I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 285: Section 285


It's just that no matter how powerful the Great Demon is, even if he rules the world, enslaves all beings, and establishes a magnificent hegemony. But when the catastrophe of the earth came, and the powerful enemy of the Eight Desolate World came across the border, all this was turned into fly ashes.

It's just that the great deeds that the Great Demon has done continue to be passed down, and it has a very high reputation among the demons.

Therefore, the Demon Lord Sun Yan is now going to follow the example of the ancient great demon to soar, and immediately make the demons in the whole world boil, and countless demons go north, wanting to watch the ceremony and witness the birth of the new order.

Lu Heng traveled all the way north, and had already killed seven demons in the innate realm and three hundred and sixty-five demons below innate.

But those demons are just small shrimps, even if the four of the King of Plains add up, their weight is completely incomparable to the strange figure that Lu Heng is following today.

On the road in front of him and the white dragon girl, a burly man seemed to be rushing on the road normally.

But if you look closely, you can find that this strong man is exactly the same as the previous King of Plains.

If he hadn't followed him all the way, Lu Heng would have seen this demon changing shape several times, and he would have almost been deceived.

Because it's so real, even the aura of Shen Yun can look exactly the same, almost exactly the same!

Even if Lu Heng used the Nether Soul Requiring Seal to sense it, he could only feel the soul of King Hirao.

This is the first time that Lu Heng has seen such a strange existence that even the soul can be exactly the same.

After all, blindfolding can conceal one's body shape, but no matter how clever blindfolding and transfiguration are, there is no way to hide before the Nether Soul Requiem.

The only exception is the demon in front of him.

After accidentally discovering the horror of this demon, Lu Heng took the white dragon girl all the way to the end.

King Hirao's four-headed demons probably never dreamed of it. Besides Lu Heng's master and apprentice, there was a strange thing that transformed into their appearance and walked with them day and night.

Along the way, Lu Heng tried his best to hide his existence without revealing it.

But today probably won't hold back.

He led the white dragon girl blatantly behind the thing, and the two sides kept a distance of dozens of meters in tandem, so close that they could clearly hear each other's conversations.

The white dragon girl rubbed her hands together and said, "Master, when will we start?"

The girl's question was not concealed in the slightest. Even mortals could hear it clearly at such a distance, not to mention practitioners.

The burly man who had been hurrying on the road finally stopped.

It stood there, not moving forward, but not turning around.

The burly figure stood on the gallop, with his back to Lu Heng and the white dragon girl, and was silent for a long time.

Finally, the deep voice of King Hirano rang out.

"I'm not a demon, why did Mr. Guigu follow me?"

The burly man's sudden speech startled the white dragon girl: "Wow! Master! This thing can talk! This thing can talk!"

The girl was overwhelmed with excitement.

Lu Heng quietly looked at the strong man on the road ahead, smiled slightly, and said, "Let's walk on the side of the road... Why do you say that we follow you? Could it be that this road can be walked by thousands of people and can be stepped on by thousands of people? Blind, I can't walk?"

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PS: Four more tomorrow

Chapter 476 Ban Qi

Although Lu Heng's tone was easy-going, he was not sullen. However, the strong provocation in the words was undisguised.

Ahead, the existence that looked exactly like King Hirano was silent for a few breaths, and then said with a smile: "It makes sense, Your Excellency, please."

After speaking, the other party turned around and left, not intending to entangle with Lu Heng.

However, the next second, the blind man with blue eyes appeared on the road in front of him, just blocking his way north.

Under the scorching sun, this seemingly weak blind man smiled bright and easy-going.

"I haven't asked your honorable name yet," Lu Heng said, "I have a good relationship with Your Excellency, how about exchanging names and forming a good relationship?"

Lu Heng's sudden blockage made "King Hirao" sink slightly in his heart.

The blind man in front of him can get close to him in an instant, and he doesn't notice it... Does this mean that the other party can cut off his head at any time if he wants

Realizing this, "King Hirao" didn't dare to take care of him any more, and hurriedly bowed his hands and said: "Sanye cultivator, I have seen senior Guigu. I don't know if senior is blocking the way, what advice do you have? Although I walk in the skin of King Hirao, but I have never harmed anyone, I am not a demon, and I hope my seniors know it well.”

"King of the Plains" obediently admits the counsel, no longer dare to pretend to be mysterious.

