I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 302: Section 302



With a strange loud noise, the beast in front of Lu Heng let out a violent howl, and a blood mist burst out from his body.

Its eyes looked north in disbelief.

There, in the direction of the Myriad Spirit Blood Formation, the Myriad Spirit Blood Formation hosted by the Demon Lord Sun Yan has already forcibly subdued three ancient beasts? !

Now under the traction of the Myriad Spirits Blood Array, as the only ancient beast still outside the Blood Array, Tiao Tu immediately felt an invisible huge force tearing at its body and impacting its soul.

Yuzuo's eyes were a little flustered.

"Senior Wolf God!" Zhuo Tuo shouted in horror, "That disciple of yours..."

Before Yingtu's words were finished, Lu Heng had already seen the reason for the change.

He looked north in astonishment.

Even though it is hundreds of millions of miles away, there is still a blood-colored light wheel in the direction of the North Pole Heavenly Cabinet Palace, which can be seen clearly by the entire Heavenly Desolate Realm.

That blood-red light wheel, like a newly rising scorching sun, actually pierced through the night, illuminating the entire Heavenly Desolate Realm with gloomy blood!

Under the suppression of Candle Dragon and Jiu Mie, Sun Yan actually completely opened the Myriad Spirit Blood Array? !

how can that be!

Even if Jiufeng is involved, Jiu Mie and the rest of the candle dragon are definitely not something that Sun Yan can compete with!

What's more, there is still a sword master Huo Feng with a sword that can crush the heavens...

The Heavenly Tribulation Sword on Lu Heng's side felt the terrifying evil spirit of the evil spirit, and he couldn't help humming and trembling, ready to go!

As for Xiao Ai outside Cangwuyuan, she suddenly realized at this moment, and looked at the void underground in astonishment.

There, she vaguely felt the breath of the Heavenly Tribulation Sword.

But in this world, besides her, there is only one other person who can command the Heavenly Tribulation Sword... It seems that there is only one person left...

Chapter 508

The coast of the North Sea, Tianku Palace!

The bloodthirsty magic wheel emitting fiery blood light hangs high above the sky, like a rising sun, illuminating the whole night as bright as day.

But the scene under the bloodthirsty devil wheel was a mess.

The huge Arctic Tianku Palace, the magic palace that has stood in the North Sea for a long time, has been completely turned into ruins. Countless dry and twisted corpses were scattered among the ruins of the palace, and the air was filled with a desperate demonic aura.

The demons who have almost assembled the power of the entire Heavenly Desolate Realm, and at the moment when the bloodthirsty demon wheel rose, even the resistance seemed so weak and dead and powerless to fight back.

On the outer side, Zhulong and Jiu Mie stood in the void, both of which were blood-stained half-body and tragic defeats of qi and blood.

And Ao Tianxing, who had inherited Fuxi's gossip and had a bright future, now only had one head left, his face twisted in pain, and was rescued by Nian Cangqing reluctantly.

And the price Nian Cangqing paid was that most of his body was soaked in the strange blood light, and now he was struggling to contend with the strange blood light that eroded himself, unwilling to be deprived of his own way.

As for the three fierce beasts that were arrogant before, they have now completely disappeared. It wasn't because they ran away, but at the moment when the bloodthirsty magic wheel rose, they were first swallowed by the Myriad Spirit Blood Formation, and it was extremely painful to die.

If Yingtu hadn't been attracted by Lu Heng and left the stage early, he would have inevitably died at this time.

And at the last minute, the one who completed the Myriad Spirit Blood Formation, killed the three major beasts, and hundreds of top demons was not the boy in white.

What rose under the bloodthirsty devil wheel was a figure that was so strange that it was impossible to look directly at it.

The twisted time and space around it makes it impossible for people to peep into its true content.

Crawling out from the depths of the Myriad Spirits Blood Array, the moment the shadow appeared, it broke the situation on the scene, and in an instant completed the Myriad Spirits Blood Array that Sun Yan had never been able to fully unfold.

Today's white-clothed youth is standing in the void with empty eyes, no aura, like a walking corpse.

And the strange figure behind the boy in white made a loud laugh.

"I'm back! Hahahahaha... This seat is finally back!"

Nian Cangqing, who was struggling to resist the erosion of blood light, had an ugly expression amid the demon's wild laughter: "It turned out to be this bastard..."

In her hand, Ao Tianxing, who had only one head left, grimaced in pain, but still insisted on the pain of the broken soul and asked, "Who is it! Don't play dumb riddles, okay?"

Ao Tianxing realized the horror of the demon in front of him, and for the first time in his life, he showed a state of anxiety.

