I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 303: Section 303


Zhulong's blue and red eyes flashed a ferocious light.

"Be careful! It's about to shoot!" Zhulong reminded.

Behind the two of them, the white-haired Huo Feng took a step forward, his sword light was blazing, and he was about to fight against this legendary ancient first demon!

However, after the blazing blood light rose to the sky, there was a change that shocked everyone present.

—The huge bloodthirsty magic wheel turned frantically, and a gate of time and space appeared from the magic wheel.

Under the bloodthirsty devil wheel, the Demon Lord Di Tian laughed and flew directly into the gate of time and space with the body of the boy in white, and disappeared from the sight of Zhulong and others in an instant.

At the same time as the gate of time and space dissipated, the bloodthirsty magic wheel also disappeared.

The coast of the North Sea has once again returned to gloom and gloom.

Above the earth, the few remaining people were stunned.

In the distant sky, Ao Tianxing, who had only one head left, was stunned.

"This... this bastard ran away?! I fucking... "

Ao Tianxing was so startled that his mouth was fragrant.

Zhulong and Jiu Mie looked at each other, and they were both silent.

On the contrary, Nian Cangqing watched this scene indifferently, very calm.

"It's not an accident," she said coldly: "This demon is inherently inferior. It is estimated that he knows the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Sword and is unwilling to provoke Lu Heng. ."

"Ah? Lu Heng?" Ao Tianxing was startled again: "Lu Langshen is back? Where is it? How do you know?"

Ao Tianxing's head hurriedly turned, looking around, trying to find Lu Heng's figure.

Nian Cangqing glanced at Candle Dragon and Jiu Mie in the distance, and said, "It's really no brains if you can't guess Lu Heng's return now..."

After finishing speaking, Nian Cangqing kicked Ao Tianxing's head away with one foot, and walked away directly.

"I don't want to deal with that wolf, let's go first."

After leaving such an understatement, Nian Cangqing disappeared under the sky.

Ao Tianxing, who was kicked, slashed his head through the sky, flew for hundreds of miles, and finally landed at Huo Feng's feet. Ah! Grass!"

Ao Tianxing cursed loudly, but Nian Cangqing's figure had disappeared.

Half an hour later, a blazing white light fell among the crowd.

Lu Heng, who came with aggression, was holding the Heavenly Tribulation Sword, but he was a little stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Huh? What's the situation? What about Sun Yan?" Lu Heng asked in astonishment, "Killed by you?"

Lu Heng looked at Jiu Mie and Zhu Long.

Zhulong waved his hand quickly and said, "I didn't kill your apprentice."

Jiu Mie put his hands together: "Goodness is goodness..."

Ao Tianxing was so shocked that his head flew straight up.

"Fuck! Wolf God!"

The head of the man covered in blood was stunned and shouted, "Are you really back?!"

Chapter 510: The Crisis of Destruction

Ao Tianxing was taken aback by Lu Heng's return.

However, after the head flew around, it was discovered that everyone present was extremely calm, not surprised, and was suddenly shocked.

"No... No way?" People's heads shattered, "Am I the only one kept in the dark?"

Ao Tianxing was very disappointed.

But now no one pays attention to his little loss. After asking a few friends, Lu Heng learned about the situation and realized the danger of the situation.

Sun Yan's Myriad Spirit Blood Formation turned out to be someone else's wedding dress, reviving the ancient demon that should have died.

This situation was beyond everyone's expectations.

"There is a very crucial question now," Lu Heng said, "that is where did the Demon Lord Di Tian go?"

Such an ancient great devil, once the world is in trouble, it is an unimaginable disaster. If its evil deeds are not stopped in time, the consequences will be tragic.

With that said, Lu Heng looked at the candle dragon.

Among the rest of the crowd, Zhulong and Jiufeng were the old monsters who survived in the ancient times.

However, Jiufeng's body is now in a state of uncertainty, and the strange red light left by the bloodthirsty devil wheel is still trying to kill her soul. She is constantly fighting against this strange red light, and she has no time to care.

