I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 296: Section 296


Zhulong looked strange and said, "It seems that I can't hide it anymore..."

The Devil's Heart Mantra is a magic technique exclusively used by demons. It is a vicious technique aimed at the body and soul. Even if a monk of the righteous way learns the key, the magic power of a non-evil way cannot be motivated.

Therefore, in this whole piece of demons who swear and swear, Lu Heng and the three instantly became dazzling.

Not only the surrounding demons all frowned and looked at them, but even the two fierce beasts outside the Myriad Spiritual Blood Formation looked over.

The evil beast named Qiongqi smiled strangely: "Demon Lords, it seems that some of you don't want to cast a curse... Hey... Could it be that at this moment, there are still people who think they can be alone? Why don't you put these three people first? Slaughtered, and then fight with me?"

What the evil beast named Qiongqi likes to see most is the strife of living beings.

The gigantic terrifying head gluttonous said coldly, "You can leave it to me! I haven't eaten the innate flesh and blood for a long time! Today, I will eat these three rats for an appetizer! Then I will have a good time!"

The two ferocious beasts glanced coldly at the group of demons, and under the terrifying aura shaking, many congenital demons couldn't help feeling a little cold.

These four ancient beasts are just breath, they have already surpassed all the demons! If it's one-on-one, everyone present is afraid that everyone else will be difficult to resist, except for the devil Sun Yan who holds the mysterious magic sword...

On the high platform, the boy in white looked coldly at the three Heiyan brothers in the corner, and said, "Are the three of you unwilling to die for me? Why don't you cast the magic spell?"

In the unfriendly eyes of the group of demons, Jiu Mie and Zhu Long looked at each other and took a step back silently.

As a result, Lu Heng, who was standing in the same place, was instantly highlighted and became the focus of everyone.

Lu Heng felt a little helpless under the cold gaze of the demons.

Looking at the boy in white at the top, Lu Heng sighed: "Today's play, it seems that we can only see here..."

The voice fell, and Lu Heng was about to escape, but at this moment, a shrill scream suddenly came from a distance.

The terrifying sound waves, mixed with unparalleled momentum, collided directly! In an instant, the snow-capped mountains outside the Arctic Tiancu Palace were leveled!

At the same time, there is also a cold sword energy!

In the mountains and wilderness to the west of the Arctic Tianku Palace, an unimaginable and terrifying existence suddenly appeared, and they were killing each other!

The fierce fighting instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

At the same time, the big bronze bell on the west side of the hall trembled, indicating the arrival of another ancient beast!


Outside the group of demons, the poor and strange beast made a surprised cry: "How could someone in the world kill Chaos?!"

This astonishing fact was also discovered by the demons present.

Because the evil beast Chaos in the wilderness to the west was stopped by a top cultivator alone!

Amidst the sudden eruption of sword energy, a figure was blocked on the road from Chaos to the West, killing directly on a par with this terrifying beast!

Lu Heng looked at the sudden burst of sword energy and was slightly stunned.

But the boy in white in the hall realized something and turned around abruptly, only to find that the three Heihiko brothers who were standing among the demons had disappeared.

Within the range of the Myriad Spirit Blood Array, these three demons disappeared without a trace, and even he did not feel the slightest abnormality!

Such a terrifying escape technique instantly made the expression of the boy in white dignified.

But at this time, it was not the time to care about these three strange demons. The Senran sword energy in the distance erupted again, and the boy in white had to turn around and look at the angry roar of the chaotic evil beast.

I saw that in the wilderness to the west, the cultivator who stopped the chaos alone had gray hair and a haggard face.

In other words... the most recognized swordsman today!

He actually left Hanyu Mountain, which he had guarded for many years, and came to the outside world? !

This shocking fact made it difficult for everyone present to accept it for a while.

And above the clouds thousands of miles away, the foreign guests who have been watching the movements of the Arctic Tianku Palace by means of special means are also stunned.