In front, the candle dragon has turned into a 10,000-zhang-long pitch-black snake body, staring at the ghost in the void with those strange red and green eyes, and spit out a taboo name in the wild world.

"Emperor Demon Lord - Zhu Yan!"

In the void, this name attracted the attention of the ghost. It turned its head, looked this way, and let out a harsh laugh.

"In today's world, there are still people who know me... Hehe... It turned out to be Zhu Jiuyou. After so many years of separation, your cultivation base has limited growth!"

Zhu Yan's sarcastic laughter made Zhulong look gloomy.

And above the earth, the silver-haired Huo Feng waved his sword and threw off the demon blood on it, and said to Gu Yan and the others behind him: "This place is no longer a battle situation where you can intervene... Quickly retreat."

Di Tian Demon Lord, this is a taboo name in the entire Tianhuang Realm.

Since Emperor Zun Fuxi fell and the ancient Heavenly Court collapsed, the Emperor Tian Demon Lord has been recognized as the strongest person in endless years.

It soared with the blood of myriad spirits, and its cultivation base came to the door, and it overwhelmed the entire Heavenly Desolate Realm by itself. When the Demon Lord was alive, even the enemies of the Eight Desolate World would not dare to provoke them without authorization!

Several earthly catastrophes were easily defeated by it! When the killing was rising, it even entered the gate of time and space, almost destroying the Thunder Realm and Shanyun Realm!

Its existence made the entire Eight Desolate World tremble.

Where the Demon Lord descended, flesh and blood were wiped out, life was wiped out, and there were heavy casualties.

This terrifying and surly evil existence is unbearable for the entire Eight Desolate World. So much so that when the Demon Lord was killed by a foreign trick, all the monks in the Heavenly Desolate Realm who had the same origin as the Demon Lord ran to celebrate.

Just because the misery this monster has brought to the creatures of the Heavenly Desolate Realm is even worse than the catastrophe of this world! Definitely the first devil ever!

Gu Yan and others are in charge of the heavenly court under the leadership of Xiao Ai, and they read all the books, how could they not know the terrifyingness of the Ditian Demon Lord.

Therefore, Huo Feng said, and after they hesitated slightly, they bowed their hands to Jianjun: "Senior take care!"

Only Gu Yan looked worriedly towards the distant void. Under the bloodthirsty devil wheel, the blank-eyed boy in white had no aura, as if his body had been taken away by the devil Zhu Yan.

- No one could have imagined that this ancient great demon, who was supposed to be wiped out, would hide in the Myriad Spirits Blood Array and return with the expansion of the Myriad Spirits Blood Array!

Today's white-clothed boy, the demon king Sun Yan, has become Zhu Yan's puppet, and even his soul may be wiped out.

Gu Yan was in pain, and Huo Feng, who was in front of him, shook his head and said, "Don't worry for the time being, the monkey is also a disciple of the wolf god, after 4,000 years of ascetic practice, how can it be so easy to take away the soul... Don't worry, there is still salvation. ."

Jianjun's understatement of comfort made Gu Yan smile bitterly.

Even if there is still salvation, but in front of the Emperor and Demon Lord, who else in the world can save Sun Yan...

After Gu Yan bowed his hands bitterly to the senior in front of him, he took a deep breath and turned away.

So, apart from the first wave of unfortunate people who died tragically when the ghost came into existence, the only remaining figures in the center of the battlefield are Zhulong Jiuzie and Jianjun Huo Feng.

Nian Cangqing and Ao Tianxing were both on the periphery, and they were both injured and unable to take action for a short time.

On the other hand, Jiufeng, the other ancient great monster in the field, is now trapped under the bloodthirsty devil wheel. The strange blood light fills the whole body and is painful. Just resisting the erosion of these strange blood light is the limit. spare time.

So, the strange ghost in the void smiled sneeringly and saw the departure of the dozens of escaping lights, but did not stop it, but looked at the most inconspicuous swordsman in the field, and sneered.

"Is there any help? You junior is very talkative... With your broken sword, who can you save?"

The disdain of the ghost is undisguised.

In this regard, Jianjun's face was indifferent, the sword's edge drooped, and he said lightly: "I didn't say that I was here to save..."

Zhulong and Jiu Mie looked at each other, Jiu Mie put his hands together and sighed: "Emperor Emperor, how about a bet with you?"

The old monk's opening aroused Zhu Yan's curiosity.

It squinted at the skinny old monk and said, "What are you betting on?"

Under the bloodthirsty devil wheel, the old monk Jiu Mie looked sad and said slowly, "I bet you can catch someone's sword..."

Chapter 509 What the hell! Wolf God!

Jiuyi Mountain, Cangwuyuan.