The rest, can only count on the candle dragon.

However, Zhulong spread his hands and said, "What do friends see me doing? Could it be that my friends think I know where Zhu Yan is going?"

Lu Heng glared at him and said, "At least a little guess... After the rebirth of the emperor, where is the most likely place to go, friend, do you have any ideas?"

Zhulong thought for a while and said, "If you have to guess... I guess it has already escaped from the Heavenly Desolate Realm."


Zhulong's answer shocked everyone present.

Jiu Mie said in surprise: "Could it be that this ancient demon is actually a coward, and he was already intimidated by the old wolf's divine power before he saw the old wolf's face?"

Zhulong was about to explain, but a woman's voice suddenly came from not far away.

"The appearance of the four ancient beasts in the world indicates that the catastrophe of the world is about to come. This is the flag signal of the destruction of the world in the seven worlds. Once it appears, the catastrophe of the world is about to come."

"And the Demon Lord Di Tian has just been resurrected, and his strength is not as good as before. Naturally, he will not confront the Seven Realms head-on, and he will inevitably escape to other worlds to recuperate."

Looking at Lu Heng and the others, they saw that in the ruins of the Arctic Tianku Palace, Jiufeng had dispelled all the eerie red light, faded away the fierce and incomparable monster figure, and turned into a seductive face but a fierce temperament. woman's appearance.

Seeing Lu Heng and others looking over, Jiufeng hesitated for a while, and finally bowed down to Lu Hengyingying and gave a salute.

"Jiufeng has seen the wolf god."

The ceremony of the Jiufeng Palace Master was a gift from the younger generation, which instantly startled Lu Heng.

"Palace Master, please get up quickly, don't make this big gift," Lu Heng said quickly.

Of course Lu Heng knew why Jiufeng wanted to honor him as a junior, but he didn't want to recognize this cheap apprentice-in-law, so he just pretended to be stupid.

Jiufeng saw that Lu Heng had a firm attitude and was about to speak, but Zhulong, who was beside him, explained it just right.

"That's right, the presence of the four ancient beasts in the world is indeed a harbinger of the catastrophic coming of the world."

"Since ancient times, the four major beasts have been used by the Seven Realms as a signal that the Heavenly Desolate Realm is full of vitality and needs to be cleaned up."

"Although the appearance of the Four Ferocious Beasts this time was caused by human beings, but the Seven Realms are unknown, and a group of top cultivators have just been damaged, they will definitely be afraid of the Heavenly Desolate Realm and think that the Heavenly Desolate Realm should really be cleaned up."

"According to the rules, within ten years, the destruction of the Seven Realms may be coming."

When Zhulong said this, he looked at Lu Heng and said, "Friend, what do you think?"

"This..." Lu Heng hesitated for a moment and said, "In less than ten years, the catastrophe of the world is about to come?"

Although he already knew the shortcut way to return to the peak of his previous life—devouring and refining thirty-six spiritual fruits. But in ten years, is it enough for him to refine these thirty-six divine fruits

And if you can't find your peak cultivation base, will you be able to resist the destruction of the Seven Realms with the combat power of today's Desolate Realm

Lu Heng looked at the candle dragon and said solemnly: "Dare to ask my friend, how is the strength of the righteous path in the Heavenly Desolate Realm today compared to when the catastrophe of the world came?"

This question is very important.

However, Zhulong didn't think about it, and said directly: "Since the emperor's death, until now, in all the annihilations of the past and present, the Heavenly Desolate World has never been as weak as before."

The candle dragon poured a basin of cold water fiercely.

In response, Lu Heng had a bitter face and let out a long sigh, but he was not surprised by the result.

Today's Heavenly Desolation Realm is still in the wild and primitive era. Not long after the last worldly catastrophe, the practitioners of the new generation have not yet grown up. There are very few practitioners above the congenital, let alone the existence of such a series of ancient powers.