In this regard, the white dragon girl sighed, "Master, you are really specializing in all kinds of dissatisfaction... What kind of thing with upturned nostrils can't be arrogant in front of you."

Saying that, the white dragon girl looked up and down at the strong man who was exactly the same as King Hirano, and said, "What the hell are you? Where did you come from? Why haven't I heard of your existence before? Shimen Where is it? How many people are in the family? How many acres does it occupy? Who is the master? What genre? Be conscious and quickly recruit yourself, don't waste my precious time with my master."

The girl asked in a barrage of inquiries together, leaving the strong man stunned.

He looked at the girl in front of him, then looked at the blind man next to him, but saw the mysterious blind man smiled and said, "What Xiaobai said is exactly what I want to say... Your Excellency, please speak bluntly and do not lie. Lies lie to me, such a blind man, but I will be punished by God."

The threat in the blind man's words was clear.

Therefore, the pressure in the heart of the strong man increased.

Heart wails endlessly.

How could I be so unlucky to run into such a malevolent star... When did such a number one person appear in the Heavenly Desolate Realm? What a ghost... I've never heard of it!

The strong man's face was pale, but after hesitating for a few breaths, he hurriedly said with an apologetic smile: "Senior Huiguigu, his name is Ban Qi, he is from the Fire-weary Nation of the South China Sea, and this time he followed the four demons all the way, just waiting for an opportunity. The idea of moving and eradicating evil is not a ghost, please seniors."

The sincere look on the strong man's face, although he has the appearance of a demon, there is no evil spirit around him.

Lu Heng looked at him up and down, smiled and said: "There is no demonic spirit, but the South China Sea Fire-Anti-Hua? Dare to ask which sect of the South China Sea Fire-Anti-Hua? Where is the Zhongshan Gate? The old man is the best in his life. It's the first time I've seen a genre inheritance like Brother Ban, so I'm curious, and I hope Brother Ban will answer the old man's doubts."

Lu Heng's questioning made the strong man even more uneasy, but he couldn't run and couldn't fight, so he had to bite the bullet.

"Back to the seniors, Ban's sect is called the Tianxin sect, and the mountain gate is located on the edge of the lava mountain range in the South China Sea Fire-weary Country. Because this sect has few people, it is not well-known in the practice world, and most people have never heard of the Tianxin sect. name, so it's normal for seniors not to know."

The strong man speaks earnestly, no matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a lying bad guy.

Lu Heng smiled and said, "The South China Sea Fire-weary Country, the Lava Mountains... a bit far... Brother Ban followed these demons all the way to the land-based Fire Pass Country, and seemed to plan to follow them to the Arctic Tianku Palace to join in the fun. What a daring act. You must know that if a righteous monk like Brother Ban falls into the hands of this group of demons, I am afraid that he will be given a meal on the spot."

Lu Heng said: "In the opinion of this old man, Brother Ban should not continue to go north, it is too dangerous. Well, this old man will send you back to the mountain gate to find your teacher. If you let you run around outside alone, this old man is really worried. "

Lu Heng's words with a smile seemed to be filled with the concerns of the seniors.

Ban Qi hesitated for a while, but he did not reject the blind man's opinion, but said respectfully, "Since this is the case, I will trouble the seniors."

This cultivator walking as a demon actually planned to take Lu Heng back to the mountain gate of the South China Sea.

Seeing that the other party agreed, Lu Heng nodded and said, "If that's the case, it's better to hit the sun instead. Let's go now."

As he said that, Lu Heng took a step forward, and the pale golden light flew up with the three people present and went straight to the south.

The speed of escaping light is too fast.

The strong man who was in the elusive light became more and more astonished.

He looked at Lu Heng beside him in astonishment, feeling a little stunned by the unreasonable speed of the escape.

"Senior, your escape..."

"It's a bit fast, I know," Lu Heng said with a smile on his face, "This old man has painstakingly deduced and calculated the escape technique for many years. Although it's not unique in the world, it's just a little bit faster than [Floating Light and Glimpse]."

What the blind man said casually left the strong man speechless.

It's only a little faster than the light and the shadow...

A glimpse of the light, that is the speed of the world! It is said that there is absolutely no faster escape technique in the world.

But the mysterious and unpredictable Ghost Valley God in front of me actually broke this common sense

This... If there is such a number one person in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, it is impossible for him not to have heard of it!

Unless the other party is also...

Ban Qi hesitated for a moment and said, "Dare to ask the seniors, do you know the number of Tianqing?"

