I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 289: Section 289




There is also a dark and strong sense of death...

In the underground lava lake in front of you, there is a murderous scene.

More than a dozen exotic practitioners who were supposed to wait for reinforcements here are now all dead, their corpses scattered all over the place, blood scattered in the air, and the corpses of the beasts floating in the lava lake contrasted interestingly.

The God in the lead was astonished.

She walked forward in astonishment, standing in front of the withered lotus in the void, with a look of disbelief.

"Destroying Ember Buddha..."

Everyone present recognized the identity of this lotus flower, which was the divine body of Mie Cinder Buddha, one of the Thirteen Buddhas in the Earth Spirit World.

However, this represents the spiritual body of the Buddha's cultivation base, now withered and withered, without the slightest rhythm of the divine light, representing the youngest Buddha who once stunned and splendidly illuminated the entire earth spirit world. The death of the breath is gone.

Not even a trace of spirit was left.

Even the possibility of Nirvana's rebirth was brutally wiped out by the murderer who killed him.

The practitioners were silent.

Everyone watched this scene silently, looking at the remains of the body of the Buddha, and under the shock and sadness, no one spoke for a while.

A strange atmosphere shrouded everyone's heads.

It wasn't until a scream of grief and grief that everyone was awakened.

"Ban Qi!!! No!!!"

Painful howls sounded so hysterical.

All the practitioners turned around and saw that the female cultivator with the lowest cultivation level in the crowd was now crying in pain, holding a bleeding head in despair, trembling all over.

On the head of the blood dripping man, the expression was ferocious, desperate and frightened, as if he had seen an extremely terrifying scene before he died.

However, the divine soul of the congenital cultivator has completely dissipated.

In this head, not even the slightest breath was left.

The murderer who killed him actually exterminated his soul without hurting his body... Such a terrifying method makes people feel cold.

Everyone knows that this is definitely something that can only be achieved by the top magic soldiers.

Otherwise, a congenital expert, even if it is chopped into minced flesh, can easily reorganize his body and possess him. And if you want to destroy the soul in an instant without hurting the body in the slightest, ordinary weapons are absolutely impossible to do...

The practitioners looked at the woman holding the head in silence, and said nothing.

And the woman cried and hugged the head in her arms tightly, crying so hard.

But at this time...


A crisp sword cry suddenly trembled.

The High God Xuanjun, who had the highest cultivation level among the crowd, changed his eyes and shot: "Quickly retreat!"

At the same time as she screamed in anger, her whole body's spiritual power skyrocketed, and a woman's phantom leaped over the limit of space and appeared behind the female cultivator holding a human head, reaching out to save her.

But it was still too late.

The cold sword qi burst out from the head of Qi's hideous face, and in an instant, it drowned the body of the female cultivator.

In the dazzling sword light, the incarnation of Xuanjun Shangshen had to retreat.

After the sword light dissipated, the woman who was sitting in the void with her head in her arms was already stiff.

The breath of the living disappeared from her body.

Tangtang, a congenital cultivator, froze in place with a stiff expression, and died without warning.

No one could have imagined that such a terrifying killing move would be hidden in that head, which was clearly devoid of any breath, and it would take away the life of an innate practitioner in an instant.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Xuanjun Shangshen's face was very ugly.

She looked at the motionless corpse of the woman and murmured, "Magic energy..."

Staring at the head held in the woman's arms, Xuanjun Shangshen gritted his teeth and said, "It's the method of the monkey in the Arctic Tianku Palace!"

Chapter 484 You have a daughter (3 more)

The judgment of the god Xuanjun made the practitioners look at each other in dismay.

Indeed, at that moment just now, they felt a little devilish energy. They also knew that Sun Yan, the Demon Lord of the Arctic Heavenly Cabinet Palace, knew the truth of the Eight Desolate World a long time ago, and even led an army to kill a cultivator who came from an outer domain.

But this time, it was the seventeen innate practitioners who died, including the Buddha Miejing, and each one's Taoism was higher than that of the unfortunate one who was besieged and killed by the devil before. Among them, Ember Buddha is even a top practitioner. In the Eight Desolate World, except for those old monsters who are hidden from the world, they almost represent the top level of all worlds.

But still killed...

The practitioners looked at each other, all in shock.

"God, I wait... what should I do?"