Although for nearly 4,000 years, the Hanyu Mountain lineage has gathered the strength of both the good and the evil, which has greatly accelerated the process of cultivators' strength. The Heavenly Court in charge of Xiao Ai has vigorously cultivated many monks of the right way, allowing the cultivators to appear in many places, changing the chaos and disorder of the practice world.

But the time was still too short.

A mere four thousand years can't really bring about any drastic changes. Today's Tianhuangjie is still weak and backward.

Not to mention, compared with the entire Seven Realms whose cultivation inheritance has never been broken down, even if one random world is picked out of the Seven Realms, I am afraid that it can easily destroy today's Heavenly Desolate Realm.

- Of course, if an old monster like Zhulong who has lived countless times of catastrophes in the world is willing to take action, and go all out to release all the cultivation bases that have been praised in nothingness, let them face this state in full bloom. A catastrophe in the world, it may be unknown who will die.

But what about the consequences

If the destruction of the Seven Realms can't be advanced, the old monsters who are cultivating in the Seven Realms will be disturbed and those monsters will be attracted to take action... The Di Tian Demon Lord of that year was disdainful of all realms, and his strength can be regarded as the first person under the Emperor Zun in the past and present. , also died under the siege of the ancestors of the Seven Realms.

At that time, it will be nothing more than another ancient war. The power that has been dormant for many years in the wild world is exhausted, but it is still unable to play a role, and it is sacrificed in vain.

But if you avoid the catastrophe of this world and let the seven worlds destroy the world...

Lu Heng looked at the people in front of him with a confused expression.

After a long sigh, Lu Heng said, "Let me think about it again... See you at Hanyu Mountain in ten days."

After speaking, Lu Heng turned into light and went straight to the southwest.

Huo Feng and others looked at the back of him leaving, all with strange expressions.

Huo Feng said suspiciously: "In such a desperate situation, you can see the tone of the wolf god... Is there any way to do it?"

Jiu Mie sighed and clasped his hands together: "As expected, the old wolf has a trump card that we don't know about... Hehe... This old wolf is not sincere!"

Chapter 511

Going to the southwest, Lu Heng looked complicated.

How to deal with this earthly catastrophe, he did have some ideas.

But if that plan is really implemented, even he is not sure whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Today, he is rarely caught in the tangled difficulty of choice.

But the first thing to do now is to go back to Cangwuyuan to see Xiao Ai and Tsao.

The mysterious dimension mentioned by Yutu made Lu Heng very curious.

And Xiao Ai has been separated for four thousand years, and now that they meet again, it is time to say a good word.

Above the sky, the ray of light from the sky went straight to the southwest.

At the same time, outside the distant world, in the dark starry sky, a huge bronze bell suddenly made a grand sound.


The bronze bell with a height of 10,000 zhang hangs on a huge island, but the suspended island that covers an extremely wide area is completely covered by the big bell, like a miniature platform, supporting the stand of the bronze bell.

The sound of the bronze bell roaring loudly continued to spread in the dark starry sky.

The ten megalithic statues hovering around the bronze bell burst apart the moment the bell rang.

The huge movement shocked many practitioners in the depths of Xingyu.

Soon, one after another escaping light came from the void.

They come from different worlds, wear different instruments, and even have different auras.

In less than a quarter of an hour, this originally empty and dark Xingyu was filled with dense figures.

Each of them, placed in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, is the top practice of the ruling party.

However, here, the congenital cultivator can only stand respectfully and humbly at the outermost periphery, nervously listening to the movement inside.

In the empty star field that is closest to the bronze bell, dozens of figures are far away from the crowd, each standing on one side, and they are arranged in seven positions of the bronze bell.

These dozens of figures all have a long and terrifying breath, and each one is as heavy as a star. Just standing there will give people an unspeakable terror deterrent.

If it is placed in the Heavenly Desolation Realm, any one of them can challenge the current powerhouse and compete with the so-called Jiufeng Palace Master and the old demon candle dragon.

But even these dozens of terrifying figures did not dare to approach this mysterious bell handed down from their ancestors without authorization.

They surrounded the bronze bell from a distance, silently listening to the terrifying sound of the bronze bell.