Ban Qi asked a secret phrase.

The blind man squinted at him and said, "You are so clever... What is this code? I don't know, and I have never heard of the number of the heavens. But you can explain to me what the number of the heavens is. "

The mysterious blind man disrespected the situation and questioned him.

But Ban Qi was not afraid, but smiled and said: "Senior thinks a lot, this is not a secret code. The so-called Tianqing number is a legendary way of magic, and there is a terrifying future that shakes the world. Yes. Even the top cultivators are difficult to calculate. I think the predecessors actually calculated the escape light faster than the floating light, and I mistakenly thought that the seniors heard about the number of Tianqing... "

Ban Qi explained.

Lu Heng chuckled and said, "That's it, remember. Next time someone asks me what the number is, I'll answer it according to your answer. I hope this answer is not your nonsense."

Lu Heng smiled meaningfully.

M78 Nebula 756365104

PS: Carvin is really a pain.

I stayed up all night, not to mention the promised four shifts, even the first shift was so difficult to write... Write, delete, delete, delete, write, uncomfortable.

Chapter 477 Flame Jedi

In the light of darkness, the blind man smiled kindly, and Ban Qi respected him.

If people who don't know the situation see it, they will only think that this group of people is really happy.

The white dragon girl snorted, rather proud of "this country bumpkin doesn't know anything".

She knew very well that the speed of Master's escape was much faster than that of the light, and she still hid it now. If he really showed it, he would definitely scare Ban Qi into a fool.

But even the current speed of escaping light shocked Ban Qi.

In particular, this escaping light went all the way to the south without stopping at all, and soon flew out of the border of Fire Tong Nation and entered the vast South China Sea.

Such a terrifying speed of escaping light, it can still be used continuously... It should be noted that Glimpse of Light is already an escaping technique that maximizes the balance between speed and spiritual power consumption.

It is not that there is no escaping light in the world that is faster than a glimmer of light, but it basically exhausts the spiritual power in the body in an instant, or it requires a high price and cannot be used for a long time.

But even the elusive light can't keep flying all the time.

However, this blind man's escaping light was so much faster than the floating light, and he flew all the way out of the Fire Pass Country, which seemed to him to be effortless at all.

... Either this blind man has a deep foundation and a long inner breath, or his escaping light is not only faster than the light, but also consumes less spiritual power.

Either of the two possibilities is terrifying.

Ban Qi was faintly frightened.

Originally, he was leading the blind man of unknown origin back and asked the elders to take action. Although he was not the blind man's opponent, the elders who accompanied him had their own superiors.

But now Ban Qi panicked.

This blind man is so terrifying, if even those elders are not his opponents, then now he leads the blind man to him, isn't he harming everyone

Dunguang quickly swept across the South China Sea, crossing the vast seas one after another.

Back then, Lu Heng needed to fly more than half a month, but now it only took him less than an hour to bring the white dragon girl and a practitioner who called herself Ban Qi to the sky above the Fire-weary Country.

In the elusive light, Ban Qi saw the vast land of Fire-weary Nation appear in his field of vision, and his heart tightened slightly.

But if he was asked to sacrifice himself to cover those fellow travelers, he would not be reconciled. After all, there are seniors and masters in the group of people who are traveling together. No matter how scary the blind man is, as long as everyone works together, maybe...

Ban Qi comforted himself in his heart.

Soon, lava mountains appeared in their field of vision.

When Lu Heng came here back then, it was to rescue Huo Feng who was captured by the Erba Shenren.

At that time, Lu Heng didn't even open the gate of heaven. Huo Feng was even more unbearable, his Dao heart was broken and his foundation was completely lost.

But now that four thousand years have passed, both of them are not what they used to be.

If Huo Feng now meets Erba Shenren again, probably with just one look, the sixteen little monsters can't move...

In his heart, he sighed at the fickleness of the world, but Lu Heng smiled and looked at Ban Qi beside him.

Ban Qi swallowed his saliva, forcing himself to let go of his worries and nervousness, with a smile on his face, and said, "This is natural, senior, come with me."

Saying that, Ban Qi flew directly to the center of the lava mountain.

There, a vast lake of lava lay among the dark and scorching mountains.

What was rolling in the lake was not running water, but terrifying magma that was hot and hot. The infiltrating blood red reflected half of the sky, and in the terrifying high temperature, I could not feel the slightest vitality.