The head of the Xuanjun High God was even more solemn, staring at the vicissitudes of the man in the sword aura, and murmured: "Jianjun Huo Feng... The sword saint in the rumors of the Tianhuang world actually already has this kind of thing. strength!"

Looking at the three terrifying beasts standing in the north, Xuan Jun Shang looked ugly, and finally gritted his teeth: "The appearance of the four beasts in the world is the worst omen. Such a terrible enemy has appeared again... This time The Heavenly Desolate World is growing too fast! We must bring back all that happened here, so that the cataclysm of the world will come early!"

"Otherwise, the creatures of this world will continue to be let loose, and it is impossible to say that there will be another thorny enemy of the level of the ancient great demon! Then it will be a big trouble again!"

After Xuanjun finished speaking, he directly put away the peeping instrument, and said to the people behind him: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time! That sword sage Huo Feng's strength is terrifying, and it is impossible to detect our existence! The devil Sun Yan has been unable to kill. If you kill it, you can only sit back and watch this madman go wild!"

"But as long as I wait to preserve my vitality and survive these ten years, leave the Heavenly Desolate Realm ten years later, and pass the news back, it will be a great achievement!"

God Xuanjun unfolded the magic weapon and wanted to leave the place with the shocked people. What I saw today was too terrifying and shocking. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that the Heavenly Desolate Realm, which was supposed to be a primitive and barbaric age and where cultivation began to develop, has developed to such an extent that such amazing and talented characters have appeared...

Sword Saint Huo Feng, Demon Lord Sun Yan, and the so-called Divine King Lu Ai... These three juniors on the table are already unimaginably tricky characters. If not restrained, let them continue to grow, sooner or later there will be a disaster!

Back then, the ancient great demon alone had killed many monks in the Eight Desolate Worlds, making it hard to resist. In the end, the two sleeping old group sects were disturbed, and they were killed at a huge cost.

So since then, all the worlds have reached a consensus, that is, the existence of the Great Demon cannot be born again in the Heavenly Desolate World!

That is a red line that must not be crossed!

But in today's Tianhuangjie, there are already no less than three people who have crossed this line...

In such a situation, how can the High God Xuanjun, one of the main forces in destroying the world in the future catastrophe, not panic? If there is another great demon in the Heavenly Desolation Realm, then there may be her Xuanjun High God among those who will shed blood in the sky in the future!

Among the white clouds, all the foreign guests decided to leave, not daring to spy on the movements in the distance.

Even if what will happen next, it must be a very exciting drama!

But at the same time when the white clouds were indistinct, three figures suddenly appeared and stopped directly in front of everyone.

These three people are the three Heiyan brothers who were still in the Arctic Tianku Palace before

But within a short period of time when Xuanjun Shangshen spoke, he crossed thousands of miles and came here? Did you happen to spot the crowd

Lord Xuan's expression darkened slightly, and everyone behind him was shocked.

They didn't say a word, they all stared at the three demons in front of them, wanting to know the origin of these three demons - at this moment, no one believed that these three demons were the so-called three Heiyan brothers.

Seeing everyone's suspicious and vigilant eyes, one of the rat demons laughed and said, "Friend, it seems that our identities can't be concealed..."

The other rat demon next to him shook his head and said, "I couldn't hide it..."

When the voice fell, the three people in the cloud changed their bodies, and the Dharma appearance of the deity appeared impressively.

A middle-aged man with a sullen face...

A skinny old monk with a sad face and a broken body...

And the gentle gentleman in white, who was standing in the middle of the two...

At the moment when the deity of the three appeared, all the foreign guests, including the High God Xuanjun, changed their expressions, and could no longer keep calm.

Because these three innate legends are no secret at all in the Heavenly Desolate Realm!

"Heavenly Venerable Hanyu! Immortal Candle Dragon! And..." The High God Xuan Jun stared at the three people in front of him, his face as gray as death: "The old monk of the Nine Extinctions first and then the sky..."

Lord Xuan's words, especially when the last sentence was spoken, Jiu Mie, who was smiling, couldn't help but look stiff and embarrassed.

