I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 276: Section 276


After the two youths in green clothes appeared, the black-robed Wu Zhu stopped talking, looked at the two youths and said, "Did you find anything here?"

In this regard, the two did not dare to neglect, and quickly and respectfully told them about the fact that they were ordered to investigate, and they bumped into an ancient senior.

After listening to the black-robed Wu Zhu and the blue-robed man, they both frowned slightly.

The man in Tsing Yi said in surprise: "Senior from the ancient cloud sect? Suspected to know Jianjun? If so, then this old senior's qualifications are old enough."

Qing Ye said respectfully: "Go back to the sect master, that old senior has extraordinary strength, and just his breath shocked the two of us. Even the girl in white beside him has a cultivation base far above ours, which is really profound. Unpredictable…”

The black-robed Wu Zhu frowned and said, "But the ancient senior with such a profound cultivation base has never heard of his name before, and he is so ignorant of the contemporary situation... Could it be an ancient existence who has been in seclusion for many years?"

The black-robed Wu Zhu and the man in blue looked at each other, and the man in blue said: "If it is an ancient existence who has been in seclusion for many years, then this matter is very involved, and I, Lin Mushan, must report to the heaven to know... Wu Zhu invited him, and Lin must go back first. , see you another day."

After saying that, the man in Tsing Yi stood up directly, not wanting to stay any longer.

Hei-robed Wu Zhu was not surprised by this, he stood up to see off the guests, and said, "Sect Leader Lin walks slowly all the way, and Qu will visit him another day."

A black-robed witch, and the head of a faction, just said goodbye to each other and left.

In the courtyard, the girl who watched all the developments was a little stunned.

"Ah? I'm leaving now? In such a hurry?" The girl looked at the few people who had left, then looked at Lu Heng, and said, "Master, what are they talking about in Heaven? Why have I never heard of it? Did you mention it? Why do you have to report to the Heavenly Court when you discover the ancient predecessors? This Heavenly Court seems to be very dragged... "

The girl was full of questions.

Beside her, Lu Heng was also helpless.

"You ask me, who am I to ask?" Lu Heng followed in the footsteps of the three of Lin Mushan and said, "I had never heard the name of Heavenly Court in my time... It should be an organization established after I left. "

And this organization dares to call itself Heavenly Court? Not too loud...

It seems to have a lot of power...

What about the Palace of the King

Isn't the Palace of Kings the Lord of the Four Seas? There are people in the palace, and there are still people who dare to establish a so-called heavenly organization...

Or, is this so-called Heavenly Court actually an evolutionary version of the Palace of the King of Humans

Following behind the three of Lin Mushan, Lu Heng became more and more curious about the situation in the barren world today.

It seems that everything here has changed a lot in the four thousand years since he left.

And this kind of change is probably something that hasn't happened in the past tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years...

After all, in the information that Lu Heng had contacted before, Tianhuangjie maintained its unchanging appearance of wildness, and it had been hundreds of thousands of years.

What heaven, sect, these do not exist.

But I didn't expect that just after he left for four thousand years, all kinds of heaven and sects appeared...

The curious Lu Heng, along with the equally curious white dragon girl, followed the three of Lin Mushan and left the Fire Temple.

After the black-robed Wu Zhu personally said goodbye, the three of Lin Mushan flew away directly with the light of escape, heading for the distance, with a huge card.

Lu Heng followed with the white dragon girl and was not found.

High in the sky, the white dragon girl said with a smile: "Master, you said that if we followed them to the so-called Heavenly Court, would the big men in Heavenly Court find out? And Master, you were once so famous, if you are familiar with Old friends are on duty in the Heavenly Court, will their eyes fall out of surprise when they see you?"

Chapter 460

The white dragon girl had a lot of questions, and Lu Heng felt a pain in his head.

The key is that now he doesn't have the heart to pay attention to these boring questions of the girl.

He has been thinking about the existence of the organization of heaven and the deeper meaning it represents.

And how did this heaven come to be...

Following behind the three of Lin Mushan, they flew out of Santooth City on a cloud and headed for the sky. The three of Lin Mushan were unaware of the two Lu Heng who followed behind them.

It's just that Lu Heng and the two young men in green clothes only had a few short conversations, and the two sides didn't have much contact, so there were no questions to ask soon.

Then another time passed, and a mountain range appeared on the plain ahead.

The mountains are ups and downs, the birds are flying in the mountains, the beasts are in harmony, and there are even more rapids and pavilions. It is really a fairy-tale atmosphere.

