I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 292: Section 292


Under the sky, these three innate demons flew far away, instantly attracting the attention of Lu Heng and the others.

Zhulong laughed and said, "Finally found it!"

The voice fell, and the shadowy middle-aged man in the elusive light transformed into a terrifying giant snake with a length of 10,000 meters, and instantly appeared behind the three congenital demons.

The sudden disaster caught the three innate demons off guard. When they turned their heads in horror, they saw an incomparably dark eye.

Under the sky, the ten thousand zhang long candle dragon has one eye closed and one eye open, and the opened eyes are dark, strange and terrifying.

In an instant, the three-headed congenital demons were drowned in darkness, and before they could even let out a scream, they were imprisoned by the black energy and could not move.

And the terrifying candle dragon with a long snort snorted contemptuously, and once again transformed into the image of the middle-aged man with a gloomy face before. Everything happened, but in an instant, not to mention that the three demons did not react, even Lu Heng and Jiu Mie were shocked.

Jiu Mie said: "The candle dragon friend is really amazing..."

In this regard, Zhulong smiled and said: "The main reason is that the old wolf's escape technique is too strong, and no breath is leaked. Coupled with Zhu's sun, moon and dark eyes, it is simply the top magic skill of sneak attack and murder, and it is impossible to guard against. Not to mention that these three heads have only entered the congenital little demon, and even that Jiufeng is here, I am afraid that he will not be able to withstand this trick."

The three of them came from the escaping light, surrounded the three-headed demons imprisoned by black energy in the void, looked at each other, and Jiu Mie said, "Friend Lu Heng will demonstrate it first?"

Lu Heng didn't give in, nodded and said, "I also ask two friends to protect the law for me."

After speaking, Lu Heng took a deep breath, and his body swelled up instantly. And after this expanding and growing figure approached a motionless demon in the void, it directly stuck to it like sticky candy, and continued to wrap and devour the demon's limbs and bones.

On the side, Zhulong and Jiu Zie shot at the same time, stabilized the spirit of the demon, and did not teach the spirit of the demon to dissipate.

After a full quarter of an hour, Lu Heng's figure had disappeared, and what remained in place was a bloated monster several times larger. And the soul-snatching technique still hasn't stopped, and the fat monster's body keeps squirming and shrinking.

In the end, only the innate demons remained intact.

As for Lu Heng, he really disappeared completely.

Looking at the two people who were holding their hands at the same time, the demon said with a smile: "The rat demon Hei Yanjun has seen two fellow Taoists."

Zhulong and Jiu Mie laughed, and at the same time said, "It's easy to say, it's easy to say."

In this way, when half an hour passed, the three people of Lu Heng were no longer seen in Wan Yao.

Those who set foot on the road to the north again were the figures of three demons, named Heiyanjun, Heirujun, and Heifanjun respectively. The three of them are triplets of the same mother, and they are rookies of the Arctic Heavenly Cabinet Palace not long after they entered Xiantian.

In the light of darkness, Lu Heng looked at the two friends who had turned into demons beside him, and sighed, "I still don't know what happened... Hey... What happened in the north is really curious."

After Lu Heng and the three of them used Soul Capture, they directly possessed the memories, exercises, and magical powers of the three demons. However, although these three demons went to the North Pole Heavenly Cabinet Palace on the omen of the Demon Lord, they didn't know what happened to the north.

The matter was so mysterious that it made them even more curious.

"Could it be... It was Sun Yan who discovered a foreign visitor? Want to mobilize people to besiege them?" Jiu Mie offered a guess.

However, Zhulong shook his head and said, "How can those foreign visitors be so easily discovered, it must be something else... Maybe Heavenly Court has already dispatched the top Xiantian to execute the beheading operation, to bypass the army on the border and directly attack the North Pole Heavenly Cabinet Palace. The demon king launched a surprise attack?"

The three guessed endlessly, but they couldn't guess why.

However, this place is not far from the Arctic Tianku Palace. The three of them flew for two days at the speed of the congenital demons, and finally saw the magnificent palace standing on the top of the North Sea - the Arctic Tianku Palace from a distance.

This holy place in the devil's cave in the hearts of the world's demons is now a little deserted. Although you can feel the fierce and terrifying evil spirit in the palace from a distance, it is awe-inspiring, but in the huge palace, there are not many evil spirits entrenched.

This unusual phenomenon made the three old monsters in demon skins even more confused and curious.

Because even if something big happened in the south, the Arctic Tianku Palace should not be so deserted. And the strangest thing is that although the palace looks deserted, it is actually filled with many powerful top demons, but the demons with low cultivation bases have all been dismissed, so it looks deserted.

But if it is terrifying, the current Arctic Tianku Palace is probably far better than usual.

Thinking of this, the three of Lu Heng looked at each other without hiding their figures, and flew directly to the magnificent palace in front of them.

The dark light fell on the outermost square of the North Pole Tianku Palace, and they saw the inner officials guarding the place. After offering the token and verifying their identity according to the rules, the three were taken to one of the side halls by the inner official to rest.

- With the strength of the three brothers of Hei Yanjun, they can only live in such a corner area.

