he wanted to use the identity of Yunmen to walk, but depending on the situation, it seems that Yunmen is no longer a sect of popular goods

But only four thousand years have passed!

Four thousand years ago, and even tens of thousands of years later, Yunmen was the most popular school in the Heavenly Desolate Realm. There were Yunmen disciples everywhere, and they had been passed down for a long time.

Could it be that the Yunmen, which once spread all over the Heavenly Desolate Realm, became extinct in just a few thousand years after Lu Heng left

So that people are so surprised to hear a Cloud Sect disciple

What is the ancient cloud gate...

This title sounds like the inheritance of Yunmen is definitely not a matter of one or two days

And Sword Master Huo Feng? A sword shatters the Tianqun Mountains

Shouldn't Huo Feng be sealed under Hanyu Mountain? If Lu Heng doesn't take action, who can rescue him

Is it the same name

Lu Heng had a strange expression, and the two young men in green clothes looked at each other again, and their attitudes became more and more respectful.

Qingye respectfully said: "Senior, the sword master Huo Feng is the top innate of the ancient Yunmen. Two thousand years ago, a sword shattered the mountains of the sky and deterred the demons in the northern region. The reputation spreads all over the world, even the younger generation like me know its prestige."

After speaking, he cautiously said to Lu Heng: "Does the senior know Jianjun?"

Lu Heng smiled, noncommittal.

He is already very experienced in being misunderstood, knowing that whether he knows or doesn't know at this time, it may cause a lot of misunderstanding.

Therefore, Lu Heng directly ignored the boy's inquiry and said, "This place is in the wild mountains and mountains, and the two little brothers escaped here... But something happened? Can you tell Lu Mou what happened?"

Lu Heng's noncommittal seemed a little rude, but the two young men in green clothes did not dare to complain.

And Lu Heng didn't speak, and they didn't dare to ask questions, they just answered Lu Heng's question respectfully.

"Senior, there was a comet hitting the moon here two hours ago, and this place is not far from Linmu Mountain, so the elders of the sect sent me to check the situation."

Aoba answered the question succinctly and did not reveal too much information.

In response, Lu Heng chuckled and said, "I see, I understand, thank you two little brothers."

After speaking, Lu Hengchao bowed his hands to the two of them and left with the white dragon girl behind him.

It wasn't until she was far away from this wilderness that the girl couldn't help but said: "Master, we finally met two living people, who are in the cultivation world, why don't you ask them about the heavenly world? It seems that After you left, a lot of things happened in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, and even the Sword Master Moruo you suppressed ran out... Maybe Han Yushan has changed a lot now."

The girl couldn't wait to know what status her senior sisters and seniors were in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

In the midst of the light, Lu Heng shook his head and said, "Don't be impatient, let's see the situation in the dark. The appearance of Tianhuangjie today is completely different from when I left. Let's take a look at the situation first. To act rashly."

Hearing Lu Heng's cautious behavior, the girl rolled her eyes.

"Master! You are going home! You are not sneaking into the enemy camp to find out the news!" The girl said speechlessly: "No one here wants to harm you! Why are you making such a dangerous situation? Even if the news of your return is spread, there are still people who dare to come. Can I trouble you?"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "No one will come looking for trouble. After all, as a teacher, I have always been kind to others, and I basically don't make enemies."

"Master, I just want to see what the group of apprentices who didn't grow up look like now after 4,000 years."

"If I stand up with a big fanfare, they will definitely come over, and then it will be difficult for me to understand what they have done in the past four thousand years."

"Only by hiding in the dark and observing slowly, with an ordinary person's perspective, can we know what these apprentices look like now. As a teacher, I also want to see if four thousand years have passed, and whether each of them has become a competent person."

Lu Heng's words made the white dragon girl speechless: "Wow! Master, you are too sinister, aren't you? Are you planning to collect evidence of their brothers and sisters, so that they can be wiped out?"

Lu Heng shrugged and said, "I can't rule out this possibility... What if our Hanyu Mountain goes out of the way? The Moruo Sword Master who was suppressed back then can shake the world with the name of Sword Master, for four thousand years. In the past, vicissitudes of life, who knows what will happen to those stupid disciples when they are freed from restraint?"