Zhulong and Lu Heng laughed and said at the same time, "That's right! It's the old monk of the Nine Extinctions who had the Nine Extinctions first and then the Heavens!"

"The Nine Extinctions are here! Are you still not kneeling?" Zhu Long said.

Lu Heng rubbed his chin, hehe smiled and said, "In reincarnation, those who praise the real name of Jiu Jiu... can get eternal life!"

The teasing of the two bad friends made Jiu Mie's face dark.

However, the three of them were full of laughter, but many visitors from other realms, including the High God Xuanjun, could not laugh at all.

The cultivators looked at each other and instantly turned into more than 20 different escape lights and flew to the four directions! But it was a tacit decision to go their separate ways and escape for their own lives in an instant!

As long as you can escape with your life! There is still a way back!

However, since the three of Lu Heng had appeared, how could it be possible for them to leave easily.

The candle dragon on the cloud laughed, kept silent, and closed his left eye. In an instant, the sky collapsed, and the void around the monks turned into a terrifying and gloomy darkness!

They seem to have fallen into another layer of strange space, no matter how hard they try to fly, they can't escape this strange dark world, and they always linger in place!

Seeing such a scene, Lord Xuan's expression changed greatly: "Zhu Jiuyin, you..."

She remembered the candle dragon in front of her. During the last catastrophe in the world, she had a relationship. She was a bloodless coward who had lived for many years, but was as timid as a mouse, and never dared to fight with them. Relying on some special magic to escape the catastrophe of the earth.

But it is such a contemptible coward, and now that he makes a move, he has revealed a terrifying magical power that makes her unable to escape easily.

The dark and boundless strange space in front of her seemed to have no end. No matter how she fled, the three smiling people always stood outside the dark space and looked down at her. At this moment, she is like a fish swimming in a tank, admiring and pointing, but she can't swim in a small fish tank no matter what.

The unspeakable sense of humiliation made the High God Xuanjun angry.

She turned into an escape light directly and flew towards the three people outside the space.

That was the only way she could get out of here!

However, the speed of Xuanjun's divine escape was so fast that the three people outside the pitch-black space were already prepared. The moment Xuanjun Shang Shen flew out, Jiu Mie directly took out a gourd from the rag bag he was carrying, and lifted the stopper of the gourd.

In an instant, the suction force that was too huge to resist came, and the God of Xuanjun screamed and was directly put into the gourd, unable to even struggle.

And Xuanjun Shangshen was accepted, not to mention the remaining group of monks.

After solving the biggest trouble of the God of Xuanjun, Jiu Mie smiled and pointed the mouth of the gourd at the dark space in front of him. He shook the gourd gently, and the more than twenty rays of light in the dark space were powerless to resist. Was collected in the gourd.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 otherworldly cultivators were easily dealt with.

Even the strongest and most troublesome High God Xuanjun failed to make any waves.

M78 Nebula 756365104

PS: That... Happy Lantern Festival.

In addition, starting today, normal updates will resume.

Chapter 498 梼杌!

Above the clouds, Jiu Mie put away the gourd in his hand with a smile, and said, "This High God Xuanjun, his temperament is not enough... Although his cultivation base is high, he loses so simply, which surprises me."

Among the many foreign visitors, only this High God Xuanjun made Lu Heng and the three fearful.

Because in the normal one-on-one battle, this Xuanjun Supreme God really has the strength to fight against them, and he must be the top powerhouse in the Eight Desolate World.

I just didn't expect the other party to be startled by the sight of the three of them appearing at the same time. They lost their ground for a while, trapped by Zhulong's magical powers, and lost their calm because of a moment's anger. In the end, they were easily taken away by Jiu Mie, so simple. Incredible.

Zhulong shook his head and said, "According to the traditions of the Eight Desolate Worlds, the High God Xuanjun is nothing but an ordinary monk supported by a large amount of life essence, his foundation is unstable, and although he has a celestial appearance, he does not rely on his own strength. At this point, she will only be eligible to be considered a chess player after she has destroyed one life with her own hands, harvested enough life essence to go back to consolidate her foundation, and enter the so-called Zhengshentai in a foreign land."