The once taboo place in the wild world has now undergone earth-shaking changes.

The strange and inexplicable Nether Sea has disappeared. The strange and gloomy aura shrouded in Cangwuyuan is also gradually dissipating.

The silver-haired young girl standing beside Cangwuyuan raised her head in amazement and sensed something amiss.

Heavenly Tribulation Sword...

She stared dully in a certain direction in the void, clearly feeling the breath of the Heavenly Tribulation Sword there.

But besides her, the only person in the world who can command the Heavenly Tribulation Sword is Lord Wolf God.

And Lord Wolf God, obviously has died...

Well this...

The little girl flew out excitedly and called out, "Lord Wolf God!"

After 4,000 years of reunion, the girl couldn't hold back her inner excitement any longer, and it was a rare gaffe.

However, the white clothed Lu Heng in the emptiness only had time to look at her, sighed, and walked away directly.

The blazing white thunder and lightning escaped, directly piercing the sky and heading north.

If Qian Xinjie, who had just left, saw this scene, she would be so angry that her gums would be crushed.

Fortunately, Qian Xinjie had already left, and Lu Heng's Primordial Spirit incarnation once again manifested from his body, and ordered the Heavenly Tribulation Sword to go straight north.

In the elusive light, the dark blue ancient sword trembled with excitement and joy, rejoicing for Lu Heng's return.

On the ground, the blood-covered scorpion walked out of nothingness and stumbled down in front of the little girl with silver-haired beast ears.

Weakly said: "Wolf God told you to stay here, don't go to danger..."

At this time, it can be described as miserable.

Its huge and terrifying flesh constantly burst with blood-red lines, and the crimson blood overflowed from its body along these cracks, and was constantly attracted by the bloodthirsty magic wheel in the north.

Although they are far apart, the bloodthirsty magic wheel is still constantly sucking its flesh and soul. If you let it go, in a few days, this fiercely famous ancient beast will follow in the footsteps of its peers and be completely annihilated under the terrifying bloodthirsty devil wheel.

But fortunately, now a thunderstorm is heading north, and the speed is reaching the limit.

Takuto believed that this thunderbolt would reverse the chaos in the north.

Beside Cangwuyuan, Xiao Ai was startled by the beast that suddenly appeared.

She did not expect that one of the Four Ancient Ferocious Beasts would appear here. And the word from the wolf god that I brought...

"Do you know the Wolf God?" Xiao Ai looked at the beast in front of her in surprise, guarding herself.

Weakly sitting on the ground to restrain his breath and trying to slow down the speed at which his flesh and soul were absorbed, Yutu nodded slowly. There was a smile on the head of that hideous beast.

Said: "Four thousand years ago, the Wu family in Fushan City had a relationship with the wolf god and Lu Shenwang... At that time, Yingtu was an old and drowsy person who made Lu Shenwang laugh. already."

The evil beast manifested his identity, and Xiao Ai immediately thought of everything that he experienced in Fushan City, and the old man Wu who was sent to the Nether Samsara by Lord Wolf God.

"...It turned out to be you?!" Xiao Ai was slightly stunned.

"Could it be that you have been with Lord Wolf God all these years?" Xiao Ai asked quickly.

In response, Yutao shook his head: "It's not like that..."

Beside Cangwuyuan, the evil beast Yingtu began to explain the situation to the little girl.

In front of Beihai Tianku Palace, the terrifying ghost under the bloodthirsty devil wheel seemed to sense something, and looked at the southwest side calmly.

Then he looked at the old monk of Nine Extinction in front of him, and said, "I bet with you? What a joke! This seat is arrogant and invincible! No one in the world has ever been qualified to discuss the conditions with this forum!"

After finishing speaking, the ghost under the bloodthirsty magic wheel directly opened his hands, triggering the bloodthirsty magic wheel on the sky.

Once the bloodthirsty magic wheel that condenses all the essence of the Myriad Spirit Blood Array is unfolded, it will have unparalleled terrifying power. The strange blood light flourished, and Jiufeng, who was the first to bear the brunt, was immediately melted by the blood light.

Even in the blood light, Jiufeng continued to reshape the body, but under the strange blood light, it still brought her great torture.

On the outside, Jiu Mie and Zhu Long retreated dozens of miles away, avoiding the strange blood light and unwilling to be easily contaminated.

At the moment when the Myriad Spirits Blood Formation suddenly formed, the two people who were caught off guard were suffocated. Although the foundation was not damaged, the feeling was definitely not good. If it is not necessary, I will never want to suffer again!

In an instant, the huge North Sea coast was almost shrouded in blood.

The terrifying demonic aura covered thousands of miles around!

Within a thousand miles, life will be extinct!