I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 284: Section 284


"Ordinary people stand on the bank of the river and can only overlook the scenery on both sides of the long river, and get a glimpse of the face of one place and one time."

"However, I am a ghost valley, but I can measure the front and back, and look at the entire long river from the source to the sea."

"In this way, it is the way of destiny divination."

What the blind man said with a smile made all the merchants present stunned.

However, a small number of merchants who understood it were shocked. They only felt that this blind man was really bold. In the face of four demons, he dared to talk nonsense and make fun of the demons.

They all looked at the burly strong man in horror, knowing that the strong man was provoked.

Sure enough, the strong man threw away the cloth banner in his hand, and laughed angrily: "What a big tone! Blind, according to what you said, can you predict the future? You know exactly what will happen in the future?"

Under the strong man's questioning, the blind man smiled slightly and said, "I don't have a deep cultivation base, so I can't see too far. But predicting good or bad luck and fortune-telling are still within my grasp."

"Okay! Then you can do the math, what are the identities of the four of us!" The strong man said with a grin, his body was full of demonic energy, and his violent killing intent was undisguised.

The atmosphere in the entire inn was approaching freezing point in an instant, and all the merchants were controlled by its momentum, and they only felt frightened and could hardly breathe.

But under such a terrifying aura, the blind man in gray robe was indifferent.

He smiled and said: "The four are extravagant, righteous, and at first glance, they are rare lucky and rich people in the world. It's just that the suffocation is a little heavier, and the extravagance is washed away, so they are inferior, but even so, Enough to look down on the vast majority of mortals in the world."

As soon as the blind man said this, the four demons all burst into laughter.

The burly man laughed especially loudly: "Hahahaha... extravagant and righteous... Hahahaha... I thought you were a blind man with a bad mouth, but I didn't expect your brain to be bad. I heard you speak in a different tone. An uninformed mortal in the mountains and wilds, only thinks that you are a person in the cultivation world, but I didn't expect that you are really just a lunatic... Hahahaha..."

The burly and burly man laughed for a long time, before finally restraining his smile, and said coldly: "Stupid blind man, I am not the righteous and awe-inspiring man you said, I am the master of the South Sea Devil Cloud Cave and the King of the Plains! It was in response to the demon king's call to go to the North Pole Heavenly Cabinet Palace to observe the ceremony!"

"You blind man, don't you mean that I have no brains? Now, in front of grandpa, you have the guts to say it again!"

The burly man's cold question made the blind man slightly startled.

"Ah? When did you say that Zunjia has no brains? You can't pour sewage on people," the blind man said innocently.

The burly man didn't let him go, and said coldly, "Didn't you say that all the demons who rush to the north after hearing the news have no brains? You forgot what you said just now with your own mouth?"

In this way, the blind man was stunned.

He spread his hands helplessly and said, "So that's the case... But I didn't say that Zunjia can reach the Tianku Palace... If Zunjia can't reach Tiancu Palace, wouldn't he be among those brainless demons?"

Chapter 474 What are you afraid of (4 more)

The words of the blind man in gray clothes instantly brought the atmosphere down to freezing point again.

All the merchants looked at him in horror and cursed in their hearts.

It's fine for this blind man to seek death, don't hurt everyone!

If this demon is provoked to kill, everyone present will be hard-pressed to escape!

After saying this, the blind man seemed to sense that the atmosphere was not right, and said in confusion: "Then... is there anything wrong with what I said next? Why does everyone seem unhappy..."

Beside the blind man, the white dragon girl stuck out her tongue and murmured, "Master, you are so good at talking..."

The burly and strong man sneered: "Blind, you said that I can't reach the Arctic Tianku Palace? Did you use your Lao Shizi's ghost valley calculation to fortune? Divination shows that I can't reach the Arctic Tianku Palace?"

In this regard, the blind man in grey nodded without hesitation, and said, "Yes, not only can Zuncha not be able to reach the North Pole Heavenly Cabinet Palace, but the three... um, four... the four people who are accompanying Zuncha can't even make it. Arctic Tianku Palace."

The blind man's words made all four demons stunned.

The fat woman asked, "Four? We obviously only have four, where did you get five? Blind, don't you know how to count?"

The blind man in gray stood up, walked to the side and picked up the torn cloth banner, and touched the cracks on it with his palm with great distress, and said, "It's five right...my life-changing technique can't be wrong. , you are five, and none of them can reach the North Pole Tianku Palace."