However, in Lu Heng's eyes, the entire forest mountain was locked in spiritual energy by an invisible formation, making it difficult for ordinary people to approach.

Following the three leaders of Lin Mu Shan, they flew over the great formation of Lin Mu Shan and headed towards the highest peak in the mountain. Passing along the way, you can see the immortal spirit in the huge sect, there are many disciples with different cultivation bases scattered among the mountains and springs to practice, play and play, and enjoy themselves.

This sect named Lin Mushan has a harmonious atmosphere inside the sect.

However, Lu Heng was not here for the postgraduate entrance examination and was not very interested in this sect. He has been following behind the head of Lin Mushan, wanting to follow him to the so-called Heavenly Court.

However, flying here, it seems that this head does not intend to go to heaven? But go straight home

Could it be that the way to heaven has to go through the sect

Or did you come back to pack your bags

Lu Heng followed the three curiously, and soon came to the main peak of Linmu Mountain.

Here, there is a great hall, which is the core of the entire sect.

After the two youths in green clothes named Qingyu Qingye came here, they respectfully bowed to the sect master and left, leaving only the man in green clothes with a big gourd on his back, flying towards the back of the main peak.

In the end, he brought Lu Heng and the white dragon girl to a small floating island.

This hanging island is very small, with a radius of only tens of meters. A nine-story glazed pagoda stands on the small island.

Under the blazing sun at noon, the tower body of the nine-story glazed glass tower exudes a dazzling light.

The man in Tsing Yi landed directly in front of the tower, stood outside the tower door and sorted out his clothes, and then went inside with a big gourd on his back.

Behind him, Lu Heng descended with the white dragon girl, but Lu Heng did not follow up immediately.

He stood outside the glazed pagoda, looking up and down at the pagoda in front of him, frowning slightly.

The white dragon girl beside her asked curiously, "Master, why don't you go in?"

Lu Heng shook his head, without explaining, he stretched out his hand to lightly touch the air in front of him. A circle of icy and sharp circles of light suddenly appeared around the glazed glass pagoda, which was originally dazzling.

Seeing the moment of the ban on killing, the white dragon girl couldn't help but widen her eyes and said, "This... is this [Shadow Wheel]?"

The girl couldn't help but look at Lu Heng and said, "Master, this... Could it be that this forest mountain has something to do with our Hanyu Mountain?"

The Shadow Wheel is an extremely dangerous killing ban. It was originally recorded in "Magic Art", but after it was improved by Lu Heng, the monks of the right way can also use it. Although the lethality is not as good as the original version of Mo Dao, it is better in stealth and toughness, and it is more difficult to destroy.

This was originally a spell developed by Lu Heng alone. In theory, only Han Yushan can use it, but now...

While the white dragon girl watched in astonishment, Lu Heng shook his head and said, "Go in and take a look."

As he said that, he had already seen through the eyes of the shadow wheel's prohibition, and directly took the white dragon girl one step forward, stepping into this extremely dangerous shadow wheel without disturbing anyone.

After crossing the shadow wheel, Lu Heng and the white dragon girl came to the glass tower.

There are nine floors of the glazed pagoda, and the man in Tsing Yi can no longer be seen on the bottom floor.

Apparently he went to the top.

Lu Heng took the white dragon girl through the empty pagoda on the first floor and went straight up the stairs.

There are a total of nine pagodas, each of which is enshrined with an immortal god.

But Lu Heng didn't know any of them.

It wasn't until he came to the top floor where the man in Tsing Yi knelt before the statue that he saw a figure he knew.

- On the top floor of the nine-story glazed pagoda, in the dazzling brilliance, there is a fierce bird with blood-red eyes enshrined on the altar. Dark yellow feathers, sharp blood red beak.

Even if it's just a sculpture, this ferocious bird is still lifelike and gives people a lot of pressure. There is a strong fairy spirit in the air.

And this vicious bird...


Lu Heng looked at this fat bird, which had been magnified many times, with a strange expression, almost suspecting that he had read it wrong.

However, no matter how he looked at it, this bird was exactly the same as the fat bird he had raised. The languid indifference is clearly conveyed through the lifelike statues.

The head of Lin Mushan kneeled respectfully in front of the statue and told the statue of the fat bird: "Please tell the heavenly envoy, there is an ancient Yunmen master who was born and calls himself Lu Ren..."

With that said, the head of Lin Mushan released the spiritual projection that the two disciples had passed to him.

On the top floor of the Nine-story Glazed Tile Pagoda, a man in white clothes and a girl in a white dress stood in the void and spoke to two non-existent disciples in Tsing Yi, completely reproducing the scene at that time.