The original plan to meet with the Buddha Mie Ember, and the two sides will work together to provoke a plan to fight against the devil, but now it has been aborted with the death of the Buddha Mie Jin and others.

The tragic death of Mie Jin Buddha and others has even more frightened the practitioners.

Although the Supreme God Xuanjun is more advanced than the Buddha Mie Jin, but the Buddha Mie Jin died so miserably, if the murderer came at them, can the Supreme God Xuan Jun really protect everyone

In other words, is she willing to fight to the death for the sake of everyone instead of fleeing directly...

In the underground lava lake, the practitioners looked at each other in dismay and doubt.

And Xuanjun Shangshen was silent for a while with an indifferent expression, and then said: "Go directly to the North Pole Tianku Palace."

"When I enter the Heavenly Desolate Realm, I won't be able to leave within ten years. And the monks were surrounded and killed by the monkey after hiding so deeply. It proves that the monkey must have the means to track me."

"If I just keep hiding, I'm afraid I'll fall into the same fate in the future. Once the monkey seizes the opportunity and leads people to be surrounded and killed, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape."

The High God Xuanjun looked at the practitioners and said, "Now I am alone and alone, and I am trapped in the enemy's camp with murderous intentions. But the more this is the case, the more courageous I should be, in order to compete for that chance of life."

Xuanjun Shangshen said with an indifferent expression: "According to the news from the Buddha and the others, for example, the two demons in the barren world are brewing the final battle. The demon king Sun Yan wants to imitate the ancient demons, Kai Wan The blood of the spirit and blood soared, becoming a real six-path demon body."

"And Heavenly Court's God King Lu Ai went out of the same family as his teacher, and is also a disciple of the wolf, so it is impossible to watch all this happen, and she must kill her younger brother before he completely becomes a great demon. "

"Heaven and the Demon Palace have been brewing hatred and lore for more than two thousand years, and it is now."

"Although we are alone and unable to intervene in the battle, we can fan the flames and make the battle more violent. It is best to secretly help the God King Lu to kill the devil Sun Yan in one fell swoop!"

"As long as I kill the Demon Lord Sun Yan, I can wait for a short time without worry. Although the God King Lu Ai of the Heavenly Court is strong, she has no means to track me, so there is no need to worry."

Xuanjun Shangshen said with a blank face: "So the way to break through the game and survive is in the Arctic Tianku Palace! Kill the devil Sun Yan, and I can sit back and relax!"

The wind blew silently over Luandaoyan.

The clouds gathered gently to cover the scorching sun.

The drizzle of light rain dripped between the mountains, like a sonorous after spring, which is pleasant and pleasant to the ear.

An old monk in a gray cloth robe, leaning on a tree root and carrying a rag bag, appeared on the mountain road at some point and walked towards Luandaoyan in front.

On Luandaoyan, people have long waited for tea and wine.

Seeing the appearance of the old monk, the slightly gloomy Zhulong had a rare smile on his face, got up and said, "My friend, you are late again."

The skinny old monk laughed, threw away the wooden stick in his hand, sat directly opposite the candle dragon, held up the hot tea in front of him unceremoniously, and said, "It's not too late, it's just right. when."

As he said that, the old monk raised his teacup with a smile, took a sip from the sea, and said, "The old monk received the call, but he came from Sanye Country not far away. The journey is long and the boat is tired, and my friend is not here today. Treat me well and make up for it, and next time I call you suddenly, the old monk won't come."

The old monk's words with a smile surprised the candle dragon on the opposite side.

"Ah? My friend, did you receive the news?" Zhulong said in surprise: "Didn't you send me a message to call me here, my friend?"

Zhulong looked shocked: "I was originally enlightened in the mountains, and calculated the law of the sun, the moon, the yin and the yang, but suddenly I received an urgent call from a friend, so I hurriedly left the cultivation in the mountains and came all the way south, on this Luandao Rock. I've been waiting for my friend for a long time. Why does my friend say that I called you here now? Could it be that besides you and me, and the disappearing friend of Lu Heng, there is a fourth person in this world who knows the agreement between us?"

Zhulong's words made the old monk a little surprised: "Didn't you call the old monk here?"

The old monk put down the teacup in his hand, looked around, and said, "You didn't call the dragon, could it be Lu Laolang's sinister thing? That guy has disappeared for more than 4,000 years, and I don't know where to go. How could it be possible to go back to the Heavenly Desolate Realm to find us somewhere with the Dragon Emperor and the Dragon Emperor... That old wolf, I'm afraid I have almost forgotten both your and my names."