"So I'm not scolding you, you have no reason to trouble me."

The blind man in grey held the torn cloth banner to the burly man and said, "You have to pay me [Ping Jin]."

"Pingjin?" The burly and strong man looked at the blind man in front of him in confusion, only to think that the blind man was a complete fool, how dare he come to him for compensation in such a situation? Or... is it really a daring art master

The blind man did not understand the confusion of the strong man. He held up the cloth banner in his hand and said, "My fortune-teller is called [Pingjin]. Since you shred it, you should compensate me. Otherwise, I will not let it go. The five of you are gone... I will sue the official! Let the wizards of the Fire Temple come to catch you!"

The blind man worked very hard to threaten the demon in front of him.

Such a strange situation really made the four demons puzzled.

Although the burly and strong man looked ferocious, he was the most cautious of the four.

He frowned at the blind man in front of him, but no matter how he looked at it, the blind man in front of him was really just an ordinary mortal, unable to see anything special at all.

But this ordinary mortal can know a lot about many things in the world of practice, and he despises the capitals of the two sides of the devil and the right path. The devil who shakes the world does not seem to be worth mentioning in his mouth. It doesn't seem to be so.

Such a reaction is so strange and strange, it is not like a normal person.

- Who would be like this for a normal person!

After thinking over and over again, the strong man finally decided that it is better to do more than less.

He looked at the blind man in front of him coldly and said, "How much do you want to pay?"

Although his tone was still harsh, it was clear that the strong man decided to leave things alone, and did not intend to provoke this crazy blind man in front of him again.

As soon as the strong man's obvious soft words came out, not only the merchants present fell below their chins, but even his three companions were stunned and couldn't understand.

"Ping... Big Brother Hirano..."

"This blind man..."

The three demons were all stunned and puzzled, but they knew that King Hirao had always acted cautiously, so Renjiu was able to occupy a place in the South China Sea where the Great Sage Fufeng was active, and his methods were much higher than that of ordinary demons.

Now that King Hirano is about to admit his cowardice, could it be that this blind man full of nonsense is really an expert in the world of practice

As soon as such an idea emerged, when the three-headed demon looked at the blind man in gray, they suddenly made an unusual discovery.

This blind man who looks like an ordinary mortal seems to really have some ways... Although he is just an ordinary mortal no matter how he looks at it, the confident temperament in his gestures is definitely not something mortals can have.

Thinking of this, the three-headed demons admire the vision of King Hirano. They are indeed the great demons of the South China Sea, and they are indeed not comparable to ordinary mountain demons.

They quickly stood up and said one after another: "Sir, how much will you pay for this thing, the four of us brothers and sisters put together the money to compensate you, and we will never feel wronged, sir."

The sudden opening of the three-headed demon made the burly man stunned for a moment, and many businessmen present dropped their jaws again.

What... Why did all the demons admit it in an instant

Could it be that this seemingly crazy blind man is actually a hidden expert in the cultivation world? Has the four demons been subdued by supreme means in a moment they can't see

Legend has it that the speed at which the top practitioners take action is so dizzying that it is difficult for mortals to comprehend. Now it seems that the rumors are true.

This Ghost Valley God was able to subdue the four top demons in an instant, but even the grass and trees in the inn were not destroyed. The strength of the top practitioners is simply incredible. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid everyone wouldn't believe it was true.

In the inn, the merchants looked up at the ghosts and gods in awe. The crazy figure before was now seen in the eyes of people, but they only felt unfathomable and extraordinary.

The burly man was slightly confused, not understanding how his three companions suddenly changed their attitude towards the blind man in front of him.

Could it be... Did they find something unusual about the blind man

Damn it! Could it be that this blind man is really a righteous man

Thinking of this possibility, the burly and strong man froze slightly in his heart.

Although the magic way is cunning, King Hirano still trusts his three companions in his heart.

Now the three companions confessed to the blind man at the same time, which once again confirmed the worries of King Hirano - there is indeed something wrong with the blind man! He just couldn't see it.

But fortunately, the three companions now discovered the abnormality of each other and came out in time to round the field.

That being the case, King Hirano didn't dare to be presumptuous.

He hurriedly said: "Sir, please tell me how much compensation I need, I will never deny it!"