It's just that the face of the man in white projected by Spiritual Mind is blurred, no matter how you look, you can't see his true face, and it is impossible to project his demeanor.

But Rao is so, it's amazing enough.

The huge fat bird god statue moved its head slightly, and there was a little confusion in the blood-red eyes.

This man in white... why is he a little familiar

After thinking about it, the huge fat bird said indifferently: "I know, this person is somewhat familiar, maybe it is an ancient practice. I will go back and check the group of immortals to see if he is on the list, you will continue to pay attention. , If we meet again, you can invite him back to the mountain as a guest and welcome him."

"Nowadays, the rivalry between the righteous and the devil is fierce. This kind of ancient practice that has been hidden for a long time must not be offended, at least not let him fall to the side of the devil..."

After giving the order, the huge fat bird tilted its head, preparing to leave the statue with spiritual thoughts.

However, at this moment, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Huh? Who's there?"

The huge fat bird turned his head sharply and looked at the empty space in the corner, only to find that it was empty and there was nothing there, and he was stunned for a moment.

The man in Tsing Yi, who was frightened by the behavior of the fat bird, just prepared to meet the enemy with a huge gourd, but found that the immortal envoy did not speak again, and hesitated a little.

"Uh... Immortal Envoy?" The man in Tsing Yi asked cautiously, "Have you found anything?"

On the top floor of the empty nine-story glazed pagoda, the huge fat bird stared blankly at the empty corner, blinking in disbelief.

At that moment just now, it vaguely felt a familiar aura...

But after taking a closer look at it, I found that it was my own illusion.

In such a strange situation, if it wasn't confident enough in its own eyes, it would almost almost suspect that someone had slipped in under its nose.

Under the nervous gaze of the head of Lin Mushan, the huge fat bird was silent for a while, and finally shook his head and said, "It's just an illusion, don't worry about it, go and do it, I should go too."

The sound fell, and the huge statue stopped moving and returned to its original appearance.

The fat bird's spiritual sense had already left this place, leaving only a confused man in blue clothes standing in the nine-story glazed pagoda, wondering what happened.

Outside the nine-story glazed glass pagoda, Lu Heng stood on the edge of the floating island, watching the aura of the fat bird dissipate rapidly in the pagoda, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"I was so hidden that I was almost discovered... This stupid bird has grown up."

At the moment just now, if he didn't react quickly and retreated to the outside of the tower in an instant, I am afraid that his whereabouts have really been discovered.

In this regard, Lu Heng was both funny and helpless, and his mood was extremely complicated.

Beside him, the white dragon girl was excited.

"Heavenly Court really has something to do with our division!"

The white dragon girl said happily: "Even the most useless senior brothers are so talented, senior sister Xiao Ai and senior brother Sun Yan are definitely more powerful!"

The girl was very excited, but Lu Heng was noncommittal.

He shook his head and said, "This stupid bird is just a messenger. Haven't you heard the head of Lin Mushan call it an envoy? The so-called messenger is usually the most useless card, and it is estimated that it is Heavenly Court. marginal figures."

"Even Fat Bird is just a mere messenger. Your brothers and sisters may not be doing well in it."

Lu Heng poured cold water on the excited girl.

However, in his heart, he was quite happy with the current cultivation of this stupid bird.

Obviously, this silly bird with the most useless presence in the mountains has really grown up. Its cultivation is not low, and it has also cultivated its own magical powers. Even Lu Heng was almost discovered by it. With such strength, he should have a high status in the heaven.

After all, even the head of Lin Mushan in the Innate Realm respected it, and the Nine-story Glazed Tile Pagoda occupies the peak... All kinds of information show that the fat left in the heaven is not the position of a shrimp soldier or a crab general.

And inside the ninth-story glazed pagoda, the man in blue with a huge gourd quickly walked out and flew towards the main hall.

But this time, Lu Heng did not keep up with the other party's escape, but stood there and watched the other party leave.

In this regard, the white dragon girl was a little confused: "Master? Are we not following him?"

Lu Heng shook his head and said, "He doesn't go to the Heavenly Court. What's the use of us following him? Next, let's go to Hanyu Mountain and go back to see what the mountain gate looks like. Maybe Heavenly Court is above that big tree."

Lu Heng made a very interesting conjecture.

And after the white dragon girl heard this, her eyes lit up again and again.

"Master, are you saying that Heavenly Court may be built on that huge peach tree? Wow! Does that mean that our Hanyu Mountain is Heavenly Court?"