I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 282: Section 282


In the air, there is a strong spiritual energy.

Every breath is so refreshing.

And in the Hanyu Mountain in this enchantment, there are still creatures!

Above the vast wilderness, there are mountain beasts running, and birds passing by in the sky.

If it weren't for the barren Luoye City not far away, Lu Heng could hardly believe that he was actually inside the divine tree.

Without escaping to fly, Lu Heng landed directly on the ground, stepping on the grass stems in the wilderness step by step, towards the distant Hanyu Mountain.

A man dressed in white, in a soft light, gradually changed his figure as he kept walking forward.

His head was lowered, his waist became longer, and his silver-white hair gradually grew out.

In the end, walking alone in the wilderness was a silver white wolf several feet tall.

The golden beast pupils stared at the familiar scene in the field of vision, looking at the mountains and rivers and trees that had not changed for many years but had not changed at all, showing a nostalgic expression.

Under the power of the mountain god, every step it took, it appeared several dozen feet away.

Such a speed is unimaginable for mortals.

But for the present He, it was just a leisurely stroll.

Soon, he came to the periphery of the vast mountain range.

Here, there is a huge town.

Here is the plain where the aquatic village used to be. In His memory, there were many ignorant mortals living in the village. Outside the village, there were thousands of waves. Although it was desolate and remote, it also had a little seclusion like a paradise.

But now, the small village has disappeared, replaced by a vast seclusion.

The words "Shuishengyuan" are engraved on the outermost road monument.

It seems that in the days after Lu Heng left, the former Shuisheng Village gradually turned into a Shuishengyuan for cultivating practitioners. Xiao Ai, who was born here, finally gave care to this remote small village.

I just don't know how many of the ignorant villagers in that village were able to become immortals and rank in the immortal class in today's heaven

Wang Laoliu, a hunter full of nonsense, the old village chief who is exquisite and selfish, the relative who has blood relationship with Xiao Ai...

How many of these familiar faces in memory survived

The huge white wolf stood outside the former gate of Shuisheng Village, looking at the elegant buildings that had been renovated and rebuilt inside, and laughed.

Back then, He only entered the aquatic village once, and it was for the sake of killing the devil.

The Demon Seed in the Qingming Cave who killed Xiao Ai once, when I think about it now, it seems like it was yesterday.

"I am under the door of the Qingming Cave! You can't kill me!"

When the Demon Seed was dying, the mournful howl sounded in the ears of the white wolf again in a trance.

He couldn't help laughing out loud, and he actually felt a cordial feeling.

The Demon Seed of the year, looking back now, is a bit stupid, hahahaha...

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PS: Moving... The normal update can be resumed tomorrow or the day after.

Chapter 470 Unexpected Joy

After staying outside the gate of Shuisheng Village for a while, the huge white wolf turned and left.

He walked towards the Hanyu Mountain in front of him, his back looked as huge as a mountain, like a king of beasts returning to the mountain.

The clear river water flowed under his feet, and he walked directly across the water, reached the other side, and sank directly into the forest.

The Heavenly Punishment Tribulation Cloud that once hovered over Hanyu Mountain has now disappeared.

The bright sun shines on the mountains, the clear springs and waters, the chirping of insects and birds, and the tranquility and serenity.

There are bluestone avenues and solemn gates in the mountains, but the white wolf did not go there, but directly waded through the dense bushes, crossed the rugged cliffs, and walked on the beast road only for the wild beasts in the mountains, away from the river at the foot of the mountain. A patch of courtyard houses, empty seclusion.

Like an ordinary beast, he passed through the forest of Hanyu Mountain and arrived at the main peak of Hanyu Mountain from the wilderness.

Here, everything remains as it was originally.

There are many houses and courtyards around Hanyu Mountain, which should be the residence of the disciples of Hanyu Mountain. But those houses and courtyards were built around the main peak of Hanyu Mountain, and none of the plants and trees on the main peak were damaged in any way.

When Lu Heng stepped up the bluestone stairs laid out by the Xifeng tribe, he finally came to a quaint wolf god hall and several small wooden houses scattered around the wolf god temple.

It was here that Bai Yuan was chased and beaten by the young girl, Gu carved on the branch to watch a play, Lu Heng entertained several friends, and Huo Feng was imprisoned under the earth...

In front of the temple, the huge white wolf stood silently for a long time, and finally heaved a long sigh and walked towards it.

Although more than 4,000 years have passed, the Wolf Temple in the barrier is still spotless, without any accumulation of dust.

But the stone tablet of the "Dao Jing" outside the Temple of the Wolf still stands in place and has not been removed.

The White Wolf, who had planned to just take a look on the way, stepped into the Wolf Temple, but his body shook slightly, and his spiritual sense felt a little strange.

He frowned and looked at the shrine ahead.

On the shrine, the statue of the huge white wolf is almost exactly the same as what he looks like now.

Golden beast pupils, majestic appearance, people can't help but want to pay homage.

But what attracted the white wolf was not the expressiveness of the statue, but an extremely powerful and gentle force faintly coming from the inside of the statue.

That power was both familiar and unfamiliar to Lu Heng.

Familiarity is because that thing was once the important foundation of White Wolf's enlightenment. Unfamiliar is that Lu Heng has not touched this thing for more than 4,000 years since he mastered Tianlei.

- Incense willpower.

In the altar of the Wolf Temple, there is a lot of incense and wishing power.

Lu Heng, who had been enlightened by Tianlei, had completely given up the way of incense. After all, the incense and wishing power provided by a small Hanyu Mountain was like a drop in the bucket and was not worth mentioning.