"Today, she has strength, but she is just a tool person supported by the real black hands behind the scenes. She is not very powerful."

"What's more, with her cultivation strength and being sent to hide in the Heavenly Desolate Realm... Even among the tool people, I am afraid that there are still the bottom rank, and there are many who are more powerful than her."

There was a little sarcasm in Zhulong's words.

For those cultivators in the foreign realm who have powerful strength but have no matching realm, he is very disdainful of the old monster who has been practicing hard for many years on his own.

Lu Heng and Jiu Mie had already heard Zhu Long talk about the situation in the other world, so they were noncommittal.

That huge disaster that year not only destroyed the ancient heaven founded by Emperor Fuxi, but also affected the other seven worlds of the Eight Desolate Worlds.

After the few supreme beings in the sky have wiped out the creatures in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, in order to prevent another Emperor Zun Fuxi from appearing, they not only blocked the Extermination of the Heavenly Desolation Realm, but also imposed restrictions on the remaining seven worlds.

Once the practitioners of the seven worlds reach a certain level, they will no longer be able to enter an inch. That's why the great demon in the Heavenly Desolation Realm seemed so troublesome, and the sleeping ancestor who disturbed the Eighty Desolate World was barely able to erase it. A big devil.

And those ancient top monks in the Eight Desolate World seem to have made some kind of attempt in order to break through the shackles set by those supreme beings back then. Once the cultivation base enters a certain stage, he will leave the Eight Desolate World and enter the so-called Zhengshentai cultivation.

And those who stay in the outside world in charge of the situation and responsible for harvesting and slaughtering the living beings in the wild world are those young practitioners who are temporarily supported, and they use the method of pulling the seedlings to infuse massive amounts of essence to enhance their cultivation, so that the foundation is unstable.

Every time the earthly catastrophe, not only the life of the Heavenly Desolation World was killed and bloodshed, but also when the group of young practitioners with unstable foundations came to the Heavenly Desolate World to destroy the world, they were often killed and injured in the face of the fierce resistance of the natives of the Heavenly Wilderness. heavy.

Those who survived through this bloody Asura field are eligible to enter the Zhengshentai, and use the harvested massive life essence to consolidate their foundation and go further.

Those old monsters who have been hiding in the altar of the righteous gods and have lived for an unknown number of years are not only cruel to the enemy, but also to the younger generation in their own world! The incomparably long lifespan, the shackles that can never be broken through, and the illusory and awe-inspiring sky outside the sky... All kinds of factors seem to have distorted the will of this group of old monsters, making them extremely terrifying.

Even if you have never seen the scene in the Zhengshentai, you can imagine that it is definitely not a good place!

Zhulong knew all of this clearly, so he was only disdainful of the powerful Xuanjun High God.

And after the three of them dealt with this group of outsiders, the next thing to consider is the riot in the far-off North Pole Heavenly Cabinet Palace.

In the Beihai Temple, thousands of miles away, the bloody battle has already begun.

The killing of the evil beast Chaos and Sword Saint Huo Feng stimulated all the demons present and the two evil beasts.

The gluttonous beast, who was always hungry, roared furiously, and no longer suppressed his desire for innate flesh and blood, roared and took the lead in attacking and rammed into the Myriad Spirits Blood Formation below.

The myriad spirits and blood formations that flickered with red light and cursed the sky were shattered by the collision, and the white-robed devil directly showed the body of a terrifying demon ape that was thousands of feet tall, roaring and colliding with the gluttonous beast.

At the same time, there are hundreds of innate demons in the temple!

The demons who showed their Dharma bodies one after another roared, drowning the poor and gluttonous. However, if you look closely, you can clearly see that in the face of hundreds of congenital demons, these two ancient beasts were able to handle it with ease! Never struggled at all!