As for meeting the Demon Lord Sun Yan, he was not qualified, and he had to wait until the banquet three days later.

However, Lu Heng and the others were not in a hurry, so they lived in this small palace with demon skins, leisurely observing the demons that kept coming from the south, while waiting for the banquet three days later.

All demons know that the banquet in three days is the real highlight.

At that time, everyone will know why the Demon Lord suddenly recalled them...

Chapter 491 Everything is a Coincidence

In the Arctic Tianku Palace, a group of demons gathered.

The terrifying demonic energy gathered by the group of demons has already attracted the dark clouds above the sky. Under the surging demonic energy, the sky was blocked, and on the gloomy and gloomy North Sea, the grand palace that stood silently became more and more eerie.

In the side hall, Lu Heng, the three brothers incarnations of Hei Yan, observed the current situation in the Arctic Tianku Palace, and all shook their heads.

Today, it is already the third day that they have entered the Arctic Heavenly Cabinet Palace. Tonight is the feast of demons. The demon king Sun Yan will entertain all demon masters from all over the world. Although it is still in the morning, the entire Arctic Heavenly Cabinet Palace is already lively.

And the top demons who came from the four seas have basically all arrived.

Today's Arctic Tianku Palace can be said to have gathered more than 90% of the world's masters of magic. If Jieyun is released here, the thunder of the sky will roar, and I am afraid that the magic path of the entire Heavenly Desolate Realm will be reversed by tens of thousands of years.

However, Lu Heng did not have such a plan to wipe out all the demons for the time being. After all, he had to rely on Sun Yan's Myriad Spiritual Blood Formation to lure out the group of foreigners.

"But the North Pole Heavenly Cabinet Palace is so heavily guarded, that group of people from other worlds will really appear?" Standing by the window, overlooking the vast palace group under his feet, Zhulong said.

Jiu Mie looked at Lu Heng and said, "Have Lu Heng's friend's discernment ever found a suspicious person?"

Among the three, now only Lu Heng's dharma eyes can recognize the existence of aliens at a glance... In other words, in the entire Heavenly Desolate Realm, except for Lu Heng, no one else can tell the difference between foreigners and creatures in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

In response, Lu Heng shook his head helplessly, and said, "I didn't dare to close my eyes for a moment during these three days and nights, and kept staring at the outside. However, among all the monsters that came and went, there was not a single foreigner... Probably they didn't dare to approach the present. The Arctic Tianku Palace."

The three of them were discussing the matter of foreigners, but at this moment, Zhulong, who was standing by the window, frowned suddenly and said, "Something is wrong!"

The voice of the candle dragon became serious.

He stared at the distant sky and said, "Could the two friends recognize what the cauldron that is being transported here is?"

Lu Heng and Jiu Mie looked at the prestige and saw that under the pitch-black sky, there was a ferocious monster flying, carrying a strange cauldron from afar. Surrounded by the demon, there are demon generals who are full of demonic energy. Looking at the armor standard, he is the top demon general of the Arctic Tianku Palace.

Beneath the demonic cloud, the big tripod that was dragged by the demonic flood dragon was forty-four feet high, and the tripod body was bronze Yuxiu, exuding some kind of strange aura.

Lu Heng and the three of them could clearly identify that this object is by no means a Jiuding, but that strange aura does not seem to be under the Jiuding, it is definitely a top-notch fetish.

Zhulong frowned in confusion, Jiu Mie and Lu Heng shook their heads one after another.

"You don't even recognize Lao Long, and we don't even recognize it."

Helplessly, the three watched as the strange bronze cauldron was escorted by the magic soldiers and generals into the main hall of the North Pole Heavenly Cabinet Palace, and then they retracted their gazes.

"It looks like it has something to do with tonight's banquet?" Jiu Mie said.

Lu Heng nodded and said: "Tonight's banquet is really not an ordinary magic banquet... Have you ever found out? The banquet prepared by the demons did not include blood food..."

This is a very special phenomenon.

Because of the feast of demons, top blood food is indispensable. With so many top-notch demons gathered, it is impossible to lack the blood food that needs to be prepared, as well as the slaughter of people to be played.

However, there is no trace of human slaughter and blood food in the Arctic Tiancu Palace today. What the demons seem to have prepared is just an extremely ordinary banquet...

Zhulong stared in the direction of the main hall and frowned: "That cauldron gave me a very uncomfortable feeling...and a familiar feeling...I may have seen..."

Lu Heng and Jiu Mie looked at each other and shrugged helplessly: "I'll be able to get closer at the banquet later."

Now the three of them are among the demons as the three Heiyan brothers. They are humble and humble. If they want to find out about the situation of the big tripod, they can only see if there is a chance at the banquet at night.

However, half an hour later, the roar and hissing of the demonic flood dragon came again from the sky shrouded in the demonic cloud.

Lu Heng and the others followed the prestige, and saw that there was a demon dragon dragging a bronze cauldron again in the sky, and it was also accompanied by demon soldiers and demon generals.

The arrival of this second cauldron surprised the three of Lu Heng: "Could it be that there is more than one cauldron?"