After hearing this, Zhulong couldn't help but sigh: "Yeah... When Lu Heng's friend was there, he was very lustful, and he never lacked beauties around him. Back then, he was fascinated by the beauty of the Dragon Emperor, and he couldn't control himself, so the two eloped. After that, I am afraid that the children have given birth to a few litters, how can they remember you and me... alas... the world is getting worse, and people's hearts are not ancient."

On the rock of Luandao, the old dragon and the monk sighed in a bitter tone.

On the mountain road, Lu Heng, dressed in white, appeared helplessly with a wry smile, bowed his hands in a salute, and said with a wry smile: "Both friends, long time no see."

Lu Heng's sudden appearance "scared" the two people on Luandaoyan.

Zhulong took two steps back abruptly with a look of horror: "You... What are you? Why are you exactly the same as my friend Lu Heng?"

The old monk jumped up like an electric shock, and cried out in horror: "Ghost!"

The shocking reaction of the two made Lu Heng unable to laugh or cry, and said, "Two friends, we have only been separated for 4,000 years for a short period of time, what is this!"

The voice fell, and a curious girl's head appeared behind Lu Heng. She nodded and said, "Yes, yes, why is this?"

The girl's face was full of curiosity, and her eyes were pure and clear.

The moment they saw her, the old monk and Zhulong were both startled.

"This… "

Zhulong and Jiu Mie looked at each other and whispered, "This girl..."

"It's exactly the same as the Dragon Emperor!"

"That's right! Exactly the same! Carved from the same mold as her mother!"

The two looked at each other and finally looked at Lu Heng at the same time, sighing, "Friend, friend..."

"You already have a daughter..."

"Congratulations, congratulations," the two congratulated at the same time, with complicated expressions, like two old fathers with broken hearts.

Chapter 485 Going through fire and water (4 more)

The congratulations from Zhulong and Jiu Mie made Lu Heng speechless.

The white dragon girl behind Lu Heng glared and said, "They are not Master's daughter! They are Master's apprentice!"

After speaking, the white dragon girl jumped out and said, "Why don't the two seniors have any eyesight, how can they look like Master's daughter?"

The girl rolled her eyes and said.

When the girl jumped out, Jiu Mie and Zhu Long were even more surprised.

"Not a daughter? Master and apprentice?" Jiu Mie looked at Lu Heng in surprise, and said, "Friend, don't you even want to recognize your own daughter?"

Zhulong grabbed him quickly and said, "Friend Lu Heng must have difficulties, we must understand him. Let's listen to him first, what if he is wrong? How could the dignified Hanyu Mountain Wolf God and Heavenly Court Supreme be someone who doesn't recognize him? The pro-daughter's wolf-hearted and wolf-lung... must have difficulties!"

Jiu Mie said angrily: "No matter how hard you have, you can't help but recognize your own daughter! This kind of behavior is simply a wolf's heart! Wolf's ambition! Jackal's nature! If you do such a dog's evil deed, you will have to do it sooner or later. Notorious!"

The two of them sang together, and the white dragon girl was stunned. She never thought that the two top innate talents in the mouth of the master would look like this. For a time, the image of the two peerless masters in the girl's heart collapsed directly.

Lu Heng glared at the two bad friends and said, "Have the two friends been separated for too long and their hands are itchy? Maybe we can do a game first, please have a taste of Tianlei, and then say goodbye. Affection."

In an instant, Jiuzie, who was furious, and the Torch Dragon who had painstakingly persuaded them all disappeared.

In an instant, the two appeared in their original seats, chatting and laughing with each other, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

"Friend Candle Dragon, speaking of it, we haven't seen each other for three years."

"Haha... Yes, Lun Daoyan parted ways three years ago. I didn't expect to meet again today, but I don't know who called us here."

Said, the two seemed to have noticed something, and turned to look at Lu Heng at the same time, suddenly surprised.

"Huh? Lu Heng friend?"

"That's right! It's Lu Heng's friend!"

"Hahahaha... Lu Heng friend!"

The two stood up with a big laugh, and walked over with a smile: "After four thousand years of separation, my friend, you are finally back!"

"Yeah! I haven't seen you for four thousand years, but I want to kill us!"

The old monk and Zhulong laughed, and they stepped forward to embrace Lu Heng one by one.