"If someone really set foot on the evil way, I wouldn't be surprised as a teacher."

Lu Hengdao: "The most terrifying part of the "Dao Jing" is that every cultivator takes the path that suits him the most. And even a teacher can't speculate on the cultivator's future appearance... Therefore, after lack of supervision and restraint, at any time It may be possible to let go of the ego, and the teacher needs to be prepared in advance to clear the portal."

At Lu Heng's words, the girl hummed: "To find a lot of excuses, I think you are obviously embarrassed to go back to see those apprentices who have been abandoned by you for 4,000 years... hum... It seems that Senior Sister Xiao Ai's catastrophe Sword, Master is very afraid."

The white dragon girl has a little more respect for the sister Xiao Ai who she has never met before.

In this regard, Lu Heng smiled helplessly... I have been separated from my apprentices for more than 4,000 years. Who is it because of

Shaking his head silently, Lu Heng tapped the white dragon girl on the back of the head and said, "Don't be poor, let's go to the city."

With that said, Lu Heng directly pressed the cloud head and landed in the city ahead.

There are restrictions around this city, and if someone flew by, it would definitely attract the attention of the wizards in the city.

However, Lu Heng's cultivation base was not what it used to be at this time, and he rode Yunluo directly into the city, but he didn't make any waves, and no one even noticed his arrival.

Standing on the street with people coming and going, the white dragon girl looked around curiously and said, "This seems to be a temple? It's very prosperous."

Lu Heng pointed to the huge archway in front of him and said, "Huo Temple, every city in the Huotong Kingdom has such a temple, and there are wizards living in it... Well, it seems that four thousand years have passed, at least the system of the Huotong Kingdom still exists. no change."

With that said, Lu Heng walked with the girl towards the magnificent temple in front.

This city is called the City of Three Teeth. It is a city that Lu Heng has never been to. He has been away from this place for more than 4,000 years, and naturally he does not know Wu Zhu here. But every Fire Temple has a library of books, and the books in it are basically the same. Many books of magic are recorded, and there are naturally books that mention the legends and biographies of the practice world.

So Lu Heng found a city and walked in, wanting to see the books in the library.

Chapter 459: Heavenly Court

The magnificent Huo Temple is not much different from the Huo Temple in Lu Heng's memory, with similar specifications and architectural styles, similar wizards' clothes, and similar devout believers... All the Fire Temples in Huotong Kingdom, except for Except for the one in the capital, the rest can be basically the same.

Even four thousand years have passed and nothing has changed.

Such an eye-catching and familiar Fire Temple made Lu Hengsheng feel extremely nostalgic.

Walking around the courtyard of the Fire Temple, he had the illusion that he had never left.

However, the excited, curious and lively girl beside her could break Lu Heng's nostalgic sigh every time.

The white dragon girl said happily: "Wow! Master, there are so many people here!"

I had never heard of other people's existence only in Master's stories, but today the girl saw many different human beings, which was an eye-opener.

In this regard, Lu Heng smiled helplessly and said, "There are two wizards staring at you all the time. You have attracted people's attention... We came in to read books, so don't be too arrogant."

After speaking, Lu Heng waved his sleeves and led the white dragon girl towards the depths of the Fire Temple.

He didn't expect that the wizards in the Three-Tooth City were so vigilant. The white dragon girl was just a little lively, and immediately attracted the wizards to follow... It seems that the current situation in the Huotong Kingdom does not appear on the surface. Up so peacefully

Otherwise, in peacetime, the wizards of the Fire Temple would not be so nervous.

Realizing this, Lu Heng restrained the girl's excitement and prevented her from attracting more questioning eyes.

And took the girl to the depths of the Fire Temple quickly.

However, in the eyes of the two wizards who followed, this lively young girl was still happy, she had never seen the world, she had come to the human city for the first time, and she went in the opposite direction to Lu Heng and the others.