Therefore, all the incense and wishing power were stored in the Wolf Temple by him.

But now that he came back after four thousand years of absence, Lu Heng was stunned to find that the incense and wishing power in the temple had grown to a shocking level.

Such a huge amount of incense willpower is definitely not something that a small village can provide!

Could it be... is the cause of Heaven

Lu Heng remembered that in folklore, his Heavenly Venerate seemed to have a very high status...

Could it be…

The huge white wolf hesitated for a while, and finally opened his mouth and took a deep breath at the statue.

In an instant, the interior of the temple was full of radiance, and the dazzling divine light shone on the sky.

The powerful aura that overwhelms the heavens and the earth appears in the mountains and forests.

The massive amount of incense and willpower that exceeded Lu Heng's budget rushed towards him like a flood, and instantly drowned the stunned white wolf.

This... how can this be so much!

At the moment when the white wolf was overwhelmed by the power of the incense, it seemed to hear the prayers of countless creatures.

The vortex of the divine power of incense reverberated in the Wolf Temple.

The huge white wolf was suspended in the air, constantly absorbing the massive incense and wishing power.

However, no matter how he absorbed it, the incense and wishing power in the statue kept pouring out. The creatures of the Heavenly Desolation World have devoutly worshipped their faith and vows for more than 3,000 years, and now they are all poured out, endless.

one day…

two days...

three days...

five days...

ten days...

twenty days...

Thirty days...

It was not until the first ray of sunlight fell on the top of Hanyu Mountain on the thirty-seventh morning that the Temple of the Wolf, which had been silent for a long time, moved.

The dazzling Huaguang gradually dissipated, and as the divine light that lasted for more than 30 days dissipated, a huge white wolf slowly fell to the ground.

In the slightly opened eyes, it seems that hundreds of millions of creatures in the Heavenly Desolate Realm are reflected. The dazzling divine light disappeared in a flash.

After a few breaths, the huge white wolf took a deep breath and returned to normal.

But the white wolf at this time seems to have changed compared to the appearance of the thirty-seven days ago.

However, if you look closely, it seems that nothing has changed.

In this confusing and contradictory feeling, Lu Hengha exhaled and shook his head.

"And this and so on..."

Originally, he just came in to get the ripe fruit, but he didn't expect to find unexpected joy in the Wolf Temple.

Although the divine power of incense and fire did not help him in his practice, after the absorption and refining of the massive incense and wishing power, it was of great help to his robbery and punishment.

Lu Heng tried to mix the extracted incense magic power into Tianlei, and found that it was not only feasible, but also the power was faintly improved.

From now on, the thunder that Lu Heng sent out was no longer an ordinary tribulation thunder.

When the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment, which carries the will of all beings, falls, its power will be even more terrifying!

Even Lu Heng couldn't help feeling shocked!

Because this thunder of divine punishment, which carries the will of all sentient beings, not only destroys the body and soul, but also its special power directly points to the true heart of the practitioner. When the punishment came down, it seemed that hundreds of millions of beings were fiercely questioning, and the terrifying pressure was overwhelming, and it was almost impossible to resist.

If the Dao Heart is slightly flawed, the Dao Heart will collapse immediately and will never be recovered.

Because this thunder can not only sever the body, but also sever the soul!

Even if you can rely on the powerful strength to withstand the bombardment of the tribulation lightning on the body, the impact on the mind is not so easy to resist.

In its heyday, the candle dragon was able to carry the nine thunders without dying, and shocked the world with this feat, but if he were to carry Lu Heng, the special thunder that annihilated his soul, he would have to peel off his skin even if he didn't die.

Thinking of this, the huge white wolf couldn't help but smile, revealing a slight smile.

The next time you meet a friend of Zhulong, maybe you can invite him to taste the new Tianlei... Hahahaha...

In front of the Wolf Temple, the huge white wolf left the temple with a smile and headed towards the peach forest in the back mountain.

There, thirty-six ripe peaches stood quietly on the branches, waiting for Lu Heng to pick them.

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PS: The move is over, tomorrow will be four more

Chapter 471

In the peach forest in the back mountain, a huge peach tree with lush branches stands quietly.

When the huge white wolf stepped into the courtyard, a gust of breeze blew through, and the leaves of the peach trees rustled, seeming to be roaring with joy.

And the thirty-six divine fruits arranged by the number of heavenly branches on the branch fell one after another, and flew towards Lu Heng in a long arc. Can't wait to be picked.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Heng was slightly stunned, then smiled and showed his body, accepting the thirty-six divine fruits that flew in one after another.

Standing under the peach tree, Lu Heng stared at the ancestral root of all spirits that had been cultivated inadvertently, and sighed, "I made you wait."

Although the ancestors of Wanling have no spiritual wisdom, they also have simple joys and sorrows. From a certain point of view, this is one of the most innocent and innocent disciples on Hanyu Mountain.

Even if hundreds of millions of years have passed, as long as it is still immortal, it will still be the same as it was originally.

Putting his palm lightly on the tree body, feeling the joyful excitement of Linggen, Lu Heng couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry, I know what you're worried about," Lu Heng said with a smile, "As long as the monkey doesn't really enter the way of the devil and is hopeless, even if he is scolded by the world and his reputation is ruined, I won't really take it. His life."

Lu Heng's promise made the lush foliage of the peach tree tremble with joy again.

At the same time, in the Arctic Heavenly Cabinet Palace, which is a long distance from Hanyu Mountain, a pool of blood-red blood boiled violently.

A strong blood evil spirit surged in the hall.