As he said that, King Hirano complained in his heart.

It is said that Huotong domestic Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Vulcan Wuzhu often has top characters.

But he did not expect that he did not encounter Wu Zhu in the city, but he encountered an existence even more difficult than Wu Zhu!

Ghost Valley God Calculate... Why is a name so scary that I have never heard of it before!

What kind of life-changing technique, divination of ancient and modern... These words he said, wouldn't all be true

Is it true that you and your party can't reach the Arctic Tianku Palace

Just dying!

I just planned to go to the north to join in the fun of King Hirano. I never thought that I would be so unlucky before!

M78 Nebula 756365104

PS: stay up all night to finish writing, promise to complete.


Chapter 475 Strange Things

In the inn, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Under the taboo, the originally arrogant four-headed demons now dare not be arrogant, for fear that they will really kick the iron plate.

The blind man holding the tattered banner was about to speak, but he was slightly startled, as if he had noticed something.

He sighed and said to the four-headed demon in front of him: "This is a long way to go to the Northern Territory, so you have to be careful."

Saying that, the blind man reached out and patted the burly man on the shoulder.

At that moment, the burly man's eyes widened, and he subconsciously wanted to dodge. However, the blind man's hand slapped it lightly, obviously there was nothing abnormal, but it blocked all his dodging directions in a trance.

Just a moment of hesitation, the blind man's hand has already fallen on the shoulders of the burly man.

Watching this scene from the sidelines, even the mortal businessmen realized that there was something wrong with the blind man in front of them, not to mention the four-headed demon.

The burly and strong man trembled, and quickly said: "Senior..."

However, when the demon's voice fell, the figures of the blind man and the white dragon girl disappeared at some point, and the whole inn was nowhere to be seen, so they just disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

The other three-headed demons suddenly stood up, surprised.

"Big Brother Hirano..."

"There's something wrong with this blind man!"

The three-headed demon was frightened, and the fat woman said: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go!"

To meet such a mysterious and strange blind man in a big human city is really a first-class sinister evil. The four demons present didn't talk about their reckless personality. They knew that there were people outside the world, and they should hide quickly when they encountered something they couldn't afford to offend.

It's just that they just left the gate of the inn, but they found that the outside had been wrapped in a fine fiery red net for some time.

Dozens of sorcerers scattered all over the place, forming a great formation to hunt down demons.

In the shadows, the gloomy wind bursts, and there are even ghosts from the underworld waiting for the opportunity to target the soul.

Such a big battle made the expressions of the four demons change.

Because they didn't even notice when so many wizards came out!

That blind man actually covered the spiritual consciousness of the four of them at the same time

The four-headed demons were frightened and disturbed, and they looked around subconsciously, trying to find the trace of the blind man. However, they looked around, but couldn't find it.

As a result, my heart became more and more uneasy, and I was afraid that the mysterious blind man would hide in the dark and make a move.

At the same time, on the road thirty miles north of Guan Qicheng, the white dragon girl was holding the restored cloth banner and followed behind the blind man.

The girl is very much looking forward to the big scene of the wizards of Fire Tong Kingdom subduing and subduing demons.

Therefore, Lu Heng suddenly dragged her away, which made her very frustrated.

Beside her, Lu Heng, who was disguised as a blind man, shook his head and said, "Although the excitement is beautiful, don't forget the big fish we followed all the way. Those four little shrimps will be lost if they are lost, but the real big fish cannot be lost. ."

What Lu Heng said, naturally, was referring to the fifth demon in the dark.

After leaving Hanyu Mountain, he planned to go to the north to see what Sun Yan looks like now, but he didn't want to hear big news just after leaving Hanyu Mountain.

Demon Lord Sun Yan wants to sacrifice blood to all spirits in the Arctic Tianku Palace, imitating the ancient demons to soar in flesh and blood.

Although the Great Demon of that year was far worse than Emperor Fuxi, he was still one of the top beings in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

When the great demons ravaged the world, the way of the demons and the way of the demons occupied the mainstream of the world.

Even the Palace of the King of People was destroyed, and the Dao Lineage was almost cut off, not to mention the cultivators of the Right Dao, almost all of them became the rations of the Demon Dao.

And the sudden disappearance of the gentle martial arts fairy and the ancestor of the kings, Nian Cangqing, seems to be inextricably related to this great demon...