Lu Heng walked through the crowd with the surprised white dragon girl, and passed by the two wizards who were tracking the characters. Neither of the two wizards realized that the person they were tracking was actually beside him.

After watching the two wizards go away, the girl stuck out her tongue and said, "Are all Vulcan wizards so serious? People can't even be happy?"

Lu Heng shook his head and said, "You behave like a country bun entering the city, and you are excited for a long time at a potted plant. How can it be ordinary happiness? It's like the first time you transformed into a monster in the city, sorcerer. It's normal for them to look differently."

However, seeing the level of vigilance with another eye, it is somewhat abnormal.

Of course, Lu Heng didn't tell the girl this sentence.

He took the girl directly to the depths of the Fire Temple to find the library of the Fire Temple.

The further you go, the fewer pilgrims and believers, and the more serious-looking wizards. In the end, all the sorcerers who came and went around the two were those wizards with serious expressions.

Everyone's expressions were tense, as if something major had happened, and the atmosphere of the entire Fire Temple seemed slightly cold.

In response to this, the girl couldn't help muttering: "Did something happen? Why aren't these wizards as amiable as you said, Master?"

Even the innocent girl felt something was wrong at this time.

Lu Heng shook his head and said he didn't know. I took the girl through one courtyard after another, but I still didn't find the library. Instead, I saw many busy wizards.

Just when Lu Heng was thinking about whether to risk being discovered and use a little magic, two cyan figures appeared in their field of vision.

They were the two youths, Qingyu and Aoba, whom he had seen before.

The two youths in green clothes just came in from the outside, and as soon as they came in, they hurriedly walked towards the depths with obvious intentions.

Seeing this scene, the girl couldn't help but say, "Master! These two boys are bluffing us!"

The girl stared and said, "Didn't they say that they were ordered by the elders to investigate the situation? How did they come to the Fire Temple? Could it be that this is the so-called Lin Mushan?"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Maybe their elders are in the house?"

Having said that, Lu Heng took the girl to follow in the footsteps of the two youths in green clothes, wanting to see why the two youths who claimed to be from Lin Mushan returned to the Temple of Fire.

The four of them walked in the Fire Temple one after the other, but neither the wizard nor the two youths in green clothes found Lu Heng who had been following.

They are arguing about something.

"... That senior must know Jianjun just now! As soon as I said Jianjun's name, his eyes immediately changed! This is definitely not the reaction of not hearing Jianjun's name!" Aoba said.

Qingyu next to him said: "I don't think he has a big reaction to the name of Jianjun, but he has a big reaction to the name of Yunmen. The ancient Yunmen... When you said this name, his surprise was not disguised at all, obviously In his time, Cloud Sect was not mysterious... I suspect he was not a senior of Cloud Sect at all! Instead, he used the name of Cloud Sect. After all, the elders said that Yun Sect disciples were everywhere in the ancient times, completely different from today. It's easiest to disguise one's identity and use one of the most common and common genres."

The two teenagers were arguing, and the girl laughed straight after hearing it: "Master, you were exposed from the very beginning..."

Lu Heng smiled and said, "It was intentional for the teacher."

Saying that, he continued to listen to the arguments of the two teenagers.

But the two of them didn't speak anymore, and even their demeanor became respectful.

The breath in the air has also changed a little.

The white dragon girl asked curiously, "Master, why didn't they speak?"

Lu Heng smiled and looked not far away, and said, "Because their elders are right in front of them, it's not easy to make noise in front of elders."

Behind the prohibition that isolates the consciousness, through three walls, two people are talking.

However, the isolation of the ban makes it impossible for the outside world to notice everything that is happening inside.

Following behind the two youths in green clothes, Lu Heng and the white dragon girl passed through three levels guarded by sorcerers, and finally came to the prohibition that isolated the inside and outside, and saw the two practitioners who were talking.

One of them was a middle-aged man in green clothes with a huge gourd beside him. His clothes were similar to those of the two youths in green clothes, and he should be of the same sect.

The other, wearing a black robe with a small snake hanging from his ears, was Wu Zhu of Santooth City.