Watching the second bronze cauldron being dragged into the main hall, Lu Heng and the others were curious.

After another hour or so, the roar of the Demon Flood Dragon appeared again on the horizon.

The third cauldron appeared.

Lu Heng shook his head and said, "Could it be that there are nine of these tripods?"

Jiu Mie stared at the big cauldron that was entered into the main hall by the demonic flood dragon, and said, "If the old monk expected it well, there are four cauldrons in total, and there is one more cauldron left."

"Oh? How can you see it?" Both Lu Heng and Zhulong looked at Jiu Mie.

Jiu Mie said: "Four is the number of yin. Like the shape of a quarter, all four belong to four."

"This tripod is forty-four feet high and four quarters high, with a strong yin and evil spirit, but it also implies the number of heaven and earth, and the position of the four directions. It should be a special instrument corresponding to the four directions of the four elephants, so there is only one tripod left. ."

After finishing speaking, Jiu Mie added with a smile: "Of course, the point is that the old monk once saw a similar cauldron at the residence of the ten witches in Lingshan. Although the shape of the breath has changed, it should be the same as the four images of the ten witches in Lingshan. Ding has something to do with it.”

Jiu Mie said the last sentence, and Lu Heng rolled his eyes.

Feeling, have you seen it

"But the four elephant cauldron..." After thinking for a few breaths, Zhulong said: "The words of my friend Jiu Zie reminded me. These three cauldrons are indeed somewhat similar to the four elephant cauldrons in the hands of Lingshan Shiwu..."

After speaking, Zhulong and Jiu Mie looked at Lu Heng at the same time.

Zhulong asked: "My friend, are you sure that this situation is really not a script you wrote by yourself?"

Lu Heng was stunned by Zhulong's sudden question: "Why do you ask? Do I look like a man behind the scenes?"

In this regard, Jiu Mie laughed and laughed without saying a word.

Zhulong coughed and said, "My friend said it doesn't look like it, so it doesn't look like it..."

Lu Heng was a little embarrassed: "Hey! What do you two mean? Can you explain it clearly? What kind of riddle is the one hiding behind? I, Lu Heng, walk and stand upright!"

Zhulong shook his head and said, "Zhumou completely believes in his friends, but the ten witches of Lingshan have always been in the same boat as the demons.

"And three hundred years ago, the witch Su Li, who accidentally lost the four elephant tripod, happened to have a little bit of a friend... um... cause and effect..."

"Now there is a magical instrument that is very similar to the Sixiang Ding in the North Pole Tiangui Palace... The owner of the Tiangui Palace is also a friend's disciple... Hey... This must be a coincidence, I understand, it must be a coincidence," Zhulong nodded. Said: "Friends don't need to say much, the two of us trust you completely. It's all a coincidence."

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PS: The ending is really hard...

In addition, there will be

Chapter 492: The North Celestial Pole

Zhulong's words made Lu Heng look embarrassed.

For a while, I really didn't know how to justify it.

After all, it all sounds like a coincidence...

"Was the Sixiang Ding lost by the witch?" Lu Heng's expression was a little speechless.

Back then, the little fox had already inherited the mantle of the witch, which he knew before.

However, he didn't know that this little fox had accidentally lost the four elephant tripods of the ten witches of Lingshan.

And now, the magical instrument suspected of being the Sixiang Ding has just happened to appear in the Arctic Tianku Palace...

Lu Heng sighed helplessly: "Knowing that I sinned against me, it's only the Spring and Autumn... Time will prove everything."

Zhulong and Jiu Mie laughed and nodded in agreement.

In this way, the three of them sat by the window and began to wait for the arrival of the last big cauldron.

And the demons didn't make them wait for a long time. At the third hour after the third cauldron passed, the fourth cauldron finally appeared under the demon cloud on the horizon.

However, this time, there were no magic soldiers and magic generals to guard, let alone a magic flooded cauldron.

When the bronze cauldron emitting a strong yin and evil spirit flew from the sky, there was only a woman in Tsing Yi who wore a veil, could not see her true face, and could not feel the breath.

In the end, under the watch of Lu Heng and the others, a woman in Tsing Yi with an inexplicable origin escorted the bronze cauldron into the palace tower and disappeared into the main hall.

Zhu Long and Jiu Mie looked at each other, and Zhu Long said, "Friend Jiu Mie, have you ever heard that there is such a mysterious woman in Tsing Yi in the Arctic Tianku Palace?"

Jiu Mie chuckled and said, "Zhulong's friends are distinguished and have thousands of family members, and he can understand everything in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, but he has never heard of this mysterious Tsing Yi woman, and it is even more impossible for the lonely old monk to listen. pass."

After speaking, the two looked at Lu Heng again.

Lu Heng looked helpless: "I can't see this woman's face with my eyes... Her veil must be a very sharp magic weapon, which can cover her appearance and breath."

Lu Heng told the truth.

Zhulong and Jiu Mie laughed and said, "We didn't say anything... My friend, why are you so nervous?"

"Right? My friend, why are you so nervous?"

Lu Heng was speechless when he heard the joking jokes of the